Chapter 19

  Sgt Keller put the microphone down and said, "That's it... I'm committed to this now."

  Ten hours later Sgt. Keller, 6 of his recon team and Sheriff Tom were in a Pilatus PC-12 winging toward Hill AFB.

  When the aircraft touched down, a security force of 4 APC's rolled up beside the plane as it came to a stop. When the security team exited the APC's they approached the steps that had been lowered from the aircraft. As Sgt Keller, Sheriff Tom and the 6 recon team members exited the aircraft the Hill AFB security forces surrounded them and esorted them to a waiting APC.

  Six of the security personnel stood guard on the aircraft. Less than five minutes later the APC carrying Sgt. Keller, Tom and the recon team stopped next to a squat concrete building.

  "Home sweet home," said Sgt Keller with a laugh.

  The guards motioned everyone out of the APC and walking into the building keyed in a code for the door to unlock. Sgt. Keller, his recon team, and sheriff Tom were all taken to a room that had a door with two signs on it. The upper plaque said Base Commander. The second said Major General Otis R. Granger.

  One of the guards walked over to the door, knocked, then entered. Moments later he exited and motioned Sgt Keller inside. After about five minutes Sgt Keller opened the door and signaled Sheriff Tom to come inside.

  Sgt Keller made his introductions and the General stood up and reached his hand across the desk to shake Sheriff Tom's hand. The said, "Have a seat sheriff. I understand you have a proposal for me."

  "Yes, I represent the civilian government of the Federated City State of California and I need for you to turn command of this facility over to me. If this is accomplished immediately and unconditionally, we can accomplish this peacefully. Otherwise, we are prepared to take control by force. We cannot and will not tolerate a rogue military force as heavily armed as yours to operate as free agents," said Tom.

  "I will not turn over this base to just anyone walking into this office with a tin badge. Telling me they are a legitimate representative of a revolutionary government. I will not surrender my command to anyone except a representative of the government of the United States of America," shouted the General.

  "Sgt, your side arm please," said Tom.

  Taking the pistol extended by Sgt. Keller, Tom said, "You are relieved immediately of command by order of the Federated City State of California," Tom then shot the General in the forehead.

  The Generals door burst open and CMSGT Mello came rushing in.

  "What...What have you done?" asked CMSGT Mello.

  Tom wheeled around and pointing the pistol said, "Come in Chief Master Sergeant, and close the door please."

  When the CMSGT had closed the door, Tom looked at him and continued, "I represent the civilian government of the Federated City State of California.

  We currently are producing food and petroleum products, and we have limited manufacturing capabilities. We could use Hill AFB's trained military personnel for security and exploration of the old U.S. east of the Mississippi river.

  Your satellite capabilities would be a tremendous aid to us in locating survivors as well. As far as we can tell, we are the only organized governmental body that remains. We have detected no evidence of the old US government. But if and when we do, you, as well as we, would fall under their authority.

  The information we currently have forces us to act on behalf of the women that are being held as virtual prisoners here as well as the extremely harsh conditions your enlisted personnel are subjected to.

  The General was given the option to comply with our request and he declined. I have relieved him of his command. I would like for you to arrange an assembly of all enlisted personnel for me ASAP. A second assembly of all of the senior commissioned personnel will follow 45 minutes later."

  "Yes Sir. It's about time something right was done. I'm tired of hiding here with our heads up our asses waiting to starve. We should have attempted to secure the base and rescue people nine years ago," snapped the Chief Master Sergeant. He saluted and turned and left the room.

  "Sgt. Keller, I want you to stick to the CMSGT and make sure he doesn't try to sound an alarm. Send a couple of men up to bring our fighters down here too." said Tom.

  "Will do." said SGT Keller.

  Fifteen minutes later, Sheriff Tom stood in front of a group of one hundred and thirty five men. "My name is Sheriff Tom Hardin. I am a representative of the Federated City State of California. I am the acting commander of this facility. I understand there are women being held prisoner at this facility.

  We will be transporting or reintegrating any that may choose to remain. Interviews of the said women prisoners will determine if charges will be brought against any officers or enlisted personnel. Charges for improper imprisonment or treatment of these women while in captivity.

  Some of you may be charged or asked to testify against others who are accused and charged in connection to that imprisonment. I ask that you remember your loyalty and allegiance is to the recognized civilian government not the site officer cadre. And remember, neither the old U.S government nor the new Federated Cities government will tolerate human rights crimes.

  If you're hungry, I want you to know that food shipments will be implemented as soon as tomorrow. By dinner time tomorrow you should be back on a meat and potatoes diet. The days of hiding underground are over gentlemen.

  Your new primary mission will be to eradicate Zombies and make contact with any surviving population centers that are located. We are going to take back our country and our lives."

  There was a moment of stunned silence from the personnel seated in the auditorium, and then the men got to their feet and started applauding.

  Tom held up his hand and said, "Unfortunately, I will have to ask you to confine yourselves to quarters for the time being. Sgt. Keller and Chief Master Sergeant Mello please step up here to the podium.

  Chief Master Sergeant Mello, Technical Sergeant Keller, As a duly recognized representative of the Federated City State of California I am granting you a DCO's to the rank of Colonel.

