The day before the games, in the afternoon, all Ilderim's racingproperty was taken to the city, and put in quarters adjoiningthe Circus. Along with it the good man carried a great deal ofproperty not of that class; so with servants, retainers mountedand armed, horses in leading, cattle driven, camels laden withbaggage, his outgoing from the Orchard was not unlike a tribalmigration. The people along the road failed not to laugh athis motley procession; on the other side, it was observed that,with all his irascibility, he was not in the least offended bytheir rudeness. If he was under surveillance, as he had reasonto believe, the informer would describe the semi-barbarous showwith which he came up to the races. The Romans would laugh; thecity would be amused; but what cared he? Next morning the pageantwould be far on the road to the desert, and going with it would beevery movable thing of value belonging to the Orchard--everythingsave such as were essential to the success of his four. He was,in fact, started home; his tents were all folded; the dowar wasno more; in twelve hours all would be out of reach, pursue whomight. A man is never safer than when he is under the laugh;and the shrewd old Arab knew it.

  Neither he nor Ben-Hur overestimated the influence of Messala;it was their opinion, however, that he would not begin activemeasures against them until after the meeting in the Circus;if defeated there, especially if defeated by Ben-Hur, they mightinstantly look for the worst he could do; he might not even waitfor advices from Gratus. With this view, they shaped their course,and were prepared to betake themselves out of harm's way. They rodetogether now in good spirits, calmly confident of success on themorrow.

  On the way, they came upon Malluch in waiting for them. The faithfulfellow gave no sign by which it was possible to infer any knowledgeon his part of the relationship so recently admitted between Ben-Hurand Simonides, or of the treaty between them and Ilderim. He exchangedsalutations as usual, and produced a paper, saying to the sheik,"I have here the notice of the editor of the games, just issued,in which you will find your horses published for the race. You willfind in it also the order of exercises. Without waiting, good sheik,I congratulate you upon your victory."

  He gave the paper over, and, leaving the worthy to master it,turned to Ben-Hur.

  "To you also, son of Arrius, my congratulations. There is nothingnow to prevent your meeting Messala. Every condition preliminaryto the race is complied with. I have the assurance from the editorhimself."

  "I thank you, Malluch," said Ben-Hur.

  Malluch proceeded:

  "Your color is white, and Messala's mixed scarlet and gold. The goodeffects of the choice are visible already. Boys are now hawking whiteribbons along the streets; tomorrow every Arab and Jew in the citywill wear them. In the Circus you will see the white fairly dividethe galleries with the red."

  "The galleries--but not the tribunal over the Porta Pompae."

  "No; the scarlet and gold will rule there. But if we win"--Malluchchuckled with the pleasure of the thought--"if we win, how thedignitaries will tremble! They will bet, of course, according totheir scorn of everything not Roman--two, three, five to oneon Messala, because he is Roman." Dropping his voice yet lower,he added, "It ill becomes a Jew of good standing in the Temple toput his money at such a hazard; yet, in confidence, I will have afriend next behind the consul's seat to accept offers of three toone, or five, or ten--the madness may go to such height. I have putto his order six thousand shekels for the purpose."

  "Nay, Malluch," said Ben-Hur, "a Roman will wager only in hisRoman coin. Suppose you find your friend to-night, and place tohis order sestertii in such amount as you choose. And look you,Malluch--let him be instructed to seek wagers with Messala andhis supporters; Ilderim's four against Messala's."

  Malluch reflected a moment.

  "The effect will be to centre interest upon your contest."

  "The very thing I seek, Malluch."

  "I see, I see."

  "Ay, Malluch; would you serve me perfectly, help me to fix thepublic eye upon our race--Messala's and mine."

  Malluch spoke quickly--"It can be done."

  "Then let it be done," said Ben-Hur.

  "Enormous wagers offered will answer; if the offers are accepted,all the better."

  Malluch turned his eyes watchfully upon Ben-Hur.

