Page 16 of Summer Heat


  He approached and shook her hand. Clearly the least warm of all the Storm clan, she never could get a handle on him.

  "How's the marketing plan going?" he asked. "Aidan tells me you've got a great program in the works."

  Aidan had complimented her? She'd been so wrapped up in the personal side of their relationship she hadn't thought about how he perceived her marketing skills. "Thanks. I'm hoping we're going to be able to blitz this joint venture not only in Louisiana, but surrounding states, especially those that have stricter gambling laws and would come to New Orleans to spend their money."

  "Good. New Orleans is a great tourist draw, but with the new casino we're hoping we can bring in another segment of the market."

  "I know we can." She smiled up at him, her stomach always a little tight around this oldest Storm sibling. There was something about him a little more reserved, more distant, chillier than either Aidan or his sisters. And yet she'd heard he was phenomenally successful in business, so maybe that's where his passions came into play.

  "Melissa!" Aidan's mother, Angelina, threw her arms around her and squeezed her in a hug. "I'm so glad you came! We've missed you."

  Again she felt that tug, that wanting to be a part of this family. Any family, for that matter, who would show her the warmth and affection she'd never received from her own.

  But this family would never be hers. She knew when it came time to leave it would hurt, even if she and Aidan never spent another minute together. He'd become so much a part of her life, her heart, her every waking thought, that the idea of never seeing him again tore her to pieces. The fact she'd also fallen in love with his family didn't make it any easier.

  "Come," Angelina said, taking her by the hand. "Let's go outside and I'll show you the decorations."

  She followed the petite, dark-haired woman through the spacious kitchen, having only a fleeting few seconds to wave hello to Aidan's father and sisters. They stepped through the back door and onto a covered porch littered with comfortable looking rocking chairs.

  The screen door creaked as Angelina pushed it open and led her into a beautiful garden set in a semi-circle around a pond. Colorful fish of varying sizes lifted rounded mouths out of the water to catch mosquitoes. The humidity of the late afternoon surrounded her like a fog.

  Beyond the garden and pond was a grassy area the size of half a football field. Knobby cypress trees provided ample shade and the temperature cooled a few degrees as she stepped out of the sun. There, decorated tables, balloons and streamers had been set up along with a huge sign proclaiming Aidan's thirtieth birthday. Tiki torches surrounded the area, their flames already casting shadows on the near darkened grass.

  "This is lovely, Mrs. Storm."

  Angelina turned dark eyes to her and motioned her to one of the covered tables. "Thank you. And call me Angelina."

  Melissa sat next to Aidan's mother. "How many people are coming today?"

  "Probably fifty or so. Some of our neighbors, family, and several of Aidan's close friends will be here."

  Aidan's close friends? Wryly she wondered how many of those were women. Knowing Aidan, probably all of them. "It sounds wonderful. I'm sure he'll be very surprised."

  Angelina grinned. "I hope so. He doesn't expect this, and usually he knows everything--hard to keep secrets around him."

  "Tell me about it," she said, then realized what she'd let slip.

  But Angelina only laughed. "I take it you two have grown close."

  "Not really. We work together, so we've spent a lot of time cooped up in the same room."

  "I think it's more than that."

  Yes, it was. But she couldn't, wouldn't discuss it with his mother. "No, really, it's not."

  "You've slept together, yes?"

  Her body flamed in mortification and she was sure the heat on her cheeks was visible because Angelina smiled.

  "Don't be embarrassed, cher," Angelina said, patting her hand. "You and Aidan are healthy sexual beings. We don't sweep sex under the rug here. Between my background and Aidan's father, we embrace sexuality as a wonderful gift."

  She couldn't imagine ever having this conversation with her own mother. As far as her mother was concerned, Melissa was still a virgin at twenty-seven. And if she wasn't, Susan Cross didn't want to hear about it.

  But discussing her sex life with the mother of the man she'd slept with was a completely different matter. She had no idea what to say in response.

  Fortunately, Angelina seemed quite comfortable. "Tell me about your feelings, Melissa, or should I call you Lissa like Aidan does?"

