Page 20 of Bite The Dust

“Change of plans,” Jane threw at him, keeping her tight grip on the gun. “I’m not getting out. You are.” Because she needed the car in order to get back to town. “Get your wolf ass out, Blondie, or I will start shooting.”

  His eyes glowed in the car’s dim interior.

  “These are silver bullets.” Just so he knew she wasn’t screwing around.

  “This is a mistake,” Graham said, voice rumbling, but he was opening his door. He was backing out of the car. Jane scrambled across the front seat. “I was trying to protect you.”

  She didn’t buy that. Not with Aidan’s words ringing in her ears. “Get away from the car.”

  He backed up.

  And she spun out of there. The wheels kicked up mud and gravel as she turned that ride back around as fast as she could. Her foot slammed down on the gas pedal and the car shot forward. A quick glance in the rear-view mirror showed that Graham was running after her. Just how fast could a werewolf run? She freaking hoped not fast enough to catch her. Her gaze whipped back to the road and the car’s headlights hit on the man there. A man with hunched shoulders who’d lifted his hands, as if telling her to stop.

  The lights flashed so bright on him. She could see his face clearly in those lights.

  Garrison—it was Garrison.

  He was in her way. The car was about to hit him. He needed to move, but he wasn’t. He was just standing there. She slammed on the horn, but he wasn’t moving.

  This wasn’t some game of chicken. This was life or death. This was—

  I can’t kill him.

  She swerved to the right. A hard swerve. The car careened toward the trees there, narrowly avoiding a crash with a twisting cypress. She yanked again on the wheel, trying to whip left, but then there was a terrible groaning, a sucking, and the car’s wheels just spun and spun.

  And the car didn’t move forward. Or back. Stuck. Probably in thick swamp mud.

  Jane jumped out of the car.

  Both Garrison and Graham had closed in on her. It was so dark, she could barely see them. The moon had slipped behind the clouds.

  “I’m sorry,” Garrison said, actually sounding it. “I couldn’t let you leave. My job is to keep you safe. I’ll do that job from now on.”

  She swung her gun away from him and aimed at Graham. “You stay away from me. Aidan told me that I had to get away from you. That you couldn’t be trusted.”

  “I heard him,” Graham said, voice thick. “But I don’t know why the hell he would tell you that. I’ve never betrayed my alpha.”

  Her phone was back in the car. And it was ringing once more. She should get it—it could be Aidan calling again, but she was afraid to lower her guard with Graham.

  “Aidan told me to make sure you got to the mansion,” Garrison said as he edged closer. “As far as I know, there has been no change in orders.”

  She could hear another engine coming toward her, moving fast down that windy road. And the phone was still ringing. Hell. “Don’t come any closer to me,” she warned Graham. “I will shoot. Garrison, tell him—I will seriously shoot his ass.”

  “She will shoot your ass,” Garrison said immediately.

  She lunged for the phone. Jane saw the same number from before lighting the screen. Her fingers swiped over it.

  “Jane!” Aidan’s voice sounded frantic. “Where are you? Did you get away?”

  “No, the car crashed. The wolves are here, and I don’t think I’m going anywhere.”

  The sound of that approaching vehicle was closer.

  “Where are you? Tell me.”

  “The werewolf mansion, just like you told me to be. Outside of it anyway, somewhere in the damn swamp.”

  A big SUV had just come to a jarring halt a few feet away from her.

  “More wolves are here,” she said, her breath rasping.

  “Shoot them,” Aidan ordered her, his voice blasting in her ear. “They can’t be trusted. They are there to kill you. Shoot them on sight!”

  Her weapon was up. She was half in and half out of that car, a vehicle that was sinking deeper into the muck with every second that passed. Footsteps raced toward her. The open door of the car let light spill out and she saw the first werewolf to close in on her was—


  No, that wasn’t possible.

  Because she was talking to Aidan on the phone.

