Page 26 of The Purple Land


  After leaving Santos I rode on to a belt of wood about two miles eastof the road, and, passing through it, surveyed the country lying beyond.The only habitation near it was a shepherd's lonely _rancho_, standingon an open plain of yellow grass, over which a scattered flock of sheepand a few horses were grazing. I determined to remain in the wood tillnear noon, then proceed to the _rancho_ to get breakfast, and commencemy search for a horse and side-saddle in the neighbourhood. Afterunsaddling my horse and tying him to a tree, where there were somepickings of grass and herbage about the roots, I lit a cigar andmade myself comfortable on my rugs in the shade. Presently I had somevisitors in a flock of _urracas_, or magpies, as they are called in thevernacular, or Guira cuckoos; a graceful, loquacious bird resembling amagpie, only with a longer tail and a bold, red beak. These ill-manneredbirds skulked about in the branches over me all the time I remained inthe wood, scolding me so incessantly in their intolerably loud, angry,rattling notes, varied occasionally with shrill whistlings and groans,that I could scarcely even hear myself think. They soon succeeded inbringing all the other birds within hearing distance to the spot to takepart in the demonstration. It was unreasonable of the cuckoos, to saythe least of it, for it was now long past their breeding season, so thatparental solicitude could not be pleaded as an excuse for their churlishbehaviour. The others--tanagers, finches, tyrant-birds; red, white,blue, grey, yellow, and mixed--were, I must own, less troublesome, for,after hopping about for a while, screaming, chirping, and twittering,they very sensibly flew away, no doubt thinking their friends thecuckoos were making a great deal too much fuss. My sole mammalianvisitor was an armadillo, that came hurrying towards me, lookingcuriously like a little old bent-backed gentleman in a rusty blackcoat trotting briskly about on some very important business. It cameto within three yards of my feet, then stopped, and seemed astonishedbeyond measure at my presence, staring at me with its little, bleary,blinking eyes, and looking more like the shabby old gentleman than ever.Then it trotted away through the trees, but presently returned fora second inspection; and after that it kept coming and going, till Iinadvertently burst out laughing, whereupon it scuttled away in greatalarm, and returned no more. I was sorry I had frightened the amusinglittle beggar, for I felt in that exceedingly light-hearted mood whenone's merriment is ready to brim over at the slightest provocation. Yetthat very morning poor Demetria's appeal had deeply stirred myheart, and I was now embarked on a most Quixotic and perhaps perilousadventure! Possibly the very fact of that adventure being before me hadproduced an exhilarating effect on my mind, and made it impossible forme to be sad, or even decently composed.

  After spending a couple of hours in the pleasant shade, the blue smokeascending from the _rancho_ before me gave notice of the approachingbreakfast hour; so, saddling my horse, I went to make my morning call,the cuckoos hailing my departure with loud mocking shouts and whistlingcalls, meant to inform all their feathered friends that they had at lastsucceeded in making their haunt too hot for me.

  At the _rancho_ I was received by a somewhat surly-looking young man,with long, intensely black hair and moustache, and who wore in place ofa hat a purple cotton handkerchief tied about his head. He did not seemto be over-pleased at my visit, and invited me rather ungraciously toalight if I thought proper. I followed him into the kitchen, where hislittle brown-skinned wife was preparing breakfast, and I fancied, afterseeing her, that her prettiness was the cause of his inhospitable mannertowards a stranger. She was singularly pretty, with a seductive, softbrown skin, ripe, pouting lips of a rich purple-red, and when shelaughed, which happened very frequently, her teeth glistened likepearls. Her crisp, black hair hung down unbound and disordered, for shelooked like a very careless little beauty; but when she saw me enter,she blushed and tossed her tresses away from her shoulders, thencarefully felt the pendants dropping from her ears to assure herselfthat they were safe, or possibly to attract my attention to them. Thefrequent glances her laughing, dark eyes shot at me soon convinced methat she was one of those charming little wives--charming, that is,when they are the wives of other people--who are not satisfied with ahusband's admiration.

  I had timed my arrival well, for the roast lamb over the coals was justassuming a deep golden brown colour, and sending out a most deliciousfragrance. During the repast which followed I amused my auditors, andmyself, by telling a few innocent lies, and began by saying that I wason my return to Rocha from Montevideo.

  The shepherd remarked suspiciously that I was not on the right road.

  I answered that I knew it; then proceeded to say that I had met with amisfortune on the previous evening, which in the end had led me out ofthe right road. I had only been married a few days, I continued, and atthis declaration my host looked relieved, while little gipsy suddenlyseemed to lose all interest in me.

