As Alvin Landon drew near the open country he gave his thoughts whollyto the two strangers in front, ceasing to look back or listen for theone at the rear. The keen eyes strove to penetrate the silent gloom onhis right and left, but they saw nothing. Probably fifty feet intervenedbetween him and the full flood of moonlight, when, with more startlingeffect than that caused by the hooting of the owl, a sepulchral voicesounded through the stillness:

  "_Hold on there, pard!_"

  It was purely instinctive on the part of the youth that he made a boundforward and dashed off on a dead run. Not until he burst into the brightillumination did he awaken to the fact that he was doing the veryopposite of what he intended and actually playing the coward. The factthat his natural courage had come back was proved at the same moment ofhis abrupt stoppage, for the sharp report of a pistol rang out fromdirectly behind him. The space was so short that it was evident the shothad been fired not to harm him, but to check his flight.

  At the moment of halting, he whirled around and saw a youth who couldhave been no older than himself charging impetuously upon him. Alvin'shalt was so instant and so unexpected on the part of his pursuer thatthey would have collided but for the fugitive's fist, which shot out andlanded with full force upon the face of the other. Alvin knew how tostrike hard, and the energy which he threw into the effort wasintensified by the swift approach of his assailant.

  No blow could have been more effective. With a grunt, his foe tumbledheadlong, flapped over on his back and lay as if dead. Had he been theonly enemy, the combat would have ended then and there, for never was anantagonist knocked out more emphatically, but his companion now dashedinto the fray.

  He was somewhat older than the one who had come to grief, but stilllacked full maturity. Too cautious to make the mistake of the other, hechecked himself while just beyond the fist that had done such admirablework. With an oath he shouted:

  "I'll teach you how to kill my pal."

  "I don't need any teaching; come on and I'll serve you the same way,"replied Alvin, eager for the attack to be made.

  His opponent came on. He had learned from the rashness of his partner,for after putting up his hands, like a professional pugilist, he beganfeinting and circling about Alvin, in the search for an invitingopening. The latter did not forget the instruction he had received fromProfessor Donovan and stood on his guard, equally vigilant for anadvantage.

  The elder had made a complete circle about Alvin, who turned as on apivot to meet his attack, and was just quick enough to parry the viciousblow launched at him, but not quick enough to counter effectively. Thenext instant the fist of the taller fellow came in contact with thechest of Alvin, who was driven back several paces. His foe attempted tofollow it up, but was staggered by a facer delivered straight and true.Then our young friend in turn pressed the other, who, bewildered by therapidity and fierceness of the assault, made a rush to clinch.

  Nothing could have suited Alvin better and he met the effort with astorm of furious blows. The chief one was aimed at the chin, and had itlanded the result would have been a knockout, but it was a trifle short.Determined not to be denied, Alvin pressed on with all the power at hiscommand. "Keep cool and strike straight," was the motto of hisinstructor at the gymnasium, and though he was enraged he heeded thewise advice.

  Nearly a score of blows were exchanged with such rapidity that aspectator could not have kept track of them, and then Alvin "got there."The thud was followed by an almost complete somersault of the victim.The master was prompted to push his success by attacking his enemybefore he could rise, but another law flashed upon Alvin. "Never strikea man when he is down," a chivalrous policy when the rules of the gamegovern both contestants. It was doubtful whether Alvin would havereceived similar consideration had the situation been reversed, but hecould not feel sure of that until the proof was given. He thereforecalmly waited for the other to rise, when he would be upon him like atiger.

  A minute or two passed before the fallen one recovered enough to beginclimbing to his feet. He could have risen sooner, but deceived hisconqueror by feigning weakness and fumbled aimlessly about as if toogroggy to get his bearings. But he was helping in a treacherous trick.

  As Alvin stood, his back was toward the first miscreant, who recoveredfrom his stupor while his companion still lay on the ground. Our youngfriend gave no thought to the one, whom he believed to be out of theaffair altogether.

  The same young man, however, gave quick thought to him. Bounding to hisfeet he sneaked up unseen and struck a blow that drove Alvin forward soviolently that he had to make a leap over the second assailant to avoidfalling upon him. It was a wonder that he was not struck down senseless.As it was, he was partially stunned, but rallied in a flash.

