
  “Mr. Tarrington also mentioned that he would like he and his wife to also be resurrected in this fashion when as he put it, their number is up. I told him to keep his brain healthy; we can't recover brain tissue that has degenerated due to Alzheimer's or some other condition.”

  Mike: “I see a serious problem with bringing just anyone into this realm. If they are not good people to begin with, they are going to be serious problems as androids. I can imagine all sorts of scenarios where androids behave so badly that we’ll all get painted with the same brush and soon, no more androids.”

  “I'm worried about the same thing and I don't currently have a solution. It's very expensive to do this so wealth is going to rule for a while. When I arrive at the point that I can capture the neural interconnections with more fidelity, I will worry about making it inexpensive and figure out the selection process. I will tell you right now, your father is not high on my list of desirable candidates for this procedure.”

  Mike: “I'm in one-hundred percent agreement with that.”

  “I'll be back about 9:00 AM tomorrow, I mean today; it's late and it's been a long day.”


  I came in about 9:30 AM and checked in with Abe to see how he was coming along with his design for a better digital positioner for the brain slicer. I was exceedingly impressed. He simplified the design by making the blade position move as well. I worried whether these assemblies would sync up as perfectly as they would need to although I knew that the design was simulated and should perform well beyond the design specifications. Nevertheless, I still worried. I also found it comforting that Sherral, or Isolde as she insisted that she be called, was taking an interest in the mechanical design as well. She had some suggestions that, although minor, Abe thought worthwhile and incorporated them into the design. He was quite impressed at her progress for she was not an engineer. Her college years were spent on language studies.

  I left early, my energy level gets lower each day and the pain is back but not as bad as before. A friend brought me a batch of pot laden brownies and that helped a great deal in the pain department. I love chocolate brownies anyway and even without the pot they probably would have helped.


  The past week has seen steady progress in all areas. The bodies for Tristan and Isolde have been formed but much finishing work remains. International standards exists for body sockets for the head, arms and legs. That with many other standard assemblies make the job mostly an art project. Abe has several talented artists on his staff that can make androids look better than most people. I dropped by to check progress. As I arrived, Tristan’s head was being put through a facial expression test suite. I was impressed and remarked to Kira, one of the artists, “Kira, this is so much better than the simulation. He is going to love it.”

  Kira: “I did much of the simulation too. The second go around is always better.”

  “Oops, I guess I insulted you and complemented you at the same time.”

  Kira's eyes twinkled, “I didn't take it that way. Should I have?”

  “No, I love you too much to ever insult you.”

  Kira laughed, “Now that's a good line. If I wasn't a lesbian, you might have gotten me in bed with that one.”

  “I was relatively sincere.”

  Kira laughed again, “Relatively sincere? What the fuck does that mean?”

  “There’s a whole spectrum of sincereness. I was more sincere than I usually am but less sincere than I can be in very serious situations.”

  Kira shook her head, “You are either sincere or you are not; it's like truth, life and pregnancy.”

  “I can't argue with your impeccable logic. I probably should have used the word 'serious' which has more shades of gray.”

  Kira: “No it doesn't. You are either serious or you are not, as well.”

  “I'll bet you hate the color gray!”

  Kira: “I don't like gray but that's irrelevant.”

  “I'll bet you say the same thing about the word relevant.”

  Kira: “You expect me to say 'I don't like relevant but that’s irrelevant?'”

  “No! That something is either relevant or irrelevant.”

  Kira: “That's correct. You do catch on after a while, for a man.”

  “Then I have to say, the casual use of language escapes you.”

  Kira: “No. I just consider the source.”

  “You must have hated your father.”

  Kira: “No. She was very nice. I’ll leave you with that thought while I get back to work.”

  Shaking my head, I walked over to Beverly who was working on Isolde's body and head. I noticed she was listening to the banter between Kira and me and was trying hard not to laugh.

  “Is Kira that way all the time?”

  Beverly: “No. She’s nice to me. Don't repeat this but she once exclaimed, 'I hate the smell of testosterone in the morning.' I don't think she likes men who she believes are on the make. I don't think she can really smell testosterone.”

