Page 3 of Carpe Corpus

Chapter Three


  Detective Joe Hess.

  Claire turned the scroll over and over in sweaty fingers as she walked, wondering what would happen if she just tossed it down a storm drain. Well, obviously, Bishop would be pissed. And probably homicidal, not that he wasn't mostly that all the time. Besides, what she was carrying might not be anything bad. Right? Maybe it just looked like a death warrant. Maybe it was a decree that Friday was ice cream day or something.

  A car cruised past her, and she sensed the driver staring at her, then speeding up. Nothing to see here but a sad, stupid evil pawn, she thought bitterly. Move along.

  The police station was in City Hall as well, and the entire building was being renovated, with work crews ripping out twisted metal and breaking down stone to put in new braces and bricks. The side that held the jail and the police headquarters area hadn't been much damaged, and Claire headed for the big, high counter that was manned by the desk sergeant.

  "Detective Joe Hess," she said. "Please. "

  The policeman barely glanced up at her. "Sign in; state your name and business. "

  She reached for the clipboard and pen and carefully wrote her name. "Claire Danvers. I have a delivery from Mr. Bishop. "

  There were other things going on in the main reception area - a couple of drunks handcuffed to a huge wooden bench, some lawyers getting a cup of coffee from a big silver pot near the back.

  Everything stopped. Even the drunks.

  The desk sergeant looked up, and she saw a weary anger in his eyes before he put on a blank, hard expression. "Have a seat," he said. "I'll see if he's here. "

  He turned away and picked up a phone. Claire didn't watch him make the call. She was too lost in her own misery. She stared down at the writing on the scroll and wished she knew what was inside - but then, it might make it worse if she did know. I'm only a messenger.

  Yeah, that was going to make her sleep nights.

  The desk sergeant spoke quietly and hung up, but he didn't come back to the counter. Avoiding her, she assumed; she was getting used to that. The good people avoided her, the bad people sucked up to her. It was depressing.

  Her tattoo itched. She rubbed the cloth of her shirt over it, and watched the reinforced door that led into the rest of the police station.

  Detective Hess came out just about a minute later. He was smiling when he saw her, and that hurt. Badly. He'd been one of the first adults to really be helpful to her in Morganville - he and his partner, Detective Lowe, had gone out of their way for her not just once, but several times. And now she was doing this to him.

  She felt sick as she rose to her feet.

  "Claire. Always a pleasure," he said, and it sounded like he actually meant it. "This way. "

  The desk sergeant held out a badge as she passed. She clipped it on her shirt and followed Joe Hess into a big, plain open area. His desk was near the back of the room, next to a matching one that had his partner's nameplate on the edge. Nothing fancy. Nobody had a lot of personal stuff on their desks. She supposed that maybe it wasn't a good idea to have breakables, if you interviewed angry people all day.

  She settled into a chair next to his desk, and he took a seat, leaned forward, and rested his elbows on his knees. He had a kind face, and he wasn't trying to intimidate her. In fact, she had the impression he was trying to make it easy on her.

  "How are you holding up?" he asked her, which was the same thing Richard Morrell had said. She wondered if she looked that damaged. Probably.

  Claire swallowed and looked down at her hands, and the scroll held in her right one. She slowly stretched it out toward him. "I'm sorry," she said. "Sir, I'm . . . so sorry. " She wanted to explain to him, but there really didn't seem to be much to excuse it at the moment. She was here. She was doing what Bishop wanted her to do.

  This time, she'd chosen to do it.

  No excuse for that.

  "Don't blame yourself," Detective Hess said, and plucked the scroll from her fingers. "Claire, none of this is your fault. You understand that, right? You're not to blame for Bishop, or anything else that's screwed up around here. You did your best. "

  "Wasn't good enough, was it?"

  He watched her for another long second, then shook his head and snapped the seals on the scroll. "If anybody failed, it was Amelie," he said. "We just have to figure out how to survive now. We're in uncharted territory. "

  He unrolled the scroll. His hands were steady and his expression carefully still. He didn't want to scare her, she realized. He didn't want her to feel guilty.

