Page 3 of Jerry Junior


  It was close upon ten when Jerymn Hilliard Jr., equipped for travel inproper blue serge, appeared in the doorway of the Hotel du Lac. He lookedat his watch and discovered that he still had twenty minutes before theomnibus meeting the second boat was due. He strolled across thecourt-yard, paused for a moment to tease the parrot, and sauntered on tohis favorite seat in the summer house. He had barely established himselfwith a cigarette when who should appear in the gateway but Miss ConstanceWilder of Villa Rosa and a middle-aged man--at a glance the Signor Papa.Jerymn Hilliard's heart doubled its beat. Why, he asked himselfexcitedly, _why_ had they come?

  The Signor Papa closed his green umbrella, and having dropped into achair--obligingly near the summer house--took off his hat and fannedhimself. He had a tendency toward being stout and felt the heat. Thegirl, meanwhile, crossed the court and jangled the bell; she waitedtwo--three--minutes, then she pulled the rope again.

  "Gustavo! Oh, Gustavo!"

  The bell might have been rung by any-one--the fisherman, theomnibus-driver, Suor Celestina from the convent asking her everlastingalms--and Gustavo took his time. But the voice was unmistakable; hewaited only to throw a clean napkin over his arm before hurrying toanswer.

  "_Buon giorno_, signorina! Good morning, signore. It is beautifulwea-thir, but warm. _Gia_, it is warm."

  He bowed and smiled and rubbed his hands together. His moustaches, fairlybristling with good will, turned up in a half circle until they caressedhis nose on either side. He bustled about placing table and chairs, andrecklessly dusting them with the clean napkin. The signorina laid herfluffy white parasol on one chair and seated herself on another, herprofile turned to the summer house. Gustavo hovered over them, awaitingtheir pleasure, the genius itself of respectful devotion. It wasConstance who gave the order--she, it might be noticed, gave most of theorders that were given in her vicinity. She framed it in English out ofdeference to Gustavo's pride in his knowledge of the language.

  "A glass of _vino santo_ for the Signore and _limonata_ for me. I wish toput the sugar in myself, the last time you mixed it, Gustavo, it was allsugar and no lemon. And bring a bowl of cracked ice--_fino_--_fino_--andsome pine nut cakes if you are sure they are fresh."

  "Sank you, signorina. _Subitissimo_!"

  He was off across the court, his black coat-tails, his white napkinstreaming behind, proclaiming to all the world that he was engaged on theSignorina Americana's bidding; for persons of lesser note he stillpreserved a measure of dignity.

  The young man in the summer house had meanwhile dropped his cigaretteupon the floor and noiselessly stepped on it. He had also--with theutmost caution lest the chair creak--shifted his position so that hemight command the profile of the girl. The entrance to the summer housewas fortunately on the other side, and in all likelihood they would nothave occasion to look within. It was eavesdropping of course, but he hadalready been convicted of that yesterday, and in any case it was not suchvery bad eavesdropping. The court-yard of the Hotel du Lac was publicproperty; he had been there first, he was there by rights as a guest ofthe house; if anything, they were the interlopers. Besides, nobody talkedsecrets with a head waiter. His own long conversations with Gustavo wereas open and innocent as the day; the signorina was perfectly welcome tolisten to them as much as she chose.

  She was sitting with her chin in her hand, eyeing the flying coat-tailsof Gustavo, a touch of amusement in her face. Her father was eyeing herseverely.

  "Constance, it is disgraceful!"

  She laughed. Apparently she already knew or divined what it was that wasdisgraceful, but the accusation did not appear to bother her much. Mr.Wilder proceeded grumblingly.

  "It's bad enough with those five deluded officers, but they walked intothe trap with their eyes open and it's their own affair. But look atGustavo; he can scarcely carry a dish without breaking it when you arewatching him. And Giuseppe--that confounded _Farfalla_ with its yellowsails floats back and forth in front of the terrace till I am on thepoint of having it scuttled as a public nuisance; and those threewasher-women and the post-office clerk and the boy who brings milk, andLuigi and--every man, woman and child in the village of Valedolmo!"

  "And my own dad as well?"

