William, see Burroughs, William S.

  Williams, Godfather, 601

  Williams, Hank, 527

  Williams, William Carlos, 213, 237, 305, 640

  Winslow, Don, 553

  Wisdom, Ignaz (pseud.), 182

  Woodford, Jack, 81

  Woodpecker, Woody, 198

  W. S. B., see Burroughs, William S.

  X, Malcolm, 590, 605

  Xerxes, 697

  Xochopili, 746, see n.

  Yamantaka, 335

  Yeats, William Butler, 351

  Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 451, see n.

  Zarathustra, 475

  Zeus, 389, 475, 602, 611

  Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich, 224, see n.

  Zwingli, 605


  “Old lovers yet may have

  All that Time denied—

  Grave is heaped on grave,

  That they be satisfied—”

  Thanks to hospitable editors, variants of these writings were printed first in: Action, American Poetry Review, Apartment, Art contre/against Apartheid, The Atlantic, Big Scream, Bombay Gin, Christopher Street, Folger Library Broadside, Full Circle, Here Now, Hidrogenski Dzuboke, L. A. Weekly, Long Shot, Mag City, Nagyvilag, NAMBLA Journal, Naropa Institute Bulletin, National Lampoon, New Age, New Blood, Northern Literary Quarterly, Open, Paris Review, Partisan Review, Peace or Perish, Poesi 1 (Oslo), Poetry, Poetry East, Portable Lower East Side, riverrun, Spao Spassiba, Sulfur, The New York Times Magazine, Tribu, United Press International, Vajradhatu Sun, Vanity Fair, White Shroud (Kunsthalle, Basle).


  Edith Ginsberg


  Steven Taylor: Lead sheets; Walter Taylor: Lyric calligraphy.

  Harry Smith: Archetype design for cover, executed by Julie Metz.

  Bill Morgan, Bob Rosenthal, Juanita Lieberman, Gary Allen and Vicki Stanbury helped assemble typescript texts.

  Aaron Asher & Terry Karten, Editors; Marge Horvitz, Copy Editor; Bill Monroe, Surveyor of Detail.

  Porch Scribbles

  Balmy, hotter outside than in the living room—

  Wind rustles the rattlesnake reeds.

  Didja see the Perseus star shower last night?

  * * *

  Bright on Flatirons, sunshine gleams

  on clouds, on brown shake shingles,

  tree limbs rock,

  So bright on the car roof, I gotta sleep—

  * * *

  I want that brick house on Mapleton,

  it’s for sale “Moore Real Estate”—

  But price too high,

  I’m too drowsy to go to the telephone.

  * * *

  Clouds float up from the end of the world—

  Have we enough room for population explosion?

  Call up Gary, let’s find out what he thinks.

  July 11, 1980

  That tree stands higher than a house

  like a dog with hair drooping over its mouth—

  green long beanpods hang from its branches

  * * *

  It’s a whale that big gray-bottom cloud floating

  over the Flatirons, it’s a mushroom, a shipcastle, a

  mountain with sunshine and Coasts—

  It’s a pile of mist.

  * * *

  Look up, clouds in the sky,

  suddenly their shadows fall where Mrs. Hurst

  on Mapleton Street sprays her front lawn.

  * * *

  Midsummer, green leaves thick on maples

  The front yard, white flowers—

  Cause it’s just so beautiful now!

  How sad, to be alive watching the season at its height—

  * * *

  Spray the lawn, it’s too hot—

  Street children call, car radios play muted disco

  Gray clouds umbrella brilliant sun

  I used to be young once, bewildered

  like that barechested little

  girl across the street.

  * * *

  Where I sit, leg over my knee

  listening to the whippoorwill call of a distant ambulance,

  the thin tree’s little leaves startle and jump,

  raindrops fall thicker & the smell of ozone

  wafts across the porch.

  * * *

  Everyone loves the rain, except those caught in their

  business suits,

  birds whistle, tree leaves shake excited, electric smells

  rise across the City to the watchers on the balcony—

  August 2, 1980

  Did the Ecologist chop his girl with an ax in Philadelphia

  & hide her corpse a year in the trunk?

  What does that red-haired boy half-naked on the sidewalk

  with his Frisbee think of that?

  Boulder, August 3, 1980

  Industrial Waves

  Tune: Capitol Air

  The New Right’s a creepy pre-Fascist fad

  Salute the flag & call on Mom & Dad

  Shit on the niggers it’s their fault they were slaves

  In a free market you can get rich filling graves.

  Freedom for the rich to suck off the Work of the Poor

  Freedom for Monopoly to corner the market in horse manure

  Freedom for the secret police and guys with guns

  Freedom for bully buys! Death to the Radical Nuns!

  Freedom to buy Judges! Freedom for organized crime!

  Freedom for the Military! “I got mine.”

  Hundred millions free to starve, isn’t that great?

