Page 11 of Max

  "Good guess," he says with a smile and shakes her hand.

  "Well, I met Olivia in the family room so I figured that's who you know...with your arm all wrapped around her."

  Garrett laughs and Jules turns to Hawke and Vale. She has no clue who they are, but it doesn't prevent her from sticking her hand out. "I'm Jules."

  "Hawke," he says as he shakes her hand, then nods to Vale. "And this is Vale."

  Jules shoots me a taunting look before she faces Vale--I'm assuming for my Bud Light smackdown--shakes her hand and says, "I just want you to know...several times a week Max eats Snickers and drinks Mountain Dew."

  Vale's eyes snap to mine and her lips flatten. "Is that so?"

  I smirk and wrap my arms around Jules from behind, right over her chest so she's trapped, and pull her up against me. I lean down and put my lips to her ear and whisper, "You're going to pay for that tonight."

  She shivers in my hold and I loosen my grip just enough to put a little space between us as I'm dangerously close to getting hard, and well...that would just be fucking embarrassing. Still, I give her a last parting shot when I say, "That might involve tying you up and spanking you."

  She shivers again, and I chuckle as I kiss her neck, and then I do release her because I will get a hard-on if I don't.

  The waitress arrives with our beers and I give her a twenty, tell her to keep the change. I hand Jules her--gag--Bud Light and take my Molson, holding it up as I say, "Cheers."

  She taps her bottle against mine with a grin. "Cheers."

  "So, Jules," Garrett says conversationally, and she turns to face him. "Just curious what you see in this big dork."

  I roll my eyes but then turn to Jules curiously, because I'm wondering what she'd tell my friends about me when put on the spot. While I notice her cheeks turn a little pink, she looks at Garrett and simply says, "He's my hero."

  Typical funny man that he is, Garrett makes a gagging motion, but grins at her with bright eyes. Olivia and Vale give dreamy sighs and Hawke just looks appraisingly at me, almost as if he's trying to find the superhero cape I'm hiding.

  My chest fills with pride hearing Jules say that, and I drop my hand to her lower back and just press it there to let her know that touched me.

  Garrett immediately goes in for the kill. He leans in conspiratorially to Jules and says, "Did Max tell you about that time he got drunk in Los Angeles after a game and locked himself out of his room wearing nothing but his underwear?"

  Jules' eyes get big and she cranes her neck to look at me, an eyebrow cocked. She then turns back to Garrett. "No, he didn't tell me that. But I think you should."

  Everyone laughs, including me, because fuck it's hilarious and so uncharacteristic of me. I decide to go ahead and take the wind out of Garrett's sails as I tell Jules, "Let's just say I may have drunk some bourbon that night and it didn't agree with me."

  "How did you get back in your room?" she asks curiously.

  "Walked down to the lobby," I say.

  "Stumbled," Garrett adds on.

  "Stumbled down to the lobby," I agree with him. "And just walked up to the front desk and asked for a replacement key. Of course, I had no ID on me and the clerk didn't recognize me so they refused. They finally had to get the manager to let me in, and I just hung out in the lobby in my underwear until he came and rescued me."

  "Oh, good God, Max," Jules says in mock dismay. "You're an embarrassment to humanity."

  "Right?" Garrett adds for emphasis.

  "Well," Hawke says dramatically, with an evil grin aimed at me, and I cringe because I know what that fucker's getting ready to tell Jules. "Not nearly as embarrassing as Max getting nominated as one of America's hottest sports bachelors by Sports World magazine."

  I groan and close my eyes, but I can feel Jules' gaze on me. I open them up and see her staring at me in astonishment.

  "Really?" she asks.

  "I was going to tell you tonight," I mutter with embarrassment. "My agent sent me a text just before the game. I have to do a photo shoot next week or something."

  "The winner will be announced next month and that hottie will grace the cover of the magazine," Hawke adds with an even broader but no less evil grin.

  "How will the winner be chosen?" Jules asks me.

