234. The Civil War: The Third Year Told by Those Who Lived It

  235. Sherwood Anderson: Collected Stories

  236. Philip Roth: Novels 2001–2007

  237. Philip Roth: Nemeses

  238. Aldo Leopold: A Sand County Almanac & Other Writings on Ecology and Conservation

  239. May Swenson: Collected Poems

  240. W. S. Merwin: Collected Poems 1952–1993

  241. W. S. Merwin: Collected Poems 1996–2011

  242. John Updike: Collected Early Stories

  243. John Updike: Collected Later Stories

  244. Ring Lardner: Stories & Other Writings

  245. Jonathan Edwards: Writings from the Great Awakening

  246. Susan Sontag: Essays of the 1960s & 70s

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  H. P. Lovecraft, The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft

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