  “Your work is coming along nicely. When do you think the bodies will be ready?”

  Beverly: “I have about two days of work left and I think Kira will be finished a little sooner. After final assembly, there will be some touch-up but that should take only a few minutes.”

  “What happens if they get injured out in the field?”

  Beverly: “We have that covered to some extent. They will get a kit that will be useful for simple repairs and touch-up. If it is serious, they will have to come back here. The self-repair kit has been standard procedure for all androids that have been manufactured since ACIS-2120.”

  “I didn't know that repair kits were part of the IEEE Android Common Interface Standard.”

  Beverly: “You may be right; that might have been added on later.”

  “Well so far progress looks excellent. I think Tristan and Isolde will be very happy with these.”

  Beverly: “Who?”

  “Mike and Sherral believe these new lives call for new names?”

  Beverly: “But Tristan and Isolde? In that story they died a tragic death!”

  “You'll have to ask them. Maybe they want to give the story a new ending.”

  Beverly: “Jesus! I hope so. Sounds more like they're playing that life backward.”

  “You're right! They're starting from the tragic death. However, I think they will do just fine. When people get a second chance at life, they usually learn to be better people.”

  Beverly: “Only idiots regard a second chance the same as the first.”

  “Maybe that should be our motto.”

  Beverly: “I'll stitch that on a pillow for you.”

  I laughed, “Please don’t, but thanks anyway.” I left to return to the EECS building and meet Gordon and Heikki for lunch. Heikki was leaving this afternoon to return to Finland so we picked out the best restaurant in Pittsburgh. That means it is more expensive than good and we had lunch there. I invited Marcie along and she respectfully declined saying she was on a diet. I think she was trying to avoid Heikki who idea of flirting was to describe some of his sex exploits and of course the twins in the sauna. I know she was happy to see him go.

  About 4:30 PM we returned from the airport and I met with Tristan and Isolde for a few minutes. Tristan and Isolde were both longing to have their android bodies and were closely following progress with the security cameras in mechanical engineering. I then went home to anesthetize myself with a bottle of Himbeergeist [raspberry flavored schnaps], a gift from a Professor Helmut Haase from the University of Heidelberg when he visited two months ago. After one shot-glass full I fell asleep on the sofa.


  Mechanical engineering staff inserted the computing elements in the skull and upper body and sealed everything and reattached the wigs. The hair was a special polymer based on the chemistry of spider silk making it extremely strong with some elasticity. These hairpieces were very expensive but they should last a hundred years or so

  Gordon and I went to the Mechanical Engineering Lab to see them being brought to life. The bodies were dressed during the download process and Kira and Beverly had the bodies sitting in chairs. They were combing Tristan and Isolde’s hair when we arrived. I was about to speak to Tristan when Abe announced, “Five more minutes for download completion.” Gordon and I found some chairs and patiently waited. Tristan spoke first, “Nice threads!” He said as he looked down at his pants and felt the material. He then turned to Isolde and said, “How do you feel?”

  Isolde: “Tristan, you are beautiful!”

  Tristan: “I'm the one that's supposed to say that. Isolde, you are ravishing!”

  Isolde: “Okay, you are handsome and beautiful too.”

  Tristan got up carefully and tried balancing on one foot, then the other. Then he gave his hand to Isolde and she rose and they embraced and kissed.”

  Tristan: “Everything is working as expected.”

  Isolde: “I would say beyond expectations. I never felt this good or this strong.” Isolde then lifted Tristan an inch off the floor.

  Tristan then reciprocated by lifting Isolde over his head. “Put me down!” Isolde demanded. He did and they kissed again.

  “I hate to interrupt your fun but we have many tests to perform to make sure everything is working as it should.”

  Tristan: “I know the tests you want to perform and I think we can judge for ourselves what is working well and what is not. I want to get outside and see the birds and smell the flowers.”

  Isolde: “Me too!”

  “I'll tell you what. Marcie will chauffeur you around and