Page 84 of The Road to Hell

  Kyaira cotton—Sharonian name for the fiber of the Chuldair tree.

  Kyaria Island—the Sharonian analog of the Island of Java.

  Kythia—a region of Arcana roughly analog to Gujarat, India.

  Lake Arau—the Sharonian analog of Lake Baikal.

  Lake Kanaiyar—the Arcanan analog of Lake Winnipeg.

  Lake Shyngilar—Sharonian analog of Lake Washington in Washington State.

  Lake Syrana—the Sharonian analog of Walker Lake, Nevada.

  Lake Wernisk—Sharonian analog of Lake Winnipeg in the Republic of Hanyl.

  Lake Wind Daughter—the Arcanan analog of Lake Michigan.

  Larakesh—the site of the first Sharonian trans-temporal portal on the Ylani Sea. The Sharonian analog of Varna, Bulgaria.

  Large-mind—the Sharonian cetaceans’ name for blue whales.

  Larkima—the ancient Mythalan word for “strangle”; the release code for a yellow dragon’s breath weapon.

  Levin bolt—a potent Arcanan combat magic; a lightning bolt.

  Lifter—a Sharonian telekinetic Talent. Most Lifters can handle only very small objects; a very small percentage of exceptionally powerful Lifters can manipulate objects weighing as much as thirty or forty pounds.

  Limathia—a kingdom in New Farnal, located between the Sharonian analog of Chile and Argentina. One of the Directors of the Portal Authority is from Limathia.

  Lissia—the Sharonian analog of Australia; the main landmass of the Lissian Republic, which also includes New Zealand, the islands of Oceania, and a fair percentage of the South Pacific Islands of Polynesia. Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr’s mother is Lissian.

  Lokan—an Andaran kingdom whose territory covers the equivalent of most of Canada and Alaska, but sweeps down to include Oregon and most of California, as well.

  Losaltha—the Sharonian city located at the entry portal of the Salym universe. Located roughly at the trans-temporal location of Barcelona, Spain.

  Lubnasi—an ancient independent city-state located within the boundaries of the Kingdom of Shartha (see above) in Sharona. Like the Bolakini city-states (see “Bolakin, Queens of”), Lubnasi was an ancient treaty partner of Ternathia, which is the historic guarantor of its independence.

  Lugathia—a province of the Ternathian Empire, equivalent to France.

  Lusaku Island—the Sharonian analog of Sumatra.

  Lyndara Mountains—the Sharonian analog of the San Antonio Mountains, Nevada.

  Magister—a formal title earned by Arcanan practitioners of sorcery. It requires the completion of an arduous formal education and the creation of at least one new, previously unknown application of sorcery. There are additional ranks within the broader title of magister. (See also “novice,” “journeyman,” and “magistron.”)

  Magistron—a formal title, equivalent to “magister,” but reserved for those whose Gift and training are specialized for working with living things. There are additional ranks within the broader title of magistron. (See also “novice,” “journeyman,” and “magister.”)

  Mahritha—the Arcanan-explored universe connecting to Hell’s Gate. Named by Magister Halathyn in his wife’s honor.

  Malbar—a Sharonian multiverse coastal city in the Madahn Association in western New Ternath on approximately the same site as Seattle, Washington.

  Malbar Sound—the Sharonian analog of Puget Sound.

  Manisthu Islands—the Arcanan analog of Japan.

  Manisthu, Kingdom of—the dominant political unit of the Manisthu Islands.

  Mark 10 rifle—the standard-issue bolt-action rifle of the Imperial Ternathian Army. It is a .40 caliber weapon with a 12-round detachable box magazine. Official designation is Rifle of 5047 from its year of introduction.

  Mark 12 rifle—a specialist sniper’s weapon built for the Imperial Ternathian Army. It is a .34 caliber weapon with a 34" barrel, firing a necked down version of the black powder Halnach and Welnahr .458 cartridge designed for Ricathan Buffalo and other dangerous big game. Official designation is Rifle of 5049 from its year of introduction.

  Marnilay—a Sharonian goddess, “Sweet Marnilay the Maiden” is one of the Ternathian Double Triads, which are the foundation of the religion for at least half of Sharona, as Ternathia once controlled and/or colonized so much of that world.

  Masked whales—the Arcanan term for orca.

  Mbisi Sea—the Sharonian analog of the Mediterranean Sea.

  Melwain the Great—the Andaran analog of King Arthur. Melwain lived well over a thousand years ago and is revered as the perfect example of Andaran honor.

  Merikai—a Ransaran socialist republic roughly equivalent to southern Mongolia, China’s central Gansu Province, and most of Neimongol Province.

  Mind Healer—a Sharonian with a complex of Talents which permits him to treat mental disorders.

