Page 33 of Insidious Prophecy

Unusual Name Pronunciation Key

  Akemi A- like the a- in attorney, ke- like the word key, -mi like the word me.

  Alize A- like the –a of ma, -lize like the word lee but add z sound at end.

  Altinium Al- like the name Al, tin- like the word tin, i- like the letter e, -um like –um at end of platinum.

  Altium Al- like the name Al, ti- like the word tea, -um like the-um at the end of the word platinum.

  Andrunop An- like the word an, dru- like the word drew, -nop like the word mop starting with the letter n instead of m.

  Arlana Ar- like the letter r-, -lan- like the word lane, -a like the –a of the word ma.

  Autig Au- like the word awe, -tig like the word pig but replace p with a t.

  Bertz Bert- like the name Bert, -z like the sound evoked by the letter z in a word.

  Besly Bes- like the sound of bez, -ley like the ending –ly or the name lee.

  Binla Bin- like the name Lynn but replace l with a b, -la like the word la.

  Binland Bin- like the word bin, -land like the word land.

  Bluoid Blu- like the color blue, -oid like the –oid of steroid.

  Burlang Bur- like the bur- of burp, -lang like the lang of language.

  Carchy Car- like the word car, -ch like ch- in chair, -y like the letter e.

  Cerlane Cer- like the word sir, -lane like word ran but replace r- with an l-.

  Danale Da- like the sound duh, -nale like the word nail.

  Dela Del- like the word dell, -a like the –a of the word ma.

  Dena De- like the name dee, -na like the word la but with n in place of l.

  Denalte Den- like the word den, -alte like the word alt.

  Denia De- like de- in debris, ni- like the word knee, -a like the a- in aggression.

  Denisle Den- like the word den, -isle like the word isle.

  Diagna Diag- like diag of diagnal, -na like the word ma but replace m with an n.

  Dijamberlambton Di- like the letter d, jamb- like the word jam, -ber like the –ber in December, lamb- like the word lamb, -ton like the word ton.

  Dijortonly Di- like the letter d, jor- like the jor- of Jordan, ton- like the word ton, -ly like the name lee.

  Dila Di- like the word die, -la like the word la.

  Diveritousanctum Di- like the letter d, verit- like the verit- or veritable, ous- like the word us (carry over the t from the verit-), sanc- like that of the sanc- of sanctuary, -tum like the tum- of tummy.

  Diveritusee Di- like the letter d, verit- like the verit- or veritable, us- like the word us (carry over the t from the verit-), -see like the word see.

  Doddle Dod- like the word nod but replace n with a d, -dle like the word dill.

  Donop Do- like the word dough, -nop like the word mop but replace m with n.

  Dragonton Dragon- like the word dragon, -ton like the word ton.

  Draygon Dray- like the word grey, but replace g with a d, -gon like the –gon at the end of dragon.

  Ebsen Eb- like the eb- of the word debit, -sen like the name Ben but replace b with s.

  Ebsen Eb- like the eb- of ebony, -sen like the sen- of the word sent.

  Egthl Eg- like the word egg, -thl like the word thill

  Eliay El- like the letter l-, -i- like the letter e, -ay like the letter a.

  Elicium E- like the letter e, -li- like the word lee, -ci- like the letter c, -um like the suffix –um.

  Elidenhal E- like the letter e, -li- like the word lie, -den- like the word den, -hal like the word hall.

  Elile E- like the letter e, -lile like lil- of lilac.

  Elisle El- like the letter l, -isle like the word isle.

  Elitomy E- like the letter e, lit- like the word lit, to- like the word toe, -my like the word me.

  Elziwarry El- like the letter l-, zi- like the letter z-, -warry like the word wary.

  Emontisatom E- like the letter e, mon- like the word moan, tis- like the word tis, -atom like the word atom.

  Emontisday E- like the letter e, mon- like the word moan, tis- like the word tis, -day like the word day.

  Emontislay E- like the letter e, mon- like the word moan, tis- like the word tis, -lay like the word lay.

  Emontispaarl E- like the letter e, mon- like the word moan, tis- like the word tis, -paar like the word par, -l like the name elle.

  Endele En- like the en- of encase, -dele like the word dell.

  Erint Er- like the word air, -rint like the rin- of rinse followed by the sound of letter t.

  Eron Er- like the word ear, -ron like the name Ron.

  Err like the -er- of the word energy.

  Erronapus E- like the letter e, rron- like the word roan, a- like the a- in attorney, -pus like the word pus.

