Chase the Last Beauty with me till we find the author, even if we enter Death Trance with ’im,

  rise & gather your Sea gold, all your grassy Emeralds & champagne Amber hidden safe

  Under the rune stone at the Hearth Yes Sir your Sparkling diamond treasury

  I dreamed it well! Clear Sapphires blue as ice you see in sky! And hoarded rubies

  red & multitudinous enough to make Each maiden and each boy on earth blush red with genius joy!

  Naked! Naked! rise with me take all your Secrets in the air, the Sun’s at height, the morning’s ope’d blue sky,

  Grandfather Clocks bong noon in oriental Carpet living-rooms in the Capital!

  Close the stone door behind you, close this tomb lest gulls that swim the sea air

  pluck the blind eyes of this lion out of its straw-brained head! Come out horrid Corpse!

  But memorize the rune before we go, it’ll encompass our lov’d wanderings!

  As Dante had his Virgil & as Blake his own Miltonic Fiend, I your Cherub & Punk Idol

  ’ll be Companion of th’ Aethereal Ways till we discover of the Secret Eidolon

  What Beauteous Paradise is spelled, & what the Speller of the Stanza was

  Who chiseled his unearthly riddle on this floor before I was born.”

  The old bard trembled pale, at last his heart grew cold, composed to hear the fair youth raving

  thru Hells and Heavens, paradise on his red lips, tricking, ravening Commanding,

  hissing words half-cursed half prayers! Rending the breathing blue-green globe apart

  in Vanity for what is not, aethereal Death and Life, while Love and sorrow ache

  in the breast of the living moment under living skin, breath thrilled with sigh,

  great Death & Life together One & love but a soul Aware,

  For mind in heart is one with the body, Truth is the Depth of that,

  and Poetry the Groan of Body lost in the Grave, for Thought is the love of Earth.

  “I knew this Rune once long ago, cold Demon inspired kid, bright boy—

  thank you for discovering it me again, ’twas meant for you to read in Dreams

  and find at your own bare foot one day. I hardly visioned to be here when you came

  naked maddened with delight into my room, demanding I respect your lips & loins.

  Listen now, my turn to tell the story of a day when I was young as you,

  Was in this room, for I was here lone witness to the Stranger, Alien, Wanderer,

  Caller of the Great Call, Serpent minded Messenger that came like yourself

  Naked from Beauty to Beauty. He came in the door as you did, but no one was home

  to greet him, make fire to shine on runes or warm him in beds of Power, Wrath and

  Meditation, Service or Tenderness. Nor was Sea gold gathered No nor any rhymed

  or unrhymed Rune, not in this house on America’s Eastern Shore.

  Some house was here before, but broken down a Century Past, & Uninhabitable.

  I gathered icy diamonds in the salt sea, plucked the blue eye of the whale for wisdom,

  Green emeralds I found in the growing grass and on tree boughs in their Springtime buds,

  For thirty years enriched with witty penury I gathered Amber from the generous laurel

  and Rubies rolled out of my heart. I threw away the Pearl, back to the sea

  To keep God out of trouble under his blue wet blanket, and be done

  with clammy envy and his watery blisses and grasping waves.

  I brought the shining fire tongs here from Bardic Mannahatta, & the Red Porphyry Chair of Poetry

  from the Ind. I set it beside the hearth and built a fire out of seawracked thrones of wooden kings

  I found on the illuminated shore, and lay down on my belly in my healthy youth

  and Carved your Beauteous riddle on this bedrock basalt floor with the tooth of an Angel

  I imagined one night for Company in Meditation; & Pushed this red porphyry seat

  smooth over that Mantric Rune with a Prayer to my visible & invisible teachers—

  Beloved Stranger, Naked Beauty, terrible Eidolon O my youth I never dreamt that you would come.”

  Washington, January 22, 1977, 3 A.M.–11:30 AM.



  THE ARGUMENT: Last words spoken by the bard to the boy on a train between Washington and NY.

  “Some day when we surrender to each other and become One friend,

  we’ll walk back to this hermitage, returned from America

  thru Cities and Bars and Smoking Factories & State Capitols

  Universities, Crowds, Parks and Highways, returned from glass-glittering shrines

  & diamond skyscrapers whose windows gleam sunset wealth Golden & Purple,

  White & Red & Blue as Clouds that reflect Smog thru Western heavens.

  Back here in our bodies we may renew these studies & labors

  of Iron & Feather, dream copybooks, & waking Levitation of heavy Mind.

  Now still bodied separate in Vanity & minded contrary each in’s Phantasy

  only Poetry’s Prophetic beauty Transports us on one Train back to households

  in our north Vast City connected with telephones and buses. We may trip out

  again into Hidden Beauty, Hearts beating thru the world’s Mills & Wires, Radiant

  at Television Noon or on Ecstatic midnite bed with broken bone or body Forgetfulness.

