Page 32 of Riders

  Jode hit on Anna. Anna hit on Jode. They both drove me crazy.

  And Mom took care of us all.

  After a couple of months, Jode shipped back to Oxford but Marcus stayed behind. One of the things I learned about him is that he grew up in foster homes. Lots of kids have great foster families, but he wasn’t one of them. He struck out on his own as soon as he turned eighteen, which was right before everything started happening. He didn’t say so, but my sense is that things went from bad to worse pretty quickly.

  I still don’t know how he died. Why he was beaten to death. Someday that story will come out. I hope it will. But I’m okay either way. Whatever he wants is good with me.

  Jode, Marcus, and me—we haven’t told anyone what happened. Before we left Wyoming, we signed contracts. We promised we’d never talk about the Kindred, or the key, or Jotunheimen, or any of it. We were given a cover story to explain how I lost my hand and how the three of us met.

  The cover story goes like this: I can’t tell you anything.

  It’s been effective.

  I don’t like keeping the truth from Anna and my mom, but it’s not like I want to talk about what happened, either. That would only make it worse. Sharper. More real, the fact that two of us are gone.

  Sebastian should be here. He’d be so proud, seeing Marcus do this.

  So would Daryn. I think she’d also be proud of me.

  I watch as Marcus hugs the guys in his class, as they take pictures and laugh, commiserating over their last weeks together. He’s congratulating them, but he’s also saying good-bye, even though no one else knows it. Tomorrow, the rest of the class will report to one of the Ranger Battalions, but he won’t.

  He’ll be reassigned immediately to a newly formed regiment of the US military. A unit specializing in occult warfare, about as classified as you can get. Pretty small. Comprised of Suarez, Low, and myself. And a few other soldiers who were there in Wyoming. We report directly to Cordero, who’s turned out to be pretty cool. She doesn’t wear any perfume anymore. I think she does that for me.

  We even have a British liaison if we need him. It takes some pull to get Jode out here—Oxford’s pretty clingy about its students—but Cordero’s up to the task. She got him here for this.

  It’s been half a year now, just about. And I feel different. I’ve gotten closure on my dad. I’m definitely carrying around less anger. But there’s a new gap inside me. There are more people to miss. New images to try to unsee.

  Bas, on the brink of death. Sacrificing himself to push Samrael into that spectral hell.

  And Daryn. Wedged right next to me around our stone circle in Jotunheimen, her cheeks gold with firelight. Daryn a hundred other ways. Memories of her blurring with dreams of her, and yeah. She was right. We made some unwanted history. It’s all I have left of her.

  Jode comes back with a bottle of water. He twists the cap off and hands it to me.

  “Don’t tell me you already lost my sister?” I say, taking it.

  He grins. “Queue for the women’s loo.”

  Marcus comes over and joins us. A couple of the cadre instructors who knew me when I was in RASP come over, too. Suarez and Low wander over with a few guys I don’t know. I wish Cory could be here but he’s deployed, like most of the guys in my class who made it through.

  The training stories start coming out. One after another. I laugh, listening to my brothers-in-arms. And I imagine what it would be like if I could add my story.

  Man, you guys don’t know anything. Talk to me when you’ve taken down a dragon.

  Marcus looks at me like he’s read my mind and smiles.

  From the corner of my eye, I see my sister. She stands alone in the shadow of a building, watching me with a strange expression on her face.

  I go to her right away.

  “What’s up, Banana? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

  “No … not a ghost,” Anna says. “A girl just came up to me. She looked familiar, Gideon. She said she knew you.”

  Adrenaline moves through me in a hot wave. “What was her name?”

  “She didn’t say.” Anna holds out her hand. “But she told me to give you this.”

  The silver key—the one that hung around Daryn’s neck—rests in her palm.

  “Where is she, Anna? Where was she?”

  My sister turns. I follow her eyes.

  And I’m running.


  It takes a team to make a book; I’ve been very fortunate with my team on this one.

  Thank you to everyone at Tor Teen for your efforts and your enthusiasm, especially Kathleen Doherty, Amy Stapp, and Melissa Frain. (Mel, I couldn’t have picked a better champion and editor for this story. A banana-free world for you!) Thanks also to Adams Literary for everything you do.

