Page 8 of Callis Rose

  Sara came out at that point.

  “Hey, honey, I was just telling my man here how we go at it.”

  His wife looked over at Danny with a look of questioning intermingled with embarrassment, something Danny himself was feeling.

  “Uh…” Sara said, looking to change the subject. “Mr. Reynolds, Erik is in the bath getting cleaned up. Does he have any clothes for when he gets out?”

  Danny noted that Dom looked back in the house like he was eager to get inside.

  “Umm, gonna hit that tonight,” Dom said, turning back to his wife and biting on his bottom lip.

  “What’s gotten into you, Dom?” Sara asked, truly perplexed. “I thought your condition didn’t allow you to have intercourse.”

  “Crazy! What are you talking about?” Dom said, swirling his finger around the side of his head. “She can’t get enough,” he told Danny, grabbing his wife by the waist.

  It was not lost on Danny that Sara pulled away with no small measure of disgust.

  “As a new fostering family, you both realize that Social Services will be making many (he stressed many) unannounced visits to check up on the kids.”

  “During the day, right?” Dom asked. “Ah, I mean, because I really like to sleep. I mean after me and the missus hit it.”

  “I would imagine the visits would be during the day unless we have reason to come out at other times. And I’m sorry, Mrs. Capilio.”

  “Sara,” she told him.

  “Sara. Erik and Callis don’t have much of anything. It seems that their previous foster parent sold everything they had.”

  “That’s terrible!” Sara said, putting her hand to her chest. “Those poor kids.”

  “How old are the kids?” Dom asked.

  “Erik we think is ten, although we don’t have accurate records on him. His grandmother who was suffering from dementia turned him in voluntarily when he was a toddler. We don’t know what happened to the birth mother. And I believe Callis just turned twelve.” Danny told him.

  “Ten and twelve, such innocent ages,” Dom said wistfully.

  “I can’t do this anymore,” Danny said as he hopped into the van. Sara was back in the house, Dom was waiting patiently on the porch for Danny to leave. “How did that pervert make it past the interview process?” Danny had seen unfit parents before and had made copious notes about his feelings and his informed judgments only to have them time and time again swept into a huge refuse pile.

  It had been made abundantly clear to him as the first point of contact with the new foster families that he was merely a delivery boy, no matter what his job description had said when he had applied for the job. “Four years as an engineering major, with a minor in psychology. And two more earning my masters in the Social Services field so that I can drop kids off into the worst possible environments.”

  “Just find them a home and get them there, that’s our only concern,” his boss had told him once.

  “This is bullshit,” he said as he pulled away. Dom looked relieved, like the cat had finally gone out and now he was free to play. “Only you’re not a mouse are you, Mr. Capilio? You’re a rat,” Danny said into the fading image in his rear view mirror. After he spent two hours writing his report, he attached his resignation to the top and dropped it on his supervisor’s desk.

  She got off the phone and picked it up. “You lasted more than most,” she said as she began to file his paperwork.

  “You going to read my report?” he asked, turning back towards her. “You’re not are you?” When she didn’t respond. “Go to hell, Sandy,” he told her and walked out.

  “We do the best we can,” she told his retreating back.

  “You keep telling yourself that. Maybe that allows you to sleep at night, but not me.” And he left.

  The first few days were tense in the Capilio household. Erik was, pardon the pun, scared shitless of Callis and what she could do. And Mr. Capilio was doing everything in his power to catch sight of the kids in various states of undress, always apologizing profusely when he walked into the bathroom or a bedroom unannounced. Callis was not happy that all the doors in the household had no locks.

  She had made sure that any bathroom visits would happen only when Dom was at work. That, however, was going to be difficult with the upcoming weekend. If not for Mr. Capilio, Callis thought she might actually like it here. Sara was about as nice a person as she had ever met. That was why she couldn’t figure out why she had saddled herself with Dom.