  "Shall I not have back the equivalent of his robbery?" said Ben-Hur,partly to himself. "Another opportunity may not come. And if I couldbreak him in fortune as well as in pride! Our father Jacob could takeno offence."

  A look of determined will knit his handsome face, giving emphasisto his further speech.

  "Yes, it shall be. Hark, Malluch! Stop not in thy offer of sestertii.Advance them to talents, if any there be who dare so high. Five, ten,twenty talents; ay, fifty, so the wager be with Messala himself."

  "It is a mighty sum," said Malluch. "I must have security."

  "So thou shalt. Go to Simonides, and tell him I wish the matterarranged. Tell him my heart is set on the ruin of my enemy,and that the opportunity hath such excellent promise that Ichoose such hazards. On our side be the God of our fathers. Go,good Malluch. Let this not slip."

  And Malluch, greatly delighted, gave him parting salutation,and started to ride away, but returned presently.

  "Your pardon," he said to Ben-Hur. "There was another matter.I could not get near Messala's chariot myself, but I had anothermeasure it; and, from his report, its hub stands quite a palmhigher from the ground than yours."

  "A palm! So much?" cried Ben-Hur, joyfully.

  Then he leaned over to Malluch.

  "As thou art a son of Judah, Malluch, and faithful to thy kin,get thee a seat in the gallery over the Gate of Triumph, down closeto the balcony in front of the pillars, and watch well when wemake the turns there; watch well, for if I have favor at all,I will-- Nay, Malluch, let it go unsaid! Only get thee there,and watch well."

  At that moment a cry burst from Ilderim.

  "Ha! By the splendor of God! what is this?"

  He drew near Ben-Hur with a finger pointing on the face of thenotice.

  "Read," said Ben-Hur.

  "No; better thou."

  Ben-Hur took the paper, which, signed by the prefect of theprovince as editor, performed the office of a modern programme,giving particularly the several divertisements provided forthe occasion. It informed the public that there would be first aprocession of extraordinary splendor; that the procession would besucceeded by the customary honors to the god Consus, whereupon thegames would begin; running, leaping, wrestling, boxing, each in theorder stated. The names of the competitors were given, with theirseveral nationalities and schools of training, the trials in whichthey had been engaged, the prizes won, and the prizes now offered;under the latter head the sums of money were stated in illuminatedletters, telling of the departure of the day when the simple chapletof pine or laurel was fully enough for the victor, hungering for gloryas something better than riches, and content with it.

  Over these parts of the programme Ben-Hur sped with rapid eyes.At last he came to the announcement of the race. He read itslowly. Attending lovers of the heroic sports were assuredthey would certainly be gratified by an Orestean struggleunparalleled in Antioch. The city offered the spectacle inhonor of the consul. One hundred thousand sestertii and a crown oflaurel were the prizes. Then followed the particulars. The entrieswere six in all--fours only permitted; and, to further interest inthe performance, the competitors would be turned into the coursetogether. Each four then received description.

  "I. A four of Lysippus the Corinthian--two grays, a bay, and a black;entered at Alexandria last year, and again at Corinth, where theywere winners. Lysippus, driver. Color, yellow.

  "II. A four of Messala of Rome--two white, two black; victors ofthe Circensian as exhibited in the Circus Maximus last year.Messala, driver. Colors, scarlet and gold.

  "III. A four of Cleanthes the Athenian--three gray, one bay;winners at the Isthmian last year. Cleanthes, driver. Color,green.

  "IV. A four of Dicaeus the Byzan
tine--two black, one gray, one bay;winners this year at Byzantium. Dicaeus, driver. Color, black.

  "V. A four of Admetus the Sidonian--all grays. Thrice enteredat Caesarea, and thrice victors. Admetus, driver. Color, blue.

  "VI. A four of Ilderim, sheik of the Desert. All bays; first race.Ben-Hur, a Jew, driver. Color, white."


  Why that name instead of Arrius?

  Ben-Hur raised his eyes to Ilderim. He had found the cause of theArab's outcry. Both rushed to the same conclusion.

  The hand was the hand of Messala!