  Research was one of the most rewarding parts of writing this novel. It gave me a small window into the lives of real heroes, who were gracious enough to share their experiences and knowledge with me. (Any errors within are, of course, unintentional and mine.) Colonel Andy Juknelis, US Army; Colonel Kyle Lear, US Army; and First Lieutenant Wesley Milligan, US Army: I appreciate every single phone call and e-mail, but more important, I’m so grateful for your service. This world is a better place because of you.

  Cheers to Lia Keyes, Katherine Longshore, Lorin Oberweger, Terri Rossi, Pedro Carvalho, Jarrett Jern, and Trish Doller, who all read versions of this story along the way and provided excellent feedback. Taylor McGarry and First Lieutenant John Decker, US Air Force, were also kind enough to give me their input. Sebastian Luna, thank you for letting me borrow your name. It’s such a good one!

  Last, but not least, a universe of love and thanks to my family for their patience, understanding, and unconditional support. I’m blessed beyond measure to have each and every one of you in my life. Now … ready for another story?


  Ages 13–17; Grades 8–12


  The questions and activities that follow are intended to enhance your reading of Riders. The material is aligned with Common Core State Standards for Literacy in English and Language Arts (; however, please feel free to adapt this content to suit the needs and interests of your students or reading group participants.

  Prereading Activities

  1. Riders is a work of apocalyptic fiction set in a realistic contemporary setting. “Apocalyptic fiction,” which can be looked at as a sub-category of science fiction, explores events surrounding the end of human existence, or a marked shift or change to human existence as it is known. Examples can be found in the Terminator, Mad Max, and Matrix film series, and in young adult book series including The Maze Runner by James Dashner, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Divergent by Veronica Roth and The City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau. Invite students to share the titles of favorite works of apocalyptic literature or cinema, particularly noting which elements of these apocalyptic (or post-apocalyptic) worlds they found most memorable.

  2. Discuss with students why they, and others, may find themselves drawn to works of apocalyptic fiction, particularly in terms of events happening in their present-day real world. Have each student select a recent newspaper article and consider how its subject might be a source—or outcome—of an apocalyptic incident. Have students write fictionalized versions of their selected articles including an apocalyptic element.

  Supports Common Core State Standards: W.8.3, W.9–10.3, W.11–12.3; and SL.8.1, SL.9–10.1, SL.11–12.1

  Developing Reading and Discussion Skills

  1. The novel is narrated in first person—present tense and flashback—by Gideon Blake. How do you think this point of view affects what readers learn about Daryn, the other horsemen, Cordero, and the Kindred? Is Gideon a reliable or an unreliable narrator? Explain your answer.

  2. Do you think Gideon is right to abandon his family as his adventures begin? Do you think he had any other choice? Why or why not?
  3. Here, Gideon says that, “Setting goals is how I do things.” Do you identify with Gideon’s strategy? How do you get things done in your life?

  4. In Chapter 44, Gideon realizes he is talking not to Cordero but to Malaphar. Does this change your experience of reading the novel? In what ways?

  5. What are the names and powers of each of the four horsemen? Describe moments in the novel when each of them endangers himself (and others) by his inability to understand or master his power? What unique interpretation of the meaning and use of powers does Sebastian offer? Might this be related to the sacrifice he makes at the end of the novel? Why or why not?

  6. Why doesn’t Daryn want to pursue a romantic relationship with Gideon? If you were her friend, what advice might you offer her about her reasoning? Have you ever worried about the risks of getting to close to a person? Why and what conclusions did you reach?

  7. Who are the seven Kindred? Most simply defined, the word “kindred” means relative or related. Why do you think Veronica Rossi chose this name for the evil group in her novel? What relationships do you think she is positing by using this term?

  8. Here, Gideon explains why he became a soldier. Do you think this is a complete explanation? Do you believe Gideon has “zero problem doing whatever it took to keep harm from coming to innocent people”? Explain your answer.

  9. What happens to Gideon when Ra’om invades his mind? Why can’t the Kindred invade Daryn’s mind?

  10. At the end of the great battle in chapter 59, Gideon says, “None of us calls what we did a victory.” Do you think Daryn and the Riders were successful in their defeat of the Kindred? What risks does the world still face at the novel’s conclusion?