  Detective Hess read the contents of the paper, then let it roll up again into a loose curl. He set it on his desk, on top of a leaning tower of file folders.

  She had to ask. "What is it?"

  "Nothing you need to worry about," he said, which couldn't have been true. "You did your job, Claire. Go on, now. And promise me . . . " He hesitated, then sat back in his chair and opened a file folder so he could look busy. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid. "

  She couldn't promise that. She had the feeling she'd already been stupid three or four times since breakfast.

  But she nodded, because it was really all she could do for him.

  He gave her a distracted smile. "Sorry. Busy around here," he said. That was a lie; there was almost nobody in the room. He tapped a pencil on the open file. "I've got court this morning. You go on now. I'll see you soon. "

  "Joe - "

  "Go, Claire. Thank you. "

  He was going to protect her; she could see that. Protect her from the consequences of what she'd done.

  She couldn't think how she would ever really pay him back for that.

  As she walked out, she felt him watching her, but when she glanced back, he was concentrating on his folder again.

  "Hey, Claire? Happy birthday. "

  She would not cry.

  "Thanks," she whispered, and choked on the word as she opened the door and escaped from whatever awful thing she'd just brought to his desk.

  It was nearly one o'clock when she made it back to Bishop's office - not so much because it was a long trip as because she had to stop, sit, and cry out her distress in private, then make sure she'd scrubbed away any traces before she headed back. Ysandre would be all over it if she didn't.

  And Bishop.

  Claire thought she did a good job of looking calm as Ysandre waved her back to the office. Bishop was just where he'd been, although the third vampire, the stranger, was gone.

  Michael was still there.

  Myrnin was trying to build an elaborate abstract structure out of paper clips and binder clips, which was one of his less crazy ways to pass the time.

  "The prodigal child returns," Bishop said. "And how did Detective Hess take the news?"

  "Fine. " Claire wasn't going to give him anything, but even that seemed to amuse him. He leaned on the corner of his desk and crossed his arms, staring at her with a faint, weird smile.

  "He didn't tell you, did he?"

  "I didn't ask. "

  "What a civilized place Morganville is. " Bishop made that into an insult. "Very well, you've done your duty. I suppose I'll have to keep my half of the bargain. " He glanced at Myrnin. "She's your pet. Clean up after her. "

  Myrnin gave Bishop a lazy salute. "As my master commands. " He stood with that unconscious vampire grace that made Claire feel heavy, stupid, and slow, and his bright black eyes locked with hers for a long moment. If he was trying to tell her something, she had no idea what it was. "Out, girl. Master Bishop has important work to do here. "

  What? she wondered. Working on his evil laugh? Interviewing backup minions?

  Myrnin crossed the room and closed ice-cold fingers around her arm. She pulled in a breath for a gasp, but he didn't give her time to react; she was yanked along with him down the hall, moving at a stumbling run.

  She looked back at Michael mutely, but he
couldn't help her. He was just as trapped as she was.

  Myrnin stopped only when there were two closed doors, and about a mile of hallway, between them and Mr. Bishop.

  "Let go of me!" Claire spat, and tried to yank free. Myrnin looked down at her arm, where his pale fingers were still wrapped around it, and raised his eyebrows as if he couldn't quite figure out what his hand was doing. Claire yanked again. "Myrnin, let go!"

  He did, and stepped back. She thought he looked disappointed for a flicker of a second, and then his loony smile was firmly in place. "Will you be a good little girl, then?" She glared at him. "Ah. Probably not. All right, then, on your head be it, Claire, and let's do our best to keep your head attached to the rest of you. Come. I'll take you to your boy, since evidently our mutual benefactor is in a giving sort of mood. "

  He turned, and the skirts of his frock coat flared. He was wearing flip-flops again, and his feet were dirty, though he didn't smell too bad in general. The layers of cheap metallic beads clicked and rattled as he walked, and the slap of his shoes made him just about the noisiest vampire Claire had ever heard.

