I pull up to Ta Ta’s and I see Chrissy walk out to the car in high heels that show off her athletic calves. I catch my breath as she opens the car door and I smell her perfume mixed with hot wings and soap, I file it in my memory bank.
She leans over and kisses me on my cheek. “Hey you, thank you for picking me up at work. I changed in the bathroom, I hope I don’t smell like food.” She reaches over to snap her seatbelt in place.
“Hey, right back at you. You smell and look great,” I say as I put the car in gear. “I’ve never done the water taxi at the canal before. I hope you’re up for it.”
“Me either. Sounds like fun.” She leans back in her seat as I start our short five minute drive to the parking garage.
Our ‘water taxi ambassador’ is a character to say the least and the passengers are all having a good time. Chrissy laughed at all of my stupid jokes which in turn causes me to tell more. We eat dinner at one of the smaller non-chain places before heading over to the movies to see “Laughter Helps” a story about an up and coming comedian. It looks like the only non-chick flick or blood and gore movie out.
Over the last nine months I had thought Pru was a perfect match for me, the more I learn about Chrissy, I realize she is a better fit. I feel strong and protective and everything seems easy and not forced. I think she is into me which worries me a little. If Pru insists on her plan it means Chrissy will lose me and cause her more pain. I should have thought of this before I took her out. I have the mental fight with myself as I drive her home thinking I’ll wait to kiss her until we go out again. If we go out again. Her modest house is well kept with its manicured lawn, little yellow flowers in the flowerboxes and picture perfect neighborhood. I hear a couple of dogs barking as I get out to open her car door. I think shhhhhhhh as loud as I can and silence followed. Cool I think to myself.
“Good night Abel, I had a really good time. Thank you for walking me to the door.” Chrissy says as she pulls her keys out of her purse.
“I had a good time too. I’m hoping that you and I can go out again this week. No pressure or anything, I’ll let you think about it.” I feel so dumb saying it that way. I don’t want her to think I’m some dork or anything like that.
“I’d love to. They don’t post our schedule until tomorrow so I’ll text you and let you know when. Thank you for tonight.” She put her arms around me giving me a hug.
“Good night Abel.”
“Good night Chrissy.” I reply.
When I get in my car I try not to freak out, I just had a date with a hot girl who wants to go out with me again! Fortunately I have GPS or I’d never found my way back to the highway. I look in the review mirror spotting a familiar truck behind me… Oakley. I guess he has nothing better to do than follow me around. I’m going to make a terrible Alpha if I’m just now figuring out I’ve got someone tailing me. He follows me all the way to my house.
“That was some intense hugging you did back there.” Oakley says as he hops out of his truck. “You’re a regular Casanova.” He starts laughing, crossing his arms across his chest and looking cool and relaxed. It is annoying how perfect he always looks. “I only followed you for a while. I had to make sure you were safe. With Allie out of town we run the risk of Arien going after you, so we follow you around like loyal little pups. Pun intended. Does your friend have cats? I get a faint whiff of cat.”
“I think she does, I smelled it too but didn’t say anything to her about it. She told me she has pets but we never really talked about them. I’d rather you not say anything to Pru about tonight, unless you already have.” I look around noticing that my mom’s car is still gone and dad is still at work.
Oakley must have noticed me looking around. “Don’t worry, one of the guys is keeping an eye on your mom. We don’t trust Arien at all so we’re trying to head off any trouble before it starts. School will be out Wednesday and I thought we’d take a road trip down to Dallas to have a talk with Shaynie’s Pack. She and Pru had a disagreement and I’m a little curious to find out why she is really here.
“Don’t you have something else to do? Is following me around that exciting?” I lean up against my car listening to the cooling off ticking cars do.
“Actually Abel, I don’t. You being my assignment and all.” Oakley said.
“I thought Pru was your assignment.” I try mocking his tone.
“You’re a riot.” He punches my arm.
I grab my arm, “Owie, I’m fragile.” I punch him back and we start wrestling in the front yard. “About Wednesday, I don’t know. I asked Chrissy if she’d like to go out this week, she told me her schedule will be posted tomorrow. I don’t see any reason to go spy on Shaynie anyway, I think she’s just jealous, that’s the vibe I get from her. Bryon and her get along just fine. I think she must be low ranking within their Pack, just from what I gather from our talks. They’ll be fine; they just have to work it out.” I unlock the front door letting us inside.
“Yes, wise one.” He put his hands together leaning forward in mock bow.
“Ha ha, now who’s the riot?” I snicker as I go in the house. “See you tomorrow.”
I go out with Chrissy a few times before I feel the urge to tell Pru about it. Oakley had promised me he would keep it to himself but insisted on following me around. Thankfully Chrissy never seemed to notice him, I on the other hand saw him everywhere. I invited Chrissy over for dinner with my parents. I figure that if I have to die at least my parents can say they knew I’d dated someone.
“Abel, your family is really great. I think your mom is very funny and she is so beautiful, I’d never guess she is old enough to have kids as old as you and your sister. Your dad, he thinks he is hilarious and that makes him even funnier. Don’t take them for granted, life is too short.” She looked down at her hands for a minute. “I’m sorry, I think being around a real family unit kinda makes me miss my family.”
I look into her eyes, so beautiful and glassy with tears. “Don’t cry Chris, I’m so so sorry about your parents, I can’t even begin to imagine how you feel. I’m positive they are proud of you and how well you’ve held up all alone.” A tear escaped her eye, I reach up and wipe it away with my finger, for some unknown reason I can taste her tear. The salty taste reminds me that she is human. I lean in and kiss her lightly on her lips, pulling her in just a little closer. I feel her hands trembling as she puts her arms around me and kisses me deeper and more passionately. “You know, I think you’re amazing.”
“You’re pretty amazing too.” She smiles up at me with her tear streaked face.