Page 21 of The Exhibitionist

  you can’t wait to show off how much you like my cock.” He pushed down on my shoulders. “Suck it.”

  I dropped to my knees, and his fingers twisted around my hair as I took him in my mouth. He thrust forward and I barely had a chance to inhale before he hit the back of my throat.

  “That’s it.” His hands tightened in my hair. “Take it just like that.”

  I worked my mouth around him, taking him deep, showing him and everyone watching how much I loved to serve him, how serving him turned me on. I closed my eyes and relished the sharp tugs he gave my head as he worked his hips.

  It wasn’t his plan to finish with me on my knees and before he came, he pulled out. “Stand up.”

  I leisurely rose to my feet and I no longer had to worry about his attention being elsewhere. He watched me with such intensity I knew I was the only thing on his mind. I slowly licked my lips. “I love your taste, Master.”

  He gave me a wicked laugh. “Hands on the wall. Bent at the waist.”

  I took the few steps to the wall and situated myself, looking over my shoulder when I was in place. “Like this, Master?”

  I kept my eyes on him, but from the periphery I noticed we’d attracted a handful of onlookers.

  “Someone’s being a little sassy tonight, aren’t they?”

  “You bring it out in me, Master.”

  And he knew it, too, judging from the way the corner of his mouth quirked up. “Face the wall.”

  I’d rather be facing the crowd, so I could see their reactions to what we were doing, but I turned and faced the wall.

  “Good thinking on my part not to have you wear anything under this skirt.”

  Cool air brushed my skin as he lifted the skirt, and desire swelled low in my belly because I knew my ass was bared for all to see. I jerked when he smacked my backside and then groaned at how good it felt.

  “You’re such a bad girl getting turned on by having your ass spanked in public.” He smacked it again. Harder. “Aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Master. So bad.”

  He rained smacks across my flesh and I couldn’t keep the moans of pleasure to myself. “Green, Master,” I said when he stopped.

  “No,” he said. “No more. I’m hard as hell and I’m going to get some relief now.”

  As he moved against me, I realized he hadn’t even taken his pants off completely. But they were clearly open enough because less than a second later, he thrust into me. He went so deep and felt so good my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

  “Oh, hell yes, Master.”

  His only response was to grab my hair with one hand and jerk my head back as he drove into me again. “Quiet.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from making a sound because oh my God, he felt so good. He kept one hand in my hair and worked the other one between my legs to tease my clit. And the entire time, he continued his pounding rhythm, making good on his promise to seek his own relief.

  “Get there, Abigail.”

  It wouldn’t take me long. I felt my release grow closer with every thrust of his hips and each teasing sweep of his fingers. And still he didn’t let up.

  The crowd around us started murmuring and in the distance I heard the unmistakable sound of a woman’s orgasm. They are watching us. Watching me. Almost. Almost.


  A few more teases of his finger and my climax crashed over me. He grunted in victory and gave my hair one final tug before allowing his own release.

  The space around us seemed suddenly much more quiet and it finally hit me that the music had stopped. The only audible melody was the sound of pleasure from the couples around us and our own pounding hearts.

  Nathaniel groaned behind me, but pulled himself up and smoothed my skirt down. I wasn’t sure I was physically able to move. He rubbed my arms and took my hands. “Are you okay?”

  “More than okay, Master. Just on pleasure overload.”

  He kissed my neck. “Let me help.”

  His touch no longer bore its earlier hastiness, but instead was gentle and controlled. He eased me up and away from the wall, picking up my discarded bra and shirt, and helping me back into them both.

  The crowd, aware that we were finished, began talking among themselves and stepping away. Slowly, the noise level grew again. Or maybe it was only that my heartbeat slowed back to its normal rate.

  “Ready to go to our room?” he asked with a soft kiss to my forehead.

  His question made me realize how tired I suddenly felt and I wanted nothing more than to be in bed, held snuggly in his arms.

  I swayed slightly. “Yes, Master.”

  He slipped his arm around me, holding me close and secure, and we headed toward the courtyard’s exit and our waiting room. As ready as I’d been hours before to be part of the crowd, I surprised myself with how ready I was to escape it.

  And I wasn’t positive, but I was fairly certain, right before we left the crowd completely, I sensed him turn his head. Looking back to the spot where the threesome had been.

