Page 20 of Mind Game

  “I’m glad you did.” She grinned. “But I would have dropped MacDuff to come running to you.”

  “I think he knew that, and it may be why he’s been so cooperative,” Eve said. “He said anything I wanted would be provided.”

  Jane had a sudden thought that put a damper on the euphoria she was feeling. “That’s why he was putting on the extra guards. He wanted to make sure that I’d feel you had full protection.” Her gaze flew to Eve’s face. “I’m not sure you should have come. Lisa is here, and she might still be a draw for Santara. I don’t want you and Michael exposed to any threat.”

  Eve tilted her head. “And do you feel Lisa is in danger here?”

  “No. I wouldn’t let her stay here if I did. I made certain she’d be safe. MacDuff is supercareful and so is Jock. And Caleb looked over the security and approved it.”

  “But you still aren’t sure it’s safe enough for us?”

  “You’re Eve.” Jane looked at the sleeping boy. “And Michael. I want to wrap you both in cotton wool.”

  “And you’ve done it. Do you think MacDuff didn’t tell me all this? That Joe didn’t call him and talk to him? Do you think I’d put Michael in danger?” She reached out and covered Jane’s hand with her own. “Do you know that MacDuff’s guard Darren searched my car before he let me cross the perimeter, even though he’d been told to expect me? This may be the safest place on the planet right now for Michael.”

  Jane still gazed at her uncertainly.

  “I feel this is the right place.” Her hand tightened on Jane’s. “And so does Michael. I’d know if he was in danger.”

  Jane believed her. She drew a deep breath. The decision had been made. All she could do was embrace it.

  “When? What day?”

  “I haven’t decided. It depends on Joe. Within a week or so.” She chuckled. “But it’s not as if MacDuff is going to have to go to elaborate lengths to help me out. This is going to be a very simple ceremony.”

  “Most weddings start out that way, I understand. Why does the date depend on Joe? Why did he stay behind?”

  “He’s bringing a few guests, and he may have trouble locating them.”

  “So much for privacy.” Jane laughed. “And this wedding must mean more to you than you’ve said if you’re bringing friends hopping over the Atlantic to attend.”

  “Perhaps. But friends are family, too, if they’re close enough. I admit this is a sort of landmark event in our lives. I don’t want to leave anyone out who might want to come.” She looked down at her sleeping child. “And Michael might want to remember their being here.”

  Jane lifted a brow. “At two years?”

  “Michael remembers more than you’d think.” She got to her feet. “And that young man needs to be put to bed.” She leaned down and carefully picked him up and cuddled him close. “Before dinner, I caught a glimpse of the portrait you’re doing of him. You’re right: It should be in oils.”

  Jane nodded. “But I’ll do a sketch of him here at the lake, and you might decide you prefer that one.” She watched Eve tuck the throw around him. “I’ll carry him for you. You’ve had a long, hard day.”

  Eve shook her head. “I love these moments. But he’s already getting a little heavy for me. Soon they’ll be gone. Life with children is constantly giving up moments we never get back.”

  “Mama…” Michael’s drowsy murmur drifted up to them as he cuddled nearer to Eve. “Always…”

  “Yes, always.” Eve pressed her lips to his forehead. “But never the same.” She carried him up the hill toward her tent. “Good night, Jane.”

  “Good night.” She watched until Eve disappeared into her tent. She was still stunned about Eve’s announcement, but she supposed she shouldn’t be. In spite of all the practicality Eve had voiced, this marriage was also a gesture of completion for Eve and Joe’s relationship. Jane had watched their love grow through the years, had been part of it and them since she was ten. How lucky she had been to have them with her. Their life together had always been interesting and full of love, but with a multitude of changes waiting just around the next corner. And now there was going to be still another change.

  She lifted her wineglass in a half salute to that change as the lantern in Eve’s tent went on. “Good luck, Eve. Be happy.” She whispered Eve’s last words, “Always … but never the same.”

