Their next class after the midday meal proved to be far less controversial than their sword class, mostly because it did not involve sharp, pointy objects. They were bidden to a gathering of neophytes upon the great walled in lawn where one of the Teachers stood, ready to regale them with a tale any long-term dweller in Astoria probably knew by heart.

  Jay groused quietly as they seated themselves with the wide-eyed innocents about them, “must I endure this sentimental drivel once again?”

  Jace replied, “perhaps if you take it seriously, rather than just enduring it, you may discover something worth living for, a hope that is not yet beyond your grasp.”

  Jay sighed, “you are as blindly idealistic as any of these Brethren!”

  Jace grinned, “thank you!”

  They grew silent as the last of the Students sat and the Teacher began in a voice so lyrical he might well have been singing, his audience thus entranced, he began:

  “Long ago, when the world was young and men still walked in innocence, an ancient king made an alliance with the terrible god of war. In exchange for the life of his maiden daughter, he would receive power to conquer all the kingdoms of men and have dominion over all mortal lives. The night was dark with neither star nor moon giving light or hope to those who gathered upon the face of that forbidden hill to commence with their evil deed. The king had gathered all of his generals and advisors to stand as witnesses. The girl was brought forward and the hood removed from her head. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she stared with pleading eyes into the cold and remorseless depths of her father’s eyes. She saw neither love nor regret there, only a thirst for power beyond the reach of mortal ken. He drew forth a cruel knife from a sheath of black leather. Very soon the alliance would be sealed and no power on earth could withstand him. He approached the girl with a cruel and mirthless smile and raised the blade to strike.

  He was thrown back from the girl and blinded by a cold light, and all standing around the pair fell to the ground in fear. Like a bolt of lightning, a bright and terrible figure stood between the man and his prey. The king regained his footing with a sneer and a triumphant laugh. “You have no authority here,” he scoffed, “be gone before I become violent.”

  The light receded slightly and those standing about could make out a vaguely equine shape amidst the glow. The figure reared up on its hind legs and pawed the air. He appeared in the form of a horse but with the awe reserved for a charging bull or roaring lion. Then he spoke, “you must not do this terrible thing. You will forever tear apart the laws that bind the world together.”

  “I will do as I please,” scowled the king, “and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

  “If you are set upon this course I cannot stop you by force, but perhaps I can offer you an exchange,” said the figure.

  “What can you possibly offer me,” growled the king with the light of avarice in his eyes.

  “The foul demon with whom you are dealing demands innocent blood for your vile contract, so be it! Take mine instead of the girl’s,” said the mysterious figure.

  “Yours!” gasped the king, “but of what advantage is that to you?”

  “To ransom the life of this dear child shall be gain enough,” said the figure.

  “Very well,” said the king. “I have a feeling my master will be quite pleased with the exchange. What is one small child when the blood of his enemy is laid at his feet? What are your terms?”

  “Give me one hour to bear this child to safety, then I will return hither and you may do as we have agreed,” said the figure.

  “How do I know you will not steal the child and disappear?” asked the king.

  “You know very well I do not lie,” roared the figure. He swept the child onto his back and as the light disappeared over the rim of the hill called back, “in one hour I shall return.”

  For a time the girl clung silently to the back of her rescuer but as the horror of what she had so nearly escaped sunk in she began to sob uncontrollably. “Do not weep little one,” said the figure, “you are safe and all will be well.”

  “How can you say that?” sobbed the girl, “evil is about to be unleashed upon the earth and no one will be able to stop it.”

