Page 3 of Raine on Me

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  She jerked her gaze up to his.

  “I see fear and there’s no reason for that. I’d never hurt you. Spread your thighs wide for me and grip your ankles to hold them.”

  She only hesitated a moment. He was a stranger who she’d never see again. Did it really matter if she exposed herself that intimately to him? The hell with it, she thought. She bent her thighs up against her chest and wrapped her hands around her ankles on the outside. She spread them open and exposed her pussy the way he’d asked.

  His focus lowered. She watched passion grip his features, giving him rugged good looks. It turned her on more to watch him lick his lips as though he were seeing something he wanted really bad. He moved, his right knee hitting the bed.

  She didn’t miss the wince. She’d forgotten about his injuries. She released her ankles. “Your knee and shoulder—”

  “I don’t feel them right now.” He put his other knee on the bed to bend over her.

  His long hair fell forward, teasing her inner thighs. He dived face first right between her legs, totally shocking her. He gave no foreplay or warning before he just went for her pussy. Big, rough-textured hands gripped her at the junction of her thighs, spreading her sex lips open wide a second before a hot, wet tongue slid the length of her slit from pussy opening to clit and then back.

  She jerked under him, surprised, before shock held her utterly still. His lips locked down around her clit. He sucked hard, his tongue sliding against the bud. The sensation of his firm tugs of suction with the force of pressure from his tongue were enough to make her cry out in rapture.

  “Oh God,” she moaned. “That feels—” She couldn’t talk as more moans tore from her.

  He had a merciless mouth. She writhed under him but he kept her pinned down, his hands not only keeping her apart for his teasing but he pushed down enough that his weight pressed her ass to the bed. She tried to buck but he was too strong, too heavy to lift. She could barely move in any direction.

  The ecstasy became too intense. She squeezed her eyes shut and her hands frantically grabbed at her ankles again just for something to cling to. Brit threw her head back, mouth wide open, to let out a loud cry of pleasure as she started to climax hard. Her body jerked with each lash of his tongue against her clit.

  She felt moisture flow from her. His mouth released her clit. Her body relaxed instantly except inside her pussy where she felt her muscles twitching still from the climax. The bed moved and hot-skinned, large-framed River Wind came down on top of her.

  Her eyes opened in shock. The man had made her come harder than she ever had in her life. His dark eyes looked even darker to her as their gazes locked. He braced one hand next to her face, holding his weight mostly off her. She felt him nudge her pussy with the blunt head of his condom-covered cock a second before he started to push inside her.

  A loud moan escaped her lips as the man pressed into her. She felt her body stretching to accommodate his thickness but he didn’t give her time to adjust to him. He let his weight come down on her totally as he buried himself deep inside her pussy until his balls pressed against her anus. She enjoyed being full of one hard, aroused male. He sucked in a deep breath as he froze on her.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight.” His voice turned gruff. “I could come just by feeling you squeezed around me.”

  He moved, letting his other arm come down on the other side of her. His forearms braced next to her body and his hands gripped the curve of her shoulder to hold her in place. She stared up into a pair of sexy eyes, narrowed with passion. He bit his generous lower lip hard enough that it dented. He released it with his teeth and took a deep breath that made his chest move against her nipples.

  “Tell me if I hurt you.”

  He withdrew almost completely from her body and then pushed back in. The sensation made Brit moan again. Her hands wedged between their chests. She gripped his shoulders, clinging to him. He spread his thighs a little, pressing the outside of his against the inside of hers. He used his knees on the bed for leverage and started fucking her hard and deep.

  Brit turned her head to the side. Her legs moved, wrapping higher around his waist giving him freer access to her. He moved even faster. Her stomach quivered, her vaginal muscles clamping around his fast-moving cock, and her nails bit into his skin.

  The guy could fuck like nobody’s business. He felt good to Brit. He twisted his hips, adjusting the angle, as he drove in and out of her. Ecstasy washed through her as he slammed against her G-spot. The sensation so good she wasn’t sure she could take it. She also could feel a little pain but it happened to be the good kind.

