Christmas had passed. Dreary winter with dark evenings had given placeto more dreary winter with light evenings. Rapid thaws had ended inrain, rain in wind, wind in dust. Showery days had come--the season ofpink dawns and white sunsets; and people hoped that the March weather wasover.
The chief incident that concerned the household at the mill was that themiller, following the example of all his neighbours, had become avolunteer, and duly appeared twice a week in a red, long-tailed militarycoat, pipe-clayed breeches, black cloth gaiters, a heel-balled helmet-hat, with a tuft of green wool, and epaulettes of the same colour andmaterial. Bob still remained neutral. Not being able to decide whetherto enrol himself as a sea-fencible, a local militia-man, or a volunteer,he simply went on dancing attendance upon Anne. Mrs. Loveday had becomeawake to the fact that the pair of young people stood in a curiousattitude towards each other; but as they were never seen with their headstogether, and scarcely ever sat even in the same room, she could not besure what their movements meant.
Strangely enough (or perhaps naturally enough), since entering theLoveday family herself, she had gradually grown to think less favourablyof Anne doing the same thing, and reverted to her original idea ofencouraging Festus; this more particularly because he had of late shownsuch perseverance in haunting the precincts of the mill, presumably withthe intention of lighting upon the young girl. But the weather had kepther mostly indoors.
One afternoon it was raining in torrents. Such leaves as there were ontrees at this time of year--those of the laurel and otherevergreens--staggered beneath the hard blows of the drops which fell uponthem, and afterwards could be seen trickling down the stems beneath andsilently entering the ground. The surface of the mill-pond leapt up in athousand spirts under the same downfall, and clucked like a hen in therat-holes along the banks as it undulated under the wind. The only dryspot visible from the front windows of the mill-house was the inside of asmall shed, on the opposite side of the courtyard. While Mrs. Lovedaywas noticing the threads of rain descending across its interior shade,Festus Derriman walked up and entered it for shelter, which, owing to thelumber within, it but scantily afforded to a man who would have been amatch for one of Frederick William's Patagonians.
It was an excellent opportunity for helping on her scheme. Anne was inthe back room, and by asking him in till the rain was over she wouldbring him face to face with her daughter, whom, as the days went on, sheincreasingly wished to marry other than a Loveday, now that the romanceof her own alliance with the millet had in some respects worn off. Shewas better provided for than before; she was not unhappy; but the plainfact was that she had married beneath her. She beckoned to Festusthrough the window-pane; he instantly complied with her signal, having infact placed himself there on purpose to be noticed; for he knew that MissGarland would not be out-of-doors on such a day.
'Good afternoon, Mrs. Loveday,' said Festus on entering. 'There now--ifI didn't think that's how it would be!' His voice had suddenly warmed toanger, for he had seen a door close in the back part of the room, a lithefigure having previously slipped through.
Mrs. Loveday turned, observed that Anne was gone, and said, 'What is it?'as if she did not know.
'O, nothing, nothing!' said Festus crossly. 'You know well enough whatit is, ma'am; only you make pretence otherwise. But I'll bring her tobook yet. You shall drop your haughty airs, my charmer! She littlethinks I have kept an account of 'em all.'
'But you must treat her politely, sir,' said Mrs. Loveday, secretlypleased at these signs of uncontrollable affection.
'Don't tell me of politeness or generosity, ma'am! She is more than amatch for me. She regularly gets over me. I have passed by this housefive-and-fifty times since last Martinmas, and this is all my rewardfor't!'
'But you will stay till the rain is over, sir?'
'No. I don't mind rain. I'm off again. She's got somebody else in hereye!' And the yeoman went out, slamming the door.
Meanwhile the slippery object of his hopes had gone along the darkpassage, passed the trap which opened on the wheel, and through the doorinto the mill, where she was met by Bob, who looked up from the flour-shoot inquiringly and said, 'You want me, Miss Garland?'
'O no,' said she. 'I only want to be allowed to stand here a fewminutes.'
He looked at her to know if she meant it, and finding that she did,returned to his post. When the mill had rumbled on a little longer hecame back.
'Bob,' she said, when she saw him move, 'remember that you are at work,and have no time to stand close to me.'
He bowed and went to his original post again, Anne watching from thewindow till Festus should leave. The mill rumbled on as before, and atlast Bob came to her for the third time. 'Now, Bob--' she began.
