Page 19 of Slade

  Justice softly cursed. “You thought there was more to the sex than it being casual and his actions hurt you.”

  Why lie? She nodded. “Yes. Please, Justice. I can’t stop you if you are set on telling him but keep him away from me if you do. Please?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He didn’t want to be with me anymore once we were rescued and I sure as hell don’t want him trying to spend time with me now because of this pregnancy. He made his choice.”

  He studied her for a long time. “I understand but I have to tell him, Trisha. I will make your feelings known to him and I will tell him that he blew it.”

  She wiped at tears. “Yeah. That’s a good way to put it.” She stood. “Thank you for taking this so well.”

  “Thank you for—” Justice moved and hugged a surprised Trisha. “For being pregnant and giving all of us hope of having children. I’m sure everything will work out and that this baby is going to be born healthy. We’re a hearty bunch and tough to kill. This baby will be half New Species.”

  She cried while Justice held her. She hugged him back, admitting she had needed someone to comfort her all day, since she’d realized she was pregnant. The shock had been that great. Justice rubbed her back and pulled her closer, consoling her.

  “I’m sorry for the pain you are in. Slade should know how special you are and he never should have let you go, Trisha. I wouldn’t have if you were mine. This should be a happy occasion and he has hurt you.”

  She sniffed and pushed away from Justice. He released her as she wiped at her tears again. “Thank you. That’s the nicest thing you could have said to me.” She looked up at him. “There is one more thing I want to ask of you.”


  “I’d request for you to tell Ellie and Fury that I’m pregnant. They haven’t conceived but they probably could. I know they want to have a baby. It might just be a simple problem with low sperm count or Ellie just might need a little help with producing her eggs. One round of fertility drugs might help her get pregnant. I can order tests that I’m sure they’ll agree to have once they know. They will know they have hope of conceiving. They are the only other full human and New Species couple and they are the only two who need this information. Both of them are trustworthy.”

  Justice nodded. “That’s fine. I’ll do that. Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it all and I’ll have Dr. Ted Treadmont handle their tests. I know it’s not his field but he can do some simple testing, right?”

  “He’s trustworthy. Yes, Ted can handle that.”

  “Good.” Justice handed Trisha tissues from one of his desk drawers. “Here. Blow your nose. You can use my bathroom to clean up. We don’t want anyone to get suspicious and you crying would tip off someone that something is wrong.”


  “You’re emotional. I hear that’s normal with pregnancy.”

  “Yes, it is. God, I hate to imagine what a nutcase I’ll be in five or six months.” She shook her head. “I already feel sorry for my security detail.” She walked to the bathroom door and then stopped, turning. “I feel so bad about Brass. Do you think he’ll still be my friend?”

  “He will be. He was disappointed but I didn’t see real hurt in his eyes. He’ll get over it.”

  She hoped so. She walked inside the bathroom and closed the door.

  Justice heard water running. Full humans didn’t have their keen senses. He always had to remind himself of that fact, taking his own hearing for granted. He sat down at his desk. He experienced joy and sadness over the fact they were able to breed. He wanted to have a child one day but the fear of how the humans would react if they found out made his gut twist. He dialed the headquarters office at Reservation and asked for Slade.

  “Hi, Justice. You actually caught me inside the office. I just had a meeting with one of the builders. The security fence is finished. It will be fully functional by next month with the motion sensors and electronic surveillance. They were grunting and groaning over the deadline for the clubhouse but it’s on schedule. In two months they should be finished with it. There’s nothing else to report.”

  “I have news for you, actually.”

  “All right.”

  “I’m sending Dr. Trisha Norbit up to Reservation.”


  Justice bared his teeth, showing his anger. Obviously Slade wasn’t thrilled with the news. The next sound he heard confirmed his suspicions. He heard a sigh finally.

  “All right. Is she going to be here for a reason?” Slade didn’t sound happy.

  “Yes. Is this a secure line?”

  “Of course. Is there a reason it needs to be? Has something happened? Has she been targeted? I thought everything had settled down about that by now. I feel obligated to tell you that I think she would be much safer there if you are sending her up here because she’s gotten more threats. There’s a hell of a lot of open space for someone to breach Reservation than there is at Homeland.”

  “There are too many people here who will see her. I think it’s best if she is sent there. It’s remote and easier to shield her from the public. She is coming so make all the arrangements. I want her put in a remote but comfortable location that is extensively secure. I’m sending three personal officers with her to protect her at all times.”

  “The danger is that high?” Slade’s voice tensed and his tone turned into growl. “Is she well? Has an attempt on her life been made?”

  Justice suddenly smiled over the fact that Slade obviously cared. He bit his lip. “She’s in extreme danger.” He managed to keep his tone cool. “She’s fine but she’s a bit under the weather. I’m sending her there for her protection and so that she can get some well-deserved rest.”

  “I’ll handle it. No one will harm her here.” Slade snarled the words.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. I need to go. I’ll have the pilot radio in on their exact time of landing.”

  “It will be taken care of.”