  “I can,” said he softly. A sense of immense peace fell upon the girl and dried her tears. Shortly, they approached a small cottage by the edge of a little stream that chattered invisibly in the night. A woman emerged from the door and wrapped a blanket around the quivering form of the girl. She bowed once to the retreating figure and took the child into the house. The girl fell into bed and knew no more that night. The woman stared into the darkness, tears streaming down her cheeks. Within the hour agreed upon, the figure returned to that forsaken hilltop. His light was dimmed to the slight flickering of a dying candle. He stood before the men with a drooping head but a righteous fire blazed in his eyes. The king laughed him to scorn, drew his blade, and approached the apparently cowed creature. Steel flickered in the light as the blade struck home. The light dimmed and went out. As if from a vast distance, a great wailing cry rent the night, as if the earth itself had been mortally wounded by the blow. A wind came howling out of the west and clouds blotted out the sky. Darkness engulfed the world, lightning flashed in the heavens, and thunder rolled as if all creation reared up in fury at the atrocity that had occurred. The hill itself began to roll like a wave on the sea and split in two. The men were thrown from their feet and retreated in confusion and fear from the horror before them. Their horses reared and snorted, broke loose, and disappeared into the storm.

  “What have you done!” roared one general over the wind. “

  I have loosed the wrath of the heavens,” screamed the king. A panic spread among them and all fled into the darkness.

  The next morning, the girl rode up the accursed hill hoping to find some trace of her rescuer. She found the vile blade broken in two, but no sign of the mysterious glowing figure. She dismounted and peered with dismay into the gaping chasm that had once been the heart of the hill. “What is it you seek?” asked a voice behind her.

  With a shriek of pure joy she flung her arms around the figure that now stood at her shoulder, glowing like the sun. “You are alive!” she said.

  “Yes,” said he simply.

  “But what of last night?” asked she, “I was sure you had been slain. What of that horrible shriek and the dreadful darkness?”

  “My life cannot be taken against my will. Before anything ever was and after all has passed into nothing, I was and ever will be. I laid down my life not only for you, but for all things that would have been utterly destroyed by the acts of last night. Your blood would have strengthened that foul demon beyond anything he has yet achieved. My blood offered willing in exchange for another’s broke his power. What began in selfishness and evil, ended in selflessness and love, which alone has power to conquer the darkness. He has been vanquished but not destroyed. He still lurks in the world, full of malice and hate and ready to assist any who give themselves over to a lust for power and destruction. Until last night, mankind had lived in peace and harmony with one another and with all creation, but that peace has been shattered. Man has shown himself vulnerable to evil, willing to place himself above all else, even his own children. It is no longer safe to assume that all men are good in and of themselves. Each individual must hereafter make a decision to follow what is right and good, or to follow his own selfish path into evil and darkness. From the dawn of mankind, it was given into your hands to decide whether to pursue goodness or darkness. A member of your race has chosen the ultimate evil and with his fall, all are now required to make a decision that once came naturally to all.”

  The girl fell sobbing at his feet, feeling in herself the dreadful truth she had just heard spoken. It was as if something inside her had been torn or ripped away and she was left with a gaping hole, much like the defiled face of the hill. Loo
king up into his eyes, she said, “I have lost something within myself. I am no longer whole. I have a longing, a desire for something. Something, though I know not what. Something greater than myself.”

  “Yes,” said he, “your whole race now shares that same longing. And with what you fill that hole will determine the course of your life, and the lives of all those around you, from now and ever onwards. Choose carefully.”

  “Can I choose you?” she asked hesitantly.

  A smile crept over his face and the whole hillside seemed to laugh with joy. “Of course,” he said. “After last night, the world is hurting and needs to be told these things which you have just heard. I need someone to go forth and tell them. Bring your horse forward.”

  The girl ran over to the horse which had strayed and was happily nibbling at weeds upon the far side of the hill. She led the beast towards the figure. The stallion pulled back against the reins and nearly reared, trying to avoid the glowing figure before him. “Do not be afraid my simple beast,” said the figure, “from now and ever onwards, you and your descendants will no longer be considered simple.” The figure turned his side towards the girl and for the first time she saw the gaping wound in his side. From it dribbled a steady stream of silver blood. She gasped in horror and drew back. “Do not be afraid,” he said, “this is the price of last night’s adventure. Though much was lost, much good also came of it. Take a drop of my blood on your finger and place it on the horse’s tongue.” Hesitantly the girl complied. Almost reverently she poked a finger into the sliver stream and placed a drop of the precious fluid into the horse’s mouth.