  Friday night came and Mr. Capilio brought them all to Chuck E. Cheese. Sara thought that was just about the sweetest thing in the world. Callis watched as Dom took in all the children around him, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Several times he had to excuse himself to the rest room.

  “You should lay off the soda, you know what that does to you,” Sara had told him.

  “I know, I know. I’ll be right back.”

  Callis watched as he constantly touched down there. ‘Adjusting myself.’ He had once told her when he caught her watching. Dom’s breathing was quickened from the sight of so many kids. His face was flushed with excitement. He had hurriedly left the main room.

  Callis notice him repeatedly looking in the rear view mirror at her as they headed home. He could barely sit still while they sat and watched a kid-friendly DVD in the living room.

  He stood up at the conclusion of the movie and clapped his hands together once startling the group. “Great night, great night, time for bed.”

  “Bed?” Sara asked him. “It’s nine.”

  “You read the file, Sara. These kids have had no supervision whatsoever. It’s our job to ensure that they get some now so they don’t grow up wrong and twisted.”

  “Twisted? Really?” Sara asked.”I think they’ll be fine if they stay up another hour.”

  “I don’t think they will be!” he said hotly.

  Sara blinked hard at him; he had surprised her with his outburst. “Okay, okay, if you feel that adamant about it.”

  He glossed over his outburst with a greasy smile. “I do. I just want to do them right.”

  “You sure are taking this father role seriously,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the lips. He was looking over at Callis, Callis’ face blanched. “Alright, kids, dad Dom says it’s time for bed. Come to think of it I am a little tired,” she said, stretching and stifling a yawn.

  You should be, Dom thought, I put two valiums in your iced tea.

  Callis went up to her room. She had avoided Sara’s hugs since that first day, convinced that if she displayed affection with her, Dom would try to get his hands on her, too. She was young and inexperienced, but she wasn’t naive.

  Callis lay in bed. She was on her back with her hands clasped under her head thinking about her best friend Cathy and wondering what she was up to. Last time they had hung out was the night before her parents had died. How could I have not known what was going to happen that next day? Her head quickly pivoted towards her bedroom door when she heard something brush up against it. Her eyes struggled to pierce the darkness as she heard the handle turn slowly.

  Her heart, which had been beating with the cadence of a funeral drum – slow and sadly – was now in overdrive. She could hear the door as it slid over and across the carpet, her senses so heightened she could hear each fiber being bent back and then popping into its former position. She closed her eyes to slits as the figure in the doorway was now softly backlit by the nightlight in the hallway.

  Her mouth dried when she realized it was Mr. Capilio. He had no shirt on and it appeared to her that he was wearing only boxer briefs.

  Please just be checking if I’m asleep, PLEASE, she begged.

  She watched as he turned quickly behind him, when he was satisfied the coast was clear he walked into the room, slowly shutting the door behind him. Callis could hear his breathing, it was fast and shallow. He approached slowly; Callis clamped her eyes shut hoping he would leave. When she felt his hand on her belly, she involunta
rily let out a small yelp.

  A strong hand clamped over her mouth as her eyes opened wide. Dom was ogling down at her. Then he knelt down by the side of her bed so that his face was right next to hers.

  “That won’t do,” he said softly. “We’re going to need to be quiet, aren’t we? Mmm…you smell so good,” he said. Getting close to her ear, he licked her neck. Callis tried to pull away but he was so strong. “You’ve been teasing me this whole week, you little bitch. Now daddy’s going to make you pay for being such a bad girl.” The hand that was on her belly moved up just under the beginning swells of her breasts. “Oh yeah, you like that don’t you?”

  Callis was trying to shake her head back and forth, she couldn’t move.

  “Me and you are going to have so much fun together,” he said, taking his hand off her chest and reaching through his piss hole to pull out his stiffening member. “You want to see don’t you? I can tell by that look in your eyes.” He started to rise, his hand on his cock. “Look.” And then a strangled cry came from his mouth as he froze in a half-standing, half-crouching position.