  "Are you taking your medicine?" she asked. Myrnin sent her a glance over his shoulder, and once again, she didn't know what that look meant at all. "Is that a no?"

  "I thought you hated me," he said. "If you do, you shouldn't really care, should you?"

  He had a point. Claire shut up and hurried along as he walked down a long, curved hallway to a big wooden door. There was a vampire guard on the door, a man who'd probably been Asian in his regular life, but was now the color of old ivory. He wore his hair long, braided in the back, and he wasn't much taller than Claire.

  Myrnin exchanged some Chinese-sounding words with the other vampire - who, like Michael, sported Bishop's fang marks in his neck - and the vampire unlocked the door and swung it open.

  This was as far as Claire had ever been able to get before. She felt a wave of heat race through her, and then she shivered. Now that she was here, actually walking through the door, she felt faintly sick with anticipation. If they've hurt him . . . And it had been so long. What if he didn't even want to see her at all?

  Another locked door, another guard, and then they were inside a plain stone hallway with barred cells on the left side. No windows. No light except for blazing fluorescent fixtures far overhead. The first cell was empty. The second held two humans, but neither one was Shane. Claire tried not to look too closely. She was afraid she might know them.

  The third cell had two small cots, one on each side of the tiny room, and a toilet and sink in the middle. Nothing else. It was almost painfully neat. There was an old man with straggly gray hair asleep on one of the beds, and it took Claire a few seconds to realize that he was Frank Collins, Shane's dad. She was used to seeing him awake, and it surprised her to see him so . . . fragile. So helpless and old.

  Shane was sitting cross-legged on the other bed. He looked up from the book he was reading, and jerked his head to get the hair out of his eyes. The guarded, closed look on his face reminded Claire of his father, but it shattered when Shane saw her.

  He dropped the book, surged to his feet, and was at the bars in about one second flat. His hands curled around the iron, and his eyes glittered wildly until he squeezed them shut.

  When he opened them again, he'd gotten himself under control. Mostly.

  "Hey," Shane said, as calmly as if they'd just run into each other in the hallway at the Glass House, their strange little minifraternity. As if whole months hadn't gone by since they'd been parted. "Imagine seeing you around here. Happy birthday to you, and all. "

  Claire felt tears burn in her eyes, but she blinked them back and put on a brave smile. "Thanks," she said. "What'd you get me?"

  "Um . . . a shiny diamond. " Shane looked around and shrugged. "Must have left it somewhere. You know how it is, out all night partying, you get baked and forget where you left your stuff. . . . "

  She stepped forward and wrapped her hands around his. She felt tremors race through him, and Shane sighed, closed his eyes, and rested his forehead against the bars. "Yeah," he whispered. "Shutting up now. Good idea. "

  She pressed her forehead against his, and then her lips, and it was hot and sweet and desperate, and the feelings that exploded inside her made her shake in reaction. Shane let go of the bars and reached through to run his fingers through her soft, short hair, and the kiss deepened, darkened, took on a touch of yearning that made Claire's heart pound.

  When their lips finally parted, they didn't pull away from each other. Claire threaded her arms through the bars and around his neck, and his hands moved down to her waist.

  "I hate kissing you through prison bars," Shane said. "I'm all for restraint, but self-restraint is so much more fun. "

  Claire had almost forgotten that Myrnin was still there, so his soft chuckle made her flinch. "There speaks a young man with little practical experience," he said, yawned, and draped himself over a bench on the far side of the wall. He propped his chin up on the heel of one hand. "Enjoy that innocence while you can. "

  Shane held on to her, and his dark eyes stared into hers. Ignore him, they seemed to say. Stay with me.

  She did.

  "I'm trying to get you out," she whispered. "I really am. "

  "Yeah, well . . . it's no big deal, Claire. Don't get yourself in trouble. Wait, I forgot who I'm talking to. What kind of trouble are you in today, anyway?"