  Now we go from our Chambered Cranium forth thru Strangeness:

  Careful to respect our Heart, mindful of Beauty’s slow working Calm Machine,

  Cigarette Vending Contraption or neon yellow Sun its face to your face—

  All faces different, all forms present a Face to look into with Care:

  The College boy his ignorant snub nose is a button whereon Sexual mercies

  Press their lusty thumbs & wake his studious energy. The grey hair’d dirty

  Professor of history’s sought thru ages to find that Country where Love’s face is King,

  While the Care on his face is King of Centuries. And thoughts in his mind are

  Presidents elected by fresh nerves every seven years to pass new laws of Consciousness.

  Each Maple waits our gaze erecting tricky branches in the air we breathe.

  Nothing is stupid but thought, & all thought we think’s our own.

  My face you’ve seen palsied bearded White & Changing energies

  from Slavelike lust to snowy emptiness, bald Anger to fishy-eyed prophecy,

  Your voice you’ve heard naked and hard commanding arrogant, pale dandied

  in a fit of Burgundy Pique, Childlike delighted fingers twisting my beard

  on Lion coverlets in caves far from the Iron Domed Capitol,

  Intelligent deciphering runes yours and mine, dreamed & undreamt.

  Plebeian Prince of the Suburb, I return to my eastern office pleased with our work

  accident of our causes & Eidolons, Planned Careful in your Dreams & in my daylight Frenzies: failed Projections!

  Our icy wills resolved in watery black ink’s translucent tears,

  Love’s vapors are dissolved on seaboard’s clear noon open to the Sun

  shining thru railroad windows on new-revealed faces, our own inner forms!”

  January 23, 1977

  I Lay Love on My Knee

  I nurs’d love where he lay

  I let love get away

  I let love lie low

  I let my love go

  I let love go along

  I knew love was strong

  So I let love go stray

  I told love go away

  I called love come home

  my tongue wasn’t dumb

  I kissed love on the neck

  & told love to come back

  I told love come stay

  Down by me love lay

  I told love lie down

  Love made a fine sound

  I told love to Wor

  as musician or clerk

  I sent love to the farm

  He could do earth no harm

  I told love get married

  With children be harried

  I said love settle down

  with the worms in the ground

  I told love have pity

  Build me a good city

  I taught love to sit

  to sharpen his wit

  I taught love to breathe

  mindful of death

  I showed love a straight spine

  energetic as mine

  I told love take it easy

  Manners more breezy

  Thoughts full of light

  make love last all night

  I kissed love on the brow

  Where he lay like a cow

  moaning and pleasured

  his happy heart treasured

  I kissed love’s own lips

  I laid love on his hips

  I kissed love on his breast

  When he lay down to rest

  I kissed love on his thigh

  Up rose his cock high

  I bid Love leave me now

  rest my feverish brow

  I’m sick love goodbye

  I must close my eye

  No love you’re not dead

  Go find a new bed

  for a day for a night

  & come back for delight

  after thought with new health

  For all time is our wealth.

  New York, February 21, 1977

  Stool Pigeon Blues

  I was born in Wyoming, Cody is my home town

  Got myself busted, the sheriff brought me down

  The Feds hit my nose, I felt like a dirty Clown

  I turned in my sister, just like they asked me to

  I turned in my brother, I had to, wouldn’t you?

  If they beat me again, I guess I’d turn you in too

  Please don’t blame me, they had me for twenty years

  An ounce of weed, they planted it in my ears

  They found one seed, and watered it with my tears

  I got A’s in highschool, smartest boy in class

  Got laid at eleven, the sweetest piece of ass

  They found us in bed smoking a stick of grass

  Girl broke down crying, the Narcs liked her looks in the nude

  Asked us for blowjobs, I told them that was too crude

  Took us to jail & accused us of being lewd

  Ten years for resisting arrest, ten years for a little joint

  Ten years kid, beginning to get the point?

  Feds want a big bust, let’s hear you sing oink oink!

  Who do you know in highschool, how many’s dealing lids?

  Who do you smoke with? We want the names of kids.

  They’ll bust all our parents, unless Good God forbids!

  I’m just a poor stoolie, got busted in Wyoming

  From Cody, to Casper, to Riverton I will sing!

  From Gillette to Powell a pigeon I’m on the wing.

  Governor Governor Get me out of this fix!

  President President decriminalize the sticks,

  Out here in Wyoming, Sheriffs play dirty tricks.

  Casper, April 16, 1977

  Punk Rock Your My Big Crybaby

  I’ll tell my deaf mother on you! Fall on the floor

  and eat your grandmother’s diapers! Drums,

  Whatta lotta Noise you want a Revolution?

  Wanna Apocalypse? Blow up in Dynamite Sound?

  I can’t get excited, Louder! Viciouser!

  Fuck me in the ass! Suck me! Come in my ears!

  I want those pink Abdominal bellybuttons!

  Promise you’ll murder me in the gutter with Orgasms!

  I’ll buy a ticket to your nightclub, I wanna get busted!

  50 years old I wanna Go! with whips & chains & leather!

  Spank me! Kiss me in the eye! Suck me all over

  from Mabuhay Gardens to CBGB’s coast to coast

  Skull to toe Gimme yr electric guitar naked,

  Punk President, eat up the FBI w/ yr big mouth.

  Mabuhay Gardens, May 1977

  Love Replied

  Love came up to me

  & got down on his knee

  & said I am here to serve

  you what you deserve

  All that you wish

  as on a gold dish

  eyes tongue and heart

  your most private part.