  Callis scrambled quickly out from under his hand and off the other side of the bed. Dom did not move except for his eyes. His eyes took on the look of panic that Callis had been wearing only a moment before.

  “You’re a sick person, Mr. Capilio,” Callis said as she made Dom’s hand that had previously been over her mouth move towards his penis. His left hand was wrapped tightly around the base and with his right she made him grab it like a person would grab a broom handle and then she made a snapping motion, she released control right after the popping and tearing sound.

  Dom fell to the floor writhing and screaming in agony.

  “Yes, Dom, me and you are going to have so much fun,” Callis told him as she came around to the bottom of the bed so she could see him.

  The hallway light came on and the fast footfalls of Sara approached. She threw open Callis’ bedroom door, turning on the light. Dom was on the floor in the fetal position rocking back and forth, his hands clasped over his now deformed and rapidly purpling penis. Erik had followed to see what was the matter.

  “What happened?” Sara asked groggily, doing her best to catch up with her drug addled mind.

  “She broke my dick!” Dom was screaming.

  “What? Why? Callis?”

  “Whose room is he in…in the middle of the night?” Callis asked.

  “What is wrong with you!” Sara shouted at her husband. “You told me that sex offender charge was due to relieving yourself in public!”

  “Get me an ambulance.” He was full-on crying now. “I’ll explain later, I’m in agony. I just came in to see if she was sleeping, and...and then I fell.”

  “You fell on your dick and broke it? I hope it hurt. Are you alright sweetheart?” Sara asked as she walked around his form to grab Callis’ hand and get her out of the room.

  Sara’s only call was to the police. A familiar face showed up to take the report, although this time as Detective Tynes. She figured she’d let him call for an ambulance if he so desired. She was shaking from the whole affair, and for the thirtieth time she asked Callis if he had hurt her, and for the thirtieth time Callis had told her that he had hurt himself before he had a chance.

  A lot happened the next day. Social Services showed up, as did Sara’s divorce lawyer who happened to be a family friend.

  Mr. Capilio was going to need to spend a few more days in the hospital before he was transported to the county jail.

  “Mrs. Capilio, this is highly irregular,” Bonnie Spivey, the senior Social Services agent said. At a svelte 250 pounds and all of four foot eleven, Sara wondered why she dyed her hair that horrible orange color. She thought it made the woman look like a pumpkin. “With an accusation of this magnitude, the children should be relocated.”

  “I understand that, but it was always my intention and I thought my soon to be ex-husband’s also, to give kids who needed a home...well to give them one. Especially when we discovered he couldn’t have any.”

  “Oh yes, permanent impotence? According to the file,” Bonnie replied.

  “Apparently only when dealing with people above the age of seventeen,” Sara said caustically.

  “Be that as it may, I don’t feel comfortable leaving the children here. But…” She continued when it looked like Sara was going to protest, “We just don’t have any other place to put them. You can assure me that Mr. Capilio will not be entering this home again?”

  “I have already started divorce proceedings and placed a temporary restraining order on him should he be fortunate enough to receive bail, which is highly unlikely considering he has broken the terms of his parole.”

  “Ah, yes,” Bonnie said as she placed her glasses back on. “Public masturbation within a hundred feet of a school.”

  “What? He told me he was urinating in an alley after leaving a bar.”

  Bonnie showed the case file to Sara.

  “And you still saw this house as a good fit after this? What is wrong with you people?” Sara questioned. “I don’t know which of you are sicker. The kids will be fine here now, you should leave.”

  “I’ll be in touch.” Bonnie said, rising.

  “Wonderful, get out. I’ll keep you informed if I marry Ted Bundy.”

  “We’re staying?” Callis asked as Sara walked into her room. Callis had been sitting on the edge of her bed, dressed and ready to go.

  “Yes. Is that alright?”

  “I guess,” Callis answered honestly. “Mr. Capilio coming home?”

