Page 9 of Lev

  Whining Mina was back. “I still don’t understand why I need to know this stuff.”

  Then Nas said the magic words. “I guarantee your tips will triple.”

  Well, that caught my attention. I listened intently.

  She began. “Rule one: Lean in. Close the gap. You’re going to want to get close to the men you’re flirting with. Smile and give them your undivided attention. Don’t forget to make eye contact.” She leaned over the table and, smiling shyly, batted her lashes, touching my arm. “Slight touches are okay, just make it look like you couldn’t hear their order over the music. If they compliment you, lower your lashes and smile shyly. Men love the innocent types.”

  That seemed straightforward. “Okay. That doesn’t sound too hard to remember.”

  “Never—and I mean never—give your name on the first drink. It’ll keep them coming back for more and they’ll order again and again just to have a minute of your attention.” She went on, “I’d advise you to start calling yourself Gypsy from now on, sort of like a stage name. It has men thinking you’re all wild and free-spirited and shit.” I rolled my eyes and she scolded me. “Hey, these men are helping pay your wages.”

  Oh, she didn’t need to tell me. I knew it, and I was beyond appreciative, but it kind of seemed like we were treating these men like they were stupid.

  “If a guy gives you a solid tip, thank him, fold up the money, and put it in your bra right in front of him. It’s like putting on a little show for him. If he’s feeling generous and leaves a ridiculous tip, lean over the bar, grab his shirtfront into a tight fist, pull him close, and kiss his cheek real slow. Men go bananas for that crap.” I wasn’t sure I’d ever do that, but it was good to know. I listened intently as she explained the art of flirting. “Words of caution though: Don’t offer anything you’re not willing to give. You give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile. Don’t ever kiss a patron on the lips. He’ll take it as an invitation and possibly get grabby.” Her brows rose. “It won’t end well.”

  I nodded. Yeah, I could see that ending badly.

  Nas finished up just as our meals arrived. “And that concludes our lessons for the day.” She grinned, watching me eye my fettuccini Alfredo with avocado hungrily. “Eat up.”

  I ate with gusto, and she chuckled as I moaned throughout my meal. When we were done, I groaned and clutched my belly. “Oh, God, I’m so full.” Then I laughed. “I never thought I’d hear myself say that.”

  She smiled, jerking her chin toward me. “You’re looking a lot better.”

  I rubbed my belly proudly. “Already gained four pounds this week.” Her lips pursed as if she were impressed. “Eighteen more to go to get to my regular weight.”

  Her fond smile warmed me. “We’ll get there, Mina.”

  She said it as if we were a team. As if she would see me through. Like we were more than associates. Like we were friends.

  It rippled like a bang right in the center of my chest. I valued friendship, especially as I hadn’t had it in such a long time. I realized I was no longer alone, and no one would ever understand how humbling a feeling that was. Most would take it for granted.

  I never would. From the bottom of my heart, I vowed it.

  Saturday arrived and, aware I would be attending to eight rowdy men, I dressed accordingly.

  I wore my tight blue jeans, a white gypsy blouse that showed a tiny amount of my belly flesh, and strappy, white, leather flat sandals. The blouse was thin cotton, long-sleeved, and decorated in navy blue embroider flowers. Nas had given me a headband she had bought but had never worn that she informed me was boho chic.

  I didn’t know what boho chic was, but Nas swore it would finish my gypsy look.

  The headband went across the center of my forehead and over the crown of my skull, was made of a thin silver chain, had another strand of chain trailing down the middle of my part, holding it up, and had small coins attached to the sides by my brows. The coins jangled lightly, and it was a little distracting, but when I looked at myself in the mirror, it didn’t look as ridiculous as I thought it might.

  Nas instructed me to apply three coats of mascara to lengthen my long lashes and finish off with the bright red lipstick she’d given me.

  It took a lot of correcting to get the lipstick right, and I felt the need to run my tongue over my teeth a bit. The thought of smiling brightly with red-stained teeth was downright mortifying. I checked my teeth ten times before I made my way downstairs, coat in hand.

