Page 31 of The Dragon Eaters

  Chapter 20

  “Where are we going?”

  Kravek's voice caught Tina's attention more sharply than she had expected. She hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep or at least slipped into that space between sleep and awake. Being disconnected from her gift for magic for even a little while had made her aware of a sensation of disconnection with the rest of the world as well. But fortunately, the sensation had faded. She sat up in Kravek's hand and adjusted her glasses. Having been her actual size for awhile, it felt somehow reassuring to fit into the palm of Kravek's hand again.

  “Isn't Belthazuul taking us home?” Tina looked up at the dragon's head which was still above Kravek.

  “That's what he said. But we're sure taking the long way around if he meant Likonia.”

  “That is correct.” Belthazuul's eye swiveled down to look at the pair of them in his hand. “Unless you have reason for me to lead the Eaters of Magic back to Likonia.”

  “Absolutely not.” Tina crossed her legs. “Belthazuul, you are possibly one of the greatest weapons the Maldavians have against the Dragon Eaters. Have you not been able to overcome them until now?”

  “I did not overcome them. As with any Maldavian close to them, I lose my power as well along with most of my form.” While Belthazuul was moving through the woods, his disturbance of the soil pushed the trees aside. But when he passed, the soil came back together as if he had never been there. “But even the Dragon Eaters have their limitations.”

  Tina knew that Belthazuul was saying even if the Dragon Eaters were powerful, they could not be invincible. But for all she knew of them and her own abilities, without the use of her magic, she didn't know how she could stop them. She touched her fingers to her forehead and closed her eyes. “Belthazuul, not that I'm at all ungrateful for it, but why did you return after Methystra sent you back to the Ring of Fire?”

  Belthazuul's giant eye fixed on Tina. “Methystra may be my superior, but our council decreed I watch over any elder of our people who leaves the Ring of Fire. I did not wish to upset Methystra, so I have been watching from a distance.”

  Tina sighed in relief. “I cannot express how grateful I am that you did.”

Duke Kittle's Novels