  “Shoot or die!” Aidan yelled in her ear, his voice roaring through the phone. “Don’t trust them! They will kill you! Get away, get—”

  “Jane.” This soft whisper of her name came from the Aidan in front of her. Real. Strong. Her wolf.

  If he’s standing right there…”Who the hell is this?” Jane snarled into the phone.



  Laughter. Aidan’s laughter. And it was Aidan’s voice who told her, “You’re going to die.” Right before the line went dead.

  Then the man in front of her—her Aidan—he stepped closer. “I don’t know who the hell that was,” he said, obviously having overheard the conversation with his werewolf hearing, “but it wasn’t me.”

  Obviously, because he was standing right there. She knew about voice distorting software, but how could someone else sound so exactly like him?

  Aidan offered his hand to her. “Come with me, Jane. I need you to come with me.”

  You’re going to die.

  She looked down at his hand, then back up at him. His eyes glowed faintly.

  “A war is brewing,” Aidan said. “I can help you. I will help you.”

  She believed that. She believed him.

  Who was on the phone?

  Jane holstered her weapon and reached for Aidan’s hand.


  Hunger. Blood. Need blood. “Sh-she’s at some werewolf mansion. In a swamp.” Virginia reached out with greedy hands toward Lisa.

  “You didn’t get her away from the werewolves.”

  Thane stood between her and Lisa.

  “I said—said everything you told me.” Her fangs hurt. She needed blood. “She’s at the werewolf mansion!” Those words were almost a shout.

  He hit her again. The blow was even more powerful this time. “I needed Jane away from them.”

  She crawled toward him. “I said—said the wolves would kill her!” The woman should have listened. “She’s with them…couldn’t get away.” The hunger made it hard to think.

  His eyes glinted. “You’re lucky…I know where this mansion is. Got a wolf on the inside, though I had hoped to cut him out of the game.”

  They were playing a game? Since when?

  “If you want something done right…you have to fucking kill and do it all yourself.” His fangs were out. “I’ll go get her.”

  Then he whirled away.

  Lisa moaned.

  “Drink her, but don’t change her,” he ordered. “But be fast. I may need you, so you’re coming along. You and every other vamp I made in this city.”

  Virginia grabbed for the woman. This is wrong. I have to stop. I’m a monster.

  Her fangs sank into the woman’s neck, and Virginia couldn’t think of anything else but that sweet, sweet taste of blood.

  “Gulp her,” Thane urged. “She’s just food. Doesn’t matter at all…”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Play it cool. Stay in control. Aidan knew he didn’t have much time, not before the pack assembly was called.

  When midnight came, he’d have to leave her. Once he’d learned of the brewing discontent, Aidan had been the one to organize the assembly. He wanted every damn member of his pack there to witness the battle that would go down.

  If someone is going to challenge me, everyone will see it.

  “Who was on the phone?” Jane asked, voice strained.

  “I don’t know.” Aidan shook his head as he paced his bedroom. The mansion was his, the old antebellum that so many claimed housed ghosts—it was his. And the memories there had haunted him for his entire life. “I heard the bastard’s voice, th
ough.” He sounded just like me.

  “He wanted me to leave the werewolves. To get away.”

  His hands were fisted. “So you’d be unprotected. Thane is pulling strings, playing tricks as he tries to get you.”

  She stood near the foot of his bed, staring at him with wide eyes. She had no idea what the night was going to bring, and he didn’t want to tell her. He didn’t want her to fear more. Didn’t want her to fear him.

  Aidan walked to her, and his knuckles brushed over the softness of her cheek. “I never expected you.”

  Her hand lifted and caught his. Staring into his eyes, she said, “I don’t like it when you’re afraid.”

  For an instant, Aidan couldn’t breathe. Alphas weren’t supposed to be afraid. Not of anything or anyone.

  But I am afraid. Afraid I won’t be strong enough to keep her safe.

  “You’re holding back with me, Aidan. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me.”

