The silence was becoming unendurable when it was suddenly broken by twosharp, ringing crashes in quick succession. Though Frank was afterwardashamed of it, he fairly jumped and came very nearly dropping his gun.While he was struggling with an impulse to fire at random into thedarkness there was an answering bang and he felt a tug at his elbow.

  "I think it was Webster who fired first," said Harry in a low, tensevoice. "If I'm wrong, it means that the dope men have got in between usand the house, but that isn't likely. Dad would have heard them and madea move if they'd tried it."

  Frank said nothing, and when the echoes died away among the woods therewas once more a nerve-trying silence, except for the savage barking ofthe dog. It lasted a few minutes, and then Harry spoke again:

  "The shots will be quite enough to put dad on to those fellows' trail. Iexpect he's crawling in on them now."

  The boy's whisper was hoarse with anxiety, but he made no attempt tomove and Frank wondered at his self-command. Shortly afterward there wasan unexpected change in the situation, for a faint flicker of light shotup again from where Frank supposed the barn to be. This was puzzling,because, while the light was rather high up and there seemed to be abrighter blaze beneath it, Frank could not see the fire. Then theexplanation flashed upon him as the black shape of the building becamedimly visible against the uncertain glow. The smugglers had lighted asecond fire behind the barn, which now stood between them and Mr.Oliver. Frank gasped with dismay as he realized that it was a simple andeffective trick. If the rancher moved forward hastily he must betrayhimself to his enemies by the noise he made, while if he proceededslowly and cautiously the barn would probably take fire before hereached a spot from which he could drive back the men, who were no doubtpiling up brushwood against the building.

  "It looks as if they'd got us!" he whispered.

  "No," said Harry sharply and aloud. "The thing didn't strike me, butdad's not to be caught like that. Now, as any row we make will draw themoff him, we'll hurry up. Get up and run."

  Frank did so, but although he had been longing to do something of thekind a few minutes earlier he found that he had no great liking for thepart Harry expected him to play. It was decidedly unpleasant to feelthat in all probability he was fixing upon himself the attention ofseveral men who could shoot very well. He had gone only a few paces,however, when there was a shot from behind the barn and Harry laughed--abreathless laugh.

  "That's dad. He's headed them off again!" he said.

  Frank ran on, but thrilling as he was with excitement it occurred to himthat this battle was a rather intricate one, in which he was right.These bushmen were accustomed to hunting and trailing, and did not rushat each other's throats, shouting and firing more or less at random.Instead, they seemed to be maneuvering for positions from which theycould prevent their opponents from making another move. Nowadays, in anybattle large or small, in which men are engaged who can handle theterrible modern rifle, the position is the one essential thing, sinceit is only the most desperate courage that can drive home an attack upona well-covered firing line.

  Soon after the boys had heard the shot a shadowy figure slipped out fromamong the fruit trees close in front of them and Frank called,"Webster!"

  The man swung around, but instead of answering he sprang backward, andFrank realized that he had almost run into the arms of one of thesmugglers. The boys did not see where he went, though he made somenoise, and they afterward concluded that he had mistaken them for grownmen. In the meanwhile they went on again more cautiously, until atlength they were stopped by a low cry and Mr. Oliver rose from the grassa few feet away. They were on the other side of the barn now and couldsee that the fire had got hold of it. There was no doubt that some ofthe logs were burning and a pile of brushwood which had been laidagainst them was burning fiercely.

  "It's spreading," said Harry. "Can't we put it out?"

  "No," said his father with grim quietness. "It would take time and atleast a dozen wet grain bags, while it wouldn't be safe for any one toapproach the light."

  There was something in his voice that startled Frank.

  "You have hit one of them?" he asked.

  "There's reason for believing it. Webster and I couldn't watch the foursides of the barn, and they chose the one that seemed the most unlikely.Still, as it happened, I got around quick enough."

  "Then what are we to do now?" Harry inquired.

  "Fall back on the house," replied Mr. Oliver. "I've sent Webster on, andit's no use waiting for another of them to come out into the light."

  The boys turned back with him, moving quickly but making no more noisethan they could help, and on reaching the dwelling they found Mr.Webster standing in the kitchen. The room was dark except for the faintglow which shone out from the front of the stove, and Miss Oliver wasstill sitting where the boys had last seen her, with an open box ofcartridges at her feet. There was, however, light enough outside, for ared glare which grew steadily brighter streamed across the clearing.

  "Where's the dog?" Harry asked.

  "I don't know," said Mr. Webster. "I let him out before I came along. Iexpect you're going to hear him presently."