  * * *

  Jane’s phone rang two hours later, waking her from a sound sleep.


  Sleep vanished.

  She sat upright in bed as she reached for the phone. “You always call Lisa. What’s wrong, Caleb?”

  “Maybe nothing. That’s why I’m calling you. I just talked to Lisa and she told me that you’ve had an influx of visitors tonight. What’s Eve doing there? Did you call her and tell her to come?”

  “Hell no.” Her heart was steadying, but her temper was not. “Why would I do that? She brought Michael, for God’s sake. I believe Lisa’s safe here, but I wouldn’t deliberately bring anyone else here if there was even a minute chance of a problem. It was Eve’s idea entirely.”

  “Why? Was she worried about you?”

  “No, why would she be? It’s Lisa who’s the target.”

  “Is it? Why is Eve there? Did Joe hear something from Interpol?”

  “No.” Just tell him and get it over with, she decided. “She and Joe have decided to get married here at Gaelkar. Eve just told me before she went to bed tonight.”

  Silence. “What the hell?”

  She was immediately on the defensive. “If she wants to do it, then we’ll make it work.”

  “Whatever Eve wants…” Caleb said drily. “That’s your mantra, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, and it’s a good one. All through our years together, Eve never thought twice about making certain I had what I wanted or needed. This is important to her. I’ll make certain she gets it. You’re not going to be able to—”

  “Do you need me there?”


  “I know that I’m not going to be able to dissuade you. But I’m not going to let Eve or her child be threatened. She’s a new element in the mix and I don’t like it. But I’ll deal with it. I need to know if I should break off what I’m doing here in Dubai and fly back to Gaelkar. Do you need me?”

  She was taken off guard. She had expected an argument but not commitment.


  She thought for a moment. “I don’t need you. The security situation here hasn’t changed appreciably just because Eve is here. It’s not as if they’re going to be running around the countryside. I’ll see to that. MacDuff’s already increased his security forces since they arrived. You know how lethal Jock can be. Joe’s not here right now, but when he arrives, I believe you’ll agree that he’s capable of being a megaforce in that area.”

  “No doubt about it.” Caleb paused. “Have you seen any sign of strangers about?”

  “Santara? No strangers. Jock questions all the security people every evening, and no one has seen anything suspicious since we got here. He keeps them on constant alert.”

  “That’s good, but Santara is very good. You might not be able to see anything suspicious if he doesn’t want you to.”


  “I don’t want to be comforting, I want you to be worried and scared. Because I am. I hate like hell not being there.”

  “What are you doing in Dubai? Lisa said you hadn’t found out anything yet about the meeting between Santara and the Romanos.”

  “Moving forward. Palik has located a local contact Santara uses when he needs information about jobs he’s planning. The word is that he definitely met with Santara during that time period. Palik should know by later tonight.”

  “Call me.”

  “Really?” His voice was mocking. “But you have a wedding to plan.”

  “Caleb,” she said slowly and precisely. “I might have a funeral to plan instead. Call me.”

  “Very well. I’d
actually prefer to call you instead of Lisa at this point. I’ve noticed that she’s beginning to be a little too eager.”

  “You haven’t seen her after you’ve hung up,” she said drily. “She’s on the edge. Having Eve here to keep her busy may be a godsend.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Caleb said. “It was your call, but I find myself very grateful that you saw fit to take care of her when you cast me into the outer darkness.”

  “As you said, it was my call.” She added, “But if you’re so grateful, you can take the trouble to call me if Palik comes through for you.”

  “I’ll think about it. But you’ve never been certain any of my softer emotions were really authentic, have you? Good night, Jane.” He hung up.

  Leaving me disturbed and troubled and bewildered as usual, she thought as she lay back down. Palik might be pointing the way, but Caleb was the hunter and he’d be the one who would go after the prey and get answers. He would be the one to face one of Santara’s accomplices, who could be just as dangerous as Santara was.

