It was the youthful Sangoan who first broke the silence. Glancing at thefigures he had made he said:

  "It is estimated that if twenty picture theatres use any one film--copiesof it, of course--that film will pay for its cost of making. Therefore,if you build twenty children's theatres, instead of the one or two youoriginally proposed, you would be able to manufacture your own films andthey would be no expense to you."

  They gazed at him in bewilderment.

  "That is all simple enough!" laughed Arthur. "Twenty picture theatres attwenty thousand dollars each--a low estimate, my dears, for such as yourequire--would mean an investment of four hundred thousand dollars. Afilm factory, with several producing companies to keep it busy, and allthe necessary paraphernalia of costumes and properties, would mean amillion or so more. Say a million and a half, all told. Why, it's a merebagatelle!"

  "Arthur!" Severely, from Louise.

  "I advise you girls to economize in other ways and devote your resourcesto this business, which might pay you--and might not," he continued,oblivious to stony glares.

  "Really, Mr. Jones," said Beth, pouting, "we were not joking, but inreal earnest."

  "Have I questioned it, Miss De Graf?"

  "Mr. Jones was merely trying to show you how--er--er--how impracticalyour idea was," explained Uncle John mildly.

  "No; I am in earnest, too," said the boy. "To prove it, I will agree toestablish a plant and make the pictures, if the young ladies will buildthe twenty theatres to show them in."

  Here was another suggestion of a bewildering nature. Extravagant asthe offer seemed, the boy was very serious. He blushed a little as heobserved Mr. Merrick eyeing him earnestly, and continued in anembarrassed, halting way: "I--I assure you, sir, that I am able tofulfill my part of the agreement. Also I would like to do it. Itwould serve to interest me and keep me occupied in ways that are notwholly selfish. My--my other business does not demand my personalattention, you see."

  To hear this weak, sickly youth speak of investing a million dollars ina doubtful enterprise, in spite of the fact that he lived on a far-awayisland and was a practical stranger in America, set them all tospeculating anew in regard to his history and condition in life. Seeingthat the boy had himself made an opening for a logical query, UncleJohn asked:

  "Do you mind telling us what this other business is, to which you refer?"

  A. Jones moved uneasily in his chair. Then he glanced quickly around thecircle and found every eye regarding him with eager curiosity. He blushedagain, a deep red this time, but an instant later straightened up andspoke in a tone of sudden resolve.

  "Most people dislike to speak of themselves," he said, "and I am noexception. But you, who have kindly received me as a friend, after havinggenerously saved me from an untimely death, have surely the right toknow something about me--if, indeed, the subject interests you."

  "It is but natural that we should feel an interest in you, Mr. Jones,"replied Mr. Merrick; "yet I assure you we have no desire to pry into yourpersonal affairs. You have already volunteered a general statement ofyour antecedents and the object of your visit to America, and that, Iassure you, will suffice us. Pardon me for asking an impertinentquestion."

  The boy seemed perplexed, now.

  "I did not consider it impertinent, sir. I made a business proposal toyour nieces," he said, "and before they could accept such a proposal theywould be entitled to know something of my financial standing."

  For a green, inexperienced youth, he spoke with rare acumen, thought Mr.Merrick; but the old gentleman had now determined to shield the boy froma forced declaration of his finances, so he said:

  "My nieces can hardly afford to accept your proposition. They are reallyable to build one or two theatres without inconveniencing themselves,but twenty would be beyond their means. You, of course, understand theywere not seeking an investment, but trying, with all their hearts, tobenefit the children. I thoroughly approve their original idea, but if itrequires twenty picture theatres to render it practical, they willabandon the notion at once."

  Jones nodded absently, his eyes half closed in thought. After a briefpause he replied:

  "I hate to see this idea abandoned at the very moment of its birth. It'sa good idea, and in no way impractical, in my opinion. So permit me tomake another proposition. I will build the twenty theatres myself, andfurnish the films for them, provided the young ladies will agree toassume the entire management of them when they are completed."

  Dead silence followed this speech. The girls did some rapid-fire mentalcalculations and realized that this young man was proposing to investsomething like fourteen hundred thousand dollars, in order that theymight carry out their philanthropic conception. Why should he do this,even if he could afford it?

  Both Mr. Merrick and Arthur Weldon were staring stolidly at the floor.Their attitudes expressed, for the first time, doubt--if not positiveunbelief. As men of considerable financial experience, they regarded theyoung islander's proposition as an impossible one.

  Jones noted this blank reception of his offer and glanced appealingly atPatsy. It was an uncomfortable moment for the girl and to avoid meetinghis eyes she looked away, across the lobby. A few paces distant stood aman who leaned against a table and held a newspaper before his face.Patsy knew, however, that he was not reading. A pair of dark, glisteningeyes peered over the top of the paper and were steadfastly fixed upon theunconscious features of young Jones.

  Something in the attitude of the stranger, whom she had never seenbefore, something in the rigid pose, the intent gaze--indicating bothalertness and repression--riveted the girl's attention at once and gaveher a distinct shock of uneasiness.

  "I wish," said the boy, in his quiet, firm way, yet with much deferencein his manner and tone, "that you young ladies would consider my offerseriously, and take proper time to reach a decision. I am absolutely inearnest. I want to join you in your attempt to give pleasure to children,and I am willing and--and able--to furnish the funds required. Withoutyour cooperation, however, I could do nothing, and my health is such thatI wish to leave the management of the theatres entirely in your hands, aswell as all the details of their construction."