  11. At the end of the novel, Gideon’s connections to the other riders, to Riot, and to Daryn are what have enabled him to both forgive himself for not saving his father, and to begin moving forward in his own life—things he was struggling to accomplish at the story’s start. How might this novel be read as an exploration of the challenges of defining and understanding the notion of the self?

  Supports Common Core State Standards: RL.8.1–4, 9–10.1–5, 11–12.1–6; and SL.8.1, 3, 4; SL.9–10.1, 3, 4; SL.11–12.1, 3, 4.


  Setting & Background

  1. Analysis of Riders must begin with a look at one key inspiration, the notion of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse described in Revelations, the last book of the New Testament of the Bible. If possible, read Revelations Chapter 6 (one long paragraph) to see the original literary source for the four horses imagery. At the library or online learn more about scholarly interpretations of this final biblical book, including its use as inspiration for works of literature, art, and music. Use this information to create a PowerPoint or other multimedia-style presentation about your discoveries to share with friends or classmates.

  2. In an interview on National Public Radio, Professor Elaine Pagels notes that the author of the Book of Revelations was likely a refugee from Jerusalem writing in a time of rebellion against the Roman Empire. “I don’t think we understand this book until we understand that it’s wartime literature … it comes out of people who have been destroyed by war.” (Book Of Revelation: “Visions, Prophecy And Politics.” Fresh Air, (radio program) Consider reading Veronica Rossi’s Riders as another work of wartime literature. Write a short essay arguing that a contemporary, real-world war situation of your choice should be interpreted as the backdrop for the novel.


  1. Here, Daryn tells Gideon that her journal is about “everything I care about.” In the character of Daryn, write at least three entries into her journal, possibly including a reflection on leaving home, your first meeting with Gideon, your frustrations over getting the Riders to cooperate, or your thoughts about your future.

  2. Riders invites readers into the worlds of four very different young men who share the experience of “death” and being brought together by Daryn. With friends or classmates, discuss the term “death” as it is used in the novel. What do you think has truly happened to Gideon, Sebastian, Marcus, and Jode? Role-play a conversation between the four Riders in which each character discusses how the death experience influenced his decision to join Daryn. (Note: Riders in this exercise can be played by male or female students.)


  1. Riders posits a catastrophic, alternate-world-of-evil scenario against which Gideon, the other riders, Daryn and, ultimately, a small division of the American military commit to fight. In the character of (the real) Cordero, create a military-style presentation describing what you know of the Kindred and the risks posed by the evil alternate universe they seek to reopen, to give to friends or classmates. Then, for each of the four horsemen, create a recruitment-style poster entitled “Why I Fight.” Include graphic images, names of people or places, a short essay, and quotations from the novel, such as Gideon here (“After a while, I couldn’t look at those stars without thinking God. And then thinking, Oh my God. You’re really real.”)

  Supports Common Core State Standards: RL.8.4, RL.8.9; RL.9–10.4; RL.11–12.4; W.8.2–3, W.8.7–8; W.9–10.2–3, W.9–10.6–8; W.11–12.2–3, W.11–12.6–8; and SL.8.1, SL.8.4–5; SL.9–10.1–5; 11–12.1–5.


  VERONICA ROSSI is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author of fiction for young adults. She is a graduate of UCLA, a mother of two, an avid reader, eater, and baseball fan. One of her proudest accomplishments in writing this book is that it is, by a wide margin, her father’s favorite Veronica Rossi novel. Of perhaps equal greatness is the fact that she can now call a colonel in the United States Army her friend. To him, she heartily and gratefully would like to say: Rangers Lead the Way! You can sign up for email updates here.




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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

p; Chapter 59

  Chapter 60


  Tor Teen Reading and Activity Guide

  About the Author

  Tor Teen Books by Veronica Rossi


  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Copyright © 2016 by Veronica Rossi

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by Hugh Syme

  A Tor Teen Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

  175 Fifth Avenue

  New York, NY 10010

  Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

  The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon request.

  ISBN 978-0-7653-8254-2 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-4668-8779-4 (e-book)

  e-ISBN 9781466887794

  Our e-books may be purchased in bulk for promotional, educational, or business use. Please contact the Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department at (800) 221-7945, extension 5442, or by e-mail at [email protected]

  First Edition: February 2016



  Veronica Rossi, Riders

  (Series: # )




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