  "I'm not. Don't worry. "

  "I've got nothing to do but worry, mostly about you. " Shane was looking very serious now, and he tilted her head up to force her to meet his eyes again. "Claire. What's he got you doing?"

  "You're worried about me?" She laughed, just a little, and it sounded panicked. "You're the one in a cage. "

  "Kind of used to that, you know. Claire, tell me. Please. "

  "I . . . I can't. " That wasn't true. She could. She just desperately didn't want to. She didn't want Shane to know any of it. "How's your father holding up?"

  Shane's eyebrows rose just a little. "Dad? Yeah, well. He's okay. He's just . . . you know. "

  And that, Claire realized, was what she was afraid of - that Shane had forgiven his father for all his crazy stunts. That the Collins boys were together again, united in their hatred of Morganville in general.

  That Shane was back in the vampire-slayer fold. If that happened Bishop would never let him out of his cell.

  Shane read it in her face. "Not like that," he said, and shook his head. "It's pretty close quarters in here. We have to get along, or we'd kill each other. We decided to get along, that's all. "

  "Yeah," said a deep, scratchy voice from the other bunk. "It's been one big, sloppy bucket of joy, getting to know my son. I'm all teary-eyed and sentimental. "

  Shane rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Frank. "

  "That any way to talk to your old man?" Frank rolled over, and Claire saw the hard gleam of his eyes. "What's your collaborator girl doing here? Still running errands for the vampires?"

  "Dad, Christ, will you shut up?"

  "This is the two of you getting along?" Claire whispered.

  "You see any broken bones?"

  "Good point. " This was not how she'd imagined this moment going, except for the kissing. Then again, the kissing was better than she'd dared believe was possible. "Shane - "

  "Shhhh," he whispered, and pressed his lips to her forehead. "How's Michael?" She didn't want to talk about Michael, so she just shook her head. Shane swallowed hard. "He's not . . . dead?"

  "Define dead around here," Claire said. "No, he's okay. He's just . . . you know. Not himself. "

  "Bishop's?" She nodded. He closed his eyes in pain. "What about Eve?"

  "She's working. I haven't seen her in a couple of weeks. " Eve, like everyone else in Morganville, treated Claire like a traitor these days, and Claire honestly couldn't blame her. "She's really busted up about Michael. And you, of course. "

nbsp; "No doubt," Shane said softly. He seemed to hesitate for a heartbeat. "Have you heard anything about me and my dad? What Bishop has planned for us?"

  Claire shook her head. Even if she knew - and she didn't, in detail - she wouldn't have told him. "Let's not talk about it. Shane - I've missed you so much - "

  He kissed her again, and the world melted into a wonderful spinning blend of heat and bells, and it was only when she finally, regretfully pulled back that she heard Myrnin's mocking, steady clapping.

  "Love conquers all," he said. "How quaint. "

  Claire turned on him, feeling fury erupt like a volcano in her guts. "Shut up!"

  He didn't even bother to glance at her, just leaned back against the wall and smiled. "You want to know what he's got planned for you, Shane? Do you really?"

  "Myrnin, don't!"

  Shane reached through the bars and grabbed Claire's shoulders, turning her back to face him. "It doesn't matter," he said. "This matters, right now. Claire, we're going to get out of this. We're going to live through it. Both of us. Say it with me. "

  "Both of us," she repeated. "We're going to live. "

  Myrnin's cold hand closed around her wrist, and he dragged her away from the bars. The last thing she let go of was Shane's hand.

  "Hey!" Shane yelled, as Claire fought, lost, and was pulled through the door. "Claire! We've going to live! Say it! We're going to live!"

  Myrnin slammed the door. "Theatrical, isn't he? Come on, girl. We have work to do. "

  She tried to shake him off. "I'm not going anywhere with you, you traitor!"

  Myrnin didn't give her a choice; he half dragged, half marched her away from the first vampire guard, then the second, and then pulled her into an empty, quiet room off the long hallway. He shut the door with a wicked boom and whirled to face her.

