"We don't want to be whoreS;'! mean, full time." Old big little Beatrice already scared. What did she do in the WAGS? Seduce young girls?

  "Tricking four days a week isn't full time," I said. "And anyway, if you're successful, you can quit it in six months. Go and buy you a little place. Fact is, you could even get a bigger house." And get even more junk in it.

  Johnnie Mae looked at me with suspicion. "When did you figure all that out?"

  "Well, I've been wanting to go into business. So I'd been saving my money. I had been thinking in terms of a hamburger stand, but this place is so perfect." And so were they. "If all three of us save, do you realize we could open a restaurant in a year? Beatrice as the chef. You and I as managers."

  I was getting to them. "I had a little operation up the coast. A three-girl deal, but I had to close down." Admiration and a little fear showed in their faces. They hadn't bargained for what they were getting.

  Johnnie Mae, not wanting to believe what she already believed, asked, "Why were you working as a waitress?"

  Should I tell them in order to eat and pay for my son's keep, so they'd throw me down on that uncomfortable sofa and rape me? "I needed a front. Cops after me."

  "Cops!" Both of them screamed. Like many weak people they wanted to milk the cow, at the same time denying the smell of bullshit. I saw immediately that I had gone too far.

  "Not after me myself. One of my girls, but I wanted to lay a cover for myself."

  Beatrice said, "You're awfully young to be in the rackets."


  "I've been around, baby." I rolled my eyes to indicate distant and mysterious places. "Well, how does it sound? Say we say Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then you're free for church on Sunday and-"

  "We'd better talk about it."

  "I'm off tomorrow and I can get all the business taken care of. No time like the present."

  "We only have the two bedrooms. Where will you work?"

  I almost shouted at the tall woman. Me, turn tricks? What did she think I was? "I'm going to stay on at the restaurant. Shouldn't call attention to myself, you understand. But you won't be alone. I'll have somebody here to watch out for you. Just leave it to me."

  I became pompously professional, which was never hard for me, being my father's daughter. "If you'll let me have a tablet and a pen, I'll take the landlord's address."

  "Beatrice. Get some paper."

  I moved over to the table, shifting the dinner dishes and crumbs out of my way as Johnnie Mae dictated.

  "What's this address again?"

  She gave it to me and I wrote it over and over on slips of paper.

  "What you doing now?" Johnnie Mae wasn't bright, but she'd always be too clever to just go for the okey-doke. I put it in my mind that I'd better keep that in my mind.

  "When I leave here, I'm going to start drumming up business," I said. "In a few weeks we'll be thousandaires."


  "That's just a step from millionaires. Let's have a drink on


  it." Beatrice poured. The first moutrrful nearly sent me reeling. It made contact with the grifa in my brain. For a lightning second I was sober with a clear recollection of what I had done, then blissfully I was high again. An authority in charge of affairs.

  I said good-bye, alluded again to the wonderful food and the wonderful future we had in store, and walked out of the house.

  I was certain that my heartlessness regarding the women stemmed from a natural need for revenge. After all my soggy sentimentality for the misunderstood, no one could have convinced me that I was merely acting out society's hate for the "other ones."

  However, an irony struck me before I reached the little one-foot wire fence that guarded the pavement from the yard. In a successful attempt to thwart a seduction I had ended up with two whores and a whorehouse. And I was just eighteen.


  "Good evening, driver."


  "Are there enough houses of ill repute to service the naval personnel?"


  "I know you're generally paid four dollars on a twentydollar customer (I guessed, I didn't know), but if, after

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  Thursday night ten o'clock, you bring clients to this address, you'll be remunerated to the tune of five dollars per head."

  You had to be very careful in speaking to whites, and especially white men. My mother said that when a white man sees your teeth he thinks he sees your underclothes.

  I had managed in a few tense years to become a snob on all levels, racial, cultural and intellectual. I was a madam and thought myself morally superior to the whores. I was a waitress and believed myself cleverer than the customers I served. I was a lonely unmarried mother and held myself to be freer than the married women I met.