  * * * * *

  Rage poured through Slade hotly until sweat broke out over his skin. The office he sat in had air-conditioning but it couldn’t offset the reaction to his anger. He’d done the honorable thing by leaving Homeland to avoid the temptation of seeking out Trisha. He’d sacrificed his sanity at times to make certain she wasn’t in danger.

  She had to be sent to Reservation due to a threat. The fact that Justice had been so vague on what prompted the move really drove him into a bad mood. Had someone actually tried to harm her? Had it just been threats by phone? Maybe a breach at Homeland? The human who’d betrayed them hadn’t been caught. Had he or she gone after Trisha?

  He snarled and drew the attention of a few of the people inside the office. Tiger lifted a curious eyebrow.

  “What is wrong? Did the crew at the hotel break another water line?”

  “No.” He glanced at the one human who worked on blueprints and gave his friend a hand signal as he rose to his feet. “We should check on their progress.”

  Tiger stood. “I’ll walk with you.”

  They walked about twenty yards from the makeshift office before Tiger paused, staring at his friend. “What is wrong?”

  “That was Justice. He’s sending Dr. Norbit here. She’s in danger and he wants her stashed.”

  “Shit. Doesn’t he realize how rough that will be?”

  “He didn’t seem to care. I couldn’t argue with him, knowing everything I said could be overheard.”


  “I’m going to see her again.”

  Tiger’s cat eyes widened. “You haven’t gotten over her yet?”

  “No. I think about her all the time.”

  “You have to stand strong. We discussed this.”

  “She’s in danger and I’ve stayed away from her. Obviously that didn’t work.”

  “She’ll be in danger regardless. She works for us, and some will hate her for that offense alone. If she’s with one of us, with you, and it gets out, wha
tever threat level against her will worsen. You did the correct thing.”

  “Did I?” Slade’s body tensed. “Why does the right thing feel so wrong?”

  “We’ve suffered enough. It’s better not to have her than to risk her being killed because she’s your woman.”

  Pain sliced through his chest. “I’d die inside if that happened. I couldn’t live with that.”

  “And that’s why you made the right choice.” Tiger shifted his stance. “Work is the cure. We’ve got enough of it here.”

  “Right. Work.”

  “I’ll handle her. You don’t need to talk to her when she arrives.”

  “No.” He knew it would be stupid but he needed to see her. “Justice didn’t give details of why she’s in danger but he said she was under the weather. I’ll sleep better at night if I can actually see her for myself. I won’t rest until I make sure she’s physically fine.”


  “Shut up.”

  “I’m just saying it will be painful to see her and not be able to touch her. You’ll want to.”

  “I’m strong. I can deal with this.” Tiger shot him a disbelieving stare. “Sometimes I wonder why we are friends.”

  “I already told you. You’re a masochist.” Tiger laughed.

  * * * * *

  Trisha walked out of Justice’s bathroom. She’d redone her makeup and knew she could pass muster on looking normal. She paused when she saw the pensive look on Justice’s face as he watched her.

  “I decided to hold off telling Slade about the baby. It’s your news to share with him. I’ll give you a little time.”

  Relief washed through Trisha. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. If you don’t let him know within the next…” He shrugged. “I will have to. He’s in charge of Reservation and needs to know how important it is to protect you. In order to do that he needs to be made aware of the dangers. I think by the way he reacted when he thought you were at risk, he might care more for you than you believe. That’s what prompted me to see if you both can work this out on your own before I intervene.”

  She stared at Justice grimly. “If he cared, as you put it, he would have come to see me. He would have at least called to make sure I was okay emotionally after what happened to us. The way I heard it, he nearly begged for the job at Reservation to get away from Homeland, which probably translates to getting away from me.”

  “He did not beg for the job. I wanted Fury to go but Ellie couldn’t leave our women. She takes her job at the woman’s dorm very seriously and she’s always under threat as Fury’s mate. My next in command is Slade. I asked him and he accepted. I needed someone I could trust handling everything. I have too much on my own plate down here to keep bouncing back and forth. I was getting airsick with the two and three helicopter rides I had to take daily.”

  “I see.”

  “I hope you do. Now, Brass should be here at any time to pick you up. I have a conference room meeting with the Council in a few minutes.” He stood and sighed. “Sometimes they drive me nuts.”

  “Good luck with that. I’ll go wait for him in the lobby.”

  “Stay here and relax. The couch is comfortable.”

  “Thank you.”

  He grinned as he glanced at her stomach. “I’m very excited about this.”

  “Me too, when I’m not scared stupid.”

  Justice squeezed her arm, reassuring her, and walked out of his office. He firmly closed the door behind him.

  Fifteen minutes later Brass walked into the room. Trisha stood and studied him. He appeared calm now, collected, and cool. “I’m very sorry Justice misunderstood about you being the father of my baby.”

  He studied her before his attention lowered to her stomach. “You’re really carrying a New Species baby?”


  “That’s good news.”

  Trisha noticed he didn’t look happy. “Is our friendship all right, Brass?”

