"Then you won't take a ride with me to-day?" asked the young inventor,of the Russian, as he completed the repairs to the magneto. "I'd liketo have you meet my father, and a friend of his, Mr. Damon. Most likelyhe'll go to Siberia with us, if his wife will let him. I'd like to talksome plans over with you."

  "I shall certainly call on you," answered Ivan Petrofsky, "but," headded with a smile, "I think I should prefer to take my first ride inyour larger airship--the one that doesn't come down so often."

  "Well, perhaps it is a little easier on an amateur," admitted Tom. "Ifyou'll come over to our house at any time I'll take you out in it, orI'll call for you."

  "I'll come over in a few days," answered the escaped exile. "Then I'lltell you all I know of the locality where the platinum mine is located,and we can make our plans. In the meanwhile don't say anything aboutwhat I have told you."

  "Why?" asked Ned quickly.

  Mr. Petrofsky approached closer to the lads, and in a low voice said:

  "I am not sure about it, but of late I think I have been shadowed. Ihave seen strange men in the village near here and they have eyed merather suspiciously. Then, too, I have surprised several men around myhouse. I live here all alone, you know, and do most of my own work, awoman coming in occasionally to clean. But I don't like thesesuspicious characters hanging about.

  "Who do you think they are?" asked Tom.

  "I'm almost afraid to think, but from my past experience I think--nay,I fear--they may be spies, or agents of the Russian government."

  "Spies!" cried Ned.

  "Hush. Not so loud," cautioned Mr. Petrofsky. "They may even now be inhiding, especially since your aeroplane landed so near my house. Theymay see something suspicious even in that."

  "But why should the Russian government set spies on you?" asked Tom ina low voice.

  "For two reasons. I am an escaped exile, and I am not a citizen of theUnited States. Therefore I may be sent back to the sulphur mines. Andanother reason is that they may think I know the secret of the platinumtreasure--the lost mine."

  "Say this is getting interesting!" exclaimed Tom. "If we are going tohave a brush with some of the spies of the Russian government so muchthe better. I'm ready for 'em!"

  "So am I!" added Ned.

  "You don't know them," said Mr. Petrofsky, and he could not repress ashudder. "I hope they are not on my trail, but if they are--" he pauseda moment, straightened himself up, and looked like what he was, astrong man--"if they are let them look out. I'd give my life to save mybrother from the awful, living death to which he is consigned!"

  "And we're with you!" cried Tom, offering the Russian his hand. "We'llturn the trick yet. Now don't forget to come and see us. Come along,Ned. If I'm going to build an air glider I've got to get busy." Andwaving farewells to their new friend, the lads took their places in theaeroplane and were soon on their way to Shopton.

  "Well, what do you think of it?" asked Ned of his chum, as they spedalong at a good elevation, the engine going at half speed to be lessnoisy and make talking easier.

  "Lots. I think we're in for a good time, an exciting one, anyhow, ifwhat he says is true. But what in the world is an air glider, Tom?"

  "It's the last word in aeroplanes. You don't need a motor to make itgo."

  "Don't need a motor?"

  "No, the wind does it all. It's a sort of aeroplane, but the motioncomes from the wind, acting on different planes, and this isaccomplished by shifting weights. In it you can stand still in a fiercegale, if you like."

  "How, by tying her fast on the ground?"

  "No, hovering in the air. It's all done by getting the proper balance.The harder the wind blows the better the air glider works, and that'swhy I think it will be just the thing for Siberia. I'm going to getright at work on it, and you'll help me; won't you?"

  "I sure will. Say, is platinum worth much?"

  "Worth much? I should say it was! It's got gold beat now, and theavailable supply is very small, and it's getting more scarce. Russiahas several mines, and the metal is of good quality. I've used someRussian platinum, but the kind Mr. Petrofsky gave me to-day was betterthan the best I ever had. If we can only find that lost mine we'll bemillionaires all right."

  "That's what we thought when we found the city of gold, but the goldwasn't of as fine a grade as we hoped."

  "Well, nothing like that can happen in this platinum deal. It sure isrich ore that Mr. Petrofsky and his brother found. Poor fellow! Tothink of being an exile in that awful country, not knowing where youmay be sent next. No wonder Mr. Petrofsky wants to rescue him."

  "That's right. Well, here we are. I wonder what your father will saywhen he hears you're thinking of another expedition, Tom?"

  "Oh, he'll want me to go when he hears about the exile."

  "And I'm sure my folks will let me go. How about Mr. Damon?"

  "I don't believe we can hold him back. It will make a nice party, justyou and I, and Mr. Damon and Mr. Petrofsky. That will leave room forthe other Russian--if we can rescue him," and with that Tom shut offthe engine and glided to earth.

  It may well be imagined that Mr. Swift was surprised when his son toldhim the latest news, but he did not offer any serious objection to theyoung inventor going to Siberia.

  "Only you must be careful," he said. "Those Russian officers are uglywhen it comes to trying to take away any of their prisoners. And thisair glider--I don't exactly know about that. It's a new machine, andyou want to be sure it works before you trust yourself to it."

