Page 4 of Summer Heat

  She laughed. "Hardly. My parents could spend an entire meal not saying one word to each other, or to me. And, if there was a disagreement, it could sometimes last a week or longer."

  He reached over and grazed his knuckles against her cheek. She felt the shock, a tinge of excitement that warmed her from the inside.

  "That'll never happen here. You're already family here, cher."

  Before she knew what was happening, Aidan leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. Her insides sizzled at the brief touch of his mouth. She breathed him in, that essence of male that so mesmerized her. His lips tasted spicy and faintly of wine. She licked at his lower lip, then tugged it lightly with her teeth, shocked at her bold behavior.

  Their kiss lasted an eternity as he tasted her, licked her lips, gently probed the recesses of her more than eager mouth. Then he pulled away and she realized what had seemed like forever must have lasted only a few seconds. Aidan smiled at her, his eyes blazing desire. She shuddered and tried to clear her head, then realized where she was and closed her eyes against the mortification that washed over her.

  Once again she'd shocked herself at her behavior. Here she was at the dinner table with Aidan's entire family, and she'd allowed him to kiss her. Kiss her! A business associate, and nothing more.

  Appalled at her reaction to him, she opened her eyes, intent on apologizing to his family.

  She and Aidan were completely alone in the dining room.

  No way had she been so wrapped up in Aidan's kisses that she would have missed a mass exodus of people. And yet the room was empty. The dinner plates had been removed and a bustle of activity could be heard in the nearby kitchen.

  When had everyone left, and how could she have been so immersed in Aidan that she had tuned them out?


  Aidan could have laughed at the stunned expression on Melissa's face when she looked around to find his family had left the room. He made a mental note to thank them later for instinctively knowing he wanted those few seconds of privacy to touch his lips against hers.

  She'd tasted sweet like wine, and spicy, too. A promise of heat and an element of raw passion that shot through him like an electrical current. He'd hardened instantly, realizing how wild they could be together in bed.

  The thought of taking her right there in the dining room had flashed through his mind, especially when he'd connected with her and tasted her essence. But he also knew that fucking Melissa in his family dining room wouldn't fly, no matter how liberal his parents were.

  But he'd been damn tempted.

  Now, watching her wash dishes side-by-side with his sisters, stabbed him with a pang of longing he'd never felt before. He'd never brought a woman home, a fact that wasn't lost on him. And even though his mother had insisted he bring her to dinner, even though she was only a business associate, it didn't change the fact that he'd never brought any woman home to meet his family, business or personal.

  So why Melissa?

  And what was all that destiny stuff his mother spouted off about him and Melissa? He was well aware of the family history, knew the magic associated with both his parents, recognized the powers he possessed. But destiny? Him and Melissa Cross?

  Not likely.

  Then again, watching as she laughed with his sisters, she looked like she belonged there. It felt like she belonged there. With them. With him.

  Shit. He didn't need this complication. He had a job to do with Melissa, and that was all they'd be doing. Granted, he'd like to explore a sexual relationship with her, but that would have to be one with no ties. If she was agreeable to those terms, great. If not, he'd go without.

  Aidan jammed his fingers through his hair and blew out a frustrated breath.

  "Problems?" Logan whispered behind him.

  "I wish you wouldn't sneak up on me all the time, "Aidan said, not even turning around to look at his brother.

  "I didn't sneak. I practically stomped in the room. You couldn't hear me because you were focused on the gorgeous blonde over there."

  "Was not."

  Logan laughed. "You used to argue the same way when we were kids. As I recall, you always lost."

  Aidan turned and found Logan smiling smugly at him, his arms crossed. "You're full of shit and obviously have a faulty memory. I always won."

  "In your dreams, little brother."

  Shannon poured wine for Melissa and Kaitlyn. The three heads, one midnight black, one sable brown and the other honey blonde, tilted together like some teen-girl conspiracy was at play. A fit of giggles erupted shortly thereafter, and Melissa cast a glance in Aidan's direction, her eyes widening before turning back to his sisters and shaking her head negatively.