  “Never, sweetheart, never.”

  “Then it’s alright with me.”

  “We’ll make this work, you have my word,” Sara told her.

  Callis didn’t say anything; she lacked faith in most adults.

  Dom Capilio plea-bargained to mischievous conduct involving a minor, which was still a violation of his probation and was going to cost him five years of his life. It, however, was a win-win for all involved. If it went to trial, Callis would have to testify, and she was unsure if she would be convincing enough to a jury as to how Mr. Capilio had actually hurt himself.

  On Mr. Capilio’s end, any conviction involving a child and a sex act would cost him twenty years, plus Callis scared him to no end. He didn’t know how she had taken control of him, and like all sexual predators, he was used to dominating…not being dominated. If he never laid eyes on her again, that would be too soon.

  The surgeons had worked for four hours straight repairing his multitude of injuries. They were unsure if he would ever be able to use it for anything other than elimination.

  Chapter 6

  For over two years Sara raised the two orphans as if they were her own. Erik flourished under the constant attention and love. Callis took longer to come around, but just as she was getting ready to call Sara some form of ‘mother’ she noted the Social Services car in the driveway.

  Callis hurriedly went into the house, placed her book bag down on the table and went in to the living room. Her mo...Sara was crying with her face covered by her hands.

  “How could you?” she asked through the haze of tears.

  “The children are in danger here. It is my department’s job to make sure that all of our charges are safe,” Bonnie, the original pumpkin lady, said.

  “This makes no sense. My ex-husband is in prison and will be for another three years. I’ve been raising Erik and Callis for two years. We’ve had some problems, but we’re happy, we’re a family. How dare you come in here now!” she yelled as she was in the act of standing. “And tell me they’re in danger, you hypocritical fools. I have proof that you knew my husband was a sexual deviant, and yet you STILL allowed us to foster. So don’t give me that bullshit about having the kids’ best interest at heart.”

  “Yes well that was a regrettable oversight on one of our employees’ parts. He has since been terminated.”

  “So you believe me to be a danger also?” Sara questioned. She continue
d before Bonnie could respond. “And yet you allowed the children to stay another two years. Does that make any sense to you…any sense at all?”

  “The department is overworked and understaffed; we do the best we can.”

  “I don’t want your excuses, you little twit. I want to know how you think taking two kids out of a loving home is somehow better for them.”

  “Well, if you loved them so much, perhaps you should have adopted them and this point would be moot.”

  “How dare you, you pompous pumpkin!”

  Bonnie flinched in her seat.

  “I divorced and sent my sick ex-husband to prison, I have worked my tail off to make sure my stay-at-home business would allow me the opportunity to stay home and raise these two kids right.”

  “We give you stipends for the children.”

  “Are you talking about that five hundred dollar a piece pittance? That barely covers food, apparently you don’t have children.”

  “Well not that it’s any of your business…but no, I don’t.”

  “I’m telling you, we’re making it work here. I love them, and I’m pretty sure they feel the same way.”

  “We do,” Callis said from the kitchen juncture point.

  “I’m sorry, Callis, I didn’t mean for you to see me screaming,” Sara said as she wiped away her tears.

  “What’s going on?” Callis asked. She knew the answer; she had yet to process it, though.

  “Social Services, in its infinite wisdom, believes this house to be a danger to you and Erik’s well-being and want to find another home for the both of you,” Sara said.

  Callis staggered. “I like it here, please.”

  “Well that’s not really my decision,” Bonnie said as she stood. “This house has been deemed unsafe and will be stricken from our foster parent list.”

  “Besides my parents, Sara has been the nicest adult I’ve ever known. You can’t do this,” Callis pleaded.

  Sara broke out in a fresh sob. “I’ll fight this, I’ll sue.”

  “Go ahead,” Bonnie told her. “Your husband is a convicted sex offender. We can drag this out in litigation until the kids are old enough to collect social security.”