Taffari nodded and stood up. He made his way down the length of the cabin to speak to his companion. As usual, Taffari was travelling with a woman. His latest flame was a tall Hita girl, a blues singer in a night club in Kahali. She had a face like a black Nefertiti. Taffari was also accompanied by a detachment of his presidential guard. Twenty crack paratroopers under the command of Major Kajo. Kajo had received promotion after the disappearance of Bonny Mahon. Taffari appreciated loyalty and tact, and Kajo was a man on the way up.

  Cheng had come to detest these presidential inspection tours of the mining and logging concessions. He hated low-flying in one of the ancient Pumas of the Ubomo airforce. The helicopter pilots were notorious daredevils. There had been two fatal crashes in the squadron since his arrival in Ubomo.

  More even than the physical danger, Cheng was uncomfortable with Taffari’s searching questions and penetrating eye for figures and production details. Under his dashing martial exterior he had an accountant’s mind. He understood finance. He could form a shrewd judgement as to when profits were falling below estimate; he had an instinct for money, and he could sense when he was being cheated.

  Of course, Cheng was milking the syndicate, but not excessively, not blatantly. He was merely showing a benign bias towards the Lucky Dragon. He had done it skilfully. Not even a trained auditor would have picked it up, but President Taffari was already suspicious.

  Cheng used this respite, sitting between two heavily armed paratroopers, feeling slightly queasy with air sickness, to go over all his financial dispositions and to search for any weak spots in his system that Taffari might be able to pin-point.

  At last he decided that, at least temporarily, it might be prudent to reduce the amount he was skimming. He knew that if Taffari’s suspicions ever became certainty he would not hesitate to terminate his contract, permanently, with the seal of a Kalashnikov. There would be another unmarked grave in the forest along with those of Chetti Singh and Daniel Armstrong.

  At that moment the Puma banked sharply and Cheng clutched at his seat. Through the open fuselage hatch he had a glimpse of the bare red earth of the mining cut and the line of yellow MOMUs strung out along the edge of the forest. They had arrived at Wengu.

  Daniel watched the Puma circle the landing-pad, slow down in flight and at last hover, nose-heavy, against a backdrop of purple cumulus cloud.

  There were puddles of rainwater on the concrete pad and the windsock flapped, sodden on its pole.

  A small delegation of Taiwanese and black managers and officials were gathered in front of the main administrative building, confirming that Daniel’s intelligence had been correct. Ephrem Taffari was on board the hovering helicopter.

  Daniel’s perch in the middle branches of the mahogany tree was three hundred and twenty yards from the landing pad. He had climbed to his perch during the night. Sepoo had waited at the base of the tree and when Daniel lowered the light nylon rope, he had hooked on the bundle of sniper’s equipment.

  By dawn Daniel was settled close in against the main trunk of the tree, beneath a tangle of vines and leafy climbing plants. He had cut a narrow window in the foliage which gave him a clear view of the helicopter pad. He wore a full camouflage sniper’s coverall and mesh face-mask. His hands were covered with gloves.

  His rifle was a 7mm Remington Magnum and he had chosen a 160 grain softpoint bullet, a compromise between velocity and high ballistic coefficient that would not be too severely affected by a cross-wind. He had tested the rifle extensively and it was shooting consistent four-inch groups at 350 yards. That wasn’t good enough for any fancy head shots. He would aim for the centre of the chest. The expanding bullet could be expected to rip out Taffari’s lungs.

  It felt vaguely obscene to be thinking like this again. The last time had been ten years previously when the Scouts had staked out a ZANU cadre leader’s kraal in Matabeleland. The man had been too wily and elusive for them to attempt an arrest.

  They had culled him without warning. Daniel had fired the shot and had felt sick for days afterwards. Daniel thrust the memory aside. It might dilute his determination. Thinking like that might make his trigger finger just that crucial thousandth of a second slow when the image in the Zeiss lens was right.