  "My wife," I said, "set her heart on having a side-saddle, as she isvery fond of riding; so, having business which took me to town, I therepurchased one for her, and was returning with it on a led horse--mywife's horse, unfortunately--when I stopped last evening to get somerefreshment at a _pulperia_ on the road. While eating some bread andsausage a tipsy person, who happened to be there, imprudently began toexplode some fire-crackers, which so terrified the horses tied at thegate that several of them broke loose and escaped. My wife's horse withthe side-saddle on him escaped with them; then, mounting my own horse,I started in pursuit, but failed to overtake the runaway. Finally itjoined a herd of mares, and these, becoming terrified, fled from me,leading me a chase of several leagues, till I lost sight of them in thedarkness."

  "If your wife resembles mine in disposition, friend," said he, witha somewhat sorrowful smile, "you would have continued following thatrunaway animal with the side-saddle to the end of the world."

  "I can say this," I returned gravely, "without a side-saddle, good orbad, I am not going to present myself before her. I intend inquiring atevery house on my way to the Lomas de Rocha till I can hear of one forsale."

  "What will you give for one?" said he, becoming interested.

  "That will depend on its condition. If it is as good as new I will givethe amount it cost and two dollars profit besides."

  "I know of a side-saddle that cost ten dollars a year ago, but it hasnever been used. It belongs to a neighbour three leagues from here, andshe would sell it, I believe."

  "Show me the house," I said, "and I will go directly and offer twelvedollars for it."

  "You speak of Dona Petrona's side-saddle, Antonio?" said the littlewife. "She would sell it for what it cost--perhaps for eight dollars.Ah, pumpkin-head, why did you not think to make all that profit? Then Icould have bought slippers and a thousand things."

  "You are never satisfied, Cleta," he returned. "Have you not gotslippers to your feet?"

  She tossed up a pretty foot and displayed it cased in rather a shabbylittle slipper. Then, with a laugh, she kicked it off towards him."There," she exclaimed, "put it in your bosom and keep it--somethingprecious! And some day when you go to Montevideo, and wish to appearvery grand before all the town, wear it on your great toe."

  "Who expects reason from a woman?" said Antonio, shrugging hisshoulders.

  "Reason! you have no more brains than a Muscovy duck, Antonio. You mighthave made this profit, but you never can make money like other men, andtherefore you will always be poorer than the spiders. I have said thisbefore very often, and only hope you will not forget it, for in future Iintend to speak of other things."

  "Where would I have got the ten dollars to pay Petrona for the saddle?"he retorted, losing his temper.

  "My friend," I said, "if the saddle can be had, it is only just thatyou should have the profit. Take ten dollars, and if you buy it for me Iwill pay you two more."

  This proposal pleased him greatly, while Cleta, the volatile, clappedher hands with delight. While Antonio prepared to go to his neighbour'safter the saddle I went out to a solitary thorn-tree about fifty yardsfrom the _rancho_, and, spreading m
y _poncho_ in the shade, lay down tosleep the siesta.

  Before the shepherd had been long gone I heard a great noise in thehouse, like banging on doors and on copper vessels, but took no notice,supposing it to proceed from Cleta engaged in some unusually noisydomestic operation. At length I heard a voice calling to me, "Senor!Senor!"

  Getting up, I went to the kitchen, but no person was there. Suddenlya loud knock was given on the door communicating with the second room."Oh, my friend," cried Cleta's voice behind it, "my ruffian of a husbandhas locked me in--can you let me out, do you think?"

  "Why has he locked you in?" I asked.

  "The question! Because he is a brute, of course. He always does it whenhe goes out. Is it not horrible?"

  "It only shows how fond he is of you," I returned.

  "Are you so atrocious as to defend him? And I thought you had aheart--so handsome, too! When I saw you I said, Ah, had I married thisman, what a happy life!"

  "Thank you for your good opinion," I said. "I am very sorry you arelocked in, because it prevents me from seeing your pretty face."

  "Oh, you think it pretty? Then you _must_ let me out. I have put up myhair now, and look prettier than when you saw me."

  "You look prettier with it down," I answered.

  "Ah, down it goes again then!" she exclaimed.--"Yes, you are right, itdoes look best that way. Is it not like silk? You shall feel it when youliberate me."

  "That I cannot do, Cleta mine. Your Antonio has taken away the key."

  "Oh, cruel man! He left me no water, and I am perishing with thirst.What shall I do? Look, I will put my hand under the door for you to feelhow hot it is; I am consumed with fever and thirst in this oven."

  Presently her little brown hand came out at my feet, there beingsufficient space between the floor and wood to pass it through. Istooped and took it in mine, and found it a hot, moist little hand, witha pulse beating very fast.