  Freedom for the Neutron bomb to radiate!

  Freedom for War! Fight for Peace! Whoopee!

  “Government off our backs”—except the Military!

  Freedom for Narcs to put junkies in jail!

  Freedom to punish sick addicts, all hail!

  Freedom to bust you for grass if you please

  Freedom to beat you up when you’re down on your knees

  Freedom for Capital Punishment, without fail!

  Freedom to wiretap your phone & open up your mail.

  Freedom for Cosa Nostra’s pornography

  Freedom to ban your verse in the high school library

  Freedom to stop deaf widows’ food stamps

  Freedom to draft-register everyone wearing pants.

  Free computerized National Police!

  Everybody got identity cards? At Ease!

  Freedom for Big Business to eat up the sea

  Freedom for Exxon to examine your pee!

  Freedom of the air for William Buckley

  Freedom for Mobil to buy up TV

  Freedom to influence Network News

  Freedom for money to make you wear shoes.

  Freedom to fink out Nicaraguan liberty

  Freedom to shove them into Soviet economy!

  Freedom for Costa Rica to eat our military scenes

  Freedom in Honduras for Contras & Marines!

  Freedom for Indonesia to murder half million

  Freedom for South Africa to stabilize the Bullion

  Freedom for South Africa to slave her Blacks

  Freedom for Korea’s corrupt party hacks.

  Freedom for America to kick plenty Ass

  Allende Lumumba yass yass yass!

  Freedom for Martin Luther King it’s a gas

  Freedom to forget our bloody Indochinese past!

  Freedom to be Macho to be Number One

  Freedom to boast the heaviest nuclear gun!

  Freedom to kill for KKK

  If you got a White Jury you might get away.

  Freedom to work if you don’t Unionize

  Freedom to listen to Presidential lies

  Freedom to have your name in Secret Service file

  Freedom to run with the Mob for a while.

  Freedom from government regulation!

  Freedom to not be allowed an abortion!

  Freedom for old folks to enjoy inflatio

  Freedom to destabilize the Chilean Nation!

  Freedom to abandon Latin Human Rights

  To deport John Lennon for his Political delights

  Freedom to ban Genius entering the Land

  & slap Nobel Prize novelists on the hand.

  Freedom for overt Covert War sleaze

  Freedom for Death Squads to chop off your knees

  Freedom to put pederasts in Prison

  Freedom to stop Fairies from eating Gyzym.

  Freedom to assemble & get gassed or shot

  Freedom to not be allowed to smoke pot

  Freedom to drink till you got the DT’s

  Freedom to never take LSD.

  Freedom to smoke & have your Utah Cancer

  Freedom to shake down a bottomless Dancer

  Freedom to be forbidden Peyote Vision

  Freedom to censor Howl on Television.

  Freedom to farm if you’re a big bank

  Freedom to go bankrupt or land in the tank

  If you’re a small farmer who grows a little grass

  Freedom to be arrested & kicked in the ass.

  Freedom to cut down world’s oldest trees

  Freedom to make Indians get down on their knees

  And pray to your God and obey your FBI

  And freedom to protest if you’re not too scared to die.

  Freedom to persecute the Underground Press

  & Murder Malcolm X if that’s what you think’s best

  Freedom to Assassinate, & never go to jail

  If the CIA Protects you, and they hardly ever fail.

  Freedom to squirt Mace in a little boy’s face

  If you’re on the TAC Squad & you don’t like his race

  Freedom to shoot him if he makes you nervous

  And he’s 12 years old and you’ve just joined the service.

  Freedom to bribe Japan if you’re Lockheed

  You won’t go to jail unless you’re smoking weed

  Freedom to buy Iran if you want

  At least we used to, right now we can’t.

  Freedom to foment a Strike in Chile

  And lie to Congress if you’re Pres. of ITT

  Freedom to kill an elected President

  If you’re a CIA stringer, that’s how it went.

  Freedom to commit a little perjury—

  If your name is Richard Helms, you pay a little fee

  Then get yourself appointed Ambassador to Iran

  They keep calling you Ambassador as long as they can.

  Freedom to sell dope if you’re CIA

  Or a Narc on the Street you can do it anyway

  Or the sister of the Shah or informer for the law—

  If your name is Abbie Hoffman you might take a fall.

  Freedom to announce what you want to the Press

  They print what they hear, it’s anybody’s guess

  The public is free not to hear what you meant

  But there’s freedom for full-page advertisement

  If you’re Mobil, if you’re Dow, or a millionaire Jerk

  Buy a column on the Op Ed page for your work

  If you’re rich as Rockefeller you can die without your pants

  Sniffing poppers and the papers won’t give yr corpse another glance.

  If you’re AT&T you have plenty Liberty

  To wave your flag all over the land of the free

  You can take the back page of The News in Review

  To say what’s good for America’s nothing else but you.