  River breathed hard, a few soft groans coming from his mouth. His head lowered so his mouth could fasten on the side of her throat. Teeth nipped her sensitive skin as he kept powering in and out of her body. She used her hold on his waist with her legs wrapped around him to move up to meet him as he drove down.

  He suddenly released her neck and pushed up. One-handed, he braced his body, his hips never slowing the pace. He used his other hand to reach between them. Shock tore through her as the man pinched her clit between his index finger and thumb as he arched his back to reach her between their moving bodies. He tugged on her clit, rubbing.

  Brit screamed as she came. Her climax hit her brutally, tearing through her body. Above her, River started cursing and groaning loudly. His hand tore away from her clit as he used both hands to brace his body up as he drove into her in jerking thrusts that slowed.

  “Son of a bitch,” he groaned when he stopped moving. He stayed buried inside her. “You just made my balls turn inside out.”

  Her muscles twitched around him as she shivered. Turning her head, she looked up at him. His features were flushed, his mouth parted, and his eyes narrowed. Sweat beaded his chest, upper lip, and forehead. His disheveled hair flowed freely past his shoulders. He had to be the sexiest sight she’d ever seen. Her muscles twitched around his cock again, causing her to softly gasp.

  Slowly River withdrew from her body and she missed the feel of him instantly. She had nearly been fused to the man. He stared into her eyes as he separated their bodies, pushing away from her, almost like a pushup. He rolled then, away from her, to sprawl on the bed next to her on his back.

  Brit turned her head to see River staring up at the ceiling with a frown curving his full lips down. He turned his head, meeting her curious gaze as they stared at each other. River moved first, tearing his look from her to sit up on the bed.

  Brit stared at his broad back as he scooted down the bed and stood. She let her gaze drop, noticing again that River had an amazing ass. As he walked toward the hallway she saw muscles move in that fine ass, showing her he was really in shape. She saw him reach in front, heard him remove the condom, and then he turned into the bathroom.

  What the hell had she done? The reality of it sank in. She’d just let a stranger go down on her and fuck her. She didn’t know anything about the guy except he was a saddle tramp and a patient. Shit! She forced herself to move, almost jumping off the bed, her body feeling weak and shaky as she bent for her clothes. Her hands shook as she frantically tried to get dressed.

  She heard water running in the bathroom sink, guessing he cleaned up. She knew some men did after removing a condom. She managed to get dressed but she couldn’t get her shoes on fast enough. A naked River stepped out of the bathroom as she sat on the bed to put them on, her knees too weak at that moment to support her. Movement as he stepped into the hallway made her jerk her head up.

  River flashed a smile. “Damn, woman. That was incredible.” His smile faded as he took in her dressed state. “You’re leaving already? I thought we’d see if we could use up the entire box of condoms that I have left.”

  A speechless Brit gawked at him. She didn’t do casual sex except for that wedding guy that had been a disaster. He’d called her for three weeks thinking she’d want a rematch of their one-night stand. She hadn’t returned
his calls once. At least River didn’t know where she lived and he didn’t have her cell phone number. She’d given wedding guy her numbers before taking him home with her, not realizing it would go that far.

  “You okay?” His smile died. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? You’re not real big. My dad would have called you a little bit.”

  “I’m fine but I have to go.” She was proud she got that much out.

  The frown deepened. “So you’re just going to fuck and run out on me?”

  Her jaw dropped. He so didn’t just say that. Anger sparked inside her. “Look, I didn’t plan this. I mean…oh hell. I’m no good at this. I have to go.”

  “You mean you have to run away.”

  Her gaze lowered from his to the shoe gripped in her hand. She bent and shoved it on. She reached for the other one and put it on before she stood. Her head lifted. River blocked the hallway with his large, sexy, and very naked body. She swallowed.

  “That muscle cream will help your knee. I’m leaving it here for you.”