  "Poor child!" I said, "I will pour some water in a plate and pass it toyou under the door."

  "Oh, you are bad to insult me!" she cried. "What, am I a cat to drinkwater from a plate? I could cry my eyes out"; here followed sob-likesounds. "Besides," she suddenly resumed, "it is fresh air, not water,I require. I am suffocated, I cannot breathe. Oh, dear friend, save mefrom fainting. Force back the door till the bolt slips out."

  "No, no, Cleta, it cannot be done."

  "What, with your strength! I could almost do it myself with my poorlittle hands. Open, open, open, before I faint."

  She had evidently sunk down on the floor sobbing, after making thatpractical suggestion; and, casting about for burglarious implements toaid me, I found the spit and a wedge-shaped piece of hard wood. TheseI inserted just above and below the lock, and, forcing back the door onits frame, I soon had the satisfaction of seeing the bolt slip from thecatch.

  Out sprang Cleta, flushed, tearful, her hair all in disorder, butlaughing gleefully at having regained her liberty.

  "Oh, dear friend, I thought you were going to leave me!" she cried. "Howagitated I am--feel how my heart beats. Never mind, I can now pay thatwretch out. Is not revenge sweet, sweet, sweet?"

  "Now, Cleta," I said, "take three mouthfuls of fresh air and a drink ofwater, then let me lock you in again."

  She laughed mockingly, and shook her hair like a wild young colt.

  "Ah, you are not serious--do you not think I know?" she cried. "Youreyes tell me everything. Besides, you could not shut me up again if youtried." Here she made a sudden dash at the door, but I caught her andheld her a close prisoner.

  "Let me go, monster--oh, no, not monster, dear, sweet friend, beautifulas the--moon, sun, stars. I am dying for fresh air. I will come back tothe oven before he returns. If he caught me out, what blows! Come, letus sit under the tree together."

  "That would be disobeying your husband," I said, trying to look stern.

  "Never mind, I will confess it all to the priest some day, then it willbe as if it had never happened. Such a husband--poof! If you were not amarried man--_are_ you married? What a pity! Say again, am I pretty?"

  "Say first, Cleta, have you a horse a woman can ride on, and if you haveone, will you sell it to me?"

  "Oh, yes, the best horse in the Banda Oriental. They say it is worthsix dollars--will you buy it for six dollars? No, I shall not sell it--Ishall not tell you that I have a horse till you answer me. Am I pretty,sir stranger?"

  "Tell me first about the horse, then ask me what you like."

  "Nothing more will I tell you--not a word. Yes, everything. Listen. WhenAntonio comes back, ask him to sell you a horse for your wife to ride.He will try to sell you one of his own, a demon full of faults like hismaster; false-footed, lame in the shoulder, a roarer, old as the southwind. A black piebald--remember. Offer to buy a roan with a cream nose.That is my horse. Offer him six dollars. Now say, am I pretty?"

  "Oh, beautiful, Cleta; your eyes are stars, your mouth is a rosebud,sweeter than honey a thousand times."

  "Now you talk like a wise man," she laughed; then, holding my hand, sheled me to the tree and sat down by my side on the _poncho_.

  "And how old are you, little one?" I asked.

  "Fourteen--is that very old? Ah, fool, to tell my age truly--no womandoes that. Why did I not say thirteen? And I have been married sixmonths, such a long time! I am sure I have green, blue, yellow, greyhairs coming out all over my head by this time. And what about my hair,sir, you never spoke of that? Did I not let it down for you? Is it notsoft and beautiful? Tell me, sir, what about my hair?"

  "In truth it is soft and beautiful, Cleta, and covers you like a darkcloud."

  "Does it not! Look, I will cover my face with it. Now I am hidden likethe moon in a cloud, and now, look, out comes the moon again! I have agreat respect for the moon. Say, holy friar, am I like the moon?"

  "Say, little sweet lips, why do you call me holy friar?"

  "Say first, holy friar, am I like the moon?"

  "No, Cleta, you are not like the moon, though you are both marriedwomen; you are married to Antonio--"

  "Poor me!"

  "And the moon is married to the sun."

  "Happy moon, to be so far from him!"

  "The moon is a quiet wife, but you chatter like a paroquet."

  "And am I not able to be quiet also, monk? Look, I will be quiet asthe moon--not a word, not a breath." Then she threw herself back onthe poncho, feigning sleep, her arms above her head, her hair scatteredeverywhere, only a tress or two half shading her flushed face and round,heaving bosom that would not be quiet. There was just a little mockingsmile on her lips, just a little gleam of laughing eyes under herdrooping lashes, for she could not help watching my face for admiration.In such an attitude the tempting little witch might have made the tepidblood of an ascetic boil.