  If Taffari was on board the Puma, then Cheng must be with him. Cheng was the chief executive officer of UDC and he had accompanied every other presidential tour of the workings. If he could take Taffari with the first shot, then he could rely on a moment of utter astonishment and paralysis amongst his retinue. There would be a chance to get Cheng with the second shot, if he were quick enough. There would be no hesitation about that kill. Deliberately he conjured up the memory of Johnny Nzou and his family to steel himself. He recalled every dreadful detail of the murder scene at Chiwewe and felt the sour hatred and rage swell in his chest. Ning Cheng Gong was his real reason for being in Ubomo at all.

  The second bullet was for him.

  Then there was Chetti Singh. Daniel doubted that even if the Sikh were a member of the presidential party he would get the opportunity of a third shot. The paratrooper guards were trained soldiers. He might get a second shot, but not a third before they reacted.

  Chetti Singh would be taken care of later, once the rising succeeded. He was in charge of the labour camps. Daniel’s film of the executions in the forest would be damning evidence at his trial. He could afford to wait for Chetti Singh.

  In the short time that it took the Puma to sink down towards the landing-pad, Daniel reviewed his dispositions, even though it was too late to change them now.

  Victor Omeru was in Kabali. He had travelled down to the lakeside in one of the logging trucks, disguised as the mate of the Uhali driver.

  The arms and ammunition had been distributed in the same manner, transported in the UDC trucks. It was a nice irony, using the tyrant’s own system to defeat him.

  At this moment there were two revolutionary commandos in the capital, waiting for the word to strike. As soon as it was received, a detachment would storm the TV and radio studios. Victor Omeru would broadcast to the nation, calling upon them to rise. He would tell them that Taffari was dead and promise them an end to their suffering.

  Meanwhile the other two commandos were deployed here at Wengu and Sengi-Sengi. Their first objectives would be to wipe out Taffari’s Hita escort and to release the thirty thousand captives.

  The signal for the rising to begin would be the shot that Daniel fired through Ephrem Taffari’s lungs. Victor and Patrick Omeru would be informed by radio the moment that happened.

  There was a powerful radio in the UDC administrative building beside the landing-pad, but they would probably not be able to reach that immediately. As a back-up Daniel had a portable VHF transmitter, with which they could contact the headquarters at Gondola. Kelly was the radio operator who would transmit the signal that the rising had begun.

  Daniel had drawn up four fall-backs and alternative plans to deal with every foreseeable contingency, but everything hinged on getting Taffari with the first shot. If Daniel failed there, he could expect Taffari to react with the speed and fury of a wounded lion. He would rally his men, it didn’t bear thinking about. Daniel put the possibility out of his mind. He had to get Taffari.

  The Puma was only fifty feet above the concrete landing-pad, sinking towards it slowly.

  Daniel laid his cheek against the burtstock of his rifle and stared into the brilliant field of the telescopic sight. It was set to nine magnifications. He could see the expressions on the faces of the little reception committee at the landing-pad.

  He lifted his aim, and captured the image of the helicopter.

  The lens was too high-powered to show him more than the hatchway in the Puma’s fuselage. The flight engineer stood in the opening, directing the aircraft’s descent. Daniel focused his attention on him, keeping the crossbar of the telescope on his chest, using the buckle of his safety strap as an aiming point.

  Suddenly another head appeared over
the engineer’s shoulder. Beneath the maroon beret with its glittering brass cap-badge were Ephrem Taffari’s noble aquiline features. He’s come, Daniel exulted.

  It’s him.

  He lifted the cross-hairs of the sight and tried to hold between Taffari’s dark eyes. The movement of the helicopter, his own heart beat and hand shake, the inherent inaccuracy of the rifle all made it an impossible shot, but he concentrated all his mind and his will on Taffari. He purged himself of any last vestige of conscience and of mercy. Once again he forced upon himself the cold hard determination of the assassin.

  At that moment the first raindrop struck the back of his neck. It startled him, his aim trembled, then another raindrop splashed against the lens of the Zeiss scope, and a soft wavering line of rain water ran down across the glass and dimmed the brilliance of the telescopic image. Then it started to rain in real earnest, that sudden tropical deluge that seemed to turn the air to mist and blue water. It was like standing beneath a torrent in a mountain stream.