  "I will," promised Tom. "Say, I've got plenty of work ahead of me,--toget my big airship in shape, and build the glider. You'll have to helpme, dad."

  "I will, son. Now tell me more about this Mr. Petrofsky." Which Tom did.

  The days that followed were indeed busy ones for Tom. The younginventor made a model air glider that sailed fairly well, but he knewit would have to work better to be successful, and he bent all hisenergies in that direction. Meanwhile Mr. Damon had been told of theprospective trip.

  "Bless my bank book! Of course I'll go," he said. "But don't sayanything about it to my wife--that is, just yet. I'll bring her aroundto it gradually. She has always wanted a diamond ring set in platinum,and now I can get it for her. I know she'll let me go if I break it toher gently."

  It may be mentioned here that many valuable diamonds are now set inplatinum instead of gold.

  "I want to keep busy," said Mr. Damon, so Tom set him, Ned andEradicate at the task of getting the big airship in shape for the trip.This air craft has not figured in any of my previous stories, but as itis so nearly like the one that was crushed in the caves of ice, I willnot give a description of it here. Those who care to may refer to thebook telling of Tom's trip to the caves of ice for a detailed accountof the craft.

  Sufficient to say that this latest airship, named the Falcon, was thelargest Tom had ever built. It contained much room, many comforts, andcould sail for several thousand miles without descending, except incase of accident. It was a combined dirigible balloon and aeroplane,and could be used as either, the necessary gas being made on board. Itwas large enough to enable the air glider to be taken on it in sections.

  It was about a week after their first meeting with him, that IvanPetrofsky paid a visit to the Swift home. He was warmly welcomed by theaged inventor and Mr. Damon, and, closeted in the library of the house,he proceeded to go more into details of his own and his brother's exileto Siberia, and to tell about the supposed location of the lostplatinum mine.

  "I don't believe we can start for several weeks yet," said Tom, aftersome discussion. "It will take me that long to make the glider."

  "And I, too, need a little time," said the Russian. "I will write tosome friends in St. Petersburg and perhaps they can get someinformation for us, as to where my brother is.

  "That will be good," declared Mr. Damon. "Bless my icicle! But the moreI think of this trip the better I like it!"

It was arranged that the Russian should call again soon, when the planswould be nearer in shape, and in the meanwhile he must learn all hecould from revolutionary friends in Siberia.

  It was a week after this, during which Tom, Ned and the others had beenvery busy, that Tom decided to take a trip to see their Russian friend.They had not heard from him since his visit, and Tom wanted to learnsomething about the strength of the Siberian winds.

  He and Ned went in one of the small airships and soon they werehovering over the grounds surrounding the lonely house where IvanPetrofsky lived.

  "He doesn't seem to be at home," remarked Ned, as they descended andapproached the dwelling.

  "No, and it looks quite deserted," agreed the young inventor. "Say, allthe doors are open, too! He shouldn't go away and leave his house openlike that--with the valuable platinum there."

  "Maybe he's asleep," suggested Ned.

  They knocked on the opened door, but there was no answer. Then theywent inside. To their surprise the house was in confusion. Furniturewas overturned, tables and chairs were broken, and papers werescattered about the room.

  "There's been a fight here!" cried Tom.

  "That's right," agreed Ned. "Maybe he's been hurt--maybe burglars camefor the platinum!"

  "Come on!" cried Tom, making a dash for the stairs. "We'll see if he'shere."

  The house was small, and it took but a moment to show that Mr.Petrofsky was not there. Upstairs, as below, was the sameconfusion--the overturned furniture and the papers scattered about.

  Tom stooped and picked up a scrap that looked like a piece torn from aletter. On top was a seal--the black seal of Russia--the imperial armsof the Czar!

  "Look!" cried Tom, holding out the paper.

  "What is it?" asked Ned.

  "The hand of the Czar!" answered his chum. "It has reached out fromRussia, and taken Mr. Petrofsky away!"

Victor Appleton's Novels
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Cycle; Or, Fun and Adventures on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Submarine Boat; Or, Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasureby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout; Or, The Speediest Car on the Roadby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His War Tank; Or, Doing His Bit for Uncle Samby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle; Or, Daring Adventures in Elephant Landby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Big Tunnel; Or, The Hidden City of the Andesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Giant Telescopeby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Motor-Boat; Or, The Rivals of Lake Carlopaby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wireless Message; Or, The Castaways of Earthquake Islandby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Aerial Warship; Or, The Naval Terror of the Seasby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Electric Locomotive; Or, Two Miles a Minute on the Railsby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the City of Gold; Or, Marvelous Adventures Undergroundby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Wizard Camera; Or, Thrilling Adventures While Taking Moving Picturesby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Undersea Search; Or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlanticby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift and His Air Scout; Or, Uncle Sam's Mastery of the Skyby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in Captivity, Or, A Daring Escape By Airshipby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders; Or, The Underground Search for the Idol of Goldby Victor Appleton
»Tom Swift Among the Fire Fighters; Or, Battling with Flames from the Airby Victor Appleton