  Claire grabbed the first thing that came to hand - it happened to be a heavy candlestick - and swung it at his head. He ducked, rushed in, and effortlessly took it away from her. "Girl. Claire!" He shook her into stillness. His eyes were wide and very dark. Not at all crazy. "If you want the boy to live, you'll stop fighting me. It's not productive. "

  "What, I should just stand here and let you bite me? Not happening!" She tried to pull away, but he was as solid as a granite statue. Her bones would break before his grip did.

  "Why on earth would I bite you?" Myrnin asked, very reasonably. "I don't work for Bishop, Claire. I never have. I thought you certainly had enough brains to understand that. "

  Claire blinked again. "Are you trying to tell me that you're still on our side?"

  "Define our, my dear. "

  "The side of . . . " Well, he was right. It was a little tough to define. "You know. Us!"

  Myrnin actually laughed, let go, and stuffed his hands casually into the pockets of his frock coat. "Us, indeed. I understand you might be skeptical. You have reason. Perhaps I should allow someone else to convince you - Ah. Right on time. "

  She wouldn't have believed him, not for a second, except that a section of the wall opened, there was a flash of white-hot light, and a woman stepped through, followed by a long line of people.

  The woman was Amelie, vampire queen of Morganville - though she didn't look anything like the perfect pale princess that Claire had always seen. Amelie had on black pants, a black zip-up hoodie, and running shoes.

  So wrong.

  And behind her was the frickin' vampire army, led by Oliver, all in black, looking scarier than Claire could remember ever seeing him - he usually at least tried to look nondangerous, but today, he obviously didn't care. He wore his graying hair tied back in a ponytail, and it pulled his face into an unsmiling mask.

  He crossed his arms and looked at Myrnin and Claire like they were something slimy he'd found on his coffee shop floor.

  "Myrnin," Amelie said, and nodded graciously. He nodded back, like they were passing on the street. Like it was just a normal day. "Why did you involve the girl?"

  "Oh, I had to. She's been quite difficult," he said. "Which helped convince Bishop that I am, indeed, his creature. But I think it's best if you leave her behind for now, and me as well. We have more work to do here, work that can't be done in hiding. "

  Claire opened her mouth, then closed it without thinking of a single coherent question to ask. Oliver dismissed both of them with a shake of his head and signaled his vampire shock troops to fan out around the room on either side of the door to the hallway.

  Amelie lingered, a trace of a frown on her face. "Will you protect her, Myrnin? I was loath to let you lead her this far into the maze; I should hate to think you'd abandon her on a whim. I do owe her Protection. " Her pale gray eyes bored into his, colder than steel in winter. "Be careful what you say. I will hold you to your answer. "

  "I'll defend the girl with my last breath," he promised, and clasped his hand dramatically to the chest of his ragged frock coat. "Oh, wait. That doesn't mean much, does it, since I gasped that last breath before the Magna Carta was dry on the page? I mean, of course I'll look after her, with whatever is left of my life. "

  "I'm not joking, jester. "

  He suddenly looked completely sober. "And I'm not laughing, my lady. I'll protect her. You have my word on it. "

  Claire's head was spinning. She looked from Myrnin to Amelie to Oliver, and finally thought of a decent question to ask. "Why are you here?"

  "They're here to rescue your boyfriend," Myrnin said. "Happy birthday, my dear. "

  Amelie sent him a sharp, imperious look. "Don't lie to the girl, Myrnin. It's not seemly. "

  Myrnin sobered and bowed his head very slightly. Claire could still see a manic smile trembling on his lips.

  Amelie transferred her steady gray gaze to Claire. "Myrnin has been helping us gain entry to the building. There are things we are doing to retake Morganville, but it is a process that will take some time. Do you understand?"

  It hit Claire a little late. "You're . . . you're not here to rescue Shane?"

  "Of course not," Oliver said scornfully. "Don't be stupid. What possible strategic value does your boyfriend hold for us?"