  Hank was the club's erratic bouncer. Erratic because sometimes he didn't show up, and other times, when his habits hit him, he bounced people onto the sidewalk who had done no more than offend his sensibilities. He spent a few nights monthly in the drunk tank, and was always taken back on his release.

  The other waitresses hinted that Hank did a few private jobs for the boss. Secretly I believed the man was afraid of Hank, rightly, for there was no way to anticipate him. He might see in a stranger qualities of great worth, or he might develop an active hate for a person's color.

  He had kind of adopted me on my arrival, and at the earliest opportunity I approached him. "Hank, I want to know if you'd look after some business for me?"

  In another century that face would have so frightened a slave owner that he would have been compelled to lash the broad back and shackle the wide hands.



  "Yeah, li'l sister. What's the Matter?"

  "You know the two les--bull daggers who come in here?"

  "They ain't been messing with you, is they?"

  "Oh no." The reverse. "They've asked me to back them in a business. Whorehouse, to be exact. Wednesday to Saturday. And you're the only person I can trust to watch out for my end. I figure to pay you one third of my take."

  His mouth hung open. "You're going to be turning tricks?"

  "Not me, I'm going to keep on working, but they will. Could you manage the place for me? Watch out for the police and keep track of the money?"

  After much repeating myself, he agreed. I created an elaborate system of chits, which would be given to the women and the cabdrivers. At around two-thirty in the morning Hank was to put on a porch light denoting- a clear coast, and I would go in and pay off the workers.

  I had a vague worry-that a sudden large bank account would put the vice squad on my trail. I wasn't afraid of the police, since I wasn't turning tricks myself, but I was terrified of how a police investigation would influence Mother Cleo. She'd toss me and my baby out of the house with much damning me to the depths of hell. There were other places to live of course, and with the money piling up in secret places I could afford anyone to tend my child, but the fact was that I cared for the Jenkinses and what they thought of me was important.

  Their home and their ways reminded me of the grandmother who raised me and whom I idolized. I wouldn't have


  them offended. When my illicit business reached its peak, I joined their church, and stood in the choir singing the old songs with great feeling.

  One afternoon Mother Cleo remarked, "I know something." And smiled a leer. Panic set in.


  "You doing something." She sang the accusation like schoolchildren promising to tell.

  "What? I'm not doing anything." The ready lie at my tongue.

  "You got yourself a fella."

  Of all things, how could she come up with that? However wrong she was, I perceived she wasn't angry, and it would be safer to lie again.

  I asked, "How did you know?" Pleased now that she had caught me.

  " 'Cause you're coming in later than you us
ed to. Me, I'm a light sleeper. Mr. Henry can sleep till the cows come home, but taking care of children makes me a light sleeper. I hear every footfall. You used to be in around two twenty-five, two-thirty. Now you get in sometimes its three-thirty. Am I right?"


  "Well, is he a nice boy? Work where you work, don't he?"

  "How do you know so much, Mother Cleo?"

  " 'Cause anybody else couldn't stay up every night till you get off. If you want to, he can come 'round here to see you."

  I started. "Not at night. But in the daytime, I don't mind."

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  That was more like it. With so many unexpected things happening I would be very unhappy to see Mother Cleo's morals slip.

  For two and a half months I operated at the points of a stylistic triangle, braggadocio (in front of the women) and modest servitude (at the club), and kept wondering what to do with all the cash.

  I bought a car which was a model of Detroit genius. A pale-green Chrysler, '39 vintage, convertible. It sported wooden doors and highly polished wooden dashboards. Knobs and buttons were a yellow material like the handles of oldfashioned flatware. I fashioned a sling made out of belts and secured my son, who had begun to walk. We drove around the monotonous streets of San Diego hi rny beautiful chariot. I had paid cash for it from a dresser drawer of money.

  Mother Cleo asked charily, "And where in the world . . .?"

  I had my answer molded. "My boyfriend gave it to me!"

  "What'd he do? Steal it?"

  "Oh no. He paid cash."

  "How come he don't come around?"