  “My shoulder aches too.”

  She stared at him mutely.

  “You’re here to help me, right? Dale sent you? So help me. My shoulder really does hurt. Will you take a look at it?”

  Her heart pounded. She wanted to flee but knew she couldn’t. She nodded. “Have a seat. I can’t see it if you’re standing.”

  He stepped into the tiny room and almost walked into her. She stared up at him, realizing she didn’t even reach his chin.

  “No shit. I’d have to lift you for you to get a look at it.”

  She took a deep breath. “No short jokes, please.”

  A smile curved his lips. “Are you a little short on patience with the small jokes?”

  “Very funny.”

  He inched closer until his chest pushed against hers. She gasped, instantly gripping his arms to keep from falling back as she stared up at him. He grinned down at her. At five foot two she was a little intimidated by the big man.

  “You need to move if you want me to sit.”

  She backed up and bumped the bed with the back of her thighs. If she wasn’t still gripping his arms just under his elbows she would have fallen onto it on her ass. She sidestepped him, releasing his arms. A chuckle from the man annoyed her when he sat down on the bed, spreading his thighs wide apart, and seemed oblivious that he was one hundred percent naked.

  She darted a glance to his lap. He wasn’t aroused anymore. He chuckled again, pulling her attention up to his face. Amusement lit his dark gaze. He reached up, gripped her hips and pulled her closer so she stood between his spread thighs, putting his face inches from her breasts.

  “Look at my right shoulder. When I got tossed from the bull I hit it pretty hard on that side.”

  She could do this. She reached for his hair to discover the texture was as silky as it appeared. The strands lay in her palm as she brushed it back out of the way. Her other hand touched his arm just at the shoulder. She hesitated, her gaze meeting his.

  “Can you tilt your head back? I need to lean in to get a good look.”

  He smiled but did it. He closed his eyes, letting his head fall back. She leaned into him to study his shoulder. Her fingers traced a swollen, bruised area, and she judged it had to be a few days old from the coloring. She ignored her fingernail scratches that were near the injury. She’d marked him during sex but hadn’t drawn blood. She hoped they would fade within a few hours. She gripped the affected area, hesitating.

  “This might hurt a little. I need to really feel to make sure it’s not a serious injury so I have to dig in there to see if you did damage.”

  He took a deep breath. “Go ahead, baby. Do your worst. I’ll just distract myself.”

  She frowned over his words but concentrated on his shoulder. Her fingers gently explored the swollen area, feeling for muscle damage. He tensed a little but didn’t cry out in pain. That was good. She gasped a second later when he moved his arm, wrapping it tightly around her waist as his head lowered. He buried his nose between her breasts, nuzzling into the vee of her shirt.

  “What are you doing?” She tried to jerk back but his arm tightened around her, locking her in place.

  “Distracting myself.” His voice muffled against her breast as he turned his head a little.

  “Stop it.” Her hands froze on him.

  “Do your job,” he mumbled as his teeth raked the side of her breast.

  She took a deep breath. “It feels as though you’re just bruised and you have a knot.”

  “Rub it out. I’ve had those before but no cream. Just your hands.” His mouth turned. He open-mouth kissed the other side of her breast.

  Her breathing rate increased. She nodded and tried to ignore his mouth but found it impossible to do, especially when his free hand reached up to grip her shirt and bra. He freed a breast with a strong tug, making her gasp.

  River had her nipple in his mouth, suckling hard on her, and the sensation ran all the way down to her clit. His hand tore at her shirt, freeing her other breast. He pinched the other nipple between his finger and thumb. Brit’s knees grew weak. If he wasn’t holding her up by her waist she feared they would have totally collapsed under her.

  He released her breast. “You aren’t rubbing.”

  “Stop that. I can’t think.”

  He chuckled. “Good. Rub my shoulder. I’m distracting myself.”

  “You’re distracting me too.”

  “Rub my shoulder.” He fastened his hot, wet mouth back on her breast. He sucked hard, getting a good grip on her while he worked her nipple.