  Now it would have been sensible and no disgrace to the heroic lad, whenhe found himself confronted by two muscular and enraged youths, to dashat full speed for home. But he did nothing of the kind.

  "Come on, both of you!" he called out. "I'm not afraid and you haven'tgot me yet!"

  It would be a pleasure to record that our young friend defeated thecouple, but such a triumph in the nature of things was impossible.Either of them would have given him all he could do, and the two unitedwere sure to overcome him. With his stubborn resolve to have it out withthem he must have suffered but for an unexpected turn of events.

  You remember that a third stranger was approaching from the otherdirection. In the hurricane rush of the fight, Alvin forgot about him,but he now arrived and threw himself with a vengeance into the affray.His bursting upon the scene convinced the lone defender that the timehad come to show his ability as a sprinter. While quite ready to opposetwo, he knew he could not stand up against three. Before he started,however, he saw with a thrill that the new arrival had attacked withunrestrainable fierceness the one who had just struck Alvin. In otherwords, instead of being an enemy he was a much-needed ally.

  This stranger did not utter a word at first, but attended strictly tobusiness, and that he was a master of it was proved by his first blow,which sent the fellow staggering backward finally falling with his heelskicking toward the orb of night. There was no thought of chivalry on thepart of the conquerer, who landed again as he was climbing to his feet.

  "Let up!" protested the victim. "Do you want to kill a fellow?"

  "Begorrah, ye guessed it right the fust time!" was the reply of thefriend, who turned to Alvin:

  "If ye'll smash that spalpeen I'll be attending to the same wid thisone."

  The slight diversion was enough to give the dazed victim on the groundtime to come to his feet, when he turned and was off like a deer in thedirection whence had come his conqueror. Determined not to be despoiledof his victory, the Irish lad--as his accent showed him to be--pursuedat the highest bent of speed. But his short legs were not equal to thetask, and the terrified assailant made such excellent time that a fewminutes sufficed to carry him beyond all danger. The "broth of a boy"would not give up at first. The two held their places in the middle ofthe highway, so that both were in plain sight, with the fugitivesteadily drawing away.

  "Howld on, ye spalpeen!" shouted the pursuer. "I'm not through wid ye!"

  But he who fled was glad enough to be through with the business, andkept up his desperate flight until the other ceased and turned back tolearn how matters were going with the friend to whose aid he hadrushed.

  A somewhat similar story was to be told of the second miscreant, who hadseized the chance to take to flight in the opposite direction. In thiscase, the fleet footed Alvin proved the superior in speed and within ahundred yards overtook him. The moment he was within reach he let driveand his fist landed in the back of the other's neck. Inasmuch as he wasgoing at his highest speed and the blow sent his head and shouldersforward with additional swiftness, the inevitable result was that hefell, his face plowing the dirt and his hat flying a dozen feet fromhim.

  Before he could rise, Alvin was upon him. The fellow t
hrew up his handsto protect his countenance and whined:

  "Please don't hit me again! I'm half killed now!"

  The cringing appeal changed Alvin's indignation to disgusted pity. Heunclenched his fingers and dropped his hands.

  "Get up! I won't hit you, though you deserve it."

  His victim seemed to be in doubt and slowly came to his feet stillwhining:

  "We didn't know it was you; it was a mistake."

  "It does look that way," was the grim comment of Alvin. "Get up, I say;you have nothing to fear from me."

  The fellow was in doubt. He slowly rose, but the instant he stood erect,he was off again as if propelled from a catapult. Alvin, instead ofpursuing and overtaking him, stood still and laughed.

  "Come back and get your hat!" he shouted, but the fugitive did not abatehis speed and made the dust fly until he vanished in the moonlight.

  Yielding to an impulse, Alvin walked to where the headgear lay andpicked it up. It was a valuable chip hat, such as is fashionable insummer in all parts of the country. The captor was wondering whether itcontained the fellow's name. The moonlight was not strong enough for himto see distinctly, and, bringing out his rubber safe from his hippocket, he struck a match to aid in the scrutiny.