  Because we didn’t have anywhere to be the next morning and no one to wake us up, we stayed in bed longer than normal. It’d been so long since we woke up to each other. Hunger finally drove us out of bed and we dressed leisurely and hit a local café for brunch.

  Nathaniel’s talk wasn’t until the next day, leaving us plenty of free time. We arrived back at the hotel after eating and stopped in the lobby to decide what sessions we wanted to attend. We stood off to the side, our arms brushing as we looked over the schedule.

  The elevator doors pinged in the background and I would have continued looking over the schedule if the lady who stepped off hadn’t laughed. But she did and Nathaniel’s body stiffened at the sound. It was such a contrast to the easygoing attitude he’d had all morning that I glanced up and followed his eyes. What I saw hit me in the gut.

  “That looks like Charlene,” I said.

  Whoever she was, she hadn’t seen us yet. She was too busy laughing at something one of the two guys she was with said. I tilted my head. The same two guys from both the dance floor and the threesome scene Nathaniel had been obsessed with.

  And he hadn’t said anything yet.

  “It is Charlene.”

  “It appears that way.” He spoke in that monotone voice I hated and his face held no expression.

  The group of three moved closer to us and I knew exactly when she saw us. Her lips curved up into a smile that could only be considered evil and she excused herself from the two men.

  “Nathaniel,” she said. “I thought we might bump into each other. I was surprised, though, to see you watching our little scene last night.”

  Heat consumed my body. She was the reason he watched the threesome so intently the night before.

  Nathaniel didn’t say anything. That pissed me off, too, until I saw him motion one of the men over. “Permission to address your submissive?” he asked the man Julie had danced with.

  “I don’t care,” the man said. “She’s not mine. We just hooked up for the weekend.”

  That dimmed her high-wattage smile just a bit.

  Nathaniel nodded and turned to address Charlene. “Because of our working relationship, I would prefer we stay away from each other as much as possible in situations like this.”

  “Of course,” she said. “Hello, Abby.”

  Before I could reply, Nathaniel held up his hand. “You do not have permission to speak to my submissive.”

  “My apologies.” She looked me up and down before heading out the door with the two men.

  My body shook as the threesome walked away. What. The. Fuck? Charlene was a submissive? And Nathaniel knew?

  It doesn’t mean anything.

  I snorted at my brain’s attempt to reason with my emotions. It sure as hell meant something. If it meant nothing, Nathaniel would have told me last night what he’d seen.

  He’s around submissive women all the time.

  Yes, but he doesn’t work with them
and have weekend meetings with them and they don’t fall all over him.

  You told him you trusted him.

  That was before I found out Charlene was also a submissive. Besides, the fact that I trusted him didn’t change the fact that I didn’t trust her.

  Wonder how long he’s known.

  That was a good question. Did he know when he hired her? Or did he find out later?

  Does it matter?

  It did. For some odd reason, I needed to know how long he’d known she was a submissive.

  “Fucking hell,” I said as understanding hit me. “You knew. You knew she was a submissive.”

  “Let’s go upstairs,” Nathaniel said.

  I didn’t want to go upstairs. I wanted to go somewhere and be by myself so I could process this new information. But I was in a relatively strange place and I didn’t know it well enough to determine where I might find a quiet spot.

  I did know that we should get out of the lobby, so I gave Nathaniel a curt nod and breezed past him to the elevator bank. I might be going upstairs, but I wasn’t going to touch him.

  When we got to our room, I suddenly felt exhausted and I plopped down on the couch and crossed my arms.

  “How long have you known?” I asked.

  “I found out the weekend we moved that she was a submissive.”

  Not too long ago, then. “So you didn’t hire her because you knew she was a sub?”

  “I don’t make it a general practice to hire someone based on their sexuality. Opens you up to lawsuits.”

  “But the fact is, you knew and you didn’t tell me.”

  “To be honest, there never seemed to be a good time to say, ‘Hey, by the way, Charlene’s a submissive.’”

  “So you decided not to tell me anything. Because that’s so much better.”

  “Frankly, my employees’ sexuality is none of your business.”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but stopped. There was more to it than me wanting to know about his employees’ sexuality and he knew it. The fact was, there would always be animosity between me and Charlene. It didn’t have to be right and it didn’t have to make sense. It just was. And no matter how often Nathaniel and I argued about her, discussed her, or whatever you wanted to call it, I would never like her.

  The best thing for me to do was to shut up and deal with it. “You’re right. It’s none of my business. I won’t mention her again, much less talk about her.”