  As predicted, Lev was downstairs in the kitchen, holding Lidiya. Only this time, when I stepped inside and she held her little hands out to me, I moved closer, took her from Lev, and cuddled her tightly. “Hey there, sweetie pie,” I cooed, pressing my cheek to the top of her head, breathing in her sweet scent. I closed my eyes, taking in her warmth. “My goodness, you’re a big girl.”

  Lev, who stood by, not an inch of concern from him watching me with his daughter, took a step closer. “Here, I’ll take her. I know she’s a little heavy.”

  But I held her close. “Heavy? She’s adorably chubby, is what she is.” Lidiya sucked her thumb, leaning her head on my shoulder. A wave of mushiness took over. “Oh, you are winning major points with me, little miss. You’ve got me wrapped around your little finger.”

  Every morning, when Lev disappeared to work out, I rose and spent some time with Mirella and Lidiya. We’d gone on walks around the complex together, played blocks and dolls together, had exclusive tea parties, and on the rare occasion, I even let Lidiya feed me.

  A smiling Mirella told me I’d spoil her if I kept treating her like a princess. I responded that little girls shouldn’t be treated as anything but princesses. Something told me I’d officially won over the older woman with that remark, but it didn’t matter to me. It was how I truly felt.

  The back door opened and Viktor came inside, followed by Anika and Nas. I was likely the only person who saw the flash of Anika’s eyes. We greeted each other, and the newcomers all doted on Lidiya, as per usual.

  When Anika came forward and extended her arms to Lidiya, the little girl turned her head into my neck and held onto me. I saw the disappointment in the beautiful redhead’s eyes, and giddiness rushed through me. But shame followed.

  She was visibly upset, after all.

  I tried to make a joke of it. “She probably thinks we’re around the same age, being I’m the closest in height to her.”

  Anika blinked, smiling at me. But there was no warmth in that smile. I got the feeling that she thought I was overstepping in a big way.

  Mirella came down after her shower and pried Lidiya from me, but the little girl didn’t want to let go. After she started to fuss, I offered to put her to bed for the second time that week. Mirella was evidently grateful. She clearly didn’t want to put Lidiya to bed in a state of distress. I didn’t blame her.

  I made it up the stairs as Lidiya started to doze. Mirella silently reached for her and I handed the chubby princess over. I waved silently, and Mirella returned it. I headed downstairs and entered the kitchen just as Anika commented, “So Mina’s here a lot.”

  Neither Lev nor Nas felt the need to explain, and neither did I, quite frankly. Rather than telling her she was being obvious in a hideous way, I smiled. “Who’s ready to make tonight their bitch? I am. Let’s go.”

  Playing host was interesting.

  Nas was right about the flirting. The bachelor boys couldn’t have been more generous. I’d screwed up a couple of times, but had the grace to laugh at myself. My excuse for the order mix-ups being, “Well, if you guys weren’t so handsome, a girl could work without distraction, you know?”

  With common excuses like that, my charming party upped the tips at an alarming rate, leaving more for me than what they’d actually spent on drinks.

  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but it was worth it when I learned that I’d earned a little more than $400 in tips.

  Lev kept a close eye on me, getting up to check on me every now an
d again. I wondered what he actually did here at the club. From the looks of things, all he did was watch the show every night.

  After one of the boys had grabbed my wrist and pulled me close, I panicked. But when I reminded myself that they’d had a lot to drink and getting grabby came with the territory, I pasted another wide smile on my face, leaned in close, and listened to the array of compliments the man wanted me to hear. After he was heard, he let go of me and relief went through me. I blinked up at him through lowered lashes, walked backward, and blew the man a kiss.

  I don’t know why I was so against this. This flirting stuff was easy. I had it down.

  Walking backward, I walked straight into a wall. I looked up to see that wall glaring at the man who wanted to tell me how beautiful I was. I turned and smiled up at him. “I’m killing it!”