  Daniel’s vision dissolved. The crisply detailed human shapes he had been watching an instant before became dim blurs of movement. The men waiting on the landing-pad raised coloured umbrellas, and swarmed forward to meet the president, to offer him protection from the roaring rain.

  There was misty movement and confusion. The colours; of the umbrellas ran and starred and confused his eye. He saw a distorted image of Ephrem Taffari vault down lightly from the hatchway.

  Daniel had expected him to pose theatrically above the heads of the crowd and perhaps make a brief speech, but he vanished instantly. Though Daniel tried desperately to keep the cross-hairs on him, somebody raised a wet umbrella and held it over him.

  Ning Cheng Gong’s misty figure appeared in the hatchway, distracting Daniel’s concentration. He swung the sight, back towards Cheng, and then stopped himself. It had to be Taffari first. Desperately he swung the telescope back and forth, questing for a view of his target.

  The welcoming delegation had crowded around Taffari, umbrellas raised, obscuring him completely. The rain struck the concrete pad with such force that each drop exploded in a burst of spray. Rain was splattering against the lens of the telescopic sight and streaming down Daniel’s face beneath the mask.

  Hita paratroopers were jumping down from the helicopter and clustering around their president. No sign of Taffari now, and everybody was running towards the waiting Landrovers, crouched down under the lofted umbrellas, splashing through the pools of rain water.

  Taffari appeared again, stepping out fast in the slanting rain, heading for the leading vehicle. Even at a walking pace and taking into account the velocity of the 7mm bullet, Daniel would have to lead him by two feet or more. He could barely distinguish him through the clouded lens.

  It was an almost impossible shot, but he tightened up on the trigger, just as one of the Hita bodyguards ran forward to assist his master.

  The shot went off before Daniel could stop himself. He saw the Hita paratrooper spin round and go down, shot through the chest. It would have killed Taffari as cleanly, if the man had not covered him.

  The whole pattern of moving men in the rain exploded. Taffari threw down the umbrella he carried and darted forward. All around him men were running in confusion.

  Daniel jacked another round into the chamber of the rifle and fired again, a snap shot at Taffari. It had no effect, a clean miss. Taffari kept running. He reached the Landrover and before Daniel could reload, he had jerked open the door and thrown himself into the front seat of the vehicle.

  Daniel glimpsed Ning Cheng Gong in the thick of it, and fired again. He saw another paratrooper go down on his knees, hit low in the body, and then the other soldiers were blazing away wildly towards the edges of the forest, uncertain from which direction Daniel’s shots were coming.

  Daniel was still trying desperately to get another shot at Taffari, but the Landrover was pulling away. He fired at the head he could see behind the windscreen, not certain whether it was Taffari or a driver.

  The windscreen shattered, but the vehicle did not check or swerve. He emptied the magazine at the accelerating vehicle. Then as he tried to reload from the bandolier at his waist, he saw three or four of the Hita guards and the civilian officials take hits and go down sprawling in the rain. There was the swelling clatter of small-arms fire.

  The men of his own commando had opened fire from their positions in the forest outside the perimeter.

  The uprising had begun, but Taffari was still alive.

  Daniel saw the Landrover make a wide circle, swinging past the office building and come back round under the hovering helicopter. The Puma was hanging twenty feet above the ground, almost hidden by the falling curtains of rain. Taffari was leaning out of the driver’s window, signalling frantically for the pilot to pick him up again.

  At that moment a man appeared out of the jungle on the far side of the clearing. Even at that distance Daniel recognized Morgan Tembi, the Matabele instructor. He carried the tube of an RPG rocket-launcher on his shoulder as he raced forward.

  None of the Hita bodyguard seemed to have spotted him. A hundred paces from the hovering Puma, Morgan dropped on one knee, steadied himself and fired a rocket.

  It rode on a tail of white smoke, whooshing in to hit the Puma well forward, almost in line with the Puma pilot’s canopy. The cockpit and the pilot in it were obliterated by the burst of smoke and flame. The Puma performed a lazy cartwheel in the air and fell to earth on its back. The spinning rotors smashed themselves into tiny fragments on the concrete landing-pad. An instant later a ball of fire and black smoke devoured the machine.