'On my honour, 'tis only to ask a question. Will you walk with me tochurch next Sunday afternoon?'
'Perhaps I will,' she said. But at this moment the yeoman left thehouse, and Anne, to escape further parley, returned to the dwelling bythe way she had come.
Sunday afternoon arrived, and the family was standing at the door waitingfor the church bells to begin. From that side of the house they couldsee southward across a paddock to the rising ground further ahead, wherethere grew a large elm-tree, beneath whose boughs footpaths crossed indifferent directions, like meridians at the pole. The tree was old, andin summer the grass beneath it was quite trodden away by the feet of themany trysters and idlers who haunted the spot. The tree formed aconspicuous object in the surrounding landscape.
While they looked, a foot soldier in red uniform and white breeches camealong one of the paths, and stopping beneath the elm, took from hispocket a paper, which he proceeded to nail up by the four corners to thetrunk. He drew back, looked at it, and went on his way. Bob got hisglass from indoors and levelled it at the placard, but after looking fora long time he could make out nothing but a lion and a unicorn at thetop. Anne, who was ready for church, moved away from the door, though itwas yet early, and showed her intention of going by way of the elm. Thepaper had been so impressively nailed up that she was curious to read iteven at this theological time. Bob took the opportunity of following,and reminded her of her promise.
'Then walk behind me not at all close,' she said.
'Yes,' he replied, immediately dropping behind.
The ludicrous humility of his manner led her to add playfully over hershoulder, 'It serves you right, you know.'
'I deserve anything, but I must take the liberty to say that I hope mybehaviour about Matil--, in forgetting you awhile, will not make ye wishto keep me _always_ behind?'
She replied confidentially, 'Why I am so earnest not to be seen with youis that I may appear to people to be independent of you. Knowing what Ido of your weaknesses I can do no otherwise. You must be schooled into--'
'O, Anne,' sighed Bob, 'you hit me hard--too hard! If ever I do win youI am sure I shall have fairly earned you.'
'You are not what you once seemed to be,' she returned softly. 'I don'tquite like to let myself love you.' The last words were not veryaudible, and as Bob was behind he caught nothing of them, nor did he seehow sentimental she had become all of a sudden. They walked the rest ofthe way in silence, and coming to the tree read as follows:--
FRIENDS AND COUNTRYMEN,--The French are now assembling the largest force that ever was prepared to invade this Kingdom, with the professed purpose of effecting our complete Ruin and Destruction. They do not disguise their intentions, as they have often done to other Countries; but openly boast that they will come over in such Numbers as cannot be resisted.
Wherever the French have lately appeared they have spared neither Rich nor Poor, Old nor Young; but like a Destructive Pestilence have laid waste and destroyed every Thing that before was fair and flourishing.
On this occasion no man's service is c
ompelled, but you are invited voluntarily to come forward in defence of everything that is dear to you, by entering your Names on the Lists which are sent to the Tything- man of every Parish, and engaging to act either as _Associated Volunteers bearing Arms_, _as Pioneers and Labourers_, or as _Drivers of Waggons_.
As Associated Volunteers you will be called out only once a week, unless the actual Landing of the Enemy should render your further Services necessary.
As Pioneers or Labourers you will be employed in Breaking up Roads to hinder the Enemy's advance.
Those who have Pickaxes, Spades, Shovels, Bill-hooks, or other Working Implements, are desired to mention them to the Constable or Tything- man of their Parish, in order that they may be entered on the Lists opposite their Homes, to be used if necessary. . . .
It is thought desirable to give you this Explanation, that you may not be ignorant of the Duties to which you may be called. But if the love of true Liberty and honest Fame has not ceased to animate the Hearts of Englishmen, Pay, though necessary, will be the least Part of your Reward. You will find your best Recompense in having done your Duty to your King and Country by driving back or destroying your old and implacable Enemy, envious of your Freedom and Happiness, and therefore seeking to destroy them; in having protected your Wives and Children from Death, or worse than Death, which will follow the Success of such Inveterate Foes.
ROUSE, therefore, and unite as one man in the best of Causes! United we may defy the World to conquer us; but Victory will never belong to those who are slothful and unprepared. {207}
'I must go and join at once!' said Bob.
Anne turned to him, all the playfulness gone from her face. 'I wish welived in the north of England, Bob, so as to be further away from wherehe'll land!' she murmured uneasily.
