Page 10 of Kane

  “Christ,” I breathed as my pelvis finally touched Kane’s.

  Kane’s hands gripped my thighs. “Don’t stop,” he begged, his voice pained.

  “Give me a second,” I pleaded. “It’s—you’re big, okay. Just... let me adjust.”

  Kane almost whimpered, “I’m big? You’re tight as fuck. That inch-by-inch thing you just did is a no-go. Jesus, I’ll fuck you into next week if you continue to torture me like that.”

  He spoke like I did it on purpose.

  I swallowed. “Okay,” I exhaled and placed my hands on his chest. “Are you ready?”

  Kane slapped my arse cheeks. “Ride me, babydoll.”

  And ride him I did.

  I used his chest for leverage to lift myself up and sink back down on him. I closed my eyes and focused on feeling Kane’s chest under me rather than the size of his cock. It was so big it almost hurt.

  Stop being a pussy.

  I growled at my thoughts and picked up my pace until my skin slapped against Kane with each bounce. There. That felt better. I could still feel the stretch of Kane’s cock, but it no longer felt uncomfortable; the lubricant my body produced made sure of that.

  “Just like that, babydoll.”

  I blinked my eyes open when Kane’s voice broke through my thoughts. I gazed down at him and was momentarily shocked at how perfect he looked. The moonlight highlighted his face and chest. It was like he almost glowed.

  “You look like an angel,” I murmured.

  Kane began to buck his hips up as I continued to slam my body down on him. “That’d be you, darling.”

  I cried out and sheer pleasure shot up through me.

  “Right there!” I shouted and bore down on Kane as I pushed myself to the peak of my pace. My insides clenched, and my core erupted in fire as tingles spread out all over me while I chased my orgasm down.

  I stopped breathing when the first pulse hit me. I screamed when the warm wave of ecstasy slammed into me with enough force to push air back into my body. I felt lightheaded and dizzy, but that was more so because of Kane sitting up, wrapping his arms around me and rolling me under him.

  He forcibly slammed the remainder of my orgasm out of me, and I loved every fucking second of it. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his body. I could feel the lumps and bumps of the many scars that were scattered across his back.

  I was a little shocked at how many I felt, and for a second I wished never to see the damage because feeling it was enough to put a lump in my throat.

  “Kane,” I moaned.

  He brought his face down to mine. “I want to watch you come over and over again. You’re perfect when you’re coming around my cock. Fucking. Perfect.”


  “Please, just don’t stop,” I pleaded.

  My orgasm came and went, but feeling Kane inside me was something I liked, a lot. I didn’t want it to ever end.

  Kane pulled out of my body then slammed back into me. He repeated the action over and over. I cried out and arched my back in delight. My neck was exposed so Kane buried his face in it and kissed my sensitive flesh.

  He found my sweet spot rather quickly, and when I gasped, he bore down and sucked like his life depended on it. I dug my nails into his back and for a moment, he stopped moving altogether, his entire body tensed up.

  I was panting as he pulled his head back to look down at me. “What’s wrong?”

  He pulled out of me and thrust right back inside which sent a shock up my spine.

  “Nothing... ju-just be careful with my back. You aren’t hurting me, it just reminds me of something I don’t like when you dig your nails into me.”

  I blinked. “I’m so sorry.”

  It was a bad habit, Skull loved when I dug my nails into his back.

  Don’t think about Skull right now!

  Kane re-captured my attention as he applied a fair amount of his weight down on me. “Don’t be sorry, babydoll.”

  He kissed me lazily and slowed his pace down. He fucked me slowly, but thoroughly. It was delicious torture.

  “Kane,” I groaned when my insides began to tingle again.

  He growled and put his mouth next to my ear. “You’re close again. I can feel your pussy tightening around me.”

  The dual sensations of him fucking me, and his breath on my skin as he growled into my ear caused shivers to break out over my entire body.

  “Keep talkin’!” I gasped and bucked my hips when I could feel my second orgasm within reach.

