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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  For this text edition, oe ligatures have been expanded to oe; the HTMLedition retains the ligatures.

  Italics are represented with _underscores_, bold with =equal signs=.

  Page 5, corrected typo "odder" in "oder somet'ing like dot!"

  Page 7, added tilde to "Madam Cousi?o" for consistency.

  Page 9, corrected typo _Gampus_ in "started south to meet the_Grampus_." Retained unusual spelling of "possesion" on the assumptionthat it is intentional.

  Page 12, corrected typo "Wihtehead" ("Whitehead began its peculiarperformance").

  Page 14, corrected typo "Glennine" ("'Jupiter!' exclaimed Glennie.").

  Page 22, corrected typo "baot" ("bore him off the boat"). Removedunnecessary quote after "six yellow men?" at end of page.

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Stanley R. Matthews's Novels