  She didn't even want to know how Angelina knew that. She'd just assume he'd told her. "I wouldn't know where to begin."

  Angelina nodded. "Understandable. Do you have any questions about our family?

  There was a loaded question. How would she approach that one? "Not really."

  But Angelina was too wise for her. "Are you certain the magic hasn't left you a bit unsettled?"

  Melissa finally chuckled. "You don't leave too many subjects taboo, do you?"

  "Not really. The more that is withheld the bigger the mystery. And, truly, there is no mystery about our magic. I will tell you if you'd like to know."

  "Yes, I'd love to know."

  "My family has practiced voodoo for generations. But voodoo is not what many think it is. It is not devil worship, nor the dark arts. We are of Catholic descent, as is Galen, and we believe in the mystic and magic of the one supreme power. Voodoo, or any type of magic, whether brought forth or inherent in one's genetics, is nothing more than being open to the possibilities that something special lives inside all of us--that we all have powers that enable us to soar beyond the ordinary. Some of us choose to open our eyes and embrace it, but many fear it and keep themselves closed off."

  What Angelina said made sense in a way. "I've thought about that, and wondered. When Aidan...when Aidan and I were together, or whenever I think about him, things happen."

  "Weather related things?" Angelina asked with a knowing smile.


  "It is our destiny. Galen is a Storm, a controller of the elements. When he and I met, which was our destiny, I had the magic in me. He was aware of odd happenings within his own life but chose not to embrace them."

  "I take it he does now?"

  "To a certain extent. But he gave to me what was his, as I gave to him what was mine. And our children enjoy both."

  A part of her couldn't believe she was having a conversation about manipulating the weather. And yet she knew it to be true. But what did it all mean? More importantly, what was she going to do about it?

  "You and Aidan share a destiny," Angelina said. "What you two choose to do with that is entirely up to you."

  Feeling closer to this woman than she'd ever been to her own mother, Melissa asked, "Help me, Angelina. Tell me what to do."

  With a mother's tenderness, Angelina stroked Melissa's hair, her dark eyes softening. "Ce n'est pas mon destin, le bel. Il est a vous. "

  Melissa sighed. Angelina was right, of course. Whatever happened, it was her choice, no one else's.

  For the next hour she helped Angelina finish the decorations and set out the food. Pushing thoughts of Aidan to the back of her mind, she relaxed enough to laugh with Shannon and Kaitlyn, especially when they regaled her with memories of Aidan's antics as a child. She'd learned he was quite the hellion when he was small.

  Not too different than the way he was now. There was something wild and primitive about him, and she wondered how much of that had to do with the magic that lived within him.

  She had so many questions about that, questions she wanted to get answers to from Aidan himself. And yet they were barely on speaking terms, couldn't seem to get to the point where they could stop either arguing or having sex.

  And what good would it do her to get more involved anyway? In a week she'd be leaving. Her life was in Boston. This wasn't her family.

  And Aida
n wasn't her man. She may love him, but that didn't make him hers.

  "You ready?" Shannon asked, leaning over Melissa's shoulder.

  Adding the finishing touches to a vegetable tray, she nodded. "Is it time?"

  "Almost. He should be here shortly. He's already called Mom to say he's on his way."

  "How are you getting him over here?" she asked.

  "Family dinner for his birthday. An annual tradition for all of us, so he wouldn't be expecting anything."

  Melissa surveyed the crowd mingling under the trees. She'd met so many people in the past hour she'd never remember who was whom. Uncles, aunts, cousins, school friends of Aidan's, all of whom seemed to think she was his girlfriend.

  And all incredibly friendly, warm, and inviting. She sighed, wishing she'd had friends and family like this in Boston. Since neither of her parents had siblings, she had no cousins, nor aunts or uncles. Family gatherings were her mother and father and her. No frills, no excitement, no warmth.

  She'd really miss all this when she left.

  Melissa turned to Shannon, who looked gorgeous in an orange sundress. She looked down at her own dress and wondered if it was too much, or maybe even too little.