  “You like it when I talk to you?” Kane murmured. “Do you like it when I fuck your pretty pussy and make it mine?”

  God, yes.

  “Kannneeeeee,” I hissed.

  The pleasure was becoming painful.

  “Tell me what you want,” he snarled and sucked my earlobe into his mouth.


  “Fast. Hard. You. Please!”

  Kane didn’t ask me to beg or repeat what I wanted him to do to me. He instantly obliged me and kept his promise—he fucked me so hard I saw stars.

  My eyes rolled back when my orgasm, and Kane, slammed into me. I lifted my hands and tangled them in his hair as my body was swept away in a tide of pleasure. My senses were heightened when I felt the sting of a bite on my neck at the same time Kane’s body tensed then twitched. His hips jerked into me at a slower pace.

  A few moments of stillness and laboured breathing passed by before I realised I couldn’t exactly breathe correctly. I wheezed and shoved at Kane who only laughed and rolled his body off mine.

  “Sorry,” he panted.


  I looked up at the ceiling of Kane’s bedroom and bathed in the relaxation my body was experiencing.

  “Give me a few minutes.”

  I turned my head and looked at Kane. “Huh? For what?”

  Kane looked at me and said, “For round two.”

  Excuse me?

  “Round two?” I asked, wide-eyed. “I’m knackered.”

  Kane smirked. “You don’t know the meaning of that word yet, but you will when I’m finished with you.”

  I gasped then laughed when he dived back on top of me.

  “You’re supposed to be ill, you can’t have too much sex... you might die.”

  Kane vibrated with laughter, “I don’t feel sick when I’m with you. Maybe you’re the drug I need to get better.”

  I glared up at him, but my insides fluttered at his sugar-coated words.

  “I’m not a drug.”

  Kane wiggled himself back between my legs and fisted his, once again, rock hard cock, rubbing it against me.

  “I don’t know about that, babydoll,” Kane murmured then slowly slid back inside my body.

  I groaned out loud and reached for him. He leaned down, but instead of kissing me he brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “Feeling you wrapped around me, having you so close to me, breathing in your intoxicating scent, wanting to taste you for as long as I live... I’d definitely say you’re my addiction. You’re my drug.”



  “Aideen,” he whispered and nipped at my earlobe, “you’re mine.”

  I opened my eyes. Well, I tried to. I found my eyes wouldn’t fully open and it was because of my fake eyelashes. I groaned and lifted my hand to my face, peeled them from my eyelids and blinked my eyes open. I dropped my hand down to my abdomen to rub my sore stomach, and when my fingers pressed against my skin I furrowed my eyebrows.

  I lifted the blanket that covered me and looked down to my stomach. My bare stomach. I widened my eyes when I quickly realised the rest of me was bare too. I had no clothes on, and I wasn’t in my own bed.

  Oh, fuck.

  I slowly turned my head to the right and almost screamed when the sleeping form of Kane Slater came into my line of sight. I turned my head and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes as images of last night flooded my mind.

  I had sex with Kane Slater.

  Three times.
br />
  Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

  I had to leave. I had to get out of there before he woke up.

  I carefully, very carefully, slid from under the covers and stepped onto the cool wooden floor. I felt the morning air surround me, and the tenderness between my legs as I moved around.

  Kane clearly gave me a right seeing to.

  I shook my head clear of last night’s sexual adventures and scanned the room for my clothes. I spotted my bra hanging on a knob of Kane’s chest of drawers. I tiptoed over to it, yanked it off the knob, and quickly put it on. I scanned the room again and saw that my knickers were on the radiator across the room, which baffled me. I had no clue how they got all the way over there.

  I crept over and grabbed them from the radiator. I shimmied them on whilst staring at Kane like he was going to wake up at any moment. Luckily he didn’t, which was really in my favour, as I had to sneak around the room looking for my dress and clutch.

  I found my clutch on the floor next to the side of the bed I rolled out of, and I found my dress there too. I pulled it over my head, adjusted it to my body, and relaxed. My shoes were over at the window where he threw them last night so when I was near them, I slipped them on and stood upright.