'Where we are would be Paradise to me, if you would only make it so.'
'It is not right to talk so lightly at such a serious time,' shethoughtfully returned, going on towards the church.
On drawing near, they saw through the boughs of a clump of interveningtrees, still leafless, but bursting into buds of amber hue, a glitteringwhich seemed to be reflected from points of steel. In a few moments theyheard above the tender chiming of the church bells the loud voice of aman giving words of command, at which all the metallic points suddenlyshifted like the bristles of a porcupine, and glistened anew.
''Tis the drilling,' said Loveday. 'They drill now between the services,you know, because they can't get the men together so readily in the week.It makes me feel that I ought to be doing more than I am!'
When they had passed round the belt of trees, the company of recruitsbecame visible, consisting of the able-bodied inhabitants of the hamletsthereabout, more or less known to Bob and Anne. They were assembled onthe green plot outside the churchyard-gate, dressed in their commonclothes, and the sergeant who had been putting them through their drillwas the man who nailed up the proclamation. He was now engaged inuntying a canvas money-bag, from which he drew forth a handful ofshillings, giving one to each man in payment for his attendance.
'Men, I dismissed ye too soon--parade, parade again, I say,' he cried.'My watch is fast, I find. There's another twenty minutes afore theworship of God commences. Now all of you that ha'n't got firelocks, fallin at the lower end. Eyes right and dress!'
As every man was anxious to see how the rest stood, those at the end ofthe line pressed forward for that purpose, till the line assumed the formof a bow.
'Look at ye now! Why, you are all a crooking in! Dress, dress!'
They dressed forthwith; but impelled by the same motive they soon resumedtheir former figure, and so they were despairingly permitted to remain.
'Now, I hope you'll have a little patience,' said the sergeant, as hestood in the centre of the arc, 'and pay strict attention to the word ofcommand, just exactly as I give it out to ye; and if I should go wrong, Ishall be much obliged to any friend who'll put me right again, for I haveonly been in the army three weeks myself, and we are all liable tomistakes.'
'So we be, so we be,' said the line heartily.
''Tention, the whole, then. Poise fawlocks! Very well done!'
'Please, what must we do that haven't got no firelocks!' said the lowerend of the line in a helpless voice.
'Now, was ever such a question! Why, you must do nothing at all, butthink _how_ you'd poise 'em _if_ you had 'em. You middle men, that arearmed with hurdle-sticks and cabbage-stumps just to make-believe, must ofcourse use 'em as if they were the real thing. Now then, cock fawlocks!Present! Fire! (Pretend to, I mean, and the same time throw yerimagination into the field o' battle.) Very good--very good indeed;except that some of you were a _little_ too soon, and the rest a _little_too late.'
'Please, sergeant, can I fall out, as I am master-player in the choir,and my bass-viol strings won't stand at this time o' year, unless they bescrewed up a little before the passon comes in?'
'How can you think of such trifles as churchgoing at such a time as this,when your own native country is on the point of invasion?' said thesergeant sternly. 'And, as you know, the drill ends three minutes aforechurch begins, and that's the law, and it wants a quarter of an hour yet.Now, at the word _Prime_, shake the powder (supposing you've got it) intothe priming-pan, three last fingers behind the rammer; then shut yourpans, drawing your right arm nimble-like towards your body. I ought tohave told ye before this, that at _Hand your katridge_, seize it andbring it with a quick motion to your mouth, bite the top well off, anddon't swaller so much of the powder as to make ye hawk and spet insteadof attending to your drill. What's that man a-saying of in the rearrank?'
'Please, sir, 'tis Anthony Cripplestraw, wanting to know how he's to biteoff his katridge, when he haven't a tooth left in 's head?'
'Man! Why, what's your genius for war? Hold it up to your right-handman's mouth, to be sure, and let him nip it off for ye. Well, what haveyou to say, Private Tremlett? Don't ye understand English?'
'Ask yer pardon, sergeant; but what must we infantry of the awkward squaddo if Boney comes afore we get our firelocks?'
'Take a pike, like the rest of the incapables. You'll find a store ofthem ready in the corner of the church tower. Now then--Shoulder--r--r--r--'
'There, they be tinging in the passon!' exclaimed David, Miller Loveday'sman, who also formed one of the company, as the bells changed fromchiming all three together to a quick beating of one. The whole linedrew a breath of relief, threw down their arms, and began running off.
