Page 93 of SIMS

FIVE: Thy Brother's Keeper Chapter 20


  The racket - footsteps in the upstairs hallway, a fist pounding on a door, Betsy's voice shouting - startled Romy awake. She found herself up and moving without knowing how or why.

  "Wake up! Patrick! Romy! It's time! We've got to go!"

  Go? Where? She pulled open her door and caught Betsy as she hurried by. "What's wrong?"

  "Meerm's in hard labor. We can't hold off any longer. Got to get her to the hospital right now!"

  Romy saw Patrick stick his head out of his room and called to him. "Did you hear?"

  He nodded blearily. "What time is it?"

  "Three-twenty!" Betsy cried, moving away. "Get dressed. We've got to move!"

  Romy jumped into her clothes and was down the stairs in seconds, Patrick right behind her. They dashed to Betsy's bedroom where they found a very confused and frightened Meerm lying on a cot and wrapped in blankets.

  "Patrick, you carry her," Betsy said as she yanked the spread and blankets off her own bed. "We'll fix up the car. "

  Romy followed her to the garage where they flattened the rear seats in the Volvo and spread out the bedclothes. Patrick appeared a moment later carrying the moaning Meerm. They nestled her in the rear section.

  "Patrick, you drive," Betsy said. "Do you know the way to the hospital?"

  "No. "

  "I'll direct you, then. Romy, you stay here in the back with me. "

  And then they were on their way, Betsy and Romy kneeling on either side of Meerm in the back as Patrick pulled out of the driveway. Romy opened her PCA and left a beeper message for Zero: "It's happening. We're on our way to the hospital. "

  As she hung up she heard Betsy on her own PCA.

  ". . . know it's Christmas, Joanna, but this is more than just an emergency section, it's an historical event. . . I wish I could say more than that, but I can't. Have I ever lied to you? Well then, believe me, Joanna, youwant to be part of this. Okay, good. I'll see you there. "

  As Betsy hung up and punched in another speed-dial code, she glanced at Romy and smiled. "My surgical team. A dedicated bunch, but itis Christmas Day. My nurse anesthetist is Hindu, so she'll be no problem; but both my scrub nurses have small children. " She shrugged. "One's coming. I hope I can persuade the other. If not. . . do you faint at the sight of blood, Romy?"

  "Me?" Romy said, caught off guard. "No, I'm okay with blood. But if you're talking about assisting on a surgery. . . I don't think. . . "

  "Let's hope you won't have to, but be prepared. I may need you. "

  Slice open Meerm's belly? Romy didn't know if she could help with that.