  "They're talking about you," Logan said. "Shannon's probably warning Melissa away from you, and Kaitlyn's no doubt trying to plan your wedding."

  Aidan had to laugh at that one. Kaitlyn's favorite events to coordinate at The Rising Storm were the weddings. She'd get a glow about her that would last for the entire planning period. "You're probably right."

  "Better run for your life now, while you still have the chance."

  "Nah, I think I'm strong enough to resist being dragged down the aisle."

  "It's not a wedding I'm worried about. With you it's the bedding part. Keep in mind that Melissa Cross is Chesapeake Casinos. Don't screw up this deal."

  "Don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing going on between us. She's an ice queen. Definitely not my type."

  Logan raised a brow. "I might be busy, but I'm not blind. There's something between you two." When Aidan started to object, Logan held up his hand and said, "I know, you're thinking Mom and her destiny stuff. That's not what I'm talking about. I don't believe in that crap at all and you know it. I'm just saying there's some connection between you."

  "Like magic?" Aidan loved to tease Logan about the family power. Of all the siblings, Logan was the only one who refused to recognize or use his.

  "No, not like magic. More like sexual chemistry. It damn near hovered visibly in the air between you two over dinner. No magic in that. Just don't let it get personal. This deal's important to the hotel, Aidan. More important than you getting your rocks off with Melissa Cross."

  "I'll try to fight her off for as long as I can, then." Aidan winked at Logan who shook his head in disgust and walked out of the room.

  He turned his attention back to Melissa.

  That dress she wore had nearly reduced him to a puddle of melting testosterone when she'd opened the door to her suite. A bright green that brought out her emerald eyes, it clung to her body in all the right places, making him want to slide his hands over her legs and lift the hem to see what treasures lay underneath.

  Damn, his cock was twitching again. Even taking matters into his own hands hadn't assuaged the hunger he felt each time he looked at Melissa.

  He wanted her. Purely and simply wanted her. Wanted to taste every inch of her skin, touch every secret place on her body, and sink deeply between her legs until his hunger for her went away.

  Adjusting his now tight jeans, he stood and walked into the estrogen throng.

  "You ready?" he asked Melissa.

  She glanced up and smiled, then nodded. "Yes."

  Funny, he hadn't elaborated on what he wanted to know she was ready for. And that thought had him needing to make a quick exit before he embarrassed himself with a huge hard-on in front of his sisters.

  "I'll talk to you at work, tomorrow," Shannon said. Aidan was shocked at the warm smile Shannon bestowed on Melissa. Usually she was much more reserved with people she didn't know.

  Kaitlyn, as was typical for her, had never met anyone she considered a stranger. She threw her arms around Melissa and told her to stop by the office and see her tomorrow.

  Melissa smiled genuinely at his sisters, and said goodbye. They found his parents snuggled up together in front of the television.

  "Thank you so much for having me to dinner," Melissa said.

  They s
tood and hugged her. "You're welcome in our home any time," his mother said. She kissed Aidan and told him to behave himself.

  He got them out of there as soon as he could.

  Behave himself, hell. He'd have to exercise some serious control to keep from ravaging Melissa right there in the car.

  "You have a wonderful family," she said as they drove away. Her voice sounded wistful, almost as if she coveted something she couldn't have.

  "Yeah, they are."

  "You have no idea how very lucky you are."

  He glanced at her, noting her hands folded neatly in her lap, her gaze focused on them. "I know I am."

  She went silent again and he let her be, trying not to focus on her long legs, that sexy curve of her collarbone that just begged for his tongue, or the way she licked her lips. He wasn't confident the 'vette was big enough for both him and his hard-on.

  Then he heard her hum, a soft, sweet melody that was some oldie about New Orleans. It made him smile.

  "You like to sing?"

  She looked up at him. "Sing? No. Why?"

  "You were humming."

  "I was not."

  "Yeah," he said with a slight laugh. "You were. Just now."



  "Oh." She looked out the window for a few seconds, then looked at him again. "I think your sisters fed me too much wine."

  "Feeling a little tipsy?"