  "Quit worrying," Shannon said. "You look great. And red makes you look sexy as hell. Aidan's eyes will pop out of his sockets when he sees you."

  Melissa warmed, feeling slightly embarrassed at being so transparent. The short dress hadn't been her first choice. After all, she'd been the one to run out on Aidan, she'd been the one to keep her distance, afraid of her own feelings for him. Yet here she was, dressed in a hot red dress that revealed just enough skin to entice him.

  Was that what she wanted? Hadn't she made it clear to him, and to herself for that matter, that what had been between them was over?

  Could she be any more confused? Poor Aidan, no wonder he didn't know what to expect from her. She didn't even know herself.

  "He's coming!" Kaitlyn announced.

  Since there was no place to hide in the expansive backyard, everyone assembled in a row to await Aidan's arrival through the back door. Angelina came through first, then Aidan. His eyes widened when everyone shouted, "Surprise!"

  He looked stunned, and for a moment didn't move, just looked mightily embarrassed. Then he cracked a half-grin and ran his hand through his hair, stepped out into the yard and headed toward the throng of people awaiting him.

  Melissa maneuvered herself into the back of the crowd, hoping he wouldn't notice she was there.

  She should have known that wouldn't happen. He'd no more greeted a couple of people when he stilled for a second, turned his head slightly to each side and zeroed in on her. The air stilled, and when he made eye contact with her the jolt of electricity seared her blood to boiling.

  Aidan headed straight for her, parting the crowd like Moses did the Red Sea.

  Melissa swallowed, her throat gone completely dry. Her heart pounded against her ribs and her entire body felt alive. What would he say when he made his way to her?

  She was almost too afraid to imagine. The urge to bolt surged through her and she actually considered it for a moment. Maybe he'd ask her to leave, considering the way she'd run from the hotel a few days ago and the way she'd avoided him.

  He stopped in front of her. His expression gave nothing away. Curious, maybe? Or astounded that she had the nerve to show up?

  For the life of her she couldn't think of a thing to say to him, and yet there were so many things she wanted to tell him. At the moment, she could think of only one thing.

  "Happy Birthday, Aidan."

  Chapter Fourteen

  First, a surprise party, and to top it all off, Melissa? Talk about the unexpected. He certainly hadn't anticipated a party and all these people, and sure as hell hadn't counted on Lissa taking part.

  "Thanks," he said in reply to her birthday wish. Nice answer, but he was still too dumbfounded at seeing her to have a chance to interpret what her presence here tonight meant.

  "You don't look any older."

  "Good to know."

  She rocked on both feet, seemingly nervous and uncertain of whether she should even be there or not. God, she was so beautiful she took his breath away. Red looked good on her. Short dresses looked great on her.

  "You're gonna have to get a better vocabulary now that you're nearly over the hill, little brother."

  He smiled at Logan's taunt. "Just emulating my big brother's speech patterns."

  "Asshole," Logan whispered in his ear.


  Melissa chuckled. "Brotherly love?"

  "It's always this way," Aidan explained. "What can I say? He adores me."

  "You're a pain in the ass, Aidan," Logan replied, then hugged him. "Happy birthday."

  His mother came up and kissed him. "I know all you want to do is spend time with this lovely woman here, but you have guests to greet."

  "Besides," Shannon piped up after she kissed Aidan's cheek, "I need help in the kitchen so I'm stealing your woman."

  His woman. Was she? He sure didn't think so, not after the other night when she'd run like hell out of his hotel room. She glanced at him with wide-eyed reluctance as Shannon dragged her away.

  "You can talk to her later," his mother said. "Go, say hello to all the wonderful people here to celebrate your day."

  He nodded and did his duty as host and celebrity for the day, laughing at all the potshots about his advancing age and ticking biological clock. The evening passed in a whirlwind of activity. There wasn't a moment that someone wasn't pressing a drink into his hand, and he'd hugged and kissed so many people by the time dinner was ready that he'd claimed chapped lips.

