The intimacy between Harry and Oscar Vincent continued, and, asduring the former term, the latter volunteered to continue givingFrench lessons to our hero. These were now partly of aconversational character, and, as Harry was thoroughly in earnest, itwas not long before he was able to speak quite creditably.

  About the first of November, Fitzgerald Fletcher left the PrescottAcademy, and returned to his home in Boston. It was not because hehad finished his education, but because he felt that he was notappreciated by his fellow-students. He had been ambitious to beelected to an official position in the Clionian Society, but hisaspirations were not gratified. He might have accepted thisdisappointment, and borne it as well as he could, had it not beenaggravated by the elevation of Harry Walton to the presidency. To beonly a common member, while a boy so far his social inferior wasPresident, was more than Fitzgerald could stand. He was so incensedthat upon the announcement of the vote he immediately rose to a pointof order.

  "Mr. President," he said warmly, "I must protest against thiselection. Walton is not a member of the Prescott Academy, and it isunconstitutional to elect him President."

  "Will the gentleman point out the constitutional clause which hasbeen violated by Walton's election?" said Oscar Vincent.

  "Mr. President," said Fletcher, "this Society was founded by studentsof the Prescott Academy; and the offices should be confined to themembers of the school."

  Harry Walton rose and said: "Mr. President, my election has been agreat surprise to myself. I had no idea that any one had thought ofme for the position. I feel highly complimented by your kindness,and deeply grateful for it; but there is something in what Mr.Fletcher says. You have kindly allowed me to share in the benefitsof the Society, and that satisfies me. I think it will be well foryou to make another choice as President."

  "I will put it to vote," said the presiding officer. "Those who areready to accept Mr. Walton's resignation will signify it in the usualway."

  Fletcher raised his hand, but he was alone.

  "Those who are opposed," said the President.

  Every other hand except Harry's was now raised.

  "Mr. Walton, your resignation is not accepted," said the presidingofficer. "I call upon you to assume the duties of your new position."

  Harry rose, and, modestly advanced to the chair. "I have alreadythanked you, gentlemen," he said, "for the honor you have conferredupon me in selecting me as your presiding officer. I have only toadd that I will discharge its duties to the best of my ability."

  All applauded except Fletcher. He sat with an unpleasant scowl uponhis face, and waited for the result of the balloting forVice-President and Secretary. Had he been elected to eitherposition, the Clionian would probably have retained his illustriousname upon its roll. But as these honors were conferred upon othermembers, he formed the heroic resolution no longer to remain a member.

  "Mr. President," he said, when the last vote was announced, "I desireto terminate my connection with this Society."

  "I hope Mr. Fletcher will reconsider his determination," said Harryfrom the chair.

  "I would like to inquire the gentleman's reasons," said Tom Carver.

  "I don't like the way in which the Society is managed," saidFletcher. "I predict that it will soon disband."

  "I don't see any signs of it," said Oscar. "If the gentleman isreally sincere, he should not desert the Clionian in the hour ofdanger."

  "I insist upon my resignation," said Fletcher.

  "I move that it be accepted," said Tom Carver.

  "Second the motion," said the boy who sat next him.

  The resignation was unanimously accepted. Fletcher ought to havefelt gratified at the prompt granting of his request, but he was not.He had intended to strike dismay into the Society by his proposal towithdraw, but there was no consternation visible. Apparently theywere willing to let him go.

  He rose from his seat mortified and wrathful.

  "Gentlemen," he said, "you have complied with my request, and I amdeeply grateful. I no longer consider it an honor to belong to theClionian. I trust your new President may succeed as well in his newoffice as he has in the capacity of a printer's devil."

  Fletcher was unable to proceed, being interrupted by a storm ofhisses, in the midst of which he hurriedly made his exit.

  "He wanted to be President himself--that's what's the matter," saidTom Carver in a whisper to his neighbor. "But he couldn't blame usfor not wanting to have him."

  Other members of the Society came to the same conclusion, and it wasgenerally said that Fletcher had done himself no good by hisundignified resentment. His parting taunt levelled at Harry wasregarded as mean and ungenerous, and only strengthened the sentimentin favor of our hero who bore his honors modestly. In fact TomCarver, who was fond of fun, conceived a project for mortifyingFletcher, and readily obtained the co-operation of his classmates.

  It must be premised that Fitz was vain of his reading anddeclamation. He had a secret suspicion that, if he should choose todevote his talents to the stage, he would make a second Booth. Thisself-conceit of his made it the more easy to play off the followingjoke upon him.

  A fortnight later, the young ladies of the village proposed to hold aFair to raise funds for some public object. At the head of thecommittee of arrangements was a sister of the doctor's wife, namedPauline Clinton. This will explain the following letter which,Fletcher received the succeeding day:--

  "FITZGERALD FLETCHER, ESQ.--Dear Sir: Understanding that you are asuperior reader, we should be glad of your assistance in lending_eclat_ to the Fair which we propose to hold on the evening of the29th. Will you be kind enough to occupy twenty minutes by readingsuch selections as in your opinion will be of popular interest? Itis desirable that you should let me know as soon as possible whatpieces you have selected, that they may be printed on the programme.

  "Yours respectfully, "PAULINE CLINTON, "(for the Committee)."

  This note reached Fletcher at a time when he was still smarting fromhis disappointment in obtaining promotion from the Clionian Society.He read it with a flushed and triumphant face. He never thought ofquestioning its genuineness. Was it not true that he was a superiorreader? What more natural than that he should be invited to give_eclat_ to the Fair by the exercise of his talents! He felt it to bea deserved compliment. It was a greater honor to be solicited togive a public reading than to be elected President of the ClionianSociety.

  "They won't laugh at me now," thought Fletcher.

  He immediately started for Oscar's room to make known his new honors.

  "How are you, Fitz?" said Oscar, who was in the secret, and guessedthe errand on which he came.

  "Very well, thank you, Oscar," answered Fletcher, in a statelymanner.

  "Anything new with you?" asked Oscar, carelessly.

  "Not much," said Fletcher. "There's a note I just received.

  "Whew!" exclaimed Oscar, in affected astonishment. "Are you going toaccept?"

  "I suppose I ought to oblige them," said Fletcher. "It won't be muchtrouble to me, you know."

  "To be sure; it's in a good cause. But how did they hear of yourreading?"

  "Oh, there are no secrets in a small village like this," saidFletcher.

  "It's certainly a great compliment. Has anybody else been invited toread?"

  "I think not," said Fletcher, proudly. "They rely upon me."

  "Couldn't you get a chance for me? It would be quite an honor, and Ishould like it for the sake of the family."

  "I shouldn't feel at liberty to interfere with their arrangements,"said Fletcher, who didn't wish to share the glory with any one."Besides, you don't read well enough."

  "Well, I suppose I must give it up," said Oscar, in a tone ofresignation. "By the way, what have you decided to read?"

  "I haven't quite made up my mind," said Fletcher, in a tone ofimportance. "I have only just received
the invitation, you know."

  "Haven't you answered it yet?"

  "No; but I shall as soon as I go home. Good-night, Oscar."

  "Good-night, Fitz."

  "How mad Fitz will be when he finds he has been sold!" said Oscar tohimself. "But he deserves it for treating Harry so meanly."