'Well, then, I must dismiss ye,' said the sergeant. 'Come back--comeback! Next drill is Tuesday afternoon at four. And, mind, if yourmasters won't let ye leave work soon enough, tell me, and I'll write aline to Gover'ment! 'Tention! To the right--left wheel, I mean--no,no--right wheel. Mar--r--r--rch!'
Some wheeled to the right and some to the left, and some obliging men,including Cripplestraw, tried to wheel both ways.
'Stop, stop; try again! 'Cruits and comrades, unfortunately when I'm ina hurry I can never remember my right hand from my left, and never couldas a boy. You must excuse me, please. Practice makes perfect, as thesaying is; and, much as I've learnt since I 'listed, we always findsomething new. Now then, right wheel! march! halt! Stand at ease!dismiss! I think that's the order o't, but I'll look in the Gover'mentbook afore Tuesday.' {211}
Many of the company who had been drilled preferred to go off and spendtheir shillings instead of entering the church; but Anne and Captain Bobpassed in. Even the interior of the sacred edifice was affected by theagitation of the times. The religion of the country had, in fact,changed from love of God to hatred of Napoleon Buonaparte; and, as if toremind the devout of this alteration, the pikes for the pikemen (allthose accepted men who were not otherwise armed) were kept in the churchof each parish. There, against the wall, they always stood--a wholesheaf of them, formed of new ash stems, with a spike driven in at oneend, the stick being preserved from spl
itting by a ferule. And therethey remained, year after year, in the corner of the aisle, till theywere removed and placed under the gallery stairs, and thence ultimatelyto the belfry, where they grew black, rusty, and worm-eaten, and weregradually stolen and carried off by sextons, parish clerks, whitewashers,window-menders, and other church servants for use at home as rake-stems,benefit-club staves, and pick-handles, in which degraded situations theymay still occasionally be found.
But in their new and shining state they had a terror for Anne, whose eyeswere involuntarily drawn towards them as she sat at Bob's side during theservice, filling her with bloody visions of their possible use not farfrom the very spot on which they were now assembled. The sermon, too,was on the subject of patriotism; so that when they came out she began toharp uneasily upon the probability of their all being driven from theirhomes.
Bob assured her that with the sixty thousand regulars, the militiareserve of a hundred and twenty thousand, and the three hundred thousandvolunteers, there was not much to fear.
'But I sometimes have a fear that poor John will be killed,' he continuedafter a pause. 'He is sure to be among the first that will have to facethe invaders, and the trumpeters get picked off.'
'There is the same chance for him as for the others,' said Anne.
'Yes--yes--the same chance, such as it is. You have never liked Johnsince that affair of Matilda Johnson, have you?'
'Why?' she quickly asked.
'Well,' said Bob timidly, 'as it is a ticklish time for him, would it notbe worth while to make up any differences before the crash comes?'
'I have nothing to make up,' said Anne, with some distress. She stillfully believed the trumpet-major to have smuggled away Miss Johnsonbecause of his own interest in that lady, which must have made hisprofessions to herself a mere pastime; but that very conduct had in itthe curious advantage to herself of setting Bob free.
'Since John has been gone,' continued her companion, 'I have found outmore of his meaning, and of what he really had to do with that woman'sflight. Did you know that he had anything to do with it?'
'That he got her to go away?'
She looked at Bob with surprise. He was not exasperated with John, andyet he knew so much as this.
'Yes,' she said; 'what did it mean?'
He did not explain to her then; but the possibility of John's death,which had been newly brought home to him by the military events of theday, determined him to get poor John's character cleared. Reproachinghimself for letting her remain so long with a mistaken idea of him, Bobwent to his father as soon as they got home, and begged him to get Mrs.Loveday to tell Anne the true reason of John's objection to Miss Johnsonas a sister-in-law.
'She thinks it is because they were old lovers new met, and that he wantsto marry her,' he exclaimed to his father in conclusion.
'Then _that's_ the meaning of the split between Miss Nancy and Jack,'said the miller.
'What, were they any more than common friends?' asked Bob uneasily.
'Not on her side, perhaps.'
'Well, we must do it,' replied Bob, painfully conscious that commonjustice to John might bring them into hazardous rivalry, yet determinedto be fair. 'Tell it all to Mrs. Loveday, and get her to tell Anne.'