  Truth was, he was having a wonderful time, pleased as hell that so many people had come to share his birthday.

  The only thing he had to complain about was he hadn't spent any time with Melissa. She'd been commandeered by his entire family and seemed to enjoy serving drinks, appetizers and laughing with all the guys.

  That part pissed him off. Didn't all his buddies know she was off limits?

  As he downed yet another drink, he almost laughed out loud. It wasn't like a sign that said Property of Aidan was plastered to her butt. Although the idea had merit.

  "You look like you want Melissa for dessert."

  Aidan turned and grinned at Logan. "Maybe I do."

  Logan shook his head. "You're hopeless. Didn't we talk about this?"

  "Yeah. I ignored you. Can't help it. She's something special."

  Logan arched a dark brow. "Special, huh? Special like all the other girls you sleep with?"

  "No. Not like that at all."

  "Come on, Aidan, she's just another piece of ass. As soon as the new wears off, you'll be on to another conquest."

  Irritation sparked a flame inside him, and the temperature rose considerably outside. "I think you need to watch what you say about her."

  With a barely visible twitch of his hand, Logan lowered the temperature before anyone noticed. He smirked. "Got your magic all riled up, did I?"

  "What's your point here?"

  "You care about her."

  "Of course I do." As it was he could barely focus on Logan while trying to follow Lissa's every movement.

  "More than the others."

  "I'm not having this conversation with you."

  "You'd better have it with someone, because if you're leading her down the garden path and then planning to dump her on her ass, then you're not only fucking with the girl, you're fucking with our business. Don't do it."

  "It's not always about business, Logan."

  Logan cast an icy glare at him. "To me, it is."

  "I've got it covered. Let me handle it."

  Logan shook his head and patted him on the shoulder. "Famous last words. You have no idea what you're doing, but I hope you get it straightened out before we end up with a train wreck that costs us the casino."

  His brother's words stayed with him as he watched Melissa surrounded
by a throng of his friends. Did he have it under control? He could barely control the elements when he was around her, let alone the situation between them.

  Whatever the hell that was. Her presence here tonight made him curious, especially since she'd been avoiding him like a virus the past week. Why was she here? Did it mean she'd gotten over her fear of him, of his magic, of their relationship?

  And what of their relationship? How did he feel about it? Where was it going?

  Shit. Too many questions and he hadn't had a free minute to talk with her to find out any answers.

  But she was here, and that had to mean something. Sooner or later he'd get her alone, and then they'd figure out where they were headed.

  After all the fussing over him, the dinner, the cake, the gag gifts and well wishers hovering nearby, the evening began to wane. Guests said their goodbyes and left, until finally it was just Aidan and his family.

  And Melissa.

  She'd stayed to help clean up, carrying trays into the house, laughing and talking alongside his mother and sisters as if she were part of them.

  Aidan slumped down onto a bench as the reality hit. The thought of her actually being part of their family didn't send him running in the opposite direction.

  Holy hell, what did that mean? Was he in love with her? He shuddered at the thought. He never fell in love. Love was permanent--it meant settling down with one woman. He swore he could never do that, he enjoyed women too damn much to spend the rest of his life with just one.

  It had to be that she'd been so elusive. He still wanted her. His cock twitched whenever she was nearby. Oh hell, for that matter, it twitched whenever he thought of her. Walking around half-hard all the time wasn't comfortable. He needed to be inside her, needed to feel her hot pussy squeezing him until he pumped his come deep within her.

  That had to be the only thing he was feeling. Unbridled lust, not love.

  So he waited for time alone with her. Waited while his family hovered as if they didn't have anything better to do with their time. He itched to get his hands on Melissa and grew more irritated with every passing minute that the rest of them lingered.

  Finally, they began their trek toward the house. Shannon and Kaitlyn claimed an early shopping excursion the next day and kissed him goodbye. Logan was headed back to work, and his parents said they'd be in the house.

  He was alone with Melissa, who sat on one of the opposite picnic benches and smiled hesitantly.