  But whoever it was couldn’t be as lethal as Caleb. Why was she worried?

  Close your eyes, she told herself.

  Go to sleep.

  He probably wouldn’t bother to call her anyway.

  * * *

  She was right: He didn’t call her.

  But a text came in two hours later.


  Nothing else.

  No indication what he was going to do or had done after he found out that name.

  Damn him.




  “You’re sure he’s here?” Caleb asked, his gaze on the balcony overlooking the spectacular man-made lagoon that added to the lush oasis setting of the apartment building. “I’ve no desire to climb up to that balcony and disarm the alarm if there’s no payoff.”

  “He’s there. I told you what he was planning for tonight. But your payoff may be a dagger in the gullet,” Palik said sourly. “Ben Kemal’s very good with a knife. If he kills you, word may get around and my contacts here in Dubai may dry up like that desert out there.”

  “But Dubai specializes in turning deserts into lagoons like this apartment’s. You’ll be fine,” he said, then added softly, “As long as you didn’t tell Ben Kemal I was coming in exchange for favors. Then you won’t be fine at all, Palik.”

  “I’m not a fool. You’re a good customer. Besides, though I’m not above a little betrayal now and then, I’ve seen the remains of a few people who have displeased you.” His white teeth flashed in his olive face. “I don’t intend to be one of them. I’m going to get rich on people like you, buy a palace in Morocco and live a long life.”

  “I applaud your ambition.” Caleb moved across the garden and started to climb the trellis at the side of the building. He hadn’t really thought Palik would betray him, but it never hurt to send a ripple of uncertainty through people with whom you worked. Palik was smart and his contacts infallible, but, as he’d said, he’d seen Caleb at work. Fear could do strange things to twist a man’s thinking in ways other than the desired direction.

  He reached the balcony and jumped silently down and glided toward the French doors. The alarms in this apartment building were top of the mark, as was everything else here. Sometimes that assurance bred a false confidence in the people who rented the luxury spaces. It took Caleb only ten minutes to disable the outside alarm and five to take care of the motion detectors inside.

  The hunt was on.

  He could feel his blood start to sing in his veins as he moved across the huge living room toward the bedroom area in the north side of the apartment.

  He stopped and listened.

  Yes, Ben Kemal was in the apartment. He could hear sounds from the bedroom just ahead—the sounds he should have expected from what Palik had told him of Ben Kemal’s sexual preferences. Perhaps he should have trusted Palik.

  As if that was going to happen.

  He moved toward the bedroom door.


  And that sharp leather crack.…

  He silently opened the bedroom door.

  It was what he’d expected. A handsome young boy of twelve or thirteen was tied naked to a huge bed with a carved headboard. His thin body was crisscrossed with livid whip marks, and as Caleb opened the door, another cutting stripe was added on his lower body.

  The boy arched upward with an agonized moan.

  The dark-haired man standing above him wielding the whip laughed. “Louder,” he said mockingly in Arabic. “Tell me who owns you.” His face was flushed and he was fully aroused. “Tell me who is your master.”

  He hadn’t even noticed the door opening, Caleb realized. He was too involved with the sobbing boy on the bed.

  He did hope that Ben Kemal wasn’t going to prove to be easy prey. He found he was very annoyed at the sight of that young boy.

  “Stop moaning and give me the words.” Ben Kemal raised the whip again. “Do you want me to tell Mohamed that you didn’t please me?”

  “No, please. He will—” The tears were pouring down the boy’s cheeks and he couldn’t speak. “Anything but that—”

  “Not fast enough, Ahmed.” The whip was coming down.

  But Caleb was there before it reached the boy, and he jerked it away and out of Ben Kemal’s hand. “I thought his answer was quite adequate, Ben Kemal. You’re much too picky.”

  There was an instant of shock on Ben Kemal’s face. “Who—” He broke off and dived for the drawer of the nightstand a few feet away. The next instant, he had a gun in his hand and was rolling on the floor behind a chair.