  Why do you eat

  my behind & my feet

  Why do you kiss

  my belly like this

  Why do you go down

  & suck my cock crown

  when I bare you the best

  that is inside my breast

  I lay there reproved

  aching my prick moved

  But Love kissed my ear

  & said nothing to fear

  Put your head on my breast

  There let your skull rest

  Yes hug my breast, this

  is my heart you can kiss

  Then Love put his face

  in my tenderest place

  where throbbed my breast sweet

  with red hot heart’s heat

  There, love is our bed

  There, love lay your head

  There you’ll never regret

  all the love you can get.

  From the hair to the toes

  neck & knees in repose

  Take the heart that I give

  Give heart that you live

  Forget my sweet cock

  my buttock like a rock

  Come up from my thighs

  Hear my heart’s own straight sighs

  I myself am not queer

  Tho I hold your heart dear

  Tho I lie with you naked

  tho my own heart has ached

  breast to breast with your bare

  body, yes tho I dare

  hug & kiss you all night

  This is straight hearts’ delight.

  So bring your head up

  from my loins or the cup

  of my knees and behind

  where you touch your lips blind

  Put your lips to my heart

  That is my public part

  Hold me close and receive

  All the love I can give

  Boulder, June 18, 1977, 5 A.M.




  What’s Dead?

  Clouds’ silent shadows passing across the Sun above Teton’s mountaintop I saw on LSD

  Movies dead shadows

  ocean 40% dead said expert J. Cousteau A.D. 1968

  Shakespeare the magician, Rimbaud visionary dead

  silent vamp Alla Nazimova’s corpse-lip black dust

  Walt Disney of Mickey Mouse, Buck Rogers in the Twenty-fifth Century, Hollywood lost in shade

  Tragedian Sophocles passed this shore with Charon thru Styx

  Ex-Emperor Napoleon obituaried in 1821

  Queen Liliuokalani giv’n to her reward

  Chief Joseph buried on a brown hill in Washington State

  General Douglas MacArthur urged atombombs to blow up China

  Eisenhower & Xerxes led armies to the grave

  The Skeleton Man in 1930 Barnum & Bailey Circus’ Freakshow bony in’s coffin

  The mother Cat I played with in the basement Paterson New Jersey when I was ten

  with the Lindbergh baby kidnapped found in a swamp of laundry

  My father’s grave writ “Answer a riddle with a stone” wet with rain in Newark

  Jesus Christ & Mary for all their Assumption, dust in this world

  Buddha relieved of his body, empty vehicle parked noiseless

  Allah the Word in a book, or muezzin cry on a Tower

  Not even Moses reached Promised Land, went down to Sheol.

  Tickertape for heroes, clods of dirt for forgotten grandpas—

  Television gho
sts still haunt living room & bed chamber

  Crooner Bing Crosby, Elvis Presley rock’n’roll Star, Groucho Marx a mustached joker, Einstein invented the universe, Naomi Ginsberg Communist Muse, Isadora Duncan dancing in diaphanous scarves

  Jack Kerouac noble Poet, Jimmy Dean mystic actor, Boris Karloff the old Frankenstein,

  Celebrities & Nonentities set apart, absent from their paths shadows left behind, breathing no more—

  These were the musings of Buddhist student Allen Ginsberg.

  Hawaii, October 16, 1977

  Grim Skeleton

  Grim skeleton come back & put me out of Action

  looking thru the rainy window at the Church wall

  yellow vapor lamped, 9 P.M. Cars hissing in street water

  —woken dizzy from nicotine sleep—papers piled on my desk

  myself lost in manila files of yellow faded newspaper Clippings

  at last after twenty five years tapes wound thru my brain

  Library of my own deeds of music tongue & oratoric yell—

  Is it my heart, a cold & phlegm in my skull or radiator

  Comfort cowardice that I slumber awake wrapped in Mexican

  Blanket, wallet & keys on the white chair by my head.

  Is it the guru of music or guru of meditation whose harsh force

  I bear, makes my eyelid heavy mid afternoons, is’t Death

  stealing in my breast makes me nauseous mornings, work undone

  on a typewriter set like a green skull by the window

  When I wake unwilling to rise & take the narcotic Times

  above a soft Boiled egg and toasted English muffin daily noon?

  Beauty, Truth, Revolution, what skeleton in my closet

  makes me listen dumb my own skull thoughts lethargic

  Gossip of Poets silenced by drunken Mussolinis every Country on Earth?

  My own yatter of meditation, while I work and scream in frenzy

  at my wooden desk held up by iron filedrawers stuffed w/press paper

  & prophetic fake manuscripts, ears itching & scabbed w/anger

  at ghost Rockefeller Brothers pay-off of CIA, am I myself the CIA

  bought with acid meat & alcohol in Washington, silenced in meditation

  on my own duplicity, stuck in anger at puerto rican wounded

  beerdrunk fathers walking East 12th street and their thieving kids

  violent screaming under my window 4 A.M.? Some Fantasy of Fame

  I dreamt in adolescence Came true last week over Television,