  "He's going to. I invited him." In fact, I had thought of palming Hank off as the hard-working boyfriend but decided he'd never be able to carry it off.

  "Listen here. He ain't a married man, is he?" She began to draw away from me as if I might be a carrier of a loathsome disease.

  "No, ma'am. He's not even divorced. I mean, he's never been married."


  She calmed down gradually, then her face hardened. "He ain't a white man, is he? I don't 'low white men."

  I had to laugh. Of all the tricks who came and went in my establishment, I hadn't even seen one. "No, Mother Cleo, he's not even light-skinned."

  Reluctantly she smiled. "One thing I don't hold with is women messing 'round with married mens. The other is messing 'round with white men. First one the Bible don't like, second one the law don't like."

  She could have put her time to greater use concerning herself with my lack of morals rather than with my sexual involvements. Since coming to San Diego I let no attraction penetrate the invisible widow's weeds I had donned. My love was dead, my love was gone, married to some stupid shipfitter and living in the mosquito-ridden swamps of Louisiana. Long die, and stay dead, my love.


  During this time when my life hinged melodramatically on intrigue and deceit, I discovered the Russian writers. One title caught my eye. Not because I felt guilty raking in money from the doings of prostitutes but because of the title's perfect balance. Life, as far as I had deduced it, was a series of opposites: black/white, up/down, life/death, rich/ poor, love/hate, happy/sad, and no mitigating areas in between. It followed Crime/Punishment.





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  The heavy opulence of Dostoevsky's world was where I had lived forever. The gloomy, lightless interiors, the complex ratiocinations of the characters, and their burdensome humors, were as familiar to me as loneliness.

  I walked the sunny California streets shrouded in Russian mists. I fell in love with the Karamazov brothers and longed to drink from a samovar with the lecherous old father. Then Gorki became my favorite. He was the blackest, most dear, most despairing. The books couldn't last long enough for me. I wished the writers all alive, turning out manuscripts for my addiction. I took to the Chekov plays and Turgenev, but always returned in the late nights, after I had collected my boodle, to the Maxim Gorki and his murky, unjust world.

  My dance teacher, who took no personal interest, wore the most outlandish clothes. Her long dark skirt, gathered, fell to just above her ankles. The blouses were of Mexican persuasion and were worn off her thin shoulders. Ropes of colorful beads and thong sandals completed her costume. She looked odd enough for admiration. I copied her clothes, and when not dressed in the white-blouse, black-skirt waitress uniform, I could be seen haunting the libraries, a tall thin black girl in too-long skirts and senorita blouses, which might have been sexy had I had the figure and/or attitude to complement them. Alas, I didn't.

  Upon reflection, I marvel that no one saw through me enough to bundle me off to the nearest mental institution. The fact that it didn't happen depended less on my being a good actress than the fact that I was surrounded, as I had been all my life, by strangers. The world of waitress, dreamer,


  madam and mother might have continued indefinitely, except for another of life's unexpected surprises.

  I didn't insist on any rules in my little whorehouse by the side of the road, except one: no all-night dates, no matter what the temptation. I wanted the money without name, the ease without strain. I never wanted any tricks to be in the house after I arrived, hence the signal with Hank.

  One evening I sat in a taxi on the darkened street (I never took my automobile to the whorehouse) and waited for the light to go off on the porch. The driver, who also brought trade, and I walked into the house.

  I stood in the center of the tiny living room, which smelled of Lysol and smoke and incense, hemmed in by the driver, the women and Hank, and by the furniture, which threatened to oust us all at any moment. Beatrice and Johnnie Mae erased any budding aspirations I had for owning things. Now that they had money, their acquisitive natures came into their own. The total filling up of the living room was so gradual that it was as if the existing furniture gave birth nightly to smaller and even larger images of itself.

  Hank passed me the cigar box of money.

  "Damn. Turn the damned radio off till we get business settled. You can't hear a shitting thing." I had taken to cursing to round out my image. The two women no longer took any interest in me, except possibly to hate my arrogance and envy my authority. I couldn't care less.

