Page 88 of The Road to Hell

Isrian, Commander of Five Hundred Chalbos, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] one of Two Thousand Harshu’s senior infantry battalion commanders.

  Janvers, Arnith—[TRTH] Count Tisbane and Hundred Olderhan’s defense attorney.

  Jastyr, Ulantha—[HHNF, TRTH] Alazon Yanamar’s assistant Voice and protégée.

  Jerstan, Commander of Fifty Yoril, Union of Arcana Air Force—[TRTH] 1076th AATC Talon, First Provisional AATC Aerie. Pilot of transport dragon Grayscale.

  Kalcyr, Senior Sword Barcan, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] senior noncom, Company Bravo, 901st Light Cavalry.

  Karuk, Master-Armsman Hordal, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[TRTH] regimental master-armsman, 127th Regiment, PAAF; Regiment-Captain Velvelig’s senior noncom at Fort Ghartoun.

  Kelbryan, Magister Gadrial—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] former student of Magister Halathyn vos Dulainah; Department Chairwoman, Theoretical Magic, Garth Showma Institute of Magic.

  Kindare, Relatha—[HG, TRTH] a serving girl from Hawkwing Palace and Ternathia who replaces Sathee Balithar as Princess Andrin’s personal maid after Balithar’s injury.

  King Junni—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Junni Fai Yujin, King of Eniath (see also Fai Yujin, His Majesty Junni)

  Kinlafia, Darcel—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] the second Voice assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first contacts the Arcanans.

  Kinlafia, Marithe—[TRTH]Darcel Kinlafia’s mother. A college professor in New Farnal.

  Kinshe, Halidar—[HG, TRTH] a director of the Sharonian Portal Authority and a Parliamentary Representative in the Kingdom of Shurkhal.

  Klian, Commander of Five Hundred Sarr, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, TRTH] CO, Fort Rycharn, universe of Mahritha.

  Kolmayr, Thaminar—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] the father of Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr and husband of Shalassar Kolmayr-Brintal.

  Kolmayr-Brintal, Shalassar—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] a Talented ambassador to the cetaceans for the Kingdom of Shurkhal. Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr’s mother.

  Kordos, Fleet Third—[TRTH] the third highest ranked officer in the Union of Arcana Navy and a member of Jasak Olderhans’s board of inquiry.

  Kormas, Commander of One Hundred Surtel, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HHNF, TRTH] Thousand Toralk’s senior gryphon-handler.

  Krethva—[TRTH] a Uromathian VBS correspondent specializing in society news.

  Lii, Munn—[TRTH] personal guardsman to Howan Fai Goutin.

  Limana, Director Orem—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] First Director, Sharonian Portal Authority.

  Mahrkrai, Commander of Five Hundred Herak, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] Two Thousand Harshu’s chief of staff.

  Makree, Platoon-Captain Tobis, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF, TRTH] Company-Captain Silkash’s strongly Talented Healer assistant at Fort Ghartoun.

  Markan, Sunlord of—see Jukan Darshu.

  Mesaion, Company-Captain Lorvam, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF, TRTH] CO, Copper Battery, 1st Battalion, 43rd Field Artillery Regiment, Regiment-Captain chan Skrithik’s senior artillery officer at Fort Salby.

  Morikan, Sword Naf, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, TRTH] Gifted healer, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

  Morlinhus, Dr. Gynthyr—a Talented Healer and one of Sharona’s leading obstetricians; Crown Princess Andrin’s personal obstetrician.

  Myr, Commander of Five Hundred Cerlohs, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HHNF, TRTH] CO, First Provisional Talon, pilot of black battle dragon Razorwing.

  Nargra, Jathmar—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] a Mapper assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first encounters the Arcanans. The husband of Shaylar Nargra-Kolmayr.

  Nargra-Kolmayr, Shaylar—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] a powerfully Talented Voice, assigned to the Chalgyn Consortium crew which first encounters the Arcanans. The wife of Jathmar Nargra.

  Neshok, Commander of Five Hundred (acting) Alivar, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Two Thousand Harshu’s senior Intelligence officer.

  Nourm, Sword Keraik, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] senior noncom, Second Platoon, Able Company, Fifth Battalion, 306th Regiment.

  Olderhan, Commander of One Hundred Sir Jasak, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

  Olderhan, Sathmin—[HG, TRTH] Duchess of Garth Showma, wife of Sir Thankhar Olderhan, mother of Sir Jasak Olderhan.

  Olderhan, Sir Thankhar—[HG, TRTH] Duke of Garth Showma, planetary governor of New Arcana, father of Sir Jasak Olderhan.

