Page 22 of Slade

  Slade spun and stormed away. Trisha locked her knees so she wouldn’t collapse on the porch. Slade thought she was pregnant by Justice? Her mouth opened.


  He ignored her completely, as though she hadn’t spoken, as he jumped in his Jeep.

  “Slade?” Her voice rose.

  He turned his head and sheer rage showed on his features. “You’re dead to me, Doc. Don’t ever say my name again. I regret ever speaking to you and I wish I’d never touched you.”

  The Jeep roared to life and he threw it in reverse.

  “Slade? You need to listen to me,” Trisha yelled. “It’s not Justice’s baby!”

  He stomped on the brake and turned his head back, curling his lip. “Brass? You should have picked someone stronger, Doc. He just got his ass kicked and I didn’t even break a sweat. I bet he says your name though, doesn’t he?”

  Trisha managed to take a step and grab the porch railing to keep standing. She was mad now. “It’s not his baby either. It’s yours, you stupid son of a bitch!” She yelled the information at him. “You might have been able to beat up Brass but at least he’s here for me. He never abandoned me when I needed him the most and he doesn’t lie to me by swearing he’ll come back for me but instead runs away as if he’s a big coward, the way you did. And that bastard you referred to is a great way to title your own baby. I hate you.”

  She saw his expression change as emotions crossed his features with rapid speed. Anger, shock, and finally he paled before his expression returned back to rage mode again. He shut off the Jeep and climbed out. His features became unreadable when he stomped toward Trisha. Brass managed to get back on his feet and he staggered into Slade’s path.


  Slade growled at him. “Move.”

  “Don’t do this,” Brass urged softly. “Do you want to upset her enough to make her lose the baby? She’s been through enough.”

  Slade’s gaze jerked to Trisha. “The baby is really mine?”

  She fought tears. “You mean ‘bastard’, don’t you? Go to hell, Slade. Yes, the baby is yours in the biological way. In every other sense the baby is mine and mine alone. Don’t worry though. In the last weeks I’ve learned exactly what to expect from you so stay away from me just the way you have been. I waited a week for you to call or come see me. When you didn’t I was even hopeful for another week. Then you took this job and didn’t even have the decency to tell me you were leaving. You just left. I hate you for that, I really do, and I will never forgive you. You lied to me and you just blew me off. Well, I can do that too. Leave me alone and stop beating up my friends, because they actually care about me.” She took a ragged breath, fighting the urge to cry. “They don’t make me cry. They don’t abandon me or break my heart.”

  She turned and fled inside the house, running for the stairs. She barely made it inside the bathroom before she threw up. When it was over, she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and finally braved opening the door. She was afraid Slade would want to confront her again but it was Moon who sat on the edge of bed.

  Slade stood in the yard in absolute shock. A baby. It wasn’t possible. Species couldn’t impregnate females. They’d been sure of that. Mercile had tried too hard. They would have figured out a way if it were feasible. Trisha wouldn’t lie to him though. He knew she wouldn’t intentionally mislead him about something that important.

  “Happy now?” Brass spit out grass from between his teeth, brushing off dirt. “You upset her.”

  Slade glared at the other male. “I didn’t know.”

  “You weren’t around to find out. You haven’t been anywhere near her since her retrieval. I take it that’s when you bred with her?”

  Trisha is carrying my baby. He tried to allow the news to sink into his still-shocked brain.

  “You had her and left her. I’ve heard of stupid moves before but that is one of the worst. You may be able to take me in a fight but never get into a battle of intelligence with me. I’d kick your ass,” Brass said before storming toward the side of the house and the water hose.

  Slade stood there feeling numb, staring up at the house. He wanted to go after her, wanted to talk to her, and would even beg her forgiveness for the harsh words but he didn’t even know where to start. He’d called her child a bastard.

  Why am I always fucking up so bad around her? Damn it! His chin lowered to his chest and pain gripped him. He was his own worst enemy. Every time he opened his mouth he seemed to push away the woman he loved by saying something that pained or hurt her.

  He turned, stumbling toward the Jeep, knowing he needed to cool down and think. He had to figure out a way to make this right. He jumped in the driver’s seat but his hand hesitated. He didn’t want to leave her. He couldn’t. He let his hand drop but then reached for the key again. Anger and pain gripped him. He couldn’t seem to do anything right when it came to Trisha. Perhaps he didn’t deserve her but he wanted her so badly it made him feel bitter at the concept of losing her forever.

  He started the engine and slowly drove away but he’d return. He’d shower, change his clothes and calm down. He’d think clearer and find a way to fix the mess his temper and jealousy had created.

  A baby. Trisha is having my baby. A warm feeling spread throughout his chest.

  * * * * *

  “He left.” Moon studied her. “Are you well?”

  “I totally lost it.”

  He nodded. “I saw and heard.”

  “How is Brass?”

  “Harley is outside, hosing him off with water but he’ll be fine. His pride suffered the most at being beaten but Slade really is one of our finest fighters. I told Brass there is no shame in getting his ass kicked by the best. There should only be a sense of shame when you lose to someone weaker.”