  Mithanan—the Mythalan god of cosmic destruction.

  Monarch Lake—the Arcanan analog of Lake Superior.

  Monkey Tail Peninsula—Sharonian analog of the Malaysian Peninsula.

  Mother Jambakol—an Arcanan evil goddess or demoness, both worshiped and feared in Hilmar. She is the personification of destruction, vengeance, and hatred.

  Mother Marthea—a Sharonian deity. In the Shurkhali pantheon, she is revered as the water-bringer and life-bringer. She is called the Mother of Rivers, the Mother of Springs, and the Mother of the Sea. Revered as Mother of the Sea, she brings wealth in the form of pearls and coral, and watches over Shurkhali ships. She is viewed as a mother of abundance, whether from the sea, agricultural crops, or herds and flocks.

  Motic—the shortened version of “automoticar” applied to a new class of personal vehicles recently introduced in the Union of Arcana.

  Mount Chansyri—the Arcanan analog of Mount Dhaulagiri, Nepal. Birthplace of the legendary Ransaran chansyu two-headed, winged lion.

  Mount Karek—a mountain peak west of Fort Salby in the Ithal Mountains.

  mul—“warrior” in ancient Mythalan. As a part of a Mythalan’s name, it indicates that he springs from one of the family lines of the multhari warrior caste. If the individual is also shakira, the higher caste indicator vos is used for most purposes instead of mul, but the proper formal usage is “vos and mul,” so a shakira officer named Sythak of the Yuran line would properly be “Sythak vos and mul Yuran,” but would normally be referred to as “Sythak vos Yuran.”

  Mulgethia—a Ternathian province, equivalent to Germany/Switzerland.

  Multhari—the second most important caste group of Mythalan society. The multhari are the military caste. Some members of multhari are also shakira. These normally tend to dominate the upper ranks of the Mythalan military.

  Myndakor Mountains—the Sharonian analog of the Rocky Mountains.

  Mythal—the Arcanan analog of Africa. Mythal is dominated by a caste-based society which enshrines the total superiority of the shakira magic-using caste to the garthan caste of non-magic users.

  Mythal Falls—the Arcanan analog of Victoria Falls.

  Mythal Falls Academy—the oldest and most prestigious magical research and teaching Academy in Arcana.

  Mythal River—the Arcanan analog of the Nile River and Zambezi River. By the will of the shakira and the work of many generations of garthan the two waterways are connected in the Arcana Prime Universe.

  Mythalan Hegemony—the supranational Mythalan political body representing all Mythalan states. Effectively, the governing body of the Mythalan Empire, although there is no official Empire of Mythal.

  Mythalan tea—the Arcanan analog of coffee, although it is most commonly known outside Mythal as cherryberry or bitterblack.

  Mythal’s Stool—Arcanan analog of the Sinai Peninsula.

  Nansara Island—the Sharonian analog of Mercer Island, Lake Washington, Washington State.

  Narash Islands—Sharonian analog of the Philippine Islands.

  Narhath—an affluent province of the Ternathian Empire, consisting of the equivalent of southern Spain and Portugal

  Narhathan Peninsula—the Sharonian analog of the Iberian peninsula.

  Narisma—an Arcanan republic roughly equivalent to Kazakhstan, minus the southwestern corner of Kazakhstan which belongs to the Kingdom of Shendisfal.

  Narshalla—a Sharonian city located approximately on the site of Medina, Saudi Arabia.

  Nessia—easternmost modern Ternathian province, equivalent to Greece.

  New Farnal—the Sharonian analog of South America.

  New Ramath—the port city built specifically to serve the rail line to Fort Tharkoma in Salym. Located on the trans-temporal equivalent of Durrës, Albania.

  New Sharona—the first additional universe surveyed from Sharona.

  New Ternath—the Sharonian analog of North America.

  Norgamar Works—one of the great locomotive foundries of Sharona. A prime supplier to the Trans-temporal Express.

  Nosikor—a Sharonian city located at the southwestern end of Lake Arau.

  Novice—the title awarded to a Gifted student in Arcana. A student remains a novice, regardless of age, until his or her graduation from formal training. (See also “journeyman,” “magister,” and “magistron.”)

  Nymara—a city and important seaport on the Mbisi coast of Ricathia on the approximate site of Alexandria.

  Order of Bergahl—the religious order of the war god Bergahl (see above). Because of its special position in the Kingdom of Othmaliz, the Kingdom’s Seneschal must, by tradition, be selected from the Order’s priesthood.

  Osmaria—the Sharonian analog of Italy.

