Alexander Merow

  Prey World

  Citizen 1-564398B-278843


  Part I

  Prey World


  Foreword 5

  Citizen 1-564398B-278843 7

  Automated Trial 23

  Big Eye 31

  The Change 49

  Outsourced 56

  World Peace in Ivas? 82

  Rebellion and Fresh Snow 98

  Procrastination is the Thief of Time! 116

  Aux Champs-Elysées 139

  The Lull before the Storm 155

  Bomb-happy... 171

  Red Moon 178

  With him 193

  Prey World – Citizen 1-564398B-278843


  The year 2028. Mankind is in the stranglehold of a worldwide surveillance state. Frank Kohlhaas, a petty citizen, lives a cheerless life, working as an agency worker in a steel plant.

  One day, he gets into a conflict with the tyrannical system, because of an unfortunate accident. An automated trail convicts him to five years of imprisonment and Frank disappears in a detention centre, where he suffers under a cruel system of brainwashing and reeducation.

  After eight months of pain, the authorities decide to transfer him to another prison. On the way there, something unexpected happens. Suddenly everything changes and the young man finds himself caught between the fronts...


  This is the English version of the first book of Alexander Merow`s “Prey World” series. The novel was translated by Thorsten Weber – and the whole procedure entailed a lot of work. But it was also really funny.

  It is not a professional translation and the translator is not a “native speaker” or English teacher. He is just a guy who loves science-fiction and dystopias. So try not to laugh at some of the translated phrases, or the wrath of a real freak will come over you!

  Nevertheless, we thought that would be a good idea to translate this interesting, courageous and critical novel into the English language. At the same time it will also enable English speaking people to join Alexander Merow`s growing audience.

  “Prey World” is neither an ordinary book nor light entertainment. There is already plenty of “light entertainment” in our times – far too much. On the other hand, there are not enough books like “Prey World”. Books that make you think about the world we live in. And it is important that people begin to think.

  The author has already found numerous interested readers all over Germany, and we hope, he will find additional readers in the English-speaking countries. We would also be glad, if a “real” mother-tongue speaker were to edit this English version one day.

  Some readers compare “Prey World” with George Orwell`s “1984”, the classic among the dystopic novels. Others see elements of Bradbury`s “Fahrenheit 451” in it.

  However, critical thinkers and friends of so called “conspiracy theories” will have their fun with “Prey World”. Is Alexander Merow`s vision of the future really realistic at all? A worldwide surveillance state? A World Government under the control of a ruthless secret society? We will see!

  And always remember...

  “Only a fool would think that “Prey World” is nothing but fiction!” (Alexander Merow)

  Have fun!


  Alexander Merow and Thorsten Weber, Berlin 2011

  E-mail: [email protected]

  “Maybe it is nothing but madness and suicide. Maybe it will not change the world, but this is not important for me. Nevertheless, it will change something for me!

  I have suffered too much to humble myself anymore. They have told us to humble ourselves - since the kindergarten. Shut up! Consume! Obey! Endure! Believe everything! Watch shit! Buy shit! Eat shit! Turn the other cheek!

  What has become of us? Why have we become sheep? Why do we endure this all without doing something? Why has nobody the guts to act?

  Thorsten`s books were a real eye-opener to me! Now, I know who they are and what they plan for us all. And I can`t forget what they have done to me. They call us “cattle”. Okay, then I will be the black sheep in the flock. And the black sheep will fight back now! And it does not fear the butcher anymore, because even a butcher can be killed. Franky, the little black sheep, will make them pay now! And I hope that the flock of white sheep will wake up some day.”

  P.S.: If I don`t come back, please give this book to Julia...

  Diary entry of Frank Kohlhaas, 17.02.2029

  Citizen 1-564398B-278843