  Porath, Javelin Lisaro, Union Of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] a noncom assigned to Five Hundred Neshok’s Intelligence section.

  Prince Howan—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Prince Howan Fai Goutin, Crown Prince of Eniath (see also Fai Goutin, Prince Howan.)

  Raka, Acolyte—[TRTH] an acolyte in the Order of Bergahl.

  Raynarg, Faroayn—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] the birth name of His Crowned Eminence, the Seneschal of Othmaliz.

  Regiment-Captain Namir Velvelig, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO, 127th Regiment, PAAF and CO, Fort Ghartoun. Crown Prince Janaki’s regimental commander in HG. Senior POW Fort Ghartoun following its capture by Arcana (HHNF, TRTH).

  Restmar, Gorda—[TRTH] a TTE shift manager, freight division, Larakesh Central Station.

  Rihva—[TRTH] a court page for the Empire of Uromathia.

  Rinthrak, Solvar—[TRTH] Arcanan Commander of Ten Thousand.

  Sarma, Commander of Fifty Jaralt, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] CO, Second Platoon, Alpha Company, Fifth Battalion, 306th Regiment; assigned to Two Thousand Harshu’s Arcanan Expeditionary Force.

  Seasprite—[TRTH] a drake owned by Emm vos Sidus.

  Sendahli, Trooper Jugthar, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Third Squad, First Platoon, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts. Sendahli is a garthan who has fled Mythal and enlisted in the Union Army.

  Shelthara, Fadar—[TRTH] a New Farnalian TTE employee. Shelthara is an Assistant Freight Manager at Larakesh Central Station.

  Silkash, Company-Captain Golvar, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HHNF, TRTH] Regiment-Captain Velvelig’s surgeon at Fort Ghartoun. A.k.a. “Silky.” A skilled surgeon, but not a Talented Healer.

  Silverstreak Fleshrender—[TRTH] a vos Belftus House bred seadrake owned by Kon vos Vacus. Her assigned garthan rider is Ullery the Fool.

  Skirvon, Rithmar—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] a representative of the Union Arbitration Commission, an internal, quasi-diplomatic organ of the Union of Arcana. He is the senior diplomat available for negotiations with the Sharonians.

  Taje, First Councilor Shamir—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] head of the Ternathian Imperial Privy Council; effectively, Zindel chan Calirath’s prime minister.

  Taleena—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Crown Prince Janaki’s peregrine falcon.

  Teeth Cleaver—[TRTH] an orca with an interest in travel.

  Terasahn, Commander of One Hundred Bismair, Union of Arcana Air Force—[TRTH] CO, 23rd Composite Strike, First Provisional AATC Aerie.

  Thalmayr, Commander of One Hundred Hadrign, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO, Charlie Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts, Fort Ghartoun’s Commander after its capture by Arcana.

  Threbuch, Chief Sword Otwal, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Battalion Chief Sword, Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

  Thykyl, Armsman 1/c Shalsan, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[TRTH] 1st Platoon, Silver Company, 2nd Battalion, 127th Regiment, PAAF; a member of the Fort Ghartoun garrison.

  Tobar, Platoon-Captain Sedryk, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[TRTH] CO, 4th Platoon, Gold Company, 2nd Battalion, 127th Regiment; one of Namir Velvelig’s junior officers.

  Tobar, Platoon-Captain Zynach Larkal, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[TRTH] CO, 1st Platoon, Silver Company, 2nd Battalion, 127th Regiment, PAAF; one of Namir Velvelig’s junior officers.

  Toralk, Commander of One Thousand Klayrman, Union of Arcana Air Force—[HG, HHNF,
TRTH] Two Thousand Harshu’s senior Air Force officer; senior Air Force officer, Arcanan Expeditionary Force.

  Torrash, Rinlin—[TRTH] Larakesh Central Stationmaster, TTE.

  Torrash, Stationmaster Rinlin—[TRTH] the train stationmaster at Larakesh, Sharona.

  Trebar, Kylmos—[TRTH] Noriellena Drubeka’s assigned Voice for SUNN.

  Tumanau, Minister—[TRTH] a garthan on the Arcanan Parliamentary War Operations and Intelligence Committee.

  Ulantha Jastyr—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Alazon Yanamar’s assistant Voice, protégée, and official keeper. Acting Privy Voice in much of TRTH.

  Ullery—[TRTH] a garthan drake rider of Silverstreak Fleshrender. Also called Ullery the Fool. Owned by Kon vos Vacus.