  Those were the words I spoke, but inside, I was chanting:

  Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

  Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

  Charlene’s a submissive and Nathaniel knew.

  Then I asked myself if I was going to let her ruin my entire weekend.

  No. No, I wasn’t.

  “What’s first on our schedule tomorrow?” I asked Nathaniel.

  “Don’t you want to talk about this?”

  “You just, very eloquently I might add, correctly informed me that your employees’ sexuality was none of my business. You know Charlene’s a submissive. She knows you’re a Dominant and that’s how we’re going to leave it. That’s all there is to it.”

  He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. He didn’t believe me. He knew as well as I did that that wasn’t all there was to it. Maybe I’d bring it up later. When I wasn’t feeling as emotional about it. The last time I’d gotten into a heated discussion about Charlene, I ended up on the receiving end of a discipline flogging.

  Technically, what earned me the flogging was calling Nathaniel a liar while I wore his collar. But I blamed that on Charlene, too.

  “In that case,” Nathaniel said, “there’s a session on electrical play I wanted to attend starting in fifteen minutes.”

  That night the dance party was even louder and more crowded than the night before. I was glad. I didn’t want to run into Charlene at all, and the more people between us, the better. The afternoon had been awkward with Nathaniel. The joviality we’d had earlier in the weekend was gone.

  But I had said Charlene was a done and finished deal, so I couldn’t very well keep bringing her up. Maybe, I thought, if I refused to mention her name, and tried not to think about her, she wouldn’t bother me as much.

  It hadn’t worked so far.

  Julie and Daniel had been unsuccessful in lightening our mood. They’d tried during an early dinner, finally giving up when it became obvious neither Nathaniel nor I wanted to have the mood lightened. Currently, they were dancing together. Daniel must have decided he didn’t want to spend another night watching his woman dance with another man.

  Julie looked just fine with that. Though she’d danced with the stranger the night before, she was definitely less inhibited with Daniel. Her dance was hypnotic to watch and there were more eyes than just Daniel’s following her every move. My feet itched to join in.

  Nathaniel wouldn’t be dancing with me. Not only did he look completely uninterested, but I’d recently spied Charlene step onto the dance floor with her two men. After the run-in this morning in the lobby, there was no way in hell Nathaniel was going to set foot on it with her there.

  I closed my eyes and let the music sink into my skin. I wanted to dance. It was so easy to remember the feelings I’d had the previous night. The freedom, the power, the pleasure. I wanted to feel them again.

  “May I go dance, Master?” I asked. Obviously, he wasn’t going to voluntarily tell me to go dance.


  I waited for him to say more. To tell me who I could dance with or how long I could dance. Something. But there was nothing. Just that one word.

  With a shrug, I made my way to join in with the dancers.

  Something almost magic hit me as soon as my foot touched the dance floor. Probably it was only that the music was louder and I was feeling the excitement and joy from all those bodies. I swung my arms over my head and started swaying in time to the music.

  “You dancing?” a middle-aged Dom asked me.

  I couldn’t talk to Doms in a club without Nathaniel’s permission, so instead of verbalizing my response, I answered with my body and moved closer to him. He kept his distance, aware because of the collar I wore that I belonged to someone else. Still he danced with me, and several of our moves received a few catcalls.

  Not long after we started our dance, another Dom joined our twosome and I laughed to myself when I realized I matched Charlene for the number of men I was dancing with. I looked across the dance floor to see if she was still there, but I couldn’t find her.

  “She yours?” the new Dom asked the one I’d been dancing with.

  “No,” he replied. “I thinks she belongs to the tall guy in the back with a scowl on his face.”

  That certainly sounded like Nathaniel.

  A faster song started and our little group grew by another guy. Three. I’d never danced with three men at one time before. The new guy was young and he could move. I inched closer to him to match what he was doing.

  “That’s it,” he said. “Move those hips.”

  I didn’t reply, but moved them slow and sultry, exaggerating my movements in a suggestion of more intimate activities. I ran my hands down my body and across my chest, rubbing my nipples.

  This was what I needed. This time to let go and dance and be free. To be watched and to feel sexy and wanted. To let the music sweep me away.

  “That’s enough, Abigail.”

  I opened my eyes and found Nathaniel in front of me. Although the music still played, the three Doms had left.

  Damn him for stopping my fun.

  “Is something wrong, Master?”

  “Do you plan to dance with every male in the place?”