  Mr. Wilder shook his head.

  "He had also shifted his position so that he mightcommand the profile of the girl"]

  "I came here at your instigation for rest and relaxation--to get rid ofnervous worries, and here I find a big new worry waiting for me that I'dnever thought of having before. What if my only daughter should take itin her head to marry one of these infernally good-looking Italianofficers?"

  Constance reached over and patted his arm.

  "Don't let it bother you, Dad; I assure you I won't do anything of thesort. I should think it my duty to learn the subjunctive mood, and thatis impossible."

  Gustavo came hurrying back with a tray. He arranged the glasses, the ice,the sugar, the cakes, with loving, elaborate obsequiousness. Thesignorina examined the ice doubtfully, then with approval.

  "It's exactly right to-day, Gustavo! You got it too large the last time,you remember."

  She stirred in some sugar and tasted it tentatively, her head on oneside. Gustavo hung upon her expression in an agony of apprehension; onewould have thought it a matter for public mourning if the lemonade werenot mixed exactly right. But apparently it was right--she nodded andsmiled--and Gustavo's expression assumed relief. Constance broke open apine nut cake and settled herself for conversation.

  "Haven't you any guests, Gustavo?" Her eyes glanced over the emptycourt-yard. "I am afraid the hotel is not having a very prosperousseason."

  "_Grazie_, signorina. Zer never are many in summer; it is ze dead time,but still zay come and zay go. Seven arrive last night."

  "Seven! That's nice. What are they like?"

  "German mountain-climbers wif nails in zer shoes. Zey have gone to Rivaon ze first boat."

  "That's too bad--then the hotel is empty?"

  "But no! Zer is an Italian Signora wif two babies and a governess, andtwo English ladies and an American gentleman--"

  "An American gentleman?" Her tone was languidly interested. "How long hashe been here?"

  "Tree--four day."

  "Indeed--what is he like?"

  "Nice--ver' nice." (Gustavo might well say that; his pockets were linedwith the American gentleman's silver lire.) "He talk to me always.'Gustavo,' he say, 'I am all alone; I wish to be 'mused. Come and talkAngleesh.' Yes, it is true; I have no time to finish my work; I spendwhole day talking wif dis yong American gentleman. He is just a little--"He touched his head significantly.

  "Really?" She raised her eyes with an air of awakened interest. "And howdid he happen to come to Valedolmo?"

  "He come to meet his family, his sister and his--his aunt, who are goingwif him to ze Tyrollo. But zay have not arrive. Zey are in Lucerne, hesays, where zer is a lion dying, and zey wish to wait until he is dead;zen zey come.--Yes, it is true; he tell me zat." Gustavo tapped his heada second time.

  The signorina glanced about apprehensively.

  "Is he safe, Gustavo--to be about?"

  "_Si_, signorina, _sicuramente_! He is just a little simple."

  Mr. Wilder chuckled.

  "Where is he, Gustavo? I think I'd like to make that young man'sacquaintance."

  "I sink, signore, he is packing his trunk. He go away today."

  "Today, Gustavo?" There was audible regret in Constance's tone. "Why ishe going?"

  "It is not possible for him to stand it, signorina. Valedolmo too damslow."

  "Gustavo! You mustn't say that; it is very, very bad. Nice men don't sayit."

  Gustavo held his ground.

  "_Si_, signorina, zat yong American gentleman say it--dam slow, no_divertimento_."

  "He's just about right, Gustavo," Mr. Wilder broke in. "The next time ayoung American gentleman blunders into the Hotel du Lac you send himaround to me."

  "_Si_, signore."

stavo rolled his eyes toward the signorina; she continued to sip herlemonade.

  "I have told him yesterday an American family live at Villa Rosa; he say'All right, I go call,' but--but I sink maybe you were not at home."

  "Oh!" The signorina raised her head in apparent enlightenment. "So thatwas the young man? Yes, to be sure, he came, but he said he was lookingfor Prince Sartorio's villa. I am sorry you were away, Father, you wouldhave enjoyed him; his English was excellent.--Did he tell you he saw me,Gustavo?"

  "_Si_, signorina, he tell me."

  "What did he say? Did he think I was nice?"