  But Lev, looking dangerously handsome in his gunmetal grey three-piece suit, kept his glare level on the man. “He put his hands on you.”

  Warning bells went off in my head. My smile faded as I placed a hand on his chest. “Hey, it’s okay. They’re just having a bit of fun.”

  His glare faded as he looked down at me. “You looked frightened.”

  Oh. Had I?

  That meant he had been watching me. I couldn’t even think about that right now. I had to calm a murderous looking Lev.

  His eyes fell to the ground as he asked a hesitant, “Were you frightened?”

  My shoulder jumped in a small shrug. “I’m not used to people touching me, is all. It freaked me out for about a whole second, but I thought about it and I’m okay with it.” I felt the need to defend the grabby man. “He didn’t hurt me, Lev.”

  “I don’t like them touching you.”

  That was a bold statement if I ever heard one. His eyes, blazing, went over my head, back toward the man. My hand still on his chest, I turned to see the group of men watching Lev, all looking tense and uneasy.

  Lev fisted his hands and went to step forward, toward the men.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Sweet Lev getting all riled up over some random guys? I didn’t get it. This wasn’t the man I’d seen over the past week. This was someone else. Someone scary.

  “Hey!” I shouted over the music, pushing my hand against his chest to stop him from going over there. He looked down at me, his eyes softening, and he stilled. I smiled reassuringly, patting the breast of his jacket. “I’m okay.” I laughed softly. “It’s okay, Lev. I can handle them.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “I’m going to keep an eye on you.”

  I didn’t want to test him. Not now. He looked like a bomb set to go off at the slightest touch. “Okay,” I said and headed back to the bar, confused about the reaction these men had spiked in Lev.

  The rest of the night went splendidly, and my bra was full to the brim with tip money. My party left around two a.m. with wide smiles, but I wouldn’t let them leave without calling taxis for them first. The husband-to-be kissed my hand and thanked me for a great night. It felt nice to be appreciated.

  When the cleaners had come in and everyone was getting ready to leave, Sasha came out from the door behind the bar and advised that he’d be staying behind a while. I hooked my arm through Lev’s and waved goodbye to Anika and Viktor.

  Anika, looking down at my arm hooked around Lev’s, smiled and offered, “Hey, Mina, I can drive you home.”

  Oh my.

  Yep. It was obvious. She had set her cap for Lev. What was funny was that she thought me competition. She was gorgeous. I couldn’t compete with that.

  Lev, looking confused, uttered, “That would make no sense, Anika, since Mina is living with me.”

  The poor dove paled a few shades. She swallowed hard before turning to Nas and accusing, “Oh. Sorry. No one told me.”

  Nas eyed her friend hard. I was proud of her response. “Well, Ani, that would be because it’s none of your goddamn business.”

  A shiver of satisfaction went through me as I was led to the car by Lev in complete silence.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next morning when Lev awoke, I found myself waking at the same time. I was sick of spending my days in bed. There had to be better things to do than sleeping the day away. But if there was, I was yet to find an activity so enjoyable that it surpassed sleep.

  With the bedroom door wide open, I assumed Lev had already left the room. I yawned, sliding out of bed and walking over to the en suite to wash my face and brush my teeth. Just as I opened the door, the shower was turned on and I went rigid at the sight of Lev’s bare behind.

  His tight, muscled behind and long, thick legs.

  Oh, Jesus.

  My small breasts tightened and my stomach dipped violently. Suddenly wide-awake, I gripped the door handle till my knuckles went white, and blinked at the heavenly sight.

  He must have felt my eyes on him, because with his back to me, he turned his head, catching my eyes below his belt.

  Shit. I was caught, eyes as wide as saucers and mouth agape. I lifted my face to look into his.

  I remembered James. I remembered being intimate with James. I could describe to you every aspect of his body in detail. But the sight of Lev’s naked body had me forgetting what’s-his-name in a second flat.