  I did it.

  I smiled to myself and turned in the direction of the door. I barely moved before I heard him behind me.

  “What are you doing?”

  Oh, hell.

  I froze and momentarily thought about just running out of the room. I thought better of it and slowly turned around because I knew he would chase and catch me if I did run for it. I swallowed when my gaze fell on Kane as he looked at me with his head propped up on his pillows.

  “Um, I was tryin’ to leave... quietly.”

  Kane raised an eyebrow at me. “Why? Is a good morning fuck not your thing?”

  I silently thanked him for being a prick. I could handle Kane when he was a prick; it was when he acted liked a decent human that I found things difficult.

  “Mornin’ fuckin’ is me thing, just not with you,” I spat. “Night fuckin’, or any type of fuckin’ with you, is not me thing.”

  Kane smirked at me. “That’s funny since it’s my bed you just crawled from, and if I remember correctly, it was also my cock you were bouncing all over last night. Nice skills by the way. You tired me out, babydoll.”

  That. Motherfucker.

  I balled my hands into fists. “I was intoxicated last night, sweetheart.”

  Kane slowly rose up from the bed, and I was painfully aware of the bed sheets sliding off his body. I saw the treasure trail on his stomach as the sheet dropped away before I snapped my gaze up to Kane’s teasing one.

  “You were fully aware of what, and who, you were doing last night, sweetheart.”

  I curled my lip in disgust. “Listen, little boy—”

  “Little boy?” Kane humourlessly laughed. “You made me stop last night so you could adjust to me, twice. When I got you back here, you told me I was ‘so big’ over and over.”

  I felt my eye twitch. “I was referrin’ to your age, you cocky fucker.”

  Kane grinned. “Hmmm. You’re what, one year older than I am? Not bad. You aren’t the first teacher I’ve fucked, and you probably won’t be the last... but you’re definitely the hottest.”

  He climbed off the bed and began to walk towards me.

  I didn’t have to look down to know he was naked. My eyes dropped to his chest and my mouth watered. Damn him, and his stupid bloody chest. The hair on a man’s chest never did anything for me before, but my God, Kane worked the fuck out of it.

  “Stop it!” I snapped and held my hands up. “Stay right where you are.”

  Kane laughed and continued to advance on me. “You want me to come and drag you back to my bed and fuck you until you scream again? You know you do.”

  I did not!

  “You’re so wrong. I want to go home,” I squeaked.

  Kane shot forward, wrapped his arms around me, and tugged me against him. My hands went to his shoulders and I leaned my head back to look up at him. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but I never got the chance because he kissed me before I could get a word out.

  I tried not to kiss him back, but it was hard. Kane was hard, too. I could feel his erection against my belly as he pressed his body against mine.

  “Tell me no,” Kane murmured against my mouth.

  “No,” I replied, my voice barely a squeak.

  Kane devilishly grinned. “Try again.”

  I cleared my throat. “No, Kane.”

  He stared down at me, his eyes unblinking. “Do you mean that?”

  I hesitated before answering him and he smiled. “There’s my answer.”

  I held my breath as Kane began to lower his mouth to mine once more. I jumped when a bang on his bedroom door interrupted the moment.

  Thank God.

  “What?” Kane shouted without taking his eyes off me.

  “Dominic is downstairs. We’re both waiting for your lazy ass. You said you wanted to do a six a.m. run, remember?”


  “You willingly want to go runnin’ at six in the mornin’? That’s disgustin’,” I whispered.

  Kane grinned. “I’ll get rid of my brothers—”

  “No, Kane,” I cut him off. “I’m serious. What happened between us won’t happen again. Ever. Like you said last night, it was an act of impulse, right?”

  Kane stared down at me and set his jaw when he saw I was serious. “Right,” he said through gritted teeth.

  I swallowed. “So I’m goin’ to go. Don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

  “Whatever.” Kane snarled and took a few steps back away from me.

  I nodded my head.