  Gustavo looked embarrassed.

  "I--I no remember, signorina."

  She laughed and to his relief changed the subject.

  "Those English ladies who are staying here--what do they look like? Arethey young?"

  Gustavo delivered himself of an inimitable gesture which suggested thatthe English ladies had entered the bounds of that indefinite period whenthe subject of age must be politely waived.

  "They are tall, signorina, and of a thinness--you would not believe itpossible."

  "I see! And so the poor young man was bored?"

  Gustavo bowed vaguely. He saw no connection.

  "He was awfully good-looking," she added with a sigh. "I'm afraid I madea mistake. It would be rather fun, don't you think, Dad, to have anentertaining young American gentleman about?"

  "Ump!" he grunted. "I thought you were so immensely satisfied with theofficers."

  "Oh, I am," she agreed with a shrug which dismissed forever the youngAmerican gentleman.

  "Well, Gustavo," she added in a business-like tone, "I will tell you whywe called. The doctor says the Signor Papa is getting too fat--I don'tthink he's too fat, do you? He seems to me just comfortably chubby; butanyway, the doctor says he needs exercise, so we're going to beginclimbing mountains with nails in our shoes like the Germans. And we'regoing to begin to-morrow because we've got two English people at thevilla who adore mountains. Do you think you can find us a guide and somedonkeys? We want a nice, gentle, lady-like donkey for my aunt, andanother for the English lady and a third to carry the things--and maybeme, if I get tired. Then we want a man who will twist their tails andmake them go; and I am very particular about the man. I want him to bepicturesque--there's no use being in Italy if you can't have thingspicturesque, is there, Gustavo?"

  "_Si_, signorina," he bowed and resumed his attitude of strainedattention.

  "He must have curly hair and black eyes and white teeth and a nice smile;I should like him to wear a red sash and earrings. He must be obligingand cheerful and deferential and speak good Italian--I won't have a manwho speaks only dialect. He must play the mandolin and sing SantaLucia--I believe that's all."

  "And I suppose since he is to act as guide he must know the region?" herfather mildly suggested.

  "Oh, no, that's immaterial; we can always ask our way."

  Mr. Wilder grunted, but offered no further suggestion.

  "We pay four lire a day and furnish his meals," she added munificently."And we shall begin with the castle on Monte Baldo; then when we get veryproficient we'll climb Monte Maggiore. Do you understand?"

  "Ze signorina desires tree donkeys and a driver at seven o'clockto-morrow morning to climb Monte Baldo?"

  "In brief, yes, but _please_ remember the earrings."

  * * * * *

  Meanwhile a commotion was going on behind them. The hotel omnibus hadrumbled into the court yard. A _fachino_ had dragged out a leather trunk,an English hat box and a couple of valises and dumped them on the groundwhile he ran back for the paste pot and a pile of labels. The twounder-waiters, the chamber-maid and the boy who cleaned boots had driftedinto the court. It was evident that the American gentleman's departurewas imminent.

  The luggage was labelled and hoisted to the roof of the omnibus; they alldrew up in a line with their eyes on the door; but still the young mandid not come. Gustavo, over his shoulder, dispatched a waiter to hunt himup. The waiter returned breathless. The gentleman was nowhere. He hadsearched the entire house; there was not a trace. Gustavo sent theboot-boy flying down the arbor to search the garden; he was beginning tofeel anxious. What if the gentleman in a sudden fit of melancholia hadthrown himself into the lake? That would indeed be an unfortunate affair!

  Constance reassured him, and at the same time she arose. It occurred toher suddenly that, since the young man was going, there was nothing to begained by waiting, and he might think--She picked up her parasol andstarted for the gate, but Mr. Wilder hung back; he wanted to see thematter out.

  "Father," said she reproachfully, "it's embarrassing enough for him tofee all those people without our staying and watching him do it."

  "I suppose it is," he acknowledged regretfully, as he resumed his hat andumbrella and palm leaf fan.

  She paused for a second in the gateway.

  "_Addio_, Gustavo," she called over her shoulder. "_Don't_ forget theearrings."