  An indignant snort was followed by a blinding flash. She no longer held a horse by the reins but a unicorn. The sorrel coat had become white as the snow; wisdom and fire were in his once placid and simple eyes. Cloven hooves of silver had replaced his single hooves of grey. A silver horn protruded proudly from his forehead. He shook his head in disgust a few times and looked with dismay at the girl and the glowing figure.

  “Remove his bit,” laughed the figure. The girl complied and the unicorn seemed much happier. “Now it is your turn,” said he. The girl looked with shock and disgust at the gaping hole in the figure’s side and turned pleading eyes to his. “If you really wish to serve me, you must taste of my blood,” he said, “by doing so you are binding yourself to me and my purposes. You will gain much in wisdom and abilities but in doing so you are also swearing to serve me, even with the forfeit of your life be it necessary. Do you wish to proceed?”

  She nodded and did as she was bidden. She seemed to grow taller and a thirst for knowledge grew within her. A deeper understanding of things once hidden to mortal mind blossomed in her heart. She had changed as much as the horse.

  “Now,” said the figure,” I will tell you of things long hidden to the race of men, things vital to your quest. The demon of war, to whom your father nearly sacrificed you, was once my greatest servant. But he desired things beyond his grasp and made an attempt to supplant me as The Master of All. He was banished from my presence and ever since has made war upon all that is good and wonderful. He has claimed lordship over all creation and still yearns for the power he cannot have. Until last night, he had made little progress in his war against me, but last night there came a breaking. Men, who had once lived in peace, have heeded his call and some have broken away from me seeking the power promised by their new master. Now all must decide whether to follow him or me. None can sit this out. By stepping aside, they are simply declaring themselves for him, if only by doing nothing. This is war a war that has raged since before the world began, there can be no civilians. He will devour everything if all stand aside and let him. I will only do so much. I am Master of all things, but I have given all sapient creatures a choice, and upon that freedom I will not trespass. They must choose what is right or what is evil. I will not infringe upon their decisions for good or ill. If they choose the right, I can assist them, but if they choose the evil I can only stand aside and weep for their ill choices and dire fate. That is why I could not interfere directly in the affairs of last night. It is up to you, and those like you: my servants, to pursue evil in whatever form or guise it takes and do what you must to defeat it and to defend the innocent. You must spread word of this through all lands and to all peoples. It will not be easy and there will be great heartache along the way but you will never be alone; it must be done or evil will consume the world and all within it. Last night a deadly blow was dealt to my enemy, but he is still lurking about and still very powerful. In the end, he will be completely vanquished but until that final day, you are all that stands between the world and devastation. A rent has been created in the hearts of men. They will yearn for me and try to fill the gap with all sorts of vain things. You must tell them the truth of what you have seen. Last night, the innocence of man was lost, but by my blood it can be healed.”

  The girl had been held spellbound by the tale. The light around the figure dimmed a little, just enough so that she could make out his full form. She had glimpsed a horse-like figure last night and this morning, but now saw him fully, as if a fog had lifted. He was similar to the unicorn standing at her shoulder, but taller and more terrible; his horn and hooves were of gold and he glowed with the very light of the sun.

  “Your faithful steed will be the father of the race of mortal unicorns and you shall be the first among a great and future throng of my servants. I will hereafter withdraw from wandering abroad in the world but I will be found by those who seek me. Go forth and teach what you have been taught, fight evil, and protect the innocent.” With that he seemed to glow brighter and as the sun topped the head of the hill, vanished into the blinding rays.”

  The group let out a cumulative sigh of wonder as the story finished; the teller thereof wore a slight smile, ever loving the spell such a telling cast over his audience. He shooed them off to their next class, though a pair seemed intent on lingering behind, some innate sense told him to leave them be, for far more important matters were afoot than a missed geometry lesson. He withdrew and left the malingerers to themselves. With the vanishment of all the others, Jace and Jay withdrew to a far corner of the lawn, under an ancient and spreading oak, where they sat in silence for a very long time, neither wishing to break the enchantment the storyteller had wrought.