  “I’m so sorry this happened.” Trisha wiped at tears.

  Moon stood and slowly approached Trisha. “It is not your fault. Slade deserved your harsh words. He had sex with you and disappeared afterward. It is his shame to carry, not yours. You are a gift, Trisha. Any man would be lucky if you cared about him and allowed him to touch you the way he did but he threw it away. He was stupid to do that. Lie down and rest. The supplies arrived a few minutes ago and we will bring you dinner soon. Think of your baby and don’t worry about Slade or anything else. We will take care of you. I’m sure once Slade cools down he will return to talk calmly with you. We made him see the good reasoning in leaving you alone until he calms. He didn’t want to but his brain started functioning again. I think he was such a dick because he was insanely jealous, believing you had allowed someone else to touch you. He wouldn’t have been such an asshole if he didn’t care about you and he must care a lot since he was such a big one.”

  Trisha didn’t protest when Moon tucked covers around her after she lay down and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. Trisha smiled at him.

  “Thank you. I’m impressed, by the way.”

  “About what?”

  “I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard you say at one time.”

  Moon grinned before he returned downstairs. Trisha tried to relax. It wasn’t easy. She was still upset by what had happened.

  Well, Slade knows about our baby now. She’d fulfilled what Justice had asked her to do and it had been a disaster. She fought tears. She hadn’t dreamed in a million years that she’d end up screaming the news of fatherhood at a man whose baby she carried and she’d called him names on top of it all. Just…crap!

  Was Moon correct? Slade had been an extreme asshole. If he didn’t care he wouldn’t have reacted so violently to the news of her being pregnant. It had really hurt when he’d instantly assumed she’d slept with Justice. Maybe he thought she slept around with men regularly. He didn’t know her at all if that was the case.

  The whole “mine” thing remained stuck inside her head. He’d said she was his when he’d attacked Bill at the camp where she’d almost been raped. Then when they were outside he’d screamed
at her that she knew she was his but if he considered her that, why had he abandoned her? He’d said something about protecting her and it was just confusing when she tried to make sense of his words. He wanted to give her time? He’d said only time could have given them a chance or something close to that. Time for what? For me to feel used and stupid for thinking something meaningful happened between us?

  She heard the stairs creak a short time later and wiped away her tears. Harley walked upstairs carrying a glass of milk and some food with him. A spoon peeked out of the bowl.

  “I brought you milk for the baby and soup for your upset stomach. Moon told me you were sick enough to lose your last meal. I’ll bring you chocolate-chip cookies if you hold all this down. They sent a large bag of them. I told the guys to at least save you one.”

  Trisha smiled as she sat up. “Just one?”

  “Maybe two. You are eating for two people now.” Harley grinned at her. “You be careful with this. It’s hot. I don’t want you to get burned.”

  Trisha stared at him with gratitude. “Thank you for being my friend.”

  “A friend? I thought we could elope to Vegas and have Elvis marry us.” His gaze sparkled as he teased. “I had it all worked out too. We could buy some mangy mutt, buy us a rusty old RV, and find some city dump to live next to. I hear it’s a great place to find furniture.” He lifted up the material on his arm and exposed his thick biceps. “I had a spot picked out here to have your name tattooed on me and I thought I could have my name tattooed across your ass. That way I could actually say I owned your ass.”

  Trisha laughed. Moon walked upstairs and sat on the edge of the bed holding a plate with a few pieces of buttered toast. He set it down on the bed next to Trisha so she could easily reach it.

  “It’s not her ass you have your name put on, Harley. You have her tattoo it on her arm so when she forgets your name, it’s right there. We all know how memorable you aren’t. She’d have to be a contortionist to see your name on her ass.”

  “If she’s a contortionist,” Brass called out as he climbed the stairs, “then she’d have to marry me instead. And you never have Elvis marry you. That’s a bad omen if I ever heard one. Everyone knows marriage started by a dead guy ends in a dead marriage down the road. And speaking of road, she’s high class and don’t forget it. You don’t buy some rusted-out RV. You buy a fifth-wheel travel trailer and live in style. That way you can unhitch it and not have to remove the patio every time you need to go somewhere.”

  Trisha wanted to flinch when she saw Brass’ face. He had bruising to his cheekbone and jaw, cuts all over, and there was swelling near his eye. He held her worried gaze and winked. “I’m still incredibly good-looking.”

  She laughed. “Yes. You are.”

  Moon sniffed suddenly. His gaze turned to Brass and Harley. They sniffed too. Three pairs of eyes turned to the window before they glanced away.

  Trisha tensed. “What do you smell?”

  “It’s nothing to worry about,” Moon muttered. “Just a hint of a storm outside.”

  “Oh. I hope the roof doesn’t leak.” Trisha glanced up at the slanted wood beams of the ceiling and back at the guys. “The cabin seems pretty solid though, even if it is outdated inside.”

  “I’m sure it won’t, Trisha.” Brass motioned to her food. “Eat up.”

  Trisha ate while the men kept teasing her. She laughed, listening to them get more outrageous about funny marriage scenarios. She saw them glance at the window a few times. It had grown dark outside. The window remained open but she didn’t see any flashes of lightning or hear rain.