  A bullet tore past Caleb’s ear and buried itself in the carved headboard!

  Not too easy, Caleb thought with satisfaction.

  “That bullet almost hit the boy.” He was zigzagging across the room. “Of course, you wouldn’t care about that. But I really don’t like bullies, and your particular preference is a prime example.” He was over the top of the chair and landing on Ben Kemal like an attacking jaguar. “So you’d better be very cooperative and not displease me.”

  “Son of a bitch.” He was struggling to get his gun up to aim at Caleb. “I’ll blow your brains out. Who the hell are you?”

  “Someone who needs information. That’s what you sell, isn’t it?” Get it over with quickly, he told himself. No matter how much time he’d like to spend on the bastard, he needed to get in and out of here before anyone else showed up. Palik had said Ben Kemal sometimes invited friends to these parties. He liked to watch, as well. The edge of his hand came down on Ben Kemal’s forearm, causing the pistol to fly out of his hand and sail halfway across the room. “So you’re going to talk to me, but first I need to get rid of the boy. You’ll be going to sleep for the next few minutes. Take advantage of it. You’ll need the rest.” His hand reached down and clamped Ben Kemal’s carotid artery, and the man slumped sidewise, unconscious.

  Caleb jumped to his feet and went over to the bed. He quickly cut the ropes binding the boy. “Get dressed and get out of here, Ahmed. Go down to the garden and you’ll see a man in a brown suit and beige vest. I’ll call ahead and tell him to take care of you.”

  The boy was looking at the slumped body of Ben Kemal. “He’ll kill me,” he whispered. “He’ll blame me and hurt me.”

  “No, he won’t. That’s over. This may be your lucky day. I’ll see that Palik will give you a chance. After that, it’s up to you.” He saw that Ben Kemal was beginning to stir, and he reached for his phone to dial Palik. “Out!”

  By the time he’d finished talking to Palik, the boy had dressed and scampered out of the apartment.

  Ben Kemal was glaring at him as he came fully awake. “Who are you? Why did you take the boy? None of this was necessary.” Then he was trying to make his tone ingratiating. “We could make a deal. I would have sold my time with Ahmed to you
. I had him for the whole weekend.”

  “Did you? Then I’m afraid that you’ve lost your money. You weren’t listening. I got rid of Ahmed because he was in the way.” He paused. “And I thought that he’d been traumatized enough without witnessing what I’ll do to you if you don’t tell me what I want to know.”

  “Are you threatening to torture me?” he asked scornfully. “Don’t waste your time. I grew up in Afghanistan and I was trained by the Taliban to resist torture.”

  “Yes, I was told that you might prove difficult.” He knelt beside Ben Kemal. “But there is torture, and then there is torture. You’ll find it completely different to have your own body betray you and eventually kill you. It’s bewildering and exquisitely painful. You will break, Ben Kemal.”

  “Screw you.”

  “Just the response I wanted from you, but I feel bound to give you the opportunity to tell me the information I need.” He paused. “Santara contacted you when he was last here. He spent at least two days here at your apartment. Another day, you drove to the house he’d rented out of the city. I think that might have been the day that he’d arranged to have you meet with the Romanos. Is that right?”

  “I don’t know any of those people.”

  “You’ll remember them soon. All I want to know is what information Santara and the Romanos wanted from you. Or was it more than information? Did they pay for services, too?”

  “I’m not stupid. How do you think I’ve survived as long as I have?” he asked. “I sell only information and leave the rest to bastards like Santara and you.”

  “And then go back to pretty boys like Ahmed to expend all your money and venom.” He put his hand on Ben Kemal’s wrist. “This is your whip hand, isn’t it? Yes, I remember.… In one minute it’s going to swell to twice its size and blood is going to start pouring from beneath your fingernails.” His hand tightened. “Just a small harbinger of things to come.”