  Othmaliz—the kingdom which dominates the eastern end of the Mbisi Sea and the outlet from the Ylani Sea. It is roughly equivalent to the western half of Turkey and the southern third of Bulgaria. Its capital is Tajvana, the ancient Imperial capital of the Ternathian Empire.

  PAAF—the Portal Authority Armed Forces. The military units of various Sharonian nations placed under the Portal Authority’s command for frontier security operations.

  Padith River—the Sharonian analog of the lower Parana River (south of its junction with the Pantanal River) in Argentina.

  Paditharyn—a city in the New Farnalia Kingdom of Limathia, located on the Padith River (Parana River) on approximately the same site as Rosario, Argentina.

  Paerystia—a region of Arcana roughly equivalent to Oman.

  Pairhys Island—the Sharonian analog of the Isle of Man. The premier training camp of the Imperial Ternathian Marines is located there.

  Parnatha—Arcanan analog of the Italian peninsula.

  Pigfish—Arcanan term for Bottlenosed dolphin.

  Plotter—a Sharonian with the “Plotting” Talent. Plotting is a specialized sub-variant of the Mapping Talent which is particularly useful in military service. Plotters, unlike Mappers, detect the presence and location of living creatures, like human beings.

  Pocket-ball—the Sharonian analog of billiards or pool.

  Portal Hound—a Sharonian psionic sensitive to trans-temporal portals.

  Portal wind—term for the wind which blows through portals whose aspects are at different altitudes in the universes they link. A portal wind blows at a constant velocity from the lower elevation to the higher and, depending on the elevation differential, can be extremely powerful.

  Portals—portals are the naturally occurring access points between universes. In Sharonian practice, they are not formally classified by type; simply referred to by their measured size. Arcanan practice is somewhat more formalized (though essentially similar), using the following classifications broken down by portal diameter:

  Class 1 = 0-1 mile.

  Class 2 = 1-2 miles.

  Class 3 = 2-5 miles.

  Class 4 = 5-9 miles.

  Class 5 = 9-13 miles.

  Class 6 = 13-19 miles.

  Class 7 = 19-25 miles.

  Class 8 = 25-40 miles.

  These classifications are based less on the diameter of the portal (although that is the most easily observable aspect of them) but rather by the strength with which they register on the spellware used to detect them.

  Porter—a Sharonian Talent with the telekinetic ability to teleport (or “Port”) passengers or limited freight via the Emergency Transportation System.

  Princedom of Traylis—a monarchy in New Farnalia; analog of the area consisting of northern Brazil south of the Amazon River in the east and south of the Rio Negro River in the west, northeastern Bolivia (north of Trinidad) and central Brazil west of the Xingu River.

  Projective—a Sharonian psionic with the ability to project detailed and accurate mental images for non-telepaths. All Projectives are also Voices, but less than .01% of all Voices are Projectives.

  Puma Valley—the Sharonian analog of Stone Cabin Valley, Nevada.

  Queen Kalthra’s Lake—the Arcanan analog of Lake Ontario.

  Queriz—a city in Arpathia, located at the equivalent position of Astana, Kazakhstan.

  Queriz Depression—the Sharonian analog of the Caspian Depression.

  Rahil—the Great Prophetess, the founder of and patron saint of mercy and healing in the Fellowship of Rahil, one of the dominant religions of Ransar.

  Rahilian—an adherent of the Fellowship of Rahil.

  Ram’s Horn Heavy Equipment—the preeminent manufacturer of heavy construction equipment (bulldozers, steam shovels, etc.) of Sharona, headquartered in the Ternathian province of Mulgethia (Germany).

  Rankadi—Mythalan ritual suicide.

  Ransar—the Arcanan analog of Asia. Ransar is home to a highly humanistic, democratic, and innovative culture which places an extremely high value on the worth of the individual. This makes Ransar an uncomfortable fit with the Andaran warrior aristocracy at times, but an even more uncomfortable fit with Mythal’s caste-based society. Ransarans enjoy the most comfortable life styles of any Arcanan social group.

  Rathynoka River—the Sharonian analog of the Orinoco River in Venezuela.

  Razinta Basin—the depression between the Gartasa Mountains, Teramandor Mountains, and Emperor Edvar Mountains of the Narhathan Peninsula; drained by the Razinta River.

  Razinta River—the Sharonian analog of Spain’s Ebro River.

  Recon crystal—also called “RC”; a sarkolis-based reconnaissance device capable of recording and storing visual imagery and sounds within specified radii of the crystal. It is a storage device, and has no ability to transmit reconnaissance data across any distance.

  Redberry—a vine fruit cultivated in Sharona similar to heirloom tomatoes.

  Renaiyrton—the small city around the major shipyard in Traisum, located on the same site as the Sharonian seaport of Nymara (Alexandria).