  Etlen Et- like the et- of etcetera, -len like Len- in Lenny.

  Fairdy Fair- like the word fair, -dy like the name Dee.

  Ferad Fer- like the word fair, -rad like the word pad but the p is replaced by an r.

  Feverian Fe- like the word fee, -veri- like the word very, -an like the letter n.

  Funit Fun- like the word fun, -it like the word it.

  Gemrod Gem- like the word gem, -rod like the word rod.

  Geron Ger- like the word purr but replace p with a g, -ron like the name Ron.

  Gindon Gin- like the word win but replace w with g, -don like the word done.

  Gingon Gin- like the word king with g replacing k, -gon like the word gong.

  Gordana Gor- like the word gore, -dana like the name Dana.

  Gordanese Gor- like the word gore, -dan- like the name Dan, -ese like the word ease.

  Gorly Gor- like the word gore, -ly like the word lee.

  Gorlyton Gor- like the word gore, -ly- like the word lee, -ton like the word ton.

  Gurdell Gur- like the word purr but replace p with a g, -dell like the word dell.

  Haber Ha- like the word hey, -ber like the –ber in December.

  Hallam Hal- like the word pal but replace p with h, -lam like the word lamb.

  Heldan Hel- like the word hell, -dan like the name Dan.

  Halland Hal- like the hal- of Halloween, -land like the word land.

  Humondo Hu- like the word chew but without c, -mon- like the mon- of Monday, -do like the word dough.

  Isllam Isl- like the word isle, -lam like the word lamb.

  Jacald Jac- like the name Jack, -ald like the -ald in bald.

  Jaypy Jay- like the the jay of bluejay, -py like the letter p.

  Jinyer Jin- like the word gin, -yer like the word her but replace h with a y.

  Jolina Jo- like the name Joe, -lina like the name Lena.

  Juditmon Ju- like the word jew, -dit like the word peat but replace p with a d, -mon like the word pond but leave out the d and replace p with m.

  Kalak Ka- like the ka in kaleidoscope, -lak like the word lack.

  Kinderland Kin- like the word kin, -der- like the word purr but replace p with d, -land like the word land.

  Kinestinop Kine- like the word kin, -stin- like the word kin but replace k with st, -nop like the word mop put replace m with n.

  Kingesh King- like the word king, -gesh like the word desk, but replace d with a g and the k with a h.

  Kira Kir- like the kir- of kirigami, -a like -a of ma.

  Laerton Laer- like the word lair, -ton like the word ton.

  Legan Leg- like the word leg, -gan like the word pan but replace p with a g.

  Ligmal Lig- like the lig- of lignin, -mal like the mal- of the word malice.

  Ligman Lig- like the lig- of lignin, -man like the word man.

  Ligthog Lig- like the lig- of lignin, -thog like the word fog, but replace f with th-.

  Lilay Li- like the word lie, -lay like the word lay.

  Linay Lin- like the lin- of the word linear, -ay like the ay of the word may.

  Lindo Lin- like the name Lynn, -do like the word dough.

  Linrt Lin- like the lin- of the word linear, -rt like the –rt of hurt.

  Lintog Lin- like the name Lynn, -tog like t
he word bog but with b replaced with a t.

  Lit like the word lit.

  Lithi Lith- like the lif- of lift, -i like the letter i.

  Lupo Lu- like the name Lou, -po like the po- of pole.

  Lutid Lu- like the name Lou, -tid like the word tick but with –ck substituted by –d.

  Macre Ma- like the ma- of magazine, -cre like the cre- of credential.

  Marana Ma- like the word ma, -ran- like the word rain, -a like the expression ah.

  Marona Ma- like the word ma, -ron like the word roan, -a like the sound uh.

  Marotna Ma- like the word ma, -rot- like the word rot, -na like the word la but replace l with n.

  Martle Mar- like mar- in mars, -tle like the word till.

  Mayton May- like the word may, -ton like the measurement the ton.

  Maytona May- like the word may, -ton- like the word tone, -a like the –a of ma.

  Merane Mer- like the mur- of murmur, -ane like the an- of angle.

  Mergoian Mer- like the word purr but replace p with a m, -go- like the word go, i- like the letter e, -an like the –an of the name –Ian.

  Mergot Mer- like the mur- of murmur, -got like the word go.

  Merolus Mer- like the word purr but replace p with a m, -o- like the letter o-, -lus like the word lust without the letter -t.

  Mondre Mon- like mon- of Monday, -dr- like the dr- of draw, -a like –a of ma.