  Claire bit her lip on an instinctive argument and forced herself to think. It wasn't easy; all she wanted to do was scream at him. "All right," she finally said. "I'm going to make him strategically valuable to you. How's that?"

  Myrnin slowly raised his head. He had a warning look on his face, which she ignored completely.

  "If you don't rescue Shane and his father, I'm not going to help keep Myrnin on track, and I'll destroy the maintenance drugs and the serum we were working on. I'm guessing you still want to avoid getting on the crazy train, right?" Because that was where all the vampires were headed, even Oliver and Amelie.

  When she'd first come to Morganville, she'd thought they were immortal and perfect, but in many ways, that was all just a front. The reason there were no other vampires out there in the world - or very few, anyway - was that over the years, their numbers had gradually declined, and their ability to make other vampires had slipped away. It was a kind of disease, something nasty and progressive, although they'd been in denial about it for a very long time.

  Amelie had created Morganville to be their last, best hope of survival. But the disease hadn't gotten better; it had gotten worse, and seemed to be affecting them faster and faster these days. Claire had learned to pick up the subtle signs by now, and they were already visible - tremors in the pale hands, sometimes up the arms. Soon, it'd be worse. They were all terrified of it. They had good reason to be.

  Myrnin had developed a maintenance drug, but they needed a cure. Badly. And with Myrnin slipping fast, Claire was the key to getting that done.

  There was a profound silence in the room, and for a second, Claire's angry resolve faltered. Then she saw the look in Oliver's eyes. Oh no you don't, she thought. Don't you look smug.

  "We do this my way," Claire said, "or I'll destroy all the work and let you all die.

  "Claire," Myrnin murmured. He sounded horrified. Good. She was glad. "You can't mean that. "

  "I do mean it. All your work, all your research. If you let Bishop kill Shane, none of it matters to me anyway. " She was scared to say this, but in a way, it was a relief. "It's not all about you and your stupid ancient feuds. There are living people in this town. We have lives. We matter!" She'd let the lid off her simmering, terrified anger, and now it was boiling all over the place. She whirled on Myrnin. "You! You gave us to him! You turned on us when we needed you! And you" - Amelie, this time - "you didn't even care. Where have you been? I thought you were different; I thought you wanted to help - but you're just like the rest of them; you're just - "

  "Claire. " Just the one word, but from Amelie that was all it took to stop Claire in her tracks. "What else could I do? Bishop turned enough of my followers that any action I would take would have been against my own people. It would have been a fight to the death, and that fight would have destroyed everyone you or I love. I had to withdraw and allow him to think he had triumphed. Myrnin did what he could to protect you and all your friends, while we found another way. "

  Claire snorted out a bitter little laugh. "Sure he did. "

  "You're all alive, I believe, unlike most who've crossed Bishop throughout his life. You might think on how unlikely that is, so long after he should have lost interest and torn you and my town apart. " Amelie's face was as hard as carved marble. "My father has no interest in administering. Only in destroying. Myrnin has been persuading him to at least try to keep Morganville alive, and putting himself at constant risk to do so. "

  Claire didn't want to believe it, but when she actually thought about it, she remembered how often Bishop had ordered people killed, and how often Myrnin - or Myrnin and Michael! - had managed to distract him from carrying it out. "Michael," Claire said slowly. "You turned Michael back, didn't you? He's not really Bishop's anymore. "

  Amelie and Oliver exchanged looks, and Oliver shrugged very slightly. "She is a quick study," he said. "I never said otherwise. Unless the boy's a bad actor. "

  "If he were a bad actor, he'd be long dead by now," Amelie said. "Claire - you must not treat Michael any differently. For his life's sake, you must not. Now, I need you to go with Myrnin. The serum you've cultured from Bishop's blood is of vital importance to us now; we need to treat all those we can reach, and we must have enough of a supply to do the job. I rely upon you for that, Claire. "

  "Why should I help you at all?" Claire asked, and felt a tremor of pure chill along the back of her neck when Amelie's gray eyes sharpened their focus on her. "You haven't promised me anything. I want you to swear you'll get Shane and his father out of there alive. "

  Oliver growled, and from her peripheral vision she saw the ivory flash of his fangs. "You're going to permit this puppy to bark at you?"