  Jay said at last, wonder and dismay fighting for dominance in his voice, “perhaps I had it all wrong? Perhaps there is hope...even for me?” His voice hardened, becoming grim and bitter, “no, a well told tale does not make it true. It cannot be, it will not be. We will continue as we have begun.” He turned to his companion, “you had best not be late for your appointment with the lady.” Jace nodded sadly and led the way to dinner.

  The meal passed much as their turn about the lawn had: tedious and insipid, the lady solely focused on herself. As Jace made the proper courtesies before parting, she said, “I believe you are quite adequate, sir, you will attend me from this moment forth as I deem appropriate. Farewell.” With these warmest of wishes, she turned suddenly on her heel and went to find the girls she now kept company with, to tell of her great joy and eagerness to return home, the former only a figment of her imaginings.

  Jay had already retired to their room and Jace uneasily joined him there, it had been far too long a day already and he knew the wraith was not one that required much in the way of sleep, but strangely he felt far less of a need for it himself than he thought he should. Taking a deep breath to settle himself, he opened the door and went in. Jay was huddled in the corner of his bed in a very unwraithlike configuration. He looked up dully when his roommate returned, but instead of demanding to know how Jace’s meal with Ella had gone, he simply slumped back against the wall and was lost again to his own uneasy maunderings. Jace left him to mull in peace, for he had his own conundrums with which to wrestle.

  He woke to find the sun trying to peep in through a small s
lit in the drapes, Jay still sat in a disconsolate heap by the wall. Jace stood, stretched, and studied his companion with concern, “what has you so out of sorts, my friend?”

  Jay was on his feet in a moment, snarling in fury, “how dare you use that word with me!”

  Jace frowned, “friend?”

  Jay shuddered, “I am incapable of friendship; I have no friends and need none. We are both of us nothing but tools.”

  Jace shook his head, “feel that way if you must, but I for one shall count you as a friend, even if you refuse to acknowledge it. Neither am I a tool, I will aid you as I might, but I will not be used for nefarious purposes by anyone.”

  Jay went suddenly limp, sitting hunched on the bed, said he morosely, “what have I embroiled myself in? It all sounded so exciting when I chose this doom, but now I find it empty, lonely, and completely pointless.” He turned a pained gaze upon Jace, “had I half your hope, perhaps I could find the courage to abandon this futile existence.” Could he cry, tears would have quenched his fiery eyes, “you think it is not too late, I could find them still? My parents? My friend?”

  Jace said with unabashed joy, “my friend, there is always hope in the Master, His hope is my hope and it can be yours!”

  The room grew dark, only Jay’s eyes giving off a dim red glow, like dying embers, while a cold, inexplicable wind suddenly moaned in the corners. Jay shuddered, “I can’t do it! I will die! I must continue as I have begun; it is all that is left to me! It is all of it pointless! I am doomed regardless! It is all lies, hopeless lies, just like this life I currently live!”

  Jace felt something shift within himself and knew his Master’s power stirred, his face became that which he had worn since birth, he held a glowing sword in his hands, and he knew his being was radiant from within, not with the blinding light he must conceal at all times, but rather a gentle, cool light, like mist in the moonlight that dissipates the fear of impenetrable night. The wind and darkness retreated to the farthest corners of the room while Jay stared in astonishment and hope, the despair and terror melting away.

  “Jace!” gasped he, going to one knee before his friend, “you weren’t destroyed! Your Master is faithful indeed and far stronger than mine. Strike true and free me from this living death.” He smiled then, sadly, but with a trace of eagerness in his voice, “may He have mercy on my forsaken soul!” Joy itself kindled in those flaming eyes, “I will see my father yet, even as I received back my friend! We shall meet again, on some bright morning when night is but a memory!” He bowed his head and Jace raised his blade even as he felt the darkness rushing upon them both, intent on quenching that awful light while the wind howled like a hurricane and beat upon them just as sorely. He struck, as he knew he must, even as shadow and light collided, leaving only utter darkness.