  "We will consider it, of course, Mr. Jones," answered Beth gravely. "Weare a little startled just now, as you see; but when we grow accustomedto the immensity of the scheme--our baby, which you have transformed intoa giant--we shall be able to consider it calmly and critically, anddecide if we are competent to undertake the management of so manytheatres."

  "Thank you. Then, I think, I will excuse myself for this evening andreturn to my room. I'm improving famously, under Dr. Doyle'sinstructions, but am not yet a rugged example of health."

  Patsy took his hand at parting, as did the others, but her attention wasdivided between Ajo and the strange man who had never for a momentceased watching him. Not once did the dark eyes waver, but followed eachmotion of the boy as he sauntered to the desk, got his key from theclerk, and then proceeded to his room, turning up one of the corridorson the main floor.

  The stranger now laid his newspaper on the table and disclosed hisentire face for the first time. A middle-aged man, he seemed to be,with iron-gray hair and a smoothly shaven, rather handsome face. Fromhis dress he appeared to be a prosperous business man and it wasevident that he was a guest of the hotel, for he wandered through thelobby--in which many other guests were grouped, some chatting andothers playing "bridge"--and presently disappeared down the corridortraversed by young Jones.

  Patsy drew a deep breath, but said nothing to the others, who, whenrelieved of the boy's presence, began to discuss volubly hissingular proposal.

  "The fellow is crazy," commented Arthur. "Twenty picture theatres,with a film factory to supply them, is a big order even for amulti-millionaire--and I can't imagine this boy coming under that head."

  "He seemed in earnest," said Maud, musingly. "What do you think,Aunt Jane?"

  "I am greatly pe
rplexed," admitted Mrs. Montrose. "Had I not known of theconquest of Goldstein by this boy, who issued orders which the manager ofthe Continental meekly obeyed, I would have laughed at his proposition.As it is, I'm afraid to state that he won't carry out his plan to theletter of the agreement."

  "Would it not be a rash investment, ma'am?" inquired Uncle John.

  "Frankly, I do not know. While all the film makers evade any attempt todiscover how prosperous--financially--they are, we know that withoutexception they have grown very wealthy. I am wondering if this youngJones is not one of the owners of the Continental--a large stockholder,perhaps. If so, that not only accounts for his influence with Goldstein,but it proves him able to finance this remarkable enterprise. Hedoubtless knows what he is undertaking, for his figures, while notaccurate, were logical."

  "Of course!" cried Patsy. "That explains everything."

  "Still," said Uncle John cautiously, "this is merely surmise on our part,and before accepting it we must reconcile it with the incongruities inthe case. It is possible that the elder Jones owned an interest in theContinental and bequeathed it to his son. But is it probable? Remember,he was an islander, and a recluse."

  "More likely," said Beth, "Ajo's father left him a great fortune, whichthe boy invested in the Continental stock."

  "I have been told," remarked Aunt Jane thoughtfully, "that Continentalstock cannot be bought at any price. It pays such enormous dividends thatno owner will dispose of it."

  "The whole thing is perplexing in the extreme," declared Arthur. "The boytells a story that at first seems frank and straightforward, yet hisstatements do not dovetail, so to speak."

  "I think he is holding something back," said Beth; "something that wouldexplain all the discrepancies in his story. You were wrong, Uncle John,not to let him speak when he offered to tell you all."

  "There was something in his manner that made me revolt from forcing hisconfidence," was the reply.

  "There was something in his manner that made me think he was aboutto concoct a story that would satisfy our curiosity," said Louisewith a shrug.

  Uncle John looked around the circle of faces.

  "You are not questioning the young fellow's sincerity, I hope?" said he.

  "I don't, for a single second!" asserted Patsy, stoutly. "He may have aqueer history, and he may not have told us all of it, but Ajo is honest.I'll vouch for him!"

  "So will I, my dear," said Uncle John.

  "That is more than I can do, just at present," Arthur frankly stated. "Myopinion is that his preposterous offer is mere bluff. If you acceptedit, you would find him unable to do his part."

  "Then what is his object?" asked Maud.

  "I can't figure it out, as yet. He might pose as a millionaire and agenerous friend and philanthropist for some time, before the truth wasdiscovered, and during that time he could carry out any secret plans hehad in mind. The boy is more shrewd than he appears to be. We, by chancesaved his life, and at once he attached himself to us like a barnacle,and we can't shake him off."

  "We don't want to," said Patsy.

  "My explanation is that he has fallen in love with one of usgirls," suggested Flo, with a mischievous glance at her sister. "Iwonder if it's me?"

  "It is more likely," said Louise, "that he has discovered Uncle John tobe a very--prosperous--man."

  "Nonsense, my dear!" exclaimed that gentleman, evidently irritated by theinsinuation. "Don't pick the boy to pieces. Give him a chance. So far hehas asked nothing from us, but offers everything. He's a grateful fellowand is anxious to help you girls carry out your ambitious plans. That ishow I read him, and I think it is absurd to prejudge him in the way youare doing."

  The party broke up, the Stantons and Weldons going to their rooms. Bethalso rose.

  "Are you coming to bed, Patsy?" she inquired.

  "Not just now," her cousin replied. "Between us, we've rubbed UncleJohn's fur the wrong way and he won't get composed until he hassmoked his good-night cigar. I'll sit with him in this corner andkeep him company."

  So the little man and his favorite niece were left together, and he didnot seem in the least ruffled as he lit his cigar and settled down in abig chair, with Patsy beside him, to enjoy it.