  I had not finished recovering their chits and was about to turn to the cabdriver when a drunk, half-dressed white sailor stumbled through the bedroom door. He had nothing on




  below the blue middy. There was a moment's hush when the women and Hank looked at me. :I was hypnotized at the man's nudity and couldn't take my eye's from his white, soft, dangling penis.

  Beatrice ran to him. "Honey. I told you to stay-"

  "What's going on? Who are all these folks?" His accent was lower Mississippi, and he looked as naked and white and ugly and drunk and nasty as anything I could think of.

  Beatrice herded him back to the room.

  In those seconds I became a child again. Unreasoning rage consumed me. The low-down sneaky bitches-I had told them to have the place cleared before I got there. They had probably had tricks there every night and I hadn't even questioned them. I could have gone to jail or worse. After all I'd done for them, their whorish hearts were so ungrateful that I had been subjugated to looking at the sickening aspect of a white man's penis.

  I turned to Hank, and lumbering toward me, he said, "Rita, swear to God, I thought they was all gone."

  Johnnie Mae allowed a little of her jealousy to show. "I don't see nothing wrong myself. You come over here every night collecting money, acting like you somebody's pimp. But you too good to turn a trick. And you keep this big rough sonofabitch watching us all the time. Well, you can kiss my black ass."

  Her rudeness didn't surprise me. I would not have moved an eyebrow at anything any more. The drivers stood mesmerized by the event.


  I gave the cigar box to Hank. "Han
k, Do you want a whorehouse, complete with whores? You've just been given one." I turned to the women, gathering all my injured dignity. "And, ladies, you decided in the beginning that you were going to screw me one way or the other. Look at us now. Who did the screwing?"

  Beatrice's voice keened, sharpened and moved through the room like a swinging razor. "If it hadn't been for you, we'd be living like we always did."

  "Yes, in the street, or back in some white woman's kitchen."

  Johnnie Mae swelled up as if she had taken in more air than it was possible to release. "Be goddam careful how you talk to her, you big-nose bitch."

  It was time to go. These lying heathens were not above attacking me. And after all I'd done for them.

  "Hank, if you want this place, it's all yours." And one parting shot to the traitors: "At least I'm leaving you better off than I found you. You've got enough secondhand furniture to start you own Goodwill store." And to the cabdriver: "Will you please take me home."

  I stood straighter, separating myself from the stench of my present environment, and started out. Johnnie Mae's rage propelled her after me. I reached the door just as she stretched her hand for me. I put on a little speed, not wanting to appear to be running, and escaped down the steps as she and the cabdriver collided in the doorway. He extricated himself in a hurry, more than a little terrified of getting caught between



  -if ".t


  two restless tribes. Johnnie?Mae, thwarted, for I had gained the sidewalk, screamed out into the quiet darkness, "You bitch! You think the police don't want to know how you bought that car. You better not drive it again. I'll have the vice squad on your ass."

  I don't know how I continued walking to the cab. Her threat and the sound of her screech had stabbed me to the quick as surely-as it had pierced the night. The wretch would put the cops on my trail and I'd lose my car, go to jail and be put out of Mother Cleo's. I was sitting in the back of the taxi when a numbing thought sidled across my brain like a poisonous snake. I might be declared an unfit mother and my son would be made a ward of the court. There were cases like that. In the cool early-morning air I began to sweat. The tiny glands in my armpits opened and closed to the pricking of a thousand straight pins.

  "Please take me home, and I'm sorry for that terrible outburst." Fear still rode the front seat with the driver and he lost no time depositing me at my destination. I paid him, tipped him grandly and inundated him with praise for his reliability and courtesy, and lack of familiarity. I don't think he heard a word, and before I reached the front door, his tail lights had turned winking around the corner.

  During the exotic buying sprees I hadn't thought to get luggage to hold my new acquisitions. I heaped piles of my clothes and my son's into the suitcases Bailey had given me in San Francisco. I had made up my mind that come daybreak, my son and I were going to make a run for it. If the police