Page 11 of Shattered Shackles

  Chapter 11

  A Faithful Shepherd

  Rev. Jack Delaney was a faithful pastor who spent many hours visiting the sick, the bereaved and the lost around about him. His messages were often prepared on his knees, for he knew that each time he entered the pulpit that he was facing eternity-bound souls whom he might never meet again on earth. He felt his obligation under God to preach the whole truth without fear or favor as God anointed it.

  This particular Lord's day found him up at four A.M. and on his knees, crying to God fur help in delivering his message for that day.

  "Oh God," he prayed brokenly, "I need definite help from Thee. Wilt Thou deal conviction to the hearts of my people? I feel such a heavy burden for those who are unsanctified this morning. Thou dost see the need of those who will be in attendance. Give me just the right message and anoint me to deliver it. Show the people the need of a pure heart. I'm trusting Thee, Father, to move in and take over the service."

  For two hours he prayed until he felt God had undertaken for the morning's service.

  A hallowed presence was felt by all, as they entered the sanctuary that Sunday morning. No one spoke except for casual greetings. Some knelt quietly while others sat reverently in their pews.

  After the Sunday School hour, the song leader arose to lead the singing. Directed of the Spirit, he chose a consecration hymn. As the service continued, Jim was called on to lead in prayer and as his fervent prayer touched through to God, hearts were moved upon all over the congregation.

  "We have a surprise for you," the song leader announced. "Bessie's sister, Mrs. Sarah Barton, has consented to sing with her this morning."

  As they arose to sing, Sarah said, with tears in her eyes, "I have a hunger in my heart this morning for more of God. I sense a deeper need in my soul. Pray for me."

  Then Bessie spoke. "I feel I need to ask the church's forgiveness for a failure in my life. Through weakness on my part, I walked contrary to God's Word a while, but you who know about it, know I have repented and have been restored to my former fellowship with God. But lest I cause a weaker brother or sister to stumble, I felt I should make confession to the church of which I'm a member."

  She caught Rachal's glance and noticed her dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. Rachal understood as no other the suffering involved since Bessie had broken off with her brother. Alton had not come back to church since he and Bessie had gone their separate ways. Also, he had been very careful to avoid a meeting with her.

  As Rev. Delaney arose to speak, a holy hush was upon the congregation. After he had prayed, he opened his Bible and began: "Beloved, I come to you this morning with a burdened heart. God woke me early this morning and burned a message of truth on my heart for you. Let us read from the first chapter of Acts, one verse in particular, verse eight. 'But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.' “

  "Now let us turn to the book of John, the fourteeneth chapter, verses fifteen through eighteen, 'If ye love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.' "

  He closed his Bible, stepped away from the pulpit a few steps and looked over his congregation as he began his message.

  "Just after the passover feast, on the last evening before Christ's betrayal, the disciples were gathered together in the upper room, and Christ spoke to them concerning His departure. First, He commanded them to love one another. As He had manifested His love toward them, so they were to do likewise, showing love one for another. Then He admonished them, 'Let not your heart be troubled,' for though He was going away, He would prepare a place for them. But how could they help but be troubled? For if Jesus was going away, all their hopes would be gone. He had called them from their fishing nets and other occupations to follow Him, and now was He to leave them behind to get along the best they could? They were poor, weak, uneducated and unpopular; and they depended upon Him as their teacher, Master, adviser, helper, and friend. How could they possibly make it without Him?”

  "But Jesus gave them a reassuring promise. He said, 'Keep my commandments and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may abide with you forever.' 'I am going away,' He was saying, 'but another will come to take my place. He will never fail you or forsake you, but will abide with you forever and He shall be in you.' Later He added, 'It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the comforter will not come.' “

  "The blessed comforter or Holy Spirit was to come and reign in their hearts Jesus was with them, but the Holy Spirit was to be in them. Often Jesus was not around when they needed Him. Perhaps He was on the mountaintop while they were in the valley trying to cast out devils. And sometimes He was sleeping while the stormy winds were blowing around them. He often slipped away to pray, leaving them behind to face their problems and burdens alone. But the comforter, whom He was to send, would dwell in them and would always be a present help in trouble."

  Rev. Delaney paused momentarily. His deep love and concern for his people was revealed on his countenance as he preached that morning. All eyes were focused on him, awaiting his next words. He had a special way, by God's help, of presenting the truth plainly. The Holy Spirit was using his message to reveal needs.