  He didn’t, though, because this was a burden he’d carry. If this was to be there last few moments together, so be it. He brushed his mouth over hers. So very carefully. Memorizing her sweet taste. He wanted to touch every inch of her. He’d carry her scent on his skin.

  And her mark on his heart.

  He pushed her back onto the big, four poster bed. Then he stripped as he stared down at her.

  “I know…” Jane murmured, “that you didn’t bring me all the way out here just to have sex with me.”

  His shirt hit the floor. He kicked away his shoes and his jeans. Soon he was completely naked and he crawled onto the bed. “Don’t be too sure. I would do just about anything to have you.”

  She smiled at him. A slow curve of her lips that made him want her all the more. “In case you haven’t noticed,” Jane’s voice had gone husky, “I want you, too. So you don’t have to go to any desperate extremes for me.”

  Yes, he did. Aidan lifted her shirt over her head. Tossed it. Her breasts were pushed up by a black bra that was sexy as hell, and when he pulled the jeans down her long legs, he saw that she wore a matching pair of black panties.

  “You got to do all the exploring last time,” Jane said. “When do I get my chance?”

  His eyes closed. He would fucking love to feel her hot mouth on his dick, but if she touched him with her lips, with her tongue—he would be gone.

  And he needed to savor this time with her. To make it count.

  Because it could be his last time with Jane.

  He caught her hands in his and lifted them above her head, stretching her and getting Jane to arch her back. Her breasts thrust toward him and he put his mouth to the curve of her right breast, just above the silk of that bra.


  One of his hands kept her wrists pinned and the other pulled down her bra, exposing her nipple. Already pebble-hard and flushed. So very perfect for his mouth. He took that nipple. Sucked and licked and lightly used the edge of his teeth because he knew that Jane liked that.

  He thought that Jane might quite enjoy his rougher, wilder side. And if they had a next time…

  She will get all of me.

  But for now, he was keeping his control.

  Her hips arched against him and the scent of her growing arousal made his cock harden even more. He wanted in her, balls deep. Her sex was heaven and he’d been in hell too long.

  He licked his way to her other breast. Yanked down the bra enough to have her nipple spilling into his mouth. He loved her breasts. He could lick her nipples forever.

  Her hips were rocking against his, and she lifted up her legs, putting her sex flush against his cock. Every movement of her hot core sent her sex sliding over him. She was wet already. Only fair, considering how damn hard he was for her.

  “Come…in!” Jane demanded.

  No, not yet.

  “Keep your hands up here,” Aidan ordered her. Because if she touched him, he would be a fucking goner.

  He freed her wrists, but only so he could push her legs farther apart. Then he feasted. His lips and tongue took her as he tasted her sex. A growl worked in his throat because she was so good.

  Her hips slammed up to meet him. “Aidan!”

  He loved it when she got demanding.

  But her hands flew down and curled around his shoulders. Her nails bit into his skin. Ah…his Mary Jane wasn’t so good at following orders. Unfortunately.

  He pulled away from her, sliding back on his haunches.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  He flipped her over. Jane immediately pushed up onto her knees, putting her in the absolute perfect position. Did she have any idea just how fine her ass was?

  His fingers curled around her hips once more.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Like this?”

  Hers hand locked around the headboard. She arched back even more.

  And he drove his cock into her. Her hot, tight sex closed around him greedily. So good that he didn’t even move for a moment. Just savored the feel of her all around him.

  But then Jane moved, surging forward, then back. Demanding.


  He withdrew and plunged deep, moving in perfect time with her. And this angle let him slide his hand around her body, let him find her clit and stroke her with every pounding surge of his hips.

  “Yes!” Jane yelled.

  He liked it when she yelled. Fuck who might overhear.

  They’ll all know soon enough. There is no going back from this. And, no, he hadn’t told Jane all that tonight meant. She could be pissed later. If there was a later.

  Then he felt the contractions of her release. She cried out and her neck arched. He kissed her shoulder. Drove into her again and came—a pounding, roaring thunder of his release.