  There was silence for the next six or seven minutes during which Frankheard the ticking of a clock and the crackle of knotty pinewood in thestove. He could see Mr. Oliver standing a little on one side of the openwindow, an indistinct figure with face and hands that showed dimlywhite. His pose indicated that he was holding a rifle level with hisbreast, and presently as the red glow behind the fruit trees grew higherand brighter the barrel twinkled in a ray of light. Then there was afurious barking and Jake laughed at the sound.

  "Well," he said, "they don't mean to keep us waiting."

  Mr. Oliver turned to the boys. "Keep clear of this window and watch theother one. You're not to fire a shot unless I tell you."

  The barking of the dog grew louder and it was evident that the animalwas following the smugglers toward the house, but Frank could see nobodyfor a while. Then he made out two or three moving shadows among thefruit trees, but they vanished again as the light sank, and he almostwished that they would spring out from cover and make a rush upon thebuilding. He could imagine them creeping stealthily nearer and nearer,and the strain of the forced inaction became nearly unbearable. Helearned that night that it is often a good deal easier to fight than towait.

  At last a harsh voice rose from the gloom.

  "You'll have to get out, Oliver," it said. "Clear out in your sloop withthe folks you have with you and we'll let you go. You're mighty lucky ingetting the option."

  "And what about the ranch?" Mr. Oliver asked.

  "We'll tend to it," another man answered pointedly. "Pitch your gunsthrough the window and come out right now!"

  "You're wasting time," replied Mr. Oliver, "I'm going to stay."

  "Then you'll certainly be sorry," some one else broke in. "We've hadabout enough trouble right along with you and we've come to hand in thebill. You headed us off a good trade, you brought the revenue folks in,and we mean to get even before we leave. Just now we'll be satisfiedwith your homestead, but that won't be enough after the next shot'sfired."

  It was a grim warning and what made it more impressive to Frank was thefact that he could not see the man who uttered it. So far, the smugglershad only revealed their presence by their voices. The next moment therewas a cry of pain or alarm and a rifle flashed.

  "Kill that blamed dog," somebody ordered with an oath.

  Then Mr. Oliver called to Harry, who had gone to the window across theroom.

  "Can you see anybody on that side?" he asked.

  "No," was the answer. "I think they're all in front."

  Mr. Oliver turned to Jake. "Slip out through the back window with theboys and work around to the stumps. From there you'll have those fellowsclear against the light. Wait until the shooting starts--and then dowhat you can."

  "Sure!" was the short answer, and
Jake crossed the room.

  Harry had already dropped from the window, and Frank promptly followedhim, feeling relieved now that he had something definite to do.Circling around through the fruit trees they reached the first row ofstumps, one end of which ran up rather close to the house. As Frankcrouched down among the roots of one he saw the smugglers. There weresix or seven of them visible along the edge of the trees, though hefancied that there were more of them farther back in the shadows, whichgrew thinner and then more dense again as the light rose and fell.Still, before the men could reach the house they would have to cross aclear space where the glow was brighter, which they were evidentlyreluctant to do. Their hesitation was very natural, since they haddiscovered that their opponent was unusually quicksighted and handy withthe rifle.

  A few moments after the boys reached the stumps a great blaze shot up aspart of the barn fell in, and Frank saw a man who seemed to be theleader of the gang run forward, heading toward the back of the house. Ashe did so Frank recognized him and Harry cried out softly, for one ofthe runner's shoulders was higher than the other and he had a rathercurious gait. Then there was a shout from one of those behind.

  "Plug the brute! Look out for the dog!"

  A low and very swift shadow flashed across the open space behind theman. Harry laughed hoarsely as the man went down and rolled over with anindistinct object apparently on his back. He cried out, there was aconfused shouting, and some of his companions came running toward him,showing black against the light. Frank held his breath as he watched. Heexpected to see two flashes from the window, since Mr. Webster and Mr.Oliver had now an easy mark, but they did not fire. The next moment heshrank in sudden horror, for the cries grew sharper and suggested painand an extremity of fear. Then he felt that, regardless of the hazard,he could almost have cheered the smugglers on as they ran toward theprostrate man, who was struggling vainly with the furious dog. Theysurged about him in a confused group, and just then, to Frank'samazement, a pistol flashed among the firs on the edge of the bush. Itwas followed by a sudden clamor, whereupon the group broke up, andrunning men streamed out across the clearing. The smugglers vanished,and Harry sprang out from among the stumps shouting wildly.

  "It's Barclay! He's brought a posse with him!" he cried. "Come on. Wemust choke off the dog."