  Morgan Tembi jumped to his feet and ran back towards the edge of the forest. He never made it. The Hita bodyguards shot him down long before he could reach cover, but he had cut off Taffari’s escape.

  It had taken less than a minute but already the Hita were recovering from the shock of the surprise attack. They were piling into Landrovers and following Taffari as he drove for the roadway beyond the office building.

  Taffari must have realised the strength and numbers of the attackers and decided that his best bet would be to try and break out and reach the nearest road-block on the Sengi-Sengi road which was manned by his own men. Three Landrovers filled with his own guards were flying after him.

  Most of the civilian officials were lying flat on the ground, trying to keep below the wild cross-fire, although some of them were running for the shelter of the office buildings. Daniel saw Cheng amongst them.

  His blue safari suit was distinctive, even in the rain mist. Before he could get a shot at him Cheng reached the building and ducked through the front door. Daniel turned his attention back to the four escaping Landrovers.

  They had almost reached the main road into the forest and the fire that the Uhali commando was turning upon them was furious but inaccurate.

  It seemed to be totally ineffectual. With Morgan Tembi dead they were blazing away without aiming, like the raw untried recruits they truly were.

  Taffari was already out of range from where Daniel was perched in the mahogany tree. He was going to get clear away. The whole attack was becoming a fiasco. The Uhali were forgetting all their training. The plan was falling to pieces. The rising was doomed within minutes of beginning.

  At that moment a huge yellow D10 caterpillar lumbered out of the forest.

  “At least somebody has remembered his orders,” Daniel snarled to himself. He was angry at his failure, taking the full blame on himself.

  The caterpillar tractor waddled forward, straddling the roadway, cutting off the flying convoy of Landrovers. A small band of Uhali emerged from the forest and ran behind it dressed in blue denim and other civilian clothing. They used the tractor as a barricade and opened fire on the leading Landrover as it raced towards them.

  At close range their concentrated fire was at last effective.

  Taffari, in the leading Landrover, saw his escape cut off and spun the truck in a hard 180-degree turn
. The other trucks followed him round.

  They came back across the open ground in a line, and they were within range again. Daniel fired at Taffari’s head, but the Landrover was doing sixty miles an hour and bouncing over the rough track. Daniel never saw the strike of his bullets, and the line of the Landrovers tore away down the track that led to where the MOMU units were working. That direction was a dead end. The road ended at the mining excavation. The situation had been retrieved from total disaster by the driver of the caterpillar tractor.

  By now the column of Landrovers was out of sight from where Daniel was perched in the mahogany tree. He left the rifle hanging on its strap and swung out of the branch. He used the nylon rope to abseil down the trunk of the tree, kicking himself outwards with both feet, dropping so swiftly that the rope scorched the palms of his hands. As he hit the ground Sepoo ran forward and handed him his AK 47 assault rifle and the haversack that contained the spare magazines and four M26 grenades. “Where is Kara-Ki?” he demanded, and Sepoo pointed back into the forest. They ran together.

  Two hundred yards further into the forest Kelly was crouched over the VHF radio transmitter. She jumped up when she saw Daniel. “What happened?” she shouted. “Did you get him?”

  “It’s a total balls-up,” Daniel told her grimly. “Taffari’s still out there. We haven’t got control of the radio station at Wengu.”

  “Oh God, what happens now?”

  “Transmit!” He made the decision. “Give Victor the go-ahead. We are committed now. We can’t turn back.”

  “But if Taffari–”

  “Damn it, Kelly, just do it! I’m going to try and retrieve the ball. At least Taffari didn’t get clear away. We are still in with a chance. For the present we’ve got him bottled up here at Wengu.”

  Kelly did not argue again, she knelt beside the radio set and lifted the microphone to her lips. “Forest Base, this is Mushroom. Do you read me?” The portable transmitter did not have the range to reach Kahali on the lakeshore direct. They must relay through the more powerful set at Gondola.