  James was a boy.

  Lev was all man.

  His broad back rippled, and I wanted to rub those bare, bulky shoulders. I wanted to run my hands all over him, to have the privilege of touching anywhere he would let me.

  The sensitive spot between my legs pulsed lightly.

  He watched me watching him, and his brow rose slowly in question.

  I swallowed hard and my tongue felt like it was made of sand. My body was hot all over. I whispered, “I just wanted to brush my teeth.”

  His eyes on me, he stayed silent a moment. “Okay,” he drawled as he stepped into the shower, steam billowing around us. The frosted glass surrounding the shower did nothing to keep my imagination tame.

  Lev was a blur, but in my mind, I could see every strong, powerful edge of his body as though the glass wasn’t even there. And what a sight it was. Impressive, fantasy as it was.

  Part of me wanted to throw open the shower door and peer inside to look my fill.

  I wondered what Lev’s reaction would be to that. Would he be offended, or would he be flattered? Would his body respond to blatant looks of appreciation? Putting my hand where I needed it most, I squeezed my legs together, desperate to find relief from the dull throbbing. All I really managed to do was make my nipples bead. I closed my eyes, biting the inside of my lip, savoring the warm flow taking over my body. Perhaps he’d pull me under the spray, take my mouth in a deep, feral kiss, and take me against the cool wall of the shower.

  Yeah, right.

  I removed my hand from between my legs, making my way over to the bathroom mirror. Rolling my eyes at the crazy thought, I wiped the foggy glass and stared at my flushed reflection. It was obvious I would never find out what Lev’s reaction would have been. I wasn’t that adventurous. He’d probably ask me to leave in that bored polite way that only Lev could pull off, leaving me humiliated.

  I’d already had enough humiliation to last a lifetime. This was my time to shine, and if I wanted male companionship, I would have to look elsewhere.

  My heart panged sorely. It was becoming clear I felt something for Lev. I spent the last few days trying to deny that fact, but I could no longer lie to myself. Why else would jealousy have my belly twisting in knots when Anika was around, touching Lev and pressing herself up against him?

  I ran through it in my mind. I told myself that perhaps I had a deep regard for Lev, because he happened to be the person who saved me. Maybe if Sasha were the person to have helped me, I’d feel the same way for him that I do Lev.

  My nose bunched. I understood that our circumstances were way out there, but somehow, I seriously doubted I’d ever feel for Sasha the way I felt about Lev.

  It was more than an allian
ce, not quite a friendship. Not yet, anyway.

  After speaking with Nas the previous week, I quickly came to realize that unless I was the person to make the effort, Lev and I would remain in this casual acquaintance. And I wanted more than that. I wanted to talk to Lev without feeling like I was intruding or prying. I wanted Lev to feel comfortable with me. I wanted a friendship.

  And more than anything, I wanted to make him smile. Currently, Lidiya was the only person who could force a happy response from him. I wanted to change that.

  Damn it. I was overstepping. I knew this. But it was now my mission. I would give anything to hear him laugh. I had a feeling it would be groundbreaking.

  With a soft sigh, I flossed, picked up my toothbrush, brushed my teeth, rinsed with mouthwash, and then left the bathroom to sit on the bed and await Lev’s return.

  I had a proposition for him.

  Lying back on the bed, I didn’t have to wait long for the door to open and see Lev come out of the bathroom, dressed in black sweat pants and a tight white tee. The condensation on his body caused the shirt to stick, and I could easily make out his flat, dark nipples through the thin material.

  “Working out?” I all but croaked out as I moved to sit up.

  He let out an affirmative grunt, sitting on the edge of the sofa to put on his socks and sneakers. Then he looked up at me, his honeyed eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You’re up early.”

  My lip twitched. “You say that like I have a motive.” I smiled and uttered an amused, “Okay, well, I sort of do.”

  That statement caught his attention. His elbows on his knees, his arms hanging down between his open legs, he asked cautiously, “What do you need?”