  He blinked in disbelief, as consciousness returned, to find sunlight joyously suffusing the room after the flight of that unnatural darkness, the wind having torn the drapes away in its fury. He wearily sat up and glanced about, only to stiffen in alarm as his gaze met that of a completely horrified Warrior. The man took an unconscious step back in terror as Jace gained his feet and fully took in the situation. Jay lay dead upon the floor, his wrappings having been stripped away by that horrid wind, pallid with lack of blood, his throat cut, and a stab wound through his heart, but fully human. Jace smiled sadly at the passing of his friend, but joy stirred in his heart to know he was free of his horrid enslavement to the darkness, and amusement threatened to overwhelm all at the thought of what this must look like to the astonished Kent.

  The Warrior gasped at last, his hand on his sword, “what has happened here? I felt some great stirring of evil and rushed to see what was afoot, only to open the door and discover this terrible scene!”

  Jace grinned ruefully, taking in the chaotic mess that was the once tidy room, the bloodless corpse, and having no explanation whatsoever to give this man. Said he at last, “I will give an account to the Lady herself and she alone.”

  The man shook his head grimly, “things do not look good for you lad, and if you make such egregious demands, they can only grow worse. The Lady may hear your case, if it is warranted, but you must at least confess your part before we trouble her with this matter.”

  Jace shook his head, “I cannot do as you ask. She alone may hear the tale. Do as you feel you must.”

  The Warrior nodded grimly, “so be it, but will you tell me one thing?” Jace looked him calmly in the eye, as if awaiting the query, the man asked, “did you kill your companion?”

  Jace frowned, trying to discern how best to answer without betraying the full tale and yet tell the complete truth, said he with a sigh, “it was I that struck him through the heart, but whether that was the cause of death is another matter entirely.”

  The man shook his head at this cryptic answer and then frowned, “where is the weapon?” For, there was neither sword nor dagger present anywhere in the room.

  Jace grinned, “that I do not know.”

  The man approached and said gravely, “I am afraid you must await your trial in the dungeons lad, unless you can be more forthcoming.” Jace shook his head and allowed the man to escort him back to the cell in which this entire strange adventure had begun. He cast a last, wondering look upon his dead friend as he was led away, musing that Jay’s own adventures had only just begun.

  He was secured in the familiar cell, though the dungeon was far from empty this time as the bandits that had attacked the merchant train were gradually rounded up and brought back to Astoria for trial. Said the Warrior in parting, “I will convey your case and demands to the Lady, but she has little patience with such antics.”

  Jace said patiently, “I demand nothing, but only speak the truth, to the Lady alone may I tell the tale.” The man shook his head in wonder as he exited the dungeons.

  One of the bandits in an adjacent cell said in some confusion, “I know these Brethren are sticklers for the rules, but why jail one of their own students? What did you do lad, cheat on a test?”

  Jace smiled grimly, “they suspect me of murdering a fellow student.”

  The hardened criminals in the other cells laughed heartily at the thought of this mere boy as a murderer. As the day passed, the cells grew more crowded as more bandits were apprehended; there were dark mutters amongst the other prisoners that the lad should not be allowed a cell to himself while the Brethren wondered what to do with the curious case. It was rare that something of this severity occurred amongst the Students, and then to bow to the perpetrator’s insane demands to appear before the Lady alone without first cooperating with her subordinates was unthinkable! But it was a serious case and the dungeons were growing far too crowded to allow him a cell to himself, but to put these violent men in with him could only result in more tragedy.

  Kent returned and asked of Jace, “the Lady will see you, but it cannot be alone. Is there anyone amongst the Brethren who might accompany you?”

  Jace smiled, “the swordmaster would be acceptable.”

  The Warrior nodded, “I shall arrange it and return for you.” He vanished and soon returned, “come along lad, we are in desperate need of this cell; the Lady will hear your case immediately with the swordmaster present, as you requested.”

  Jace nodded, “it will suffice.” The guard gave him a startled look, as if wondering who this boy thought he was to be demanding anything of anyone! They proceeded in silence, Jace trying desperately to hide his amusement at the uncanny situation and silently wondering what this would do to his reputation amongst the students, especially with Ella, with his luck she’d probably be all the more smitten with him.