  And as that pleasure nearly fucking annihilated him, his mouth opened over the curve of her shoulder. Aidan bit her. Not the gentle nips he’d given her before, but the hard bite of a werewolf who wanted to claim his mate.

  He was afraid she’d pull away.

  She didn’t.

  Her moan was pleasure-filled and her release just kept going, heightening his own climax. He licked the wound he’d made on her skin, a wound that was faint but detectable to all others of his kind.

  He’d made his choice.

  His drumming heartbeat slowed. He kissed the mark again. Jane turned her head just a bit, and he kissed her lips.

  Yes, he’d made his choice—and he’d deal with the fucking death and pain that followed. It will be on me. Not her.


  The sex had been incredible. Quite glorious really. Spectacular. Only now—Aidan was climbing from the bed.

  Way too fast.

  Jane rolled over and watched him as he dressed. Her shoulder throbbed a bit and she should probably say something about that. Tell him not to be so rough next time…

  Unfortunately, she’d liked the roughness. A lot. What did that say about her?

  He zipped his jeans. Didn’t bother to put on his shirt. Then he turned away from her.

  Okay. So he was still awkward when it came to the whole after sex business. Jane glanced around, spied her panties at the end of the bed, and she hurriedly put them back on. Her bra was semi in place, so some quick adjustments had most of her lady parts concealed. Now, if she could find her jeans and her shirt…

  Aidan stood in front of her. Jane blinked. She hadn’t seen him move. That creepy fast thing he did would still take some getting used to on her end. He had her shirt in his hands. Her jeans, too.

  Carefully, he slid the shirt over her head. His touch was oddly gentle—incredibly so—and his fingers seemed to linger on the faint bite mark that now marred her shoulder.

  She put on her own jeans, thank you very much. Then they stood, facing each other. Jane tried to figure out what she was supposed to say. Tried to figure out how to get them back on track in this crazy tangle of—

  “There are werewolves who want you dead,” Aidan said, voice quiet.

  Um, not so

  He reached into the nightstand. He was pulling out something—wait, holy hell, those were handcuffs. She started to back away—

  Too slow. Always too slow when there is a werewolf involved.

  Because in a flash, he’d snapped one handcuff around her left wrist and another around the post of the bed—the narrowest part of that tall, wooden post.

  Her mouth dropped.

  “They’re made of silver,” Aidan told her, voice still soft. “We have to restrain the werewolves sometimes, and these work best.”

  Her gaze was on his fingers—fingers that had smoke coming from them as he still touched the handcuff that circled her wrist.

  “They won’t hurt you, though,” Aidan added quickly. “Just keep you here.”

  No, this wasn’t happening. “You don’t have sex with a woman,” Jane forced out the words through a haze of red fury, “then lock her up. That shit is not done.” Unless you were a serial killer.

  Or a werewolf?

  He stroked her inner wrist. “This is the moment I was talking about before. I need you to trust me.”

  Trust was hard when handcuffs were involved! “Aidan…”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It will be over soon.”

  “What will be over?”

  He glanced toward the clock on the wall. “He’ll be coming any moment.”

  She yanked at the cuff. It bit into her wrist and did not give. And the bed was sturdy as all hell. That wood wasn’t just going to break apart for her. It wasn’t as if she was a werewolf with super human strength.

  A knock rattled the door.

  “Come in!” Aidan yelled.

  The door opened. Garrison stood there, looking pretty damn miserable as he slinked inside with a tray in his hand. There was a drink on that tray. Looked like wine.

  “Put it on the table.” Aidan motioned toward the table that waited near the window.

  Without a word, Garrison put down the tray. Then he looked at Jane, regret in his eyes.

  “Buddy, I saved your ass,” Jane reminded him as she yanked once more on the cuffs.

  Garrison’s gaze darted to Aidan.

  Aidan nodded. “You can report that the delivery has been made. Then you stay outside of the room. No one else comes inside, got it?”

  Garrison gave a quick nod. When he scrambled from the room, Jane glared after him. This shit was not cool.