  Mongoon Mon- like the mon- of Monday, -goon like the word goon.

  Mortis Mor- like the word more, -tis like the informal word ‘tis.

  Neander Ne- like the word me but replace m with n, -an- like the word an, -der like the word purr but replace p with d.

  Neurgot Neur- like the word purr but replace p with n, -got like the word go.

  Norbis Nor- like the word poor beginning with the letter n instead of p, -bis like the word kiss beginning with b instead of k.

  Nugrap Nu- like the word new, -grap like the grap- of the word grapple.

  Nulang Nu- like the word new, -lang like the lang of the word language.

  Nupon Nu- like the word new, -pon like the word don but replace d with a p.

  Olta Ol- like the ol- in old, -ta like the word baa, but with the b replaced by a t.

  Onde On- like the word on, -de like the sound of the letter d.

  Onden On- like the word on, -den like the word den.

  Ondess On- like the word on, -dess like the des- of desk.

  Onina O- like the letter o, nin- like the word nine, -a like the –a of the word ma.

  Opano O- like the letter o, -pan- like the word pan, -o like the letter o.

  Opton Op- like word opt but without the t, -ton like the word ton.

  Ori like the ori- of the word orient.

  Oton O- like the letter o, -ton like the word don but replace d with t.

  Par Par- like the par- of parcel.

  Pardele Par- like the word par, -dele like the word bell but replace b with a d.

  Pef Pe- like the pe- of pedal, -f like the sound given by the letter f in a word.

  Perdon Per- like the word per, -don like the word done.

  Plitard Pli- like the word plea, -tard like the word tart with a d in place of the last t.

  Ponelk Po- like the word dough with d replaced with p, -nelk like word elk but with n sound at front of this word.

  Portagot Port- like the word port, -a- like the sound ah, -got like the word go.

  Purplinick Pur- like the sound purr, pli- like the sound of plee, -nick like the name.

  Purpoi Pur- like the pur- of purple, -poi like the word boy but replace b with a p.

  Quinsley Quins- like the word twins but the t is replaced by a q, -ley like the name Lee.

  Renout Ren- like pen starting with an R instead of a p, -out like the letter o.

  Richran Rich- like the word rich but replace –c- with an –s-, -ran like the word ran.

  Rigdell Rig- like the word ridge without the d, -dell like the word dell.

  Riply Rip- like the word rip, -ly like the name Lee.

  Ryanstead Ryan- like the name Ryan, -stead like –stead in the word homestead.

  Serv Ser- like the word sir, -v like the sound given by the letter v in a word.

  Sliped Sli- like the word sly, -ped like the word bed but replace b with a p.

  Sorarian Sor- like the word soar, -arian like the word arian

  Suprag Su- like the word sue, -prag like the word pray but add the –g sound at end.

  Tabitine Tab- like the word tab, -it- like the word it, -tine like the word teen.

  Terane Ter- like the ter- of terrible, -ane like the an- of angle.

  Terton Ter- like the ter- of terrible, -ton like the measurement the ton.

  Thovian Tho- like the word pho with the p- replaced with a t-, -vian like -vian in avian.

  Tund Tun- like the word ton, -d like the sound given off by the letter d in a word.

  Ugruline U- like the letter u, -gru- like the word grew, -line like word lean.

  Unop U- like the letter u, nop- like the word mop with n in place of m, i like the letter e, c- like the sound produced by the letter k, -us like the word us.

  Varistor Vari- like the word vary, -stor like the word store.

  Vundrania Vun- like the word run, but replace r with a v and pronounce the v like the sound it gives when in a word, dran- like the word drain, i- like the letter e, -a like the a- in aggression.

  Wenton Wen- like the word pen but replace p with w, -ton like the word ton.

  Xeran Xer- like the zer- of the word zero, -ran like the word ran.

  Yamersh Ya- like the ya- in yacht, mer- like the mer- in merge, -sh like the like

  Yarton Yar- like yar- in yard, -ton like the measurement the ton.

  Yerub Ye- like the word ye, -rub like the word rub.

  Yun Like the word young.

  Zena Ze- like the ze- of zebra, -na like the word la but replace l with n.

  Zinla Zin- like the word bin but replace b with a z, -la like the word baa but replace b with a l.

  Zorma Zor- like the word gore but replace g with a z, -ma like the word ma.

  Binlanese Genealogical Tree

  Gordanese Genealogical Tree

  Old Provincial Map of Altium

  Old Binlanese Map of Altium

  Present Map of Altium

  Map of City of Sudbury

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