  He nearly drove the car off the road when she hit him with a wicked smile. "Maybe more than a little."

  "What else do you feel?" he asked.


  "Not hot?"

  She seemed to consider his question before answering, "Not yet, but I'm sure I could get that way."

  Holy shit. She played right into his little game of sexual innuendo without balking. Not at all what he'd expected. Was anything about this woman predictable?

  Taking a chance, he pulled off the freeway and drove to a nearby park, found a secluded spot and turned off the motor. Then he waited for her to ask, or complain.

  Nothing. She leaned back in the seat and closed her eyes, her breathing even and relaxed.

  "You going to sleep on me?" he asked, almost afraid to make a sound or movement.

  "Nope. Just enjoying the night and the slight buzz from the wine. I never relax, you know. Always busy, always have to be somewhere, or work on some project. Always going, going, going."

  Wishing he'd brought the SUV instead of the 'vette, he leaned the seat back as far as it would go, enjoying the conversation and the chance to ogle Melissa without her objecting.

  "Do you wanna relax?" he asked.

  "Oh yeah." Then she sat up and opened her eyes, shifting in the seat so she faced him. Her dress hiked up to her thighs and he swallowed, his throat gone dry. "How about you, Aidan? You seem to be the relaxed type. How do you do it?"

  "Easy. I just enjoy life. It isn't all about work."

  "That's what I've heard. But if you don't work hard someone will step on you on their journey up the ladder."

  He reached for her cheek, loving the silky feel of her skin as his palm caressed her face. "Oh, but you miss so much about life if you don't take the time to kick back and relax every now and then."

  Her gaze focused on his, her green eyes darkening like rich emeralds. "What am I missing, Aidan?"

  Taking the opening, he leaned over and cupped his hand around her neck, pulling her face toward his. "This," he whispered, his mouth descending on hers.

  Electricity swirled around them. Aidan welcomed it, the feeling so familiar it seemed a comfort when it happened. Melissa inhaled deeply, obviously hit by the same sensations.

  Aidan placed his thumb on her chin. "Open for me, Lissa," he whispered against her lips. On a sigh she opened her mouth and he slid his tongue inside, her mouth moist and inviting.

  She tasted sweet and hot at the same time, her tongue finding his and swirling together in a passion that heated up by the millisecond.

  Damn the fucking Corvette anyway! Aidan shifted, dying to pull her into his arms, but knowing there wasn't enough room. He pulled away, his gaze searching the picnic area. It was late. No one would be around. He closed his eyes and gathered the magic, the cloud cover surging over the brightly lit park immediately, obliterating the moon and casting the picnic table in shrouded darkness.

  "Come with me," he said, slipping out his side and hurrying over to hers to open the door and help her out. She wobbled a bit and he steadied her. "Are you okay?"

  She nodded, her lips curling in a hot smile. "Yes, I'm fine. Are you going to kiss me some more?"

  Hell yeah he was gonna kiss her. Kiss her and then some. He pulled her to the picnic bench and sat, pulling her onto his lap.

  The feel of her bottom wriggling against his groin as she settled herself on him nearly had him coming in his jeans.

  "Look at me, Lissa," he said. She turned and settled against him, curling her fingers through his hair.

  "Kiss me, Aidan."

  He needed no further encouragement. He dipped her so that her face was at his chest level, and bent down, devouring her lips with his mouth, his tongue probing and searching for hers.

  The magic followed them out here, swirling around them as a gust of wind picked up and cooled the heat they'd managed to evoke in just a matter of seconds.

  Damn, she felt good in his arms, cradled against him and giving him access to all of her. His hand swept from the curve of her hip down her thighs, then traveled over the silky legs stretched out on the picnic bench. Her skin was so soft it was like dipping his fingers in water.

  And he was drowning in the sensations of her mouth on his, her gasps and whimpers urging him on. There was something special about this woman, some magic that--

  No. Not magic. She wasn't special. Get the Storm destiny crap out of your head, Aidan. It doesn't exist, she isn't the one. There is no 'one' woman for you.