  I groan again, because I am not enthused about this. No way I could decline though, because as my agent explained, press coverage in any form is crucial to keep me relevant to the sporting world. Even if it is for a special issue that will draw in female fans so they can ogle.

  Hawke answers with a lecherous smile aimed at me. "The readers will vote online, and I can tell you...I'm totally voting for Max. He's so dreamy."

  "Fuck off," I mutter as I pop him in the chest with my fist. Not hard enough to really hurt but enough to get his attention. "You're totally ruining my hero image with Jules."

  "Nothing could ruin that, babe," she says as she leans in, peers up at me and wraps an arm around my waist.

  And well, that warrants a kiss. So I give it to her, completely uncaring that four sets of eyes are pinned on us. I give her my mouth and she gives me hers back. I vaguely hear Olivia and Vale sigh again, but surprisingly, no gagging noises from Garrett. When I pull back, I shoot him a look and he just winks at me and I know despite his teasing--because that's the way Garrett is--the fucker is happy for me.

  A quick glance over at Hawke and I see the same on his face.


  "So what did you think about your first Cold Fury get-together?" I ask Jules as we drive to my house. We discussed briefly going to her apartment but immediately discarded it, because her bed is too small and her neighbors too loud.

  "It was great," she says, and I can hear the smile in her voice. "Most everyone was so nice, and I really like Olivia and Vale."

  "Most everyone?" I ask, my hackles rising that someone would dare to not be nice to my Jules. We weren't pinned to each other's sides all evening so I must have missed something.

  She gives a husky laugh. "Just once in the bathroom...that woman Cassie was in there with her sister, Allie. At least I think that's what Olivia said their names are."

  "She say something to you?" I practically growl.

  "Not to me," Jules says. "But she was doing her makeup and talking to her sister, and talking about boning that player she was with...What was his name, Mikkel?"

  "Yup," I acknowledge.

  "Well, it was just crass," Jules says with a slight hint of disgust. "And she said that he was just a stupid Swede and wouldn't know what hit him by the time she was done with him."

  "She's a bitch," I tell Jules point-blank as I turn into my neighborhood. "And her sister is too. There's a few associated with the team that are like that, but you just have to ignore them. They love the attention, even if it's negative."

  "I never did understand women like that." Jules laughs. "It's an embarrassment to our gender."

  "See," I tease her with a quick glance her way. The interior is dark and I can just make out the glow of her in the dashboard lights. Just exquisite. "I told you that you were one in a million, and that's why I snapped you up."

  "Garrett's are a dork," she tells me, again teasingly, but her voice is a little husky. She then turns in her seat, leans across the console and puts her hand on my thigh. The muscles immediately jump in acknowledgment of her touch.

  "That right?" I murmur as her hand drifts up my leg.

  "Mmmm-hmmm," she purrs, and then she's palming my dick, which starts to get hard. I barely realize I have another left turn to make and I curse when she grips me through the material of my pants.

  "Baby," I mutter, my hands holding the wheel tightly. "Want me to wreck?"

  "Nope," she answers as her fingers grasp my zipper and give it a little tug. "Better concentrate."

  "Christ," I mutter as my cock goes fully hard and the zipper slides down.

  One in a fucking million.

  Pure lust-induced adrenaline courses through m
e as Max responds to my bold move.

  Totally bold.

  Totally unlike me.

  I've never been an aggressor or an initiator, but there's something about Max that is always beckoning to me to step past the edges of my comfort zone. Tonight was just one round of extreme awesomeness in my life, and it's left me feeling jubilant and playful.

  Definitely hungry for Max.

  The hockey game tonight was awesome and was hard fought. At the end of regulation play, the Cold Fury and the Vancouver Flash were tied 2-2. I had no clue what that meant but Kate filled me in that the teams would play a five minute overtime period with only three players on each team out on the ice, in addition to the goalie. That five minutes about had my heart stopping several times as Max battled for his team.

  When that ended with the game still tied, Kate then filled me in on the shootout, and I have never screamed louder in my life each time a Flash player streaked down the ice toward Max. But he was brilliant and perfect and amazing and yes, he pulled the victory out for his team by stopping all the shots while the Flash goalie let one slide by.