  Two or three hours thus flew swiftly by while I listened to her livelyprattle, which, like the lark's singing, had scarcely a pause in it, herattempt at being still and moonlight having ended in a perfect fiasco.At length, pouting her pretty lips and complaining of her hard lot,she said it was time to go back to her prison; but all the time I wasengaged in forcing back the bolt into its place she chattered withoutceasing. "Adieu, Sun, husband of the moon," she said. "Adieu, sweet,sweet friend, buyer of side-saddles! They were all lies you told--Iknow, I know. You want a horse and sidesaddle to carry off some girlto-night. Happy she! Now I must sit in the dark alone, alone, alone,till Antonio, the atrocious, comes to liberate me with his iron key--ah,fool!"

  Before I had been long back under my tree, Antonio appeared, bringingthe side-saddle in triumph on his horse before him. After going into release his wife he came out and invited me to take _mate_. I thenmentioned my wish to buy a good horse; he was only too willing to sell,and in a few minutes his horses were driven up for inspection. Theblack piebald was first offered, a very handsome, quiet-lookinganimal, apparently quite sound. The cream-nose, I noticed, was a bony,long-bodied brute, with sleepy eyes and a ewe neck. Could it be that thelittle double-dealing w
itch had intended to deceive me? But in a momentI dismissed such a suspicion with the scorn it merited. Let a womanbe as false as she can, and able to fool her husband to the top of herbent, she is, compared with the man who wishes to sell you a horse,openness and truth itself. I examined the piebald critically, walkingand trotting him round; looked into his mouth, then at hoofs andfetlocks, beloved of windgalls; gazed with fixed attention into his eyesand dealt him a sudden brisk blow on the shoulder.

  "No weak spot will you find, senor," said Antonio the mendacious, whowas certainly the greatest of the three sinners met together in thatplace. "He is my best horse, only four years old, gentle as a lamb,sound as a bell. Sure-footed, senor, like no other horse; and with suchan easy pace you can ride him at a gallop with a tumbler of water inyour hand and not spill a drop. I will give him away to you for tendollars, because you have been generous about the side-saddle, and I amanxious to serve you well."

  "Thank you, my friend," I said. "Your piebald is fifteen years old, lamein the shoulders, broken in his wind, and has more vices than any sevenhorses in the Banda Oriental. I would not allow my wife to ride such adangerous brute, for, as I told you, I have not been long married."

  Antonio framed his face to express astonishment and virtue indignant;then with the point of his knife he scratched the figure of a cross onthe ground, and was about to swear solemnly on it that I was egregiouslymistaken, that his beast was a kind of equine angel, ora Pegasus, atleast, when I interfered to stop him. "Tell as many lies as you like," Isaid, "and I will listen to them with the greatest interest; but do notswear on the figure of the cross to what is false, for then the fouror five or six dollars profit you have made on the side-saddle willscarcely be sufficient to buy you absolution for such a sin."

  He shrugged his shoulders and restored the sacrilegious knife to itssheath. "There are my horses," he said in an injured tone. "They area kind of animal you seem to know a great deal about; select one anddeceive yourself. I have endeavoured to serve you; but there are somepeople who do not know a friend when they see one."

  I then minutely examined all the other horses, and finally finished thefarce by leading out the roan cream-nose, and was pleased to notice thecrestfallen expression of my good shepherd.

  "Your horses do not suit me," I said, "so I cannot buy one. I will,however, purchase this old cow; for it is the only animal here I couldtrust my wife on. You can have seven dollars for it--not one coppermore, for, like the Emperor of China, I speak once only."

  He plucked off his purple headgear and scratched his raven head, thenled me back to the kitchen to consult his wife, "For, senor," he said,"you have, by some fatality, selected her horse." When Cleta heard thatseven dollars had been offered for the roan, she laughed with joy. "Oh,Antonio, he is only worth six dollars! Yes, senor, you shall have him,and pay the seven dollars to me. Not to my husband. Who will say nowthat I cannot make money? And now, Antonio, I have no horse to ride on,you can give me the bay with white forefeet."

  "Do not imagine such a thing!" exclaimed her husband.

  After taking _mate_ I left them to settle their affairs, not doubtingwhich would come out best from a trial of skill. When I arrived in sightof Peralta's trees I unsaddled and picketed my horses, then stretchedmyself out on my rugs. After the excitements and pleasures of thatday, which had robbed me of my siesta, I quickly fell into a very soundsleep.