  When they reached the spot they tried with all their might to drag backthe furious animal. The man, who had flung his arms about his throat andface, now lay still, with the big and powerful animal still tearing athim. It was not until Jake arrived and partly stunned it with his riflebutt that it let go, and then two or three breathless strangers camerunning up to them. They dragged the smuggler to his feet and Frank sawthat his jacket was torn to pieces and that the back of his neck fromwhich it fell away was red. He did not seem capable of speaking and hedrew his breath in gasps, but the newcomers hustled him along betweenthem toward the house.

  "Stick to him," said Harry. "He's the boss of the gang."

  They thrust the man into the kitchen, where he fell into a chair and,for the lamp was lighted now, gazed at Mr. Oliver stupidly.

  "Well," he said, "I'm corralled--my gun's in the clearing." He raisedhis hand to his neck and brought it down smeared red before he added,"It's mighty lucky he didn't get hold in front."

  Mr. Oliver, who made no answer, swung around and faced Mr. Barclaystanding hot and breathless in the doorway smiling at them.

  "It's fortunate I came along," he said, and striding forward glanced atthe man in the chair. "We've got you at last."

  "Sure!" admitted the other, still in a half-dazed manner. "I'll have toface it--only keep off that dog."

  Mr. Barclay looked around at Mr. Oliver. "I expect the boys have alsogot most of his partners. Before we broke cover I sent a party to headthem off."

  Harry suddenly called to Frank, who sprang toward the door, but whenthey reached the bush they met the rest of the men coming back withseveral prisoners. They reported that two or three had escaped and theywould have to wait for daylight before following their trail.

  Half an hour later the boys sat down again in the kitchen where Mr.Oliver and Mr. Barclay, who had been out in the meanwhile, were talkingby the stove.

  "I'd an idea that these fellows might look you up, which was why I camealong as fast as I could manage," Mr. Barclay was explaining. "I think Itold you we got practically every man who was waiting for the schoonerat the inlet, and the two or three who escaped to-night won't count. Inthe meanwhile I'd arranged at two or three different places to seizeeverybody we suspected of having a hand in the thing, and if the boys Ileft that work to have been as lucky as we are we can take it forgranted that we have put an end to the gang. There's enough against thefellow the dog mauled to have him sent up for the rest of his life." Hebroke off and turned to the boys. "The schooner will be sold by auction,and if you are inclined to leave the matter in my hands you can give mea written claim for salvage services."

  "How much should we put down?" Harry asked.

  "I would suggest three thousand dollars," responded Mr. Barclay withtwinkling eyes. "It doesn't follow that you'll be awarded the whole ofit, but it's generally admitted that one shouldn't be too modest insending in a claim. If you two become partners you could buy a ranch."

  Harry turned with a smile to Frank. "Well," he said, "if you're willing,we might consider it in a year or two."

  Then one of the men came in to report that the prisoners had beensecured in the stable. Mr. Barclay soon dismissed him with a few briefinstructions and sat down again, lighting a cigar.

  "I don't know that there's much more to tell," he said. "When we were amile or two off the cove we saw the blaze of your barn, and that gave usan idea of what was going on. We sent the steamer along as fast as shecould travel, but I broke my posse up to surround the clearing as soonas we got ashore. Then we lay by and waited so as to get as many of thegang as possible. They were too busy watching you to notice any littlenoise the boys made, and on the whole I think we can be content withthis night's work."

  "Have you decided what led up to the shooting of that man in theschooner's cabin?" Harry asked.

  "That," said Mr. Barclay, "is a matter for the criminal court, but I'vemade a few investigations, and my notion is that the fellows lost theirnerve when it became evident that somebody had given them away. Theysuspected one another, and that led to trouble, while I've no doubt thatthe Chinaman held most of the secrets of the gang. He'd be a particularobject of suspicion, but from what I can gather there was a general rowduring which she jibed and got ashore. There was, at least, one otherman badly hurt, but they seem to have gone off in the same boat. Thevessel probably struck on an outlying reef and came off almostimmediately on the rising tide."

  Frank went out soon afterward and sat down near the house. The fire hadalmost burned out and a light wind which had sprung up drove the last ofthe smoke the other way. The air that flowed about the boy was sweet andscented with the fragrance of pine and cedar. All around him the bushrose in somber masses and a faint elfin sighing fell from the tops ofthe tall black trees. It was the song of the wilderness and the wild andrugged land had steadily tightened its hold on him. As he sat andlistened he was certain at last that he would never leave it to go backto the cities.