  "Before we are saved," he continued, "we are under condemnation for our sins, the sins we have committed and are responsible for, but when we come to God, confessing these sins with a godly sorrow, He forgives us and frees us from them. Thus our guilt is gone, and in its place there comes a peace that surpasses all understanding, for we have received a free pardon for all our past offenses. Praise God! We feel such a glorious work of righteousness in our heart at this time that we think there is nothing else to be done, but before long, we recognize evil tendencies within us that are beyond our control. We will find it hard to take the way of the cross and go opposite from the world, because of pride in our heart; and we'll find ourselves taking the way of least resistance. Carnal traits such as selfishness, envy, covetousness, anger, bitterness, jealousy, stinginess, peevishness, and others will crop up from time to time keeping us from living an effective life for Christ. We may repent with bitter tears each time one of these traits overcome us, but we will find we have no power to rid ourselves of them. These carnal traits are caused from the Adamic nature with which we were born and have no control over. Paul called it the 'carnal mind' and said it was 'enmity against God' for 'it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.' One cannot possibly tame it or control it because it is God's enemy. In Ephesians 4:22 and Colossians 3:9, it is called the 'old man,' and in Galatians 5:17, it is termed the 'flesh.' It is also called 'inbred sin' and the 'depraved nature.' But whatever the term for it, it is the sin principle that remains in the heart of man after he is regenerated, and it must be gotten rid of before the Holy Spirit can take up His abode in our hearts. This second definite work of grace is called 'holiness of heart' or 'sanctification.' Some speak of it as a 'clean or pure heart,' or 'complete deliverance,' or 'Christian perfection.' This second work of grace is God's will for our lives. In 1 Thessalonians 4:37, we read,' This is the will of God, even your sanctification--For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.' In 1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24, we read, 'And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it."

  "When God sanctifies a heart He takes out every evil tendency, every tendency contrary to divine love. He rids the heart of selfish desires, worldly ambitions, shame of the cross, and all other traits of carnality. Then he fills the heart with His
sweet abiding presence. His coming brings peace, rest, contentment, satisfaction, humility, purity, liberality, mercy, freedom, power, love of truth, holy zeal, holy boldness, concern for lost souls, and reverence and respect for holy things. Your heart will be filled with the fruits of the spirit such as love, peace, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, meekness, and endurance. Thus, you will be enabled to live a victorious life without sin and condemnation. Now the heart is made perfect toward God. Thus, we are able to fulfill the Scripture found in Matthew 5:48, 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.' But even though our heart is made perfect, our head is imperfect, causing us to make mistakes of reason, judgment, and memory. But God does not condemn us because of the imperfections of the head; He judges the pure motives of the heart.”

  "Thank God, that a way has been made that we can be transformed by 'putting off the old man with his deeds, and putting on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.' “

  "On the day of Pentecost, the disciples and others, a total of one hundred and twenty, tarried before God as commanded by Jesus, until they received the baptism of the Holy Ghost of which I speak today. Though signs, such as the sound as of a rushing wind, and cloven tongues like as of fire were given, and they spoke with other tongues, or languages, yet we do not seek for these signs when praying for His blessed infilling. Though these accompanied the ushering in of the Holy Ghost dispensation, it is not His signs, but it is the Holy Spirit, Himself, that we need. He, alone, can satisfy the deepest longings of the soul. “

  "Though the disciples were already saved before the day of Pentecost and had been walking with Jesus for about three years, yet they had a deeper need in their lives. Peter had denied Jesus and had to repent with bitter tears; Thomas had doubted Him, James and John had felt themselves important and desired to sit on each side of Jesus in Heaven, and all of the disciples forsook Him. But after the Holy Ghost had come into their lives on the day of Pentecost, and had burned out all the carnal traits, they could stand up and be counted. No more denying their Lord, no more doubts in their experience, no more wanting first place. Listen to Peter in Acts 14:19, 20, 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.' The old man-fearing spirit was gone now, neither was Peter wanting to cut off any more ears, but was bold in declaring God's Word.”

  "Perhaps you are wondering how to obtain this blessed experience. First, one must recognize his need of a pure heart and come to Jesus to meet that need. In Luke 11:13, we read 'If ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?' And in 1 John 1:9, we read, 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrigheousness.' Therefore, we are to come 'boldly to the throne of grace' confessing the traits of carnality that we have recognized in our heart, and He has promised to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, from the old carnal traits lurking in our heart, and to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit to abide with us forever. Hallelujah! “

  "Will you please stand. I have delivered the message God has given me, by His help. I feel that there are needy hearts here today. Won't you come to the fountain that is open to the house of David for sin and uncleanness? God is here today. He wants to sanctify your soul."

  Little Mary led the way to the altar, followed by Sarah, Ben, Rachal Greene, and others. It was as if angel wings fanned the air as God came in sanctifying power to the hearts of all who sought Him and met the conditions set forth in His word.

  There was much rejoicing on that memorable Sunday. Rev. Delaney wept for joy as he heard the testimonies and shouts of victory and saw the radiant countenances. How glad he was that he had tarried for God's message and obeyed fully in delivering it.

  An unspeakable joy flooded the hearts of God's people as they left the little sanctuary that beautiful Lord's Day. All felt that they had been on holy ground.

  Thoughts used in Rev. Delaney's sermon were partially derived from S. L. Brengles' book, "When the Holy Ghost Is Come." Used by permission.