  Ulthar, Arylis—[HHNF, TRTH] Commander of Fifty Therman Ulthar’s wife.

  Ulthar, Commander of Fifty Therman, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO, Third Platoon, Charlie Company, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts. Commander of Fifty Halesak’s brother-in-law.

  Urlan, Commander of Five Hundred Gyras, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] CO, Seventh Zydor Heavy Dragoons.

  Usar, Drindel—a young Uromathian Talent; a Shark Caller who is in Service to Emperor Chava Busar.

  Vankhal, Lady Merissa—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Princess Andrin’s chief lady-in-waiting and protocol instructor.

  Vaynair, Commander of Five Hundred Dayr, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] the senior Gifted healer assigned to Two Thousand Harshu’s Arcanan Expeditionary Force.

  Velvelig, Regiment-Captain Namir, Portal Authority Armed Forces—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO of Fort Ghartoun.

  Vos and mul Gurthak, Commander of Two Thousand Nith, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] CO, Fort Talon, universe of Erthos, senior officer for a nine-universe command area running from Esthiya through Mahritha. He is both shakira and multhari.

  Vos Diffletak, Skollo—[TRTH] Line Lord to Bok vos Hoven.

  Vos Durgazon, Minister—[TRTH] a shakira on the Arcanan Parliamentary War Operations and Intelligence Committee.

  Vos Hoven, Lance Bok, Union of Arcana Army—[HG, TRTH] a Gifted shakira combat engineer assigned to Charlie Company, First Battalion, First Regiment, Second Andaran Temporal Scouts.

  Vos Sidus, Dre—[TRTH] a shakira child of the Sidus line, younger sister to Emm vos Sidus.

  Vos Sidus, Emm—[TRTH] a shakira gentleman of leisure with a drake breeding hobby.

  Vos Sidus, Kellbok—[TRTH] a shakira lady, aunt to Dre vos Sidus and Emm vos Sidus, known for her advances in dragon breeding. Also called Aunt Kellbok by her close family.

  Vos Vacus, Kon—[TRTH] a shakira drake breeder, purchaser of Silverstreak Fleshrender and her garthan rider, Ullery.

  Vreel, Ghulshan—[TRTH] the prosecuting attorney for Hundred Olderhan’s case.

  Worka, Commander of One Hundred Sylair, Union of Arcana Army—[HHNF, TRTH] CO, Company Bravo, 901st Light Cavalry.

  Yanamar, Alazon—[HG, HHNF, TRTH] Emperor Zindel’s Privy Voice, chief of staff, and trusted political adviser. Marries Darcel Kinlafia in TRTH,

  Yanusa-Mahrdissa, Ganstamar—[TRTH] TTE SEIC in the Kelsayr Chain.


  This is a partial list.

  Animal Speaker—a Sharonian with a Talent which permits him to communicate with nonintelligent animals. No one is quite certain whether this is a form of telepathy, a form of telempathy, or a combination of the two. Animal Speakers have sufficient telepathic ability to receive Voice broadcasts and communications from Mind Speakers.

  Coal Hound—a specialized sub type of Mineral Hound (see below) sensitive to the presence of coal and/or oil.

  Detail Viewer—a Detail Viewer is a rare subtype of a Distance Viewer. Unlike a standard Distance Viewer whose viewpoint is always located in midair above whatever he or she is Viewing at any given moment, a Detail Viewer can locate his or her viewpoint wherever is desired in relationship to what is being Viewed. That is, a Detail Viewer could locate his viewpoint on the ground, looking up, or even project it into a solid mountain to View a tunnel or mine shaft. A Detail Viewer is still hampered by physical obstacles between his/her viewpoint and what is being observed, but he/she can move his viewpoint to the far side of the obstacle in order to defeat that difficulty. Ranges for Detail Viewers are approximately the same as those for standard Distance Viewers.

  Distance Viewer—Distance Viewers are clairvoyants capable of Seeing specific distant objects and terrain. Unlike Plotters or Mappers, they See as if looking through their physical eyes. The vast majority of Distance Viewers See as if they were looking down from a point in midair above whatever they are observing. From a greater height, they can See a broader area, although with less detail, just as if they were using their eyes. And, as if they were using their eyes, cloud cover, bad weather, etc., can and does limit what they can See. They can control the altitude of their viewpoint, “zooming in” from a lower altitude for greater detail at the expense of sacrificing the general area they can observe. Most Distance Viewers can project their viewpoint to a range of no more than 20 or 30 miles (altitude is not a factor), but the strongest of them can project their viewpoint to distances of up to 200 miles. There are at least two major (and much rarer) variants of this ability: the Predictive Distance Viewer and the Detail Viewer. The rarest variant of all is the Predictive Detail Viewer.

