Page 34 of The Rise of OLMAC

not a wielder of any social power, most in his party followed his direction. The Enlightened party was, by far, the most proactive group of politicians for at least five thousand cas. Most knew the Ascension would occur within their lifetimes, and most were not happy the TELREC would reap the most benefit. It is under the Enlightened party that SC-1 was formed, and a dialogue was established with terrorist groups including the Iganinagi.

  Many times during the battle Theia wanted to relinquish command to her first officer, Oroklos. He was the one with some experience as a clone controller, the one who knew every corridor, junction, and power-relay on the ship. Even now, as they pressed the fight against capital LN-33, it was Oroklos coordinating their assault with the other dromons. She sat in the command chair of the Nemosini, but really, it was less as a Captain and more as a spectator.

  ^Try and concentrate fire on the fighter docks in the left-front quadrant.^ Oroklos spun around, accessing manually systems rendered inactive on the internal cast-net. ^Bring the Catalyst and Xerzhil around to make a quick run, while we concentrate fire with the Roqsid, Gellin, Seldalt, and Rutllac.^

  Oroklos was one of the few battle-tested soldiers in the OLMAC fleet. He logged countless droas on the reconfigured dromons, executing covert missions at Suld’s behest. He was not a native of Gan-Elldon, as he served for the better part of his life as a platoon leader in CRODAM. That rank at first seemed hilarious to Theia, used as she was to seeing CRODAM officers lounging in fleshivals with those they should be arresting. While he certainly had his pick of the attractive women on Gan-Elldon--being a tall, well-built attractive man--he wore a reserved manner, and more often was seen with a quiet, intelligent woman than a flashy, sexual one. It wasn’t long after seeing the way he carried himself, that she knew he would have been a formidable foe for the Iganinagi.

  ^Motive Power stations—I am losing resolution!^ he slammed, momentarily using the manual controls in front of him. ^Switch to backup colvition amplifiers.^

  His hands moved almost as quickly as his mind. The Nemosini was absorbing a great amount of damage, most of it directed at their colvition array. Theia watched as the Catalyst and Xerzhil swung around and struck in like lightning against LN-33. Their emdec cannons lit up part of the capital, as one of the ship’s NnuG generators exploded. Great bluish ripples could be seen floating around the capital, as their barrier energy slowly dissipated.

  ^Now! All cannons, fire!^

  The four dromons came together in close formation, and concentrated their fire on the docks. The barrier energy failed for a moment, and a few shots got through, destroying a portion of the capital’s docks in great orange fire.

  ^Scatter! Proceed along assigned strafing runs!^

  The four ships broke formation, as LN-33 unleashed a torrent of cannon fire. The Seldalt was hit hard, its power failing as it spun in the void.

  ^Damn!^ slammed Oroklos, as he pounded his console in frustration. Theia could feel the mental blast from the capital ship as ment-dex weapons targeted the Seldalt. The pain of her crew could be felt by all those in close proximity. The Saeren of the Seldalt cast for a brief moment.

  ^Best success, Oroklos—avenge us!^

  She could feel the crew die onboard, their CMS systems attacking their own bodies. The ship soon became a floating coffin, its lights going black as its reactors shut down. Oroklos struck his console again with his fist.

  ^Damn. We’re making some progress, but not enough to damage that LN-33,^ he grumbled, turning to face Theia. ^Any suggestions, Saeren?^

  Anxiety gripped Theia’s stomach like never before. She had already led her own people to destruction, and knew she didn’t want to do the same here.


  Oroklos turned back, gritting his teeth. ^Let’s . . . target their engines! Possibly their underbelly is more vulnerable, and—^

  ^Wait.^ Suddenly her confidence returned, as the situation finally cohered in her mind. ^We can’t work in small groups like this anymore. We need to pool the collective firepower of all dromons.^

  ^What do you suggest?^

  ^The same tactic you just used, weakening their barriers in one spot with firepower. Power readings indicate their Motive Power stations to be in the last third of the ship, under the nexus, right?^

  ^Yes, and it is not only the most heavily shielded area, the deck-plating also appears to be thickest there.^

  ^We only need one point to fail,^ she cast, her plan coming into resolution in her mind. I’ve got to show them I’m useful, even valuable, to this ship and the fleet. ^Prepare the mines, but gut the interiors. Place however many clones that will fit in there, and prepare to launch them from each ship. Make sure they have environment suits on.^

  ^What?^ cast Eusis, the clone controller as he spun around to face her. She knew little of Eusis’ past, except that General Ank-Tehht cast to her his recommendation shortly after her dromons became active. Theia could tell he had never served in a military capacity before, as his mind was simple and unfettered with guilt or shame over past actions. His skin was smooth and unblemished by cuts or abrasions. Before the battle was fully engaged, she began to think he was probably a clone engineer, who spent most of his life in the bowels of Gan-Elldon amidst the multitude of life-pods she had seen before.