  Our time at Houlihan's was just as awesome. The vibe was electric, watching players and fans celebrate the win, and I really had no clue how serious this community took the sport and their team. I watched with pride and wonder as Max posed with fans for pictures and signed autographs. I stood next to him most of the time, his arm wrapped protectively around my back. He was openly attentive to me, which was not something I expected or needed, but something I appreciated, since I was the new girl on the block. And when Max was called away to pose for pictures or even talk with some of his teammates, Olivia and Vale kept me amused with stories about this crazy group of guys.

  Even the horrid experience of listening to that girl Cassie in the bathroom wasn't enough to even remotely dampen my fun, because it made me realize how lucky I was to have someone like Max and to be a part of his world.

  Yes, a night of complete awesomeness, but I have a feeling all of that will pale in comparison to where we're headed right now. It's been a long week since we've been together, and sex with Max was beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I've never been with someone that was so singularly compatible to me in almost all ways, but most assuredly in the bedroom. For as sweet as Max is in his normal life, he's a bit of a freak in the bed, and while this was not something I was used to as my own sex life had been quite boring, I found myself loving every bit of it.

  I responded to every bit of it because I was yearning to be as close to Max as I could, and that meant opening myself up fully to him. The minute I decided to let myself go and trust in what he was doing to me, I had the most explosive orgasms I've ever had in my life. They were brutal and terrifying in the way that made me realize I could become addicted to his brand of lovemaking, but they were beautiful and fulfilling too.

  I ached to have that again, and that feeling coupled with the magnificent time I had tonight watching Max in his world has me feeling frisky.

  So I figure I'll start tonight's adventure with a little bit of a bold move on my part.

  I manage to easily slide his zipper down and that's only because it's pulled tight over his straining erection. The belt though is impossible to work with one hand, so I quickly sit up and undo my seatbelt.

  "Jules," Max warns, but then his mouth snaps shut when both hands get to work on his belt buckle.

  I get it open along with the button just as he makes the last turn onto the street his house sits on. Max's breath hisses through his teeth and he manages to lift his hips a bit so I can pull his pants open and free his cock.

  And I take in a tremulous breath as I see it through the dim light of the dashboard.

  It's fucking beautiful. Everything a cock should be. Long, thick, and beautifully veined.

  The things he did to me with that cock.

  My mouth waters and I feel Max's car start to slow, figure we're on the verge of pulling into his driveway, so I don't waste any time. I scramble to my knees, stretch across the console and drop my head. The minute the head of his dick hits my tongue, Max curses, thrusts his hips up, and he hits the brakes too hard, causing my body to start to roll toward the dashboard.

  His arm is lightning quick as it wraps around my waist, and without even missing a beat, I sink lower onto him, taking him as far back in my mouth as I can get him.

  "Fuck, Jules," he groans as I pull up to the tip, lick around the head and then suck him back in. His hand goes to the back of my head and he palms it gently although his hips rotate in a silent plea for me to keep going.

  His lust becomes my lust and his need becomes mine. I want to suck every inch of him down and I want him to give me every drop he has. I start to bob on his cock, the sounds of his panting and groaning urging me faster. I wrap my hand around the bottom of his shaft and I squeeze and twist on my upward pulls.

  Max's fingers tighten in my hair and he mutters, "Jules...slow down."

  I go faster.

  Max tugs on my hair. "Jules...hold up."

  I suck harder.

  "Fuck, Jules," Max growls as he grips a handful of hair and pulls up my head, placing his other hand on my cheek. He tugs gently and I finally unlatch my mouth to look up at him.

  I blink, momentarily surprised that I can see his face clearly from some type of illumination outside of the car. I turn my head, look around and get my bearings, realizing we're in his garage.

  I have no clue how or when we got here, I was so lost in what I was doing to Max.

  Turning back to look at him, I grin as I manage to stroke upward on his cock with my hand. "When did we get home?"