  Drafter—Drafters are capable of producing freehand versions of plans, maps, or virtually anything else which can be diagrammed. They are not necessarily skilled at painting or producing representational art (see “Sketcher,” below), but can produce detailed exploded diagrams and schematics of anything within the range of their Talent. They need not be able to see inside or dismantle an object to diagram its interior, but their range is generally limited to no more than 100-200 yards and they must be able to physically touch anything whose interior is to be diagrammed. Drafters with a secondary Mind Speaker Talent can produce detailed diagrams/plans transmitted to them by another Mind Speaker. The most powerfully Talented of Drafters can use their Talent to diagram anything which can be seen or touched by another Mind Speaker (or Voice) with whom they are in communication as if the other Mind Speaker had the Drafter talent.

  Flamer—a pyrokinetic, someone who can generate and control heat and/or flame. Flamers, in differing degrees of strength, and the most powerful of all are the Sunhearts, who can literally burn their way through armored steel. The Flamer Talent is among the most dangerous of Talents, and those who possess it are required to be tested and bonded. Perhaps fortunately, there are limitations on the range at which this Talent can be used, and the range is inversely proportional to the power of the Talent. A Flamer whose greatest power amounts to the ability to slowly and gradually heat a cup of coffee, say, can normally employ his power on any object within his visual range. A Sunheart capable of burning through a plate of face-hardened armor must be close enough that he could actually touch the armor in question. Sunhearts are highly prized in foundries and as welders.

  Flicker—someone who can teleport small objects, such as tubes containing written dispatches. Range is limited, seldom exceeding much over 30-40 miles, and the Flicker must know exactly where he is sending it. Some of the most powerfully Talented Flickers have attained ranges of up to 50 miles or more.

  Glimpse—a Glimpse might be thought of as a Precog on steroids, though the two Talents do not appear to be directly related in any way. Glimpses are restricted to members of the Calirath family (and only the Ternathian priesthood knows how to “activate” this Talent among those who potentially possess it) and are restricted to the ability to See the consequences of human actions. That is, someone with the Glimpse Talent could not See a naturally occurring forest fire or earthquake in advance but might be able to Glimpse such a disaster by Glimpsing the actions (and consequences of those actions) of humans confronted by the disaster. For most Glimpsers this Talent is uncontrollable, fragmentary, and offers little opportunity to determine exactly when that which is Glimpsed is to occur. (So
far as is known, all Glimpses have been of future events, not past ones.) In addition, an individual experiencing a Glimpse is normally oblivious to his or her actual physical surroundings during the Glimpse. That is, he or she is so caught up in—almost entranced by—the Glimpse as to be literally deaf and blind to actual events around them. A Glimpser is unable, for unknown reasons, to Glimpse his or her own future, with one exception, although a Glimpse of someone else’s future may provide highly revealing clues about his or her own. No Glimpser can control Glimpses of events more than a very few hours into the future. Those more distant Glimpses come without warning, cannot be “focused” or controlled, and tend (there have been some notable exceptions) to be fragmentary and often chaotic. Some of the most strongly Talented Glimpsers have experienced Glimpses scores or even hundreds of years into the future, and a handful of the most strongly Talented of all have experienced clear, coherent, and detailed Glimpses. All Glimpsers are capable of a “Death Glimpse,” if their deaths are the result of human action. (Note that the action in question need not be deliberate; a Glimpser might very well experience a Death Glimpse as the result of a traffic accident or a pharmacist’s mistake in filling a prescription.) Not every individual capable of a Death Glimpse will necessarily experience one, although that is very uncommon and Death Glimpses tend to be very, very strong. It is possible for a Glimpser to effectively summon a Glimpse into the short-term future, i.e. up to 5-10 minutes from the present moment. To do so, however, requires the Glimpser to enter what is known as “fugue state,” which consumes large amounts of energy (physically, the equivalent of a 200-yard dash, let’s say) and leaves the Glimpser even more oblivious than usual to his/her actual surroundings. For the vast majority of Glimpsers, a fugue state Glimpse means that they are effectively paralyzed, unable to see through their own eyes and unable to move. For those with a weak Talent, it is very difficult or even impossible to enter fugue state except in association with a Death Glimpse. Those with an extraordinarily powerful Talent, on the other hand, remain aware of their surroundings and the most powerful of all have actually been able to move and even fight in fugue state, which makes them extraordinarily deadly in close combat.