And I'll always be in your heart
Most of all
If it's meant to be
Then I'll see you again
But for now I must go
So it's time you start
Letting go
Running Away
Running away will not solve your problems
You can run as fast and far as you can
But your problems will chase you
You cannot hide from them
They'll follow you no matter where you go
So instead of disappearing
Find a way to solve them
Nobody said life would be easy
But worth it
So instead find a solution
Because running isn't one
Music Helps
Music helps cure my headaches
Block out annoying sounds
Such as car horns & the TV
Without music I would go insane
So sit back and relax
Put on your headphones and play your favorite tunes
Or blast them in the car with some friends
Jam out in your bedroom
If you had a bad day
Just turn a song on
Sing along and dance
No matter what music is always a must
Because music always helps
Happy Birthday
Today is your special day
It's your birthday
So celebrate
Laugh and dance
Have fun
Because today is your day
For years you have been my mom
And everyday with you is the best
I wouldn't want any other mom
Do what you want
Be happy
I love you
And hope you like this
Happy Birthday Mom!
Didn't Know I Could Feel This Way
I always thought love was a myth
Until the day I met you
You opened my eyes
And made me see
That love is real
When I'm around you the sun is brighter
The grass is greener
I'm falling so hard for you
But you're falling for her
She's everything that I'm not
Why can't you see
That you should be with me
She'll only hurt you
But you're blind to my love
So I'll long for you while you chase after her
Little Girls
Little girls are easy
We play pretend and act like princesses
No matter how cheesy your jokes are we still laugh
Because when your five
You don't worry about much
And when we grow up
We hope to live in a castle
And live happily ever after
Sometimes I miss those days
Of being a little girl
And not have a care in the world
The Months Change
The time ticks by
The days pass by
And the months change
You still stay the same
While everything changes
Summer turns into fall
School starts again
Halloween comes and goes
Soon its Thanksgiving
Fall turns to winter
It snows
People bundle up
And still you are the same
You refuse to change
Even as the months do
Winter becomes spring
And spring becomes summer
You stay where you are
While the endless cycle repeats
And the months change
Already Gone
I am tired of this same old game
So I'll pack my bags and leave
I'll leave you a note saying goodbye
This is the last time you'll hear me
I don't know where I'll go
But I'll get far away from you
Get you out of my head
By the time you get home
I'll be long gone
So don't wait up for me
Because I'm not coming home
The truth is I was already gone months ago
You had your chance to make a choice
But instead you played your mind games
So I'm already gone
End of The Road
Walking along
Wondering what the future holds for me
It's like walking down a road
You don't know where it leads
But you keep walking
Because in the end
You want to know what the end might hold
Maybe you'll hit a dead end
Or come to a fork in the road
Divided into two paths
That might lead any where
Maybe one good
Maybe one bad
But I will continue on until I hit
The end of the road
Catching Something
There's this girl I know
And each day I see her
She's always seems to be catching something
A butterfly
A heart
The flu
A flower
I ask her how she catches so many things
She said she didn't know
This girl is quite odd
Whenever I see her
She's still catching something
Kick Em' Up
Sometimes life can be stressful
Bad day at school
Or a bad day at work
Just kick your feet up
And sit back and relax
Play some tunes
Dance around
Whatever you do just relax
Have some fun
While your still young
Sing like nobody's listening
And dance like nobody's watching
Or just kick em up
I don't hate the color pink
It's just not for me you see
It seems so girly and frilly
I much prefer other colors
Like purple or blue
Green or white
Maybe even red
But pink is not for me
Maybe pink is for you
But for me
I much prefer purple
Because pink is not for me
Just A Dream
I'm just a girl
Living in this crazy world
With a dream that seems
Impossible to achieve
But I won't give up
Somehow I will make something of myself
And I dare anyone to stand in my way
Nothing's impossible
If you try
So don't give up on your dreams
You never know
One day they might come true
Even if it's just a dream
This Room
This old room
Dusty floors
Yellowing wallpaper
Dirty window
It holds many stories
From people who lived there
A baby when it was first born
A toddler playing with his toys
A teenager dancing along to her favorite songs
A couple just married
Grandparents watching their grand-kids play
But now this old room is empty
Waiting for it's next story to be created
Day By Day
Day by day
I watch the cars pass by
The birds fly by
The seasons change
My life is day by day
Nothing much changes
Just an ordinary life I live
Sometimes boring
Sometime exciting
But stays the same
Day by day
I watch the rain fall
The sun rise & set
And the seasons change
Day by day
What would you say
If I asked you to run away with me
You might say I'm mad
But oh no I am not
I am just tired of living in this bland world
This empty life
I want something exciting
Lets run away together
And create our own world
We'll name it wonderland
Together we'll embark on many adventures
Fight dragons
Chase fairy's
Never grow old
Because anything is possible
In wonderland
If you wake one day
Do not be surprised if you cannot find me
I got sick of this boring life
So I decided to leave
Leaving no trace of myself behind
Like I was just a dream
I set off looking for an adventure
I don't know where
But some how
I'll find a more exciting life
Where I end up is mystery
But that doesn't matter
Because I am gone
Revenge Is Sweeter
You played your stupid
Little mind games
And though that
You could get away with it
Sorry that's not how life works
Now I could wait for karma
To get you back
But instead
I'd rather do it myself
Because revenge is sweeter
Your just a cheater
Telling lies your whole life
Too bad for you
I didn't fall for them
So now while your all alone
I'll be out having fun
Because my dear
Revenge is sweeter
Goodbye & Hello
I'm tired of playing this game
Pretending to be someone I'm not
So say goodbye
To the old me
It's time that I stop being someone else
And just be myself
So say hello to me
The real me
It's so nice to finally be free
From a life
Of playing pretend
I'll say goodbye to you as well
And say hello to someone new
Let's play a game you said
It will be fun you said
So I agreed
Each day
You gave me a note
And then I gave you one
We played this game
For weeks
The notes
Had cute messages on them
So one day
I decide to tell you a secret
Then you stopped passing me notes
A week later
I saw you give someone else a note
I didn't know my heart was part of the game
I guess this wasn't our secret game anymore
Music Is Life
For me music is life
And for others too
Some people make a living off music
Some enjoy listening to it
I have yet to find a person
Who hates music
There are many genres of music
Hip- hop
I cannot go a day
Without listening
Or I fear I will go mad
For music is life
I'm Okay
A lie that everyone tells
Passed around
Accessorized with a fake smile
You ask some one how they are
And they respond with I'm okay
When the truth is
On the inside
They're crumbling
Have given up completely
And all they want is someone
To hug them
And say no your not
But you will be
Trust me
I'm okay
I do not look like barbie
I don't have blond hair
And blue eyes
I'm not skinny
My body is not perfect
You expect perfect
But nobody is perfect
So go ahead
Keep looking for barbie
The only thing you'll find
Is a plastic doll
In a box
At a store
Because I'm not barbie
Society has high expectations
You expect thin, perfect looking girls
And buff guys
Sorry but that's not how life is
You teach teens
That its okay to do drugs
Even though it's killing them
That they can skate by on their looks
That only the pretty get far in life
But society is feeding you a false reality
Nobody's perfect
Drugs are bad, they kill you
You don't have to be pretty to get place
Screw society
I'm going to be myself
What Would You Do
What would you do
If today was your last day
How would you spend it
With family and friends
Or would you do something you were scared to do before
If the world was ending
What would you do
Run and hide
Or make the most of the time you had left
You might know now
But if it came down to it
What would you do
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