  ^The dromons will punch a hole,^ continued Theia, ^then fire the mines within. The clones will disembark and attempt to sabotage as many systems as possible.^

  Oroklos thought for a moment. ^Worth a try. Casting plans to all dromons. All ships should have mines ready in five mroas.^

  ^Good. Eusis, status of clone morale?^ asked Theia, finally taking command.

  He accessed their minds. ^They are complying, but feel this is a job better suited for the meta.^

  ^Tell them we will rely on their ingenuity, on their creativity to bring that ship down. Many, if not all of them will be sacrificed, but this is in the defense of OLMAC.^

  Eusis nodded. ^Understood and casting the message.^

  Oroklos finished his preparations, and turned to Theia for a moment. He regarded her with a general’s gaze, one filled with the experience of victory and defeat, one that commanded a great many men and women to their glory and deaths.

  ^I don’t envy the position the Mechle put you in,^ he cast gravely.

  ^You mean taking command of a ship I’ve never flown before, fighting with people who have never fought before, using technology and tools I’ve never ever nest of before?^ asked Theia, a little sarcastically.

  Oroklos managed a smile and a short laugh. ^Yeah, something like that.^

  ^Well, I have a lot of faith in Suld, and he has a lot in me. I appreciate the diplomacy with which you have handled this.^

  Oroklos turned back to his console. ^Strange words to be cast from a terrorist.^

  Theia laughed. ^True! And you act like no CRODAM officer I have ever known. I’ve been told I need to learn how to function more as a politician, than as a warrior. I’d like nothing better than to storm that ship, and fight them hand-to-hand.^

  ^You and me both. But seeing its hull burn and break in the void will be joy enough.^ He paused to nest some communication. ^Getting confirmation . . . all ships ready with clones in mines.^

  ^Good. Organize the ships so those with the most intact barriers form the front, with our ship in the lead position. We’ll soften their barrier, and will need to make as many passes as necessary to do it. Ready?^

  Oroklos took a deep sigh. ^I suppose. Ships coming around now for first pass.^

  The dromons appeared as so many minnows in comparison to the leviathan figure of the capital ship. They came in fast, using thrusters to assume a position perpendicular to the capital-ship’s hull. As soon as they were in position, they used their main guns to begin firing on the hull. Shock-waves of white and yellow radiated outwards, as the capital’s barrier took the punishment. TELREC fighters arced around, quickly deducing their strategy. The dromons suddenly disbursed, now aggressively pursued by the fighters. The Nemosini took
many direct hits as it struggled to shake loose the fighters.

  ^Damage to barrier?^ asked Theia.

  ^Inconclusive. They are emitting several kinds of jamming signals the closer we get to the ship. We will be unable to tell except by visual proof if we have penetrated their hull.^

  ^So we can’t know how many times to make the pass?^

  ^No,^ grumbled Oroklos.

  ^Well, we are committed,^ she cast, growing a little worried. ^Bring all ships around for another pass.^

  The dromons assumed formation, and turned in for another strike at the capital.

  ^Slow all ships down twenty-percent,^ cast Theia. ^We must make this pass count!^


  They began firing on the capital’s hull again, now quickly twisting and turning, doing all they could to avoid the fire of the fighters. The Gellin was hit hard as it pulled away, cannon fire rupturing power conduits, sending the ship into a fatal, sickly turn. As its barrier failed, LN-33 fired ment-dex weapons, killing their crew. The Nemosini led the rest out, but took the brunt of the damage from the TELREC fighters.

  ^Status?!^ slammed Theia, as the Nemosini listed for a moment from more emdec pulses.

  ^Inconclusive,^ replied Oroklos. ^They are still jamming our sensors.^

  Damn! ^Do a focused visual analysis of the area.^

  Oroklos fired off a couple of probes that made it close to the capital before being shot down.

  ^We are succeeding!^ he cried. ^Look!^

  Theia nest