  Gustavo bowed twice and turned back with a dazed air to direct thebusiness in hand. The boot-boy, reappearing, shook his head. No, thegentleman was not to be found in the garden. The omnibus driver leanedfrom his seat and swore.

  _Corpo di Bacco_! Did he think the boat would wait all day for the sakeof one passenger? As it was, they were ten minutes late and would have togallop every step of the way.

  The turmoil of ejaculation and gesture was approaching a climax; whensuddenly, who should come sauntering into the midst of it, but the youngAmerican man himself! He paused to light a cigarette, then waved his handaloft toward his leather belongings.

  "Take 'em down, Gustavo. Changed my mind; not going to-day--it's toohot."

  Gustavo gasped.

  "But, signore, you have paid for your ticket."

  "True, Gustavo, but there is no law compelling me to use it. To tell thetruth I find that I am fonder of Valedolmo than I had supposed. There issomething satisfying about the peace and tranquility of the place--onedoesn't realize it till the moment of parting comes. Do you think I canobtain a room for a--well, an indefinite period?"

  Gustavo saw a dazzling vista of silver lire stretching into the future.With an all-inclusive gesture he placed the house, the lake, thesurrounding mountains, at the disposal of the American.

  "You shall have what you wish, signore. At dis season ze Hotel du Lac--"

  "Is not crowded, and there are half a hundred rooms at my disposal? Verywell, I will keep the one I have which commands a very attractive view ofa rose-colored villa set in a grove of cypress trees."

  The others had waited in a state of suspension, dumbfounded at what wasgoing on. But as soon as the young man dipped into his pocket and fishedout a handful of silver, they broke into smiles; this at least wasintelligible. The silver was distributed, the luggage was hoisted down,the omnibus was dismissed. The courtyard resumed its former quiet; justthe American gentleman, Gustavo and the parrot were left.

  Then suddenly a frightful suspicion dawned upon Gustavo--it was more thana suspicion; it was an absolute certainty which in his excitement he hadoverlooked. From where had the American gentleman dropped? Not the sky,assuredly, and there was no place else possible, unless the door of thesummer house. Yes, he had been in the summer house, and not sleepingeither. An indefinable something about his manner informed Gustavo thathe was privy to the entire conversation. Gustavo, a picture of guiltyremorse, searched his memory for the words he had used. Why, oh why, hadhe not piled up adjectives? It was the opportunity of a lifetime and hehad wantonly thrown it away.

  But--to his astonished relief--the young man appeared to be bearing nomalice. He appeared, on the contrary, quite unusually cheerful as hesauntered whistling, across the court and seated himself in the exactchair the signorina had occupied. He plunged his hand into his pocketsuggestively--Gustavo had been the only one omitted in the distributionof silver--and drew forth a roll of bills. Having selected five crispfive-lire notes, he placed them under the sugar bowl,
and watched hiscompanion while he blew three meditative rings of smoke.

  "Gustavo," he inquired, "do you suppose you could find me some nice,gentle, lady-like donkeys and a red sash and a pair of earrings?"

  Gustavo's fascinated gaze had been fixed upon the sugar bowl and he hadonly half caught the words.

  "_Scusi_, signore, I no understand."

  "Just sit down, Gustavo, it makes me nervous to see you standing all thetime. I can't be comfortable, you know, unless everybody else iscomfortable. Now pay strict attention and see if you can grasp mymeaning."

  Gustavo dubiously accepted the edge of the indicated chair; he wished tohumor the signore's mood, however incomprehensible that mood might be.For half an hour he listened with strained attention while the gentlemantalked and toyed with the sugar bowl. Amazement, misgiving, amusement,daring, flashed in succession across his face; in the end he leanedforward with shining eyes.

  "_Si, si_," he whispered after a conspiratorial glance over his shoulder,"I will do it all; you may trust to me."

  The young man rose, removed the sugar bowl, and sauntered on toward theroad. Gustavo pocketed the notes and gazed after him.

  "_Dio mio_," he murmured as he set about gathering up the glasses, "zeseAmericans!"

  At the gate the young man paused to light another cigarette.

  "_Addio_, Gustavo," he called over his shoulder, "_don't_ forget theearrings!"