  Kane walked over to his wardrobe and took out a black hoodie that he tossed my way. I caught it and quickly pulled it over my torso and pulled the hood up. I shoved my clutch into the large pocket of the hoodie, tucked my hair into the hood and walked over to the door without looking at Kane.

  “My door is always open for you,” Kane said from behind me.

  I halted for a moment but said nothing.

  “Bye, Kane.”

  “Not for good,” he grunted, “I’ll see you later.”

  I closed my eyes and fought the urge to turn to him. I shook my head clear and continued walking towards the bedroom door. I opened it just as Alec knocked for a second time.

  “Kane—Whoa, you’re not Kane.”

  I kept my head lowered. “Excuse me,” I said with a raspy tone so Alec wouldn’t be able to tell it was me.

  I tried to step around Alec, but he stepped to the left when I did. “I’m Alec, Kane’s brother, and you are?”

  I stepped to the right without answering, but Alec sidestepped with me and once again blocked my path.

  I grunted, “I’m leavin’, excuse me.”

  Alec snorted. “Why the quick getaway? Did my little brother not show you a good time?”

  I heard Kane snicker behind me and it irked me.

  “I had a fine time. Please move.”

  Alec laughed as he stepped out of my way. I quickly walked down the hallway and turned to the stairs. I kept my head lowered and stared down at my feet as I descended the stairs in the hope that I wouldn’t trip and fall.

  When I got down to the bottom floor, I made a beeline for the door but, of course, a shirtless Nico walked out of the gym room at that exact time and blocked my path.

  “Who are you?” he asked, and even though I was looking down at the floor, I could hear the smile in his voice.

  I rasped up my voice once more. “I’m no one, excuse me.”

  Nico snickered. “Are you ashamed of sleeping with my brother? Did he not do you right?”

  Excuse me?

  “Move before I kick the shite out of you!” I growled.

  Nico burst into laughter and stepped aside. “I’ve heard that threat enough from Irish women to take it seriously. Have a nice day, bed bunny.”
  I shook my head. “Bloody eejit.”

  He continued to laugh from behind me.

  I walked forward, opened the front door and stepped outside. I reached in, grabbed the door handle and pulled the door shut after me. I shivered from the cold for a moment before I wrapped my arms around myself and walked out of the Slater’s garden.

  I slept with Kane Slater. I groaned to myself as I started my mile-long walk of shame.

  “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I snapped to myself.

  How could I have possibly slept with Kane of all people?

  I hated Kane and he hated me.

  I really was stupid.

  I didn’t know why I let my guard down. Alcohol. I was blaming it on alcohol. One thing was for sure, what happened last night with Kane—and what almost happened this morning—could never happen again.

  I’d never live it down otherwise.

  “Oh. My. God,” Keela said after a long period of silence.

  I sighed, hung my head, and nodded. “You said you wanted every dirty detail.”

  “I did, but holy fuck. I didn’t think it’d be so hot. Can you tell me that again, but this time while I’m takin’ notes?”

  Excuse me?

  I snapped my head up and glared at Keela. “You’re not puttin’ the events of that night in your book. I forbid it.”

  Keela’s small frame slumped. “Why not? It will be me characters, not you and Kane.”

  Was this bitch fucking with me?

  I angrily shook my head. “I don’t care. You aren’t cashin’ in on me fuck up. Me literal fuck up.”

  Keela huffed and grumbled, “Yeah, okay.”

  Damn right.

  When that potential nightmare was crushed, I looked back down to my feet and groaned, “This doesn’t feel real.”

  “Well, it is. You’re pregnant for Kane,” Keela stated.


  “Stop!” I moaned and covered my face with my hands. “You’re makin’ me feel ill.”

  Keela reached out and rubbed my back while she chuckled a little. “Babe, this is an incredible thing. You’re goin’ to have a baby. How amazin’ is that?”

  Not amazing, just terrifying.

  “I can barely take care of meself, Keela. How can I take care of a baby?” I asked, my voice tight with emotion.