  If you got a million from a Texas millionaire

  You can buy television time, get yrself on the air

  Freedom to shut up if you’re Powerful Poor

  Freedom to wait outside the Police Station door.

  You’re free to denounce any Pinko that you please!

  You can ask for Moral Money, give your God’s heart ease!

  Free to attack the producers in a rage

  Free to land in Jail, get beat up on the back page.

  Freedom to be one of the few that count

  Freedom to be “Serious,” that freedom’ll amount

  To the fact that you’re free to agree to more Cold War—

  Flakes & Losers are free to go ’way sore.

  March 1981

  Those Two

  That tree said

  I don’t like that white car under me,

  it smells gasoline

  That other tree next to it said

  O you’re always complaining

  you’re a neurotic

  you can see by the way you’re bent over.

  July 6, 1981, 8 P.M.

  Homage Vajracarya

  Now that Samurai bow & arrow, Sumi brush, teacup

  & Emperor’s fan are balanced in the hand

  —What about a glass of water?

  Holding my cock to pee, the Atlantic gushes out.

  Sitting to eat, the Sun & the Moon fill my plate.

  July 8, 1981

  Why I Meditate

  I sit because the Dadaists screamed on Mirror Street

  I sit because the Surrealists ate angry pillows

  I sit because the Imagists breathed calmly in Rutherford and Manhattan

  I sit because 2400 years

  I sit in America because Buddha saw a Corpse in Lumbini

  I sit because the Yippies whooped up Chicago’s teargas skies once

  I sit because No because

  I sit because I was unable to trace the Unborn back to the womb

  I sit because it’s easy

  I sit because I get angry if I don’t

  I sit because they told me to

  I sit because I read about it in the Funny Papers

  I sit because I had a vision also dropped LSD

  I sit because I don’t know what else to do like Peter Orlovsky

  I sit because after Lunacharsky got fired & Stalin gave Zhdanov a special tennis court I became a rootless cosmopolitan

  I sit inside the shell of the old Me

  I sit for world revolution

  July 19, 1981

  Love Comes

  I lay down to rest

  weary at best

  of party life

  & dancing nights

  Alone, Prepared

  all I dared

  bed & oil

  bath, small toil

  to clean my feet

  place my slippers neat.

  Alone, despair—

  lighthearted, bare-

  bottom trudged about,

  listening the shout

  of students down below

  rock rolling fast and slow

  shaking ash for show,

  or love, or joy

  hairless girl and boy

  goldenhaired goy

  The door creaked loud

  far from the crowd

  Upstairs he trod

  Eros or some god

  come to visit,

  Washed in the bath

  calm as death

  patient took a shit

  approached me clean

  naked serene

  I sat on his thighs

  looked in his eyes

  I touched his hair

  Bare body there

  head to foot

  big man root

  I kissed his chest

  Came down from above

  I took in his rod

  he pushed and shoved

  That felt best

  My behind in his groin

  his big boyish loin

  stuck all the way in

  That’s how we began

  Both knees on the bed

  his head to my head

  he shoved in again

  I loved him then

  I pushed back deep

  Soon he wanted to sleep

  He wanted to rest

  my back to his chest

  My rear went down

  I rolled it around

  He pushed to the bottom

  Now I
’ve got ’em

  He took control

  made the bed roll

  I relaxed my inside

  loosed the ring in my hide

  Surrendered in time

  whole body and mind

  and heart at the sheet

  He continued to beat

  his meat in my meat,

  held me around

  my chest love-bound

  sighed without sound

  My breast relaxed

  my belly a sack

  my sphincter loosed

  to his hard deep thrust

  I clenched my gut tight

  in full moon light

  thru curtained window

  for an hour or so

  thin clouds in the sky

  I watched pass by

  sigh after sigh

  He fucked me in the East

  he fucked me in the West

  he fucked me South

  my cock in his mouth

  he fucked me North

  No sperm shot forth

  He continued to love

  I spread my knees

  pushed apart by his

  so that he could move

  in and out at ease,

  Knelt on the bed

  pillow against my head

  I wanted release

  Tho’ it hurt not much

  a punishment such

  as I asked to feel

  back arched for the real

  solid prick of control

  a youth 19 years old

  gave with deep grace,

  body fair, curly gold

  hair, angelic face

  I’d waited a week

  the promise he’d keep

  if I trusted the truth

  of his love in his youth

  and I do love him—

  tall body, pale skin

  Hot heart within

  open blue eyes—

  a hard cock never lies.

  July 4-October 11, 1981

  Old Love Story

  Some think the love of boys is wicked in the world, forlorn,

  Character corrupting, worthy mankind’s scorn

  Or eyes that weep and breasts that ache for lovely youth

  Have no mouth to speak for mankind’s general truth

  Nor hands to work manhood’s fullest delight