  “Yes. I’m…wishing I’d met you before you became involved with another male. I hope that doesn’t offend you. It’s just that I was drawn to you more than I should have allowed. Now you belong to someone else but I’ll adjust. We’re fine, Trisha.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone, Brass. The father and I aren’t together.” She rushed on before he could say anything, not wanting to encourage him but needing to be clear she wasn’t open to him hitting on her either. “I have feelings for him but he obviously doesn’t return them. It’s going to take some time but I’m sure I’ll deal with it.”

  He blinked. “You belong to someone. You didn’t inform him about the baby?”

  “No. Justice has given me some time to contact him and give him the news.”

  He nodded. “I figured or this male would be at your side. You do belong to someone and he’ll let you know that the second he finds out you are carrying his child. Let’s go. The helicopter is ready. I chose Harley and Moon to come with us.”

  Dread pitted her stomach. She really didn’t want Slade to find out. That wasn’t the way she wanted him back in her life. She’d rather never see him again than have him pursue her just because they’d created a life together. She deserved a guy who cared about her, not one who wanted to be with her out of some sense of duty or honor. New Species seemed to have a lot of both of those traits. She decided not to mention that to Brass. She feared they’d argue.

  Trisha had met Moon. He was one of the men who showed up with Harley and Brass at her house to watch movies. The tall man didn’t talk much but he had a wicked sense of humor she enjoyed when he decided to break his silence.

  “Thank you.”

  Brass held out his arm and Trisha wrapped her fingers around his forearm. He genuinely smiled at her and escorted her out of the office.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Trisha knew she wasn’t going to make it to Reservation without being deeply embarrassed. Brass rubbed her back gently while she sat on his lap. She fought the urge to puke all over the floor. She miserably glanced at Moon and Harley.

  Both of them gave her sympathetic looks, knew of her pregnancy, and had been sworn to secrecy. They were going to be protecting her, living with her, and they had needed to know the truth. She glanced at the floor and used her hand to motion to them. Both men quickly lifted their feet. Moon grinned.

  “Motion sickness is not funny!” she shouted. She wasn’t sure if he heard her over the loud helicopter and the headset he wore to keep in contact with the pilots but Moon winked in response, making her believe he had.

  “We’re almost there,” Brass said next to her ear. “Just hang on, Trisha.”

  She miserably nodded. Her stomach pitched a fit but she didn’t want to throw up. She’d be humiliated if all three men got to see her lose her breakfast, not to mention the pilots having to clean it up after they landed. She closed her eyes but it made the sick feeling worsen. She could feel the helicopter lowering. Thank God. It’s nearly over. The helicopter landed and the pilot started to shut the engines down.

  Moon moved first when he opened the side door and jumped out. Harley exited next. They split apart and stood at both sides of the door. Trisha tried to stand on her own but her knees trembled so badly she swayed the instant she put weight on them.

  Brass scooped her into his arms where he cradled her tightly against his chest as he bent to carry her out of the helicopter. Harley and Moon gripped Brass with Trisha inside his arms and lifted both of them to the ground. It prevented Brass from jostling her if he’d had to jump down.

  Trisha rested her head against the curve Brass’ broad shoulder. She hugged him around his neck as the world spun a little. She hated motion sickness. Brass shifted Trisha in his hold, lifting her tighter against his chest, to make her more comfortable.

  “Hang on to me,” he whispered. “We’ll get you settled and I’ll put a cool washcloth on your forehead. You’ll feel a hundred times better.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured to Brass. “Yo
u’re the best.”

  He laughed. “I know. It’s a hard burden to shoulder but I’m willing.”

  She smiled, really grateful to have him as a friend. He always knew how to make her laugh. She heard Harley talking but didn’t dare lift her head from Brass’ shoulder to see who he spoke to, still fighting the urge to be sick.

  “She’s motion sick. She will be fine once we get her to a bed and give her some time to recover.”

  “Is that right?” The male voice sounded furious and was one that Trisha knew too well. She tensed and lifted her head, regardless of the consequences.

  Slade stood about five feet from her. He glared as he glanced from her face to Brass, and then back. Trisha knew she’d be experiencing the last seconds of life if looks could have killed and his reaction confused her.

  Why is he so angry? Does he hate me? He obviously had an issue with her being near him. Their gazes met and held.

  Trisha noted that Slade’s hair had grown a little since she’d seen him. He wore his usual NSO black outfit, minus the vest though. Instead of NSO stamped onto the breast of his shirt, his name had been printed in the space. He looked fit and handsome. Trisha would have thought he even looked sexy if it wasn’t for the murderous rage she saw in his expression. Her heart did a twist from being close to him again.

  “Trisha?” Brass whispered against her ear. “That’s him, isn’t it?”

  She turned her head and met his gaze. Brass stared at her for a second and then tensed. “Shit.” He nodded. “Let’s get you settled.”

  Brass turned with Trisha and walked toward a Jeep. Slade moved into their path, still glaring at Trisha. “Nice to see you, Doc.”

  “Hello,” she got out.

  His focus tore from her for a few seconds as his attention shifted from Brass to Harley, to Moon, and back to her. He finally glared at Brass, locking gazes with him.

  “What level of threat is she rated? Justice wasn’t clear and I had to watch what I said because I had a human around me during the time of the conversation. He’s been in meetings ever since, unable to take my calls.”