  Forcing himself to stay in the here and now, he pulled away from her eager mouth, loving the way her lips swelled from the force of his kisses, the way her eyes glazed over in passion.

  Her hair tickled his forearm, and he longed to pull the clasp off and let the long strands fall free. But he only had two hands and right now one held her over his arm and the other was busy stroking her firm, silken legs.

  When his fingers traveled up her thighs and slid a fraction under the hem of her dress, she moaned into his mouth, firing up the storm that rumbled inside him. His erection pressed hard against his jeans, twitching whenever she moved her ass against him. He could barely contain his excitement, but forced himself to maintain control. He didn't want this to be over in a heartbeat.

  But, damn, he couldn't touch enough of her to satisfy him. Leaning her forward a bit, he found the zipper at the back of her dress and slowly tugged it down. She gasped when he slipped the tiny straps off her shoulders, then he paused, waiting to see if she'd object. Her gaze met his, her eyes half-closed and her tongue curling around her lips in a way that excited him like nothing ever had.

  With his free hand, he pulled the dress down until her breasts were bared.

  Oh yeah. No bra. Her breasts were small, round like peaches, her pink nipples tightening under his gaze. He swept his palm over one, then grazed the nub with his fingers, watching it pucker and harden further. She gasped when he rolled the tip between his fingers, her eyelids shutting tight. She arched her back against his hand.

  Then his cool Boston colleague surprised the hell out of him. She reached for his hand and slid it down over her belly and lower, placing it at the hem of her dress.

  "Touch me," she whispered, her voice low and breathless and, hot damn, fucking sexy as hell.

  "Touch you where, cher?" he asked, knowing exactly where she wanted his hand but wanting, needing to hear her say it.

  "Down there," she whispered, her eyes closed tight.

  "Down here?" He swept his hand over her thighs and moved down toward her knees.

  She frowned. "
No, higher."

  "Here?" He moved back up and rested his hand against her thigh.


  Her mix of shy and bold excited him like no other woman had before. "Open your eyes, Lissa."

  She sucked in her bottom lip and her eyes fluttered open, dark with passion.

  "Tell me where you want my hand."

  She paused before answering. "Higher."

  He smiled down at her. "Be more specific."

  She didn't answer.

  "Do you want me to make you come, Lissa?"

  Her breasts rose and fell with her rapid breaths, and she nodded. "Yes."

  "Then tell me where you want me to touch you." He could barely contain his desire to slide his hand between her legs, but forced himself to wait for her request. Coaxing her response a little, he moved his hand back up and caressed her breasts. She whimpered and wriggled against him.

  "Tell me," he urged again.

  Her hesitation came through in her stuttered words, as if she had trouble expressing what she really wanted. "Touch my pussy, Aidan," she finally answered. "Make me come. I'm on fire."

  He bent down and took her mouth at the same time he slid his hand under the hem of her dress, his fingers first grazing her firm upper thighs, and stopping at the silk barrier of her panties.

  Instinctively, she lifted her hips to grant him access. He laid a palm over her mound, feeling the dampness that had soaked through the thin material. He ached to bury his cock in her moist pussy, but wanted to ease her aches first.

  He rocked his palm against her, rewarded with her sharp gasp of pleasure. Moving further up, he grasped the skimpy bit of silk covering her and pulled it down over her hips and legs, taking them off and placing them on the table.

  Then he lifted her dress over her hips so he could see the prize.

  "God, you're beautiful," he whispered, so in awe of this woman lying nearly naked across his lap. Her body was perfectly sculpted, lean and athletic. Her dress was bunched in the middle of her body, and he wanted to take it off so he could see her completely naked. A thatch of moist curls covered her mound and he tangled his fingers in them. Like silken threads, so soft, so inviting. He had to get her completely undressed.

  But not here, and not now. Now he wanted to pleasure her more than he'd ever wanted anything.

  The air stilled and the trees stopped waving their branches. The world around them quieted and heated, steamy warmth surrounding them as he placed his hand on her now soaked mound and stroked the length of her with the tip of his finger.