  Colonel Keller is the acting Commander of all combat personnel. Colonel Mello is the acting operations commander of this facility. Both of these individuals will require your cooperation, follow any instructions they give. Insubordination will result in confinement to a cell or your immediate execution at the Colonels discretion."

  The same speech was given to the gathering of officers. There were objections to the trial of personnel. We only passed on the orders that were given to us. We didn't make policy said a captain on the front row. Tom looked at the audience then directly at the individual that had made the statement.

  Tom said, "I will only say this one time. The next time I hear someone say, 'I was only following orders,' as a defense for their conduct, they will be shot on the spot. No exceptions."

  Three of the field rank officers stated that they would never abandon the General or his command and certainly wouldn't recognize any orders given by a noncom. Tom shook his head and simply said, "So be it," Tom had his guards bring the three to the front of the auditorium and proceeded to execute the three of them.

  Tom returned his revolver to its holster and said, "As of this moment, all commissions are revoked. Each of you will be interviewed and questioned. After the initial interviews of all site personnel, anyone not accused of misconduct will be given the option of leaving this facility and making your own way in the outside world. Some of you may be detained and tried for your behavior and past actions.

  Because of our need for educated leaders in the world as it currently exists, most of you will also be eligible for reinstatement of your commissions. But this will only happen after you are proven innocent of any wrong doing or malfeasance.

  What I am looking for is engineering skills, chemistry skills, skills of that type. Remember gentlemen, your tactical skills are worthless against an enemy that has no fear of dying and his only battle plan is to kill and
eat you."

  After meeting with the base personnel, Colonel Mello took Ralph and Tom to the quarters where the women and children were confined.

  Sheriff Tom addressed the women and their caregivers. Tom explained that they could be relocated or they could choose to remain at Hill and resume normal roles in the new organization. Hill AFB will be receiving assignments and direction from the Federated City State of California from this point on.

  The following morning Jack flew back to Edwards with half of the volunteers that had been recruited from the Federated City State of California. Most of them were anxious to return home, due to worry about their families and for the impending harvest season.

  After Jack left on his return trip, I went to see Colonel Mello in private. "Colonel Mello, I am interested in an Officer evacuated from Edwards AFB to here in the first week of the Plague." I told Colonel Mello.

  "Sure if he came here to Hill I will have records on him. What was his name and rank at the time of his transfer?" said the Colonel.

  "Lt. Tom Mathews" I told him.

  Colonel Mello turned to his computer and typed for several minutes.

  "I'm sorry sir but it seems your friend never arrived here at Hill AFB. I show him as being on a departure list from Edwards but I don't have any record of his processing through records here at Hill. I know that one transport aircraft was lost, possibly he was on board that aircraft,"

  I tried not to let my relief show and thanked the very much for his assistance and arose from my chair.

  I don't know how I would have dealt with the situation had I located Junes's first husband. I like to think given a choice she would have chosen to stay with me. But deep down I suspect he would have just disappeared without June ever having found out that he had been located. I would have killed him for abandoning Jenny for the Zombies, orders or no, orders.

  At least I can tell her his probable fate now, without worrying about their reunion meeting.

  "I have a list of names of other individuals that were in that same flight wing at Edwards. Maybe someone there could confirm if he was on the flight that failed to get airborne. I will try and confirm his disposition for you if you would like," offered Colonel Mello.

  "Thank you, and could you please keep this between us," I said.

  "Yes sir." responded Colonel Mello.

  A day after returning the volunteers Jenneyville and and arranging flights home for each group according to their various locations. Jack returned to Hill AFB with eight passengers four people Kirk Campbell had requested to assist him.

  Jack's passengers also included Mayor Elizabeth, Jenny, June, and Beth and me as well. Mayor Elizabeth and Jenny (acting as Rob's representative), and June (to act as my representative) interviewed the women and pieced the situation together over the next two days.

  One of the facts that surfaced was that four of the senior women Officers had been accomplices to the atrocities committed on the women of Hill AFB. Elizabeth called a meeting of all the women. Elizabeth lined up the three women in front of the gathered women and shot all three without any further hearing or trial.

  Elizabeth turned to face the gathered shocked women and said, "Ladies, I wanted you to see that we take the unconscionable action to which you were subjected to as intolerable. I want you to know that swift and terrible action be taken on the people involved in this crime. Living with human survivors should not be a worse fate than dying with the Zombies.

  I promise you that if you have complaints about the aggressions against you, you have but to bring them to light with anyone representing the Federated City State of California".

  A total of 72 women and 188 children were led out of the detention center and installed in what had been the senior officer's quarters. The previous occupants of the quarters were housed in what had been the base Air Force Confinement Facilities Hill AFB.

  A week later charges were brought against twenty-five of the forty-five Officers and nineteen of the enlisted men. The men were charged and prosecuted the following week, at a tribunal chaired by Elizabeth.

  A public sentencing topside attended by everyone but the children, Elizabeth made the statement, "I hereby sentence you each to death. The only appeal available to you is for your soul. I encourage you to pray for the Lords forgiveness. Because you will not receive forgiveness or mercy from this court, Officer, take them away."

  All forty four individuals were executed over the two days after that sentence was passed. The body fires burned for the entire week, but few tears were shed.