  "What I do is my affair, Oliver. " Amelie let a long, long moment pass before she said, "Very well, Claire, you have my word that we will retrieve Shane and his father before they are executed. What else?"

  Claire hadn't really been prepared to win that argument. She blinked, searched for another demand, and came up with nothing in particular.

  Then she did. "I . . . want you to promise me that when this is over, you're going to change things in Morganville. "

  Amelie looked, for a moment, perplexed. "Change things? What sort of things?"

  "No more hunting humans," she said. "No more owning people. You'll make everybody equal around here. "

  "You're speaking of things you don't understand. These things are required for us to survive in relative security. I won't put my people at further risk, nor leave them at the whims and mercies of yours. I've seen too many centuries of death and destruction. " Amelie shook her head. "No, if that is your price, then it's too high for me to pay, Claire. Do as you will, but I won't betray all we've built here to accommodate your sentimental idea of modern life. "

  Claire had been raised to be kind, to agree, to help, and for just a second, locked in a stare with the Founder of Morganville, she wanted to give up.

  The only thing that stopped her was imagining what Shane would have said, if he'd been standing in her place.

  "No," she said, and felt her heart flutter madly in panic. Her whole body was shaking, pleading for her to run, avoid the confrontation. "You hear what you're saying, right? You want to save your people at the cost of human lives. I won't agree to that; I can't. Deal's off. I'm not helping you anymore. And the first chance I get, I tell Bishop about Myrnin, too. "

  Amelie turned on her hard and fast, and before she knew what was happening Claire felt a cold hand around her throat, and she was smashed up against the wall. Claire screamed and slammed her eyes shut, but not fast enough to block out the rage on Amelie's face, or the wicked-sharp white fangs and staring eyes.

  She felt Amelie's cool breath on her throat, and heard Myrnin murmur something under his breath, something in a language she couldn't understand. He sounded horrified.

  Amelie's hard, cold hands let go of her throat. Instead, they fastened around Claire's shoulders and shook her. Claire's skull bounced off of brick, and she winced and saw stars. "Open your eyes!" Amelie barked. Claire did, blinking away confusion. "I have never met such a vexing, foolish human being in my entire life. There are eight hundred vampires in the world, Claire. In the world. Fewer each day. We are hunted, we are sick, we are dying. There are billions of you! I will not put you first!" That last was a raw, furious hiss, and it sparked something terrible in Amelie's eyes, something out of control and hungry. "I will save my people!"

  Behind her, another vampire stepped out of the shadows and said, very quietly, "Amelie. None of this is Claire's fault. You know that. And she's right. It's the same thing I told you fifty years ago. You got mad then, too, as I recall. "

  The vampire taking Claire's side was Sam Glass, Michael's grandfather; he still looked college-age, even after all these years. He was probably the only one of the nonbreathing who could have stepped in on Claire's behalf - or would have.

  He touched Amelie's shoulder.

  She turned on him, but he wrapped her in his arms, and for a second, one second, Amelie let herself be held before she pushed him away and stalked to the far corner of the room, agitation in every movement. "Oh, just get her out," she said. "Myrnin, get her out. Now! Before I do something I regret. Or possibly, which I don't. "

  Claire could hardly breathe, much less protest. Myrnin took her hand in his and yanked, hard. She brushed by Oliver, whose eyes were flaring in hunting-vampire colors, and felt a low-decibel growl fill the room.

  Myrnin shoved her toward what looked like a blank wall, and for an instant of panic Claire thought she was going to hit it face-first . . . and then she felt the telltale tingle of one of Myrnin's stable wormhole portals, his alchemical travel network that led to some of the most dangerous places in Morganville. The wall dissolved in a swirl of mist, and Claire had the feeling of helplessly falling into the dark, with no idea of where she'd land. It seemed to last forever, but then she was stumbling out . . . into her home.