  Brit moaned. River could do amazing things to her. She forced herself to grip his shoulder and massage. She knew it had to hurt him. Considering what he did to her, she knew she was probably being too rough because she clutched onto him tightly. She decided it would be his fault if she caused him pain.

  His hand left her other breast to claw at her jeans. She didn’t stop him when he unzipped them and tore them down her thighs to her knees. He gripped the front of her panties next and with one strong tug, material tore. She was astounded, her hands froze, realizing he’d just ripped her panties off and tossed them away.

  He released her nipple. “You stopped rubbing.”

  “Damn it, stop. I can’t think. What are you doing?”

  “This.” He turned his head to her other breast. His hand slid between her thighs.

  Her pussy was soaking wet when his fingers slid through her slit. She tried to spread her thighs but her jeans hobbled her. It didn’t seem to matter because he pushed two fingers inside her pussy, pressing his thumb against her clit at the same time. He slowly started to fuck her with his thick digits, rubbing his thumb tightly against her sensitive bundle of nerves.

  “Fuck,” Brit gasped.

  Her hips moved on their own without her meaning to wiggle against his hand. The feeling amazed her. Another moan tore from her. She didn’t rub his shoulder anymore, instead her nails dug into his warm flesh, kneading it.

  He released her waist. If she hadn’t been hanging on to him tightly she would have fallen over. He leaned back a little. She saw his hand fist into the sheet on his bed. He jerked the sheet loose and dragged it toward them. She didn’t know why he did that but she didn’t care because his thumb drew circles on her clit. It felt so good she knew she’d come soon and she wanted to desperately.

  The box of condoms came within reach. She watched him one-handedly tear into the box. Now it made sense why he’d just stripped his bed that way. He’d dragged the box closer by using the flat sheet. His mouth left her breast so he could tear the condom open with his teeth and then his mouth returned to her.

  Her fingers went into his hair. She cradled his head as his mouth worked her nipple, nipping at it with his teeth and then suckling her. He shifted his lower body. River’s thighs pressed against hers for seconds and then he stunned her by releasing her nipple as he jerked his fingers out of her pussy, his thumb leaving her clit. A protest tore fr
om her lips in the form of a groan since she throbbed with the need to climax.

  The groan turned into a gasp as River suddenly grabbed her waist with both hands. He stood, lifted her off her feet, and spun her around until she faced the bed but River wasn’t between her and it anymore. He moved behind her.

  He released her hips as he put her on her feet. One of his hands fisted in the back of her shirt while his other arm wrapped around her waist. She gasped as he forced her forward. Her hands shot out to brace on the bed as he bent her over where they stood. She saw his legs as he spread his thighs, putting his feet on the outside of hers.

  He entered her from behind in one fast, hard thrust, his cock rigid and thick. His hand left her shirt. The arm around her waist lifted her a little, angling her better as he started to fuck her from behind in hard, deep thrusts that would have knocked her over if he wasn’t holding her in his steady embrace. His other hand wrapped around her to dive between her thighs where he found her clit.

  Moans tore from her as he pounded his hips against her ass, driving into her faster and causing havoc to her system. She couldn’t tell pleasure from pain anymore. His fingers pressed against her clit, strumming furiously while he fucked her even faster.

  Brit clawed the naked mattress with her fingernails, her eyes squeezed closed. She heard him panting behind her, the loud slap of skin hitting skin, and her broken cries filled the room at the overpowering rapture that built. Her inner muscles went nuts minutes later. A scream filled her ears and ecstasy gripped her as the climax tore through her so strongly she wondered if she would pass out or just die of a heart attack since her heart beat as though it would explode.

  River shouted out. It wasn’t a word, just a loud sound. He drove into her deep, his hips pressed tightly against her ass while he emptied his release into the condom inside her clenching body, still in the thrall of passion. His cock deep inside her felt similar to a clenching fist squeezing when he gasped over and over as more cum shot into the condom.