  Trisha finished all of her soup, ate both slices of toast, and finished off her milk. Moon took her dishes.

  “I’ll bring you cookies and some more milk but I’m going to take a jog first. I enjoy a good run at night. Can you wait for your snack?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  He smiled at her and disappeared downstairs.

  “I know,” Harley chuckled. “You could marry me and we could go live with your parents. I hear that humans living with their in-laws always have a successful marriage.”

  Brass smacked his forehead with his palm. “Where do you hear this backward bullshit? That’s a surefire way to kill a marriage.”

  Trisha laughed. “You’d run for the hills or worse if you ever met my parents and would probably buy a gun and shoot them. I don’t want to be married to a guy who’s doing twenty-to-life in prison.”

  “Yeah.” Brass nodded seriously. “Then she’d have to divorce you for cheating on her inside the state pen.”

  “Cheating on her?” Harley looked confused for a second and grimaced. “That’s…just wrong! I am attracted to females.”

  “It depends on who you ask. I heard once that some men find true love behind bars.” Brass winked at Harley. “You do have a nice ass. I’m sure I’m not the only man who will see it that way.”

  “I’m never bending over in front you again.” Harley flipped Brass off. “And that’s not an offer. I have way higher standards.”

  “Enough,” Trisha laughed. “You guys are starting to make my stomach hurt. Why don’t we give my tummy a break and pick up our card game? I was kicking some serious ass.”

  “You were not.” Harley stood. “I’ll get the cards.” He strode to the stairs. “We were letting you win.”

  “He’s a sore loser,” Brass whispered.

  “I heard that!”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Slade turned when Moon crept up next to him. The wind picked up. Slade hooked his thumbs inside his jeans pockets, having gone home and changed before he’d returned.

  Moon took a deep breath. “Are you enjoying standing out here listening to us cheer her up?”

  Slade said nothing.

  “You really upset her when you made nasty accusations. She treats us as though we are brothers and I can promise you there is nothing between her and Justice. I’ve been on her security detail for weeks and she just hangs out with us when she’s not working. I knew she was sad but I didn’t know why until today.” He paused. “You shouldn’t have left her the way you did. Why would you do it? She’s amazing.”

  Minutes passed. “I was afraid that being with me would endanger her. It made sense at the time but it was all for nothing. I feared for her safety above my desire to be with her. I’ve put her in much more danger now that she’s carrying my child. She’ll be a target for the hate groups and I unknowingly put her in more danger by not being there when she needed me.” Slade’s voice softened. “I also wanted to give her time to make certain how she felt about me but I really needed it myself too. Does she know I’m out here?”

  “No. We told her we scented a storm coming. It is hard to want something very much when we have learned anything we value gets taken from us.”

  Slade silently agreed.

  “She thinks you used her for sex and you don’t care about her. She is carrying your child and hurting. Do you realize she is a miracle?”

  Slade turned his head to glare at the other male. “Of course I know, damn it.”

  “But you left her alone.” Moon shook his head in disgust. “I wouldn’t allow anything to stand in my way to be with her if I were lucky enough to find a woman similar to her who cared for me, especially not my own fear. I know all about loss with our shared past. I know how terrifying it is to feel anything because it opens us up to the possibility of deep pain.” He took a breath. “I would risk anything for a woman I loved.”

  “She was attacked for her association with us. I believed being with me would only increase the danger. It wasn’t just all about my fear of growing attached to her.”

  “She knew the risks when she took the job. She is smart, Slade. Homeland had been attacked before she arrived and it can happen again. She watches the news, sees the protestors spew their hatred of us to anyone who will listen when they make their threats, yet she still came to us. She allowed you to touch her knowing what Ellie and Fury faced and s
till do. She was present when Fury took the bullets meant for his mate. You may have believed you were being honorable but you were wrong. She’s already in danger and the degree doesn’t matter. What does matter is having a strong male at her side to protect her if someone tries to harm her. You failed in that.”

  Pain lanced through Slade at the truth of the words. “She won’t forgive me.”

  Moon glanced at the house. “You need to make her understand how much you care and that you’ve learned how much she means to you.”

  Slade glanced at the cabin. “Any ideas on how to do that?”

  “Actually, yes. I’ll go inside and talk to the guys. I’m sure they will do what I say. They care about Trisha and want her to be happy. I believe you can make her understand if you love her as much as I suspect. It might not sit well with Brass though because he is very close to her as a friend. Stop growling. There is nothing between them.”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I am going to talk to them and we will camp outside tonight after she goes to sleep. You are going to go in there to get your female back when she is alone.”

  * * * * *

  Trisha turned over on the bed and came up against a warm body. Her hands touched hot, bare skin. She gasped as her eyes flew open but it was too dark to see anything. She’d fallen sleep at some point and the men had gone downstairs. She scooted back.

  “I guess the floor was too hard for you? You better be dressed from the waist down,” she warned the guy sharing her bed. She wished she had their keen sense of smell or sight to determine which of the three she spoke to.