  He doesn't answer me but groans again over the sensation and then his hands are on my face and he's kissing me savagely. I fall into him, one hand still wrapped around his shaft, the other curling into his shirt. He possesses my mouth, causing me to moan in surrender to him.

  When he pulls away, he rubs his nose along mine and murmurs, "Loved that mouth on me, babe, but I want inside of you too badly."

  My eyelids flutter closed over the gentleness of his voice mixed with yearning.

  He wants me.

  He wants inside of me.

  "Let's go in," I whisper.

  Max pulls his face back from mine, and despite the tenderness of his words, his eyes are raging with need and lust. It causes a cramp to hit me dead between the legs, and I swallow hard over the lump of emotion brewing down deep as I can see just how much Max wants me written all over his face.

  We stare at each other a fraction of a moment, then both of us are pushing away from each other and scrambling out our respective doors. He waits for me at the front of the car, his pants half zipped up to hold them on his lean hips but the head of his cock sticking out of the top, shiny with pre-cum and my saliva. His hand reaches out to me and as soon as we lock digits he's dragging me through his garage then lets me precede him into the house, finally pushing me up the two small steps that lead into his laundry room.

  With his hands on my hips, I don't need him urging me forward, and we practically take off running through his kitchen, past the wide hall that has a staircase that leads to the basement and into the formal living room, with his master bedroom just on the other side. In fact, I see the door to his bedroom within sight, but suddenly his hands are gripping my hips hard and he turns my trajectory to the left.

  Right to the low-backed sofa done in cream with a geometric print of various-size rectangles in burgundy, mocha, and khaki.

  I gasp when he pushes me right to the back of the sofa so the tops of my thighs hit against it, and then his hands are at the front of my jeans and he's tearing at my button and zipper. I can hear him breathing harshly behind me, the pants of air from his mouth hitting my cheek as I crane my head around to look at him.

  Just as he gets my jeans open and starts to push the denim and my panties down, his eyes snap up to mine and he gives me a dark look of frustrated need, even as his lips curv
e upward.

  "Sorry, baby...but said I needed inside you badly," Max says by way of explanation. "You wet for me?"

  "I'm thinking that's a sure bet," I murmur with a smile.

  "Better check," he says devilishly and his hand is between my legs. The minute his fingers brush against me, we can both tell that I am indeed soaked for him, and my head drops, my eyes flutter closed.

  But it's only a teasing touch because he pulls away and starts to pull my jeans and panties down to my knees.

  His breath fans across my thighs as he rumbles, "You are so fucking beautiful."

  A ripple of pure lust fans out across the base of my spine, pulses through my belly then settles low between my legs. The tremor in Max's voice as he roughly pulls at my clothes and the reverence are enough to have me panting for him, my pussy clenching with need.

  "Hurry," I whisper as I brace my hands on the back of the couch.

  A rumble...maybe a snarl from Max as he continues to yank at my tight jeans. Definitely a snarl next and he mutters "Fuck it" before he stands back up. I hear foil ripping and turn my head to see him quickly rolling a condom on. Then his hands are pushing my shirt up my back and I feel the tip of his cock rubbing between my legs from behind.

  He pushes tentatively at my entrance, and while my legs are spread somewhat only by the grace of stretchy denim, he still has to work to get inside of me.

  Finally, my slick folds give way and he punches in a few inches. He hisses in pleasure and I moan over the fullness just the tip of his cock provides me.

  "More," I murmur as I wiggle my hips a little.

  He slides in more and I hear another rumble of satisfaction deep within his chest. I arch my back, pushing my belly button downward and raising my ass to give him a better angle.

  He praises me. "That's it."

  He sinks in another inch and I almost start to sigh with relief, but then he's sliding back out.

  I make a sound of protest, curl my fingers into the cushion on the couch, and try to push back at him. But then he's slamming inside of me and I can't help when I cry out, "Yes. God...Max...just like that."

  "You want it hard?" he growls as he pulls back, almost to the tip, and slams in.

  It knocks the breath out of me so all I can do is frantically nod and rotate my hips, silently begging for more.