I had myself proposed the test, and yet when the moment came I wasashamed of myself. The Abbe had put on his robes and his stole; avessel containing holy water stood before him on the table; thebook of the Blessed Gospels was in his hands, a boy with a taperstood at his side. The place was the hall of the Castle, and theGovernor with a few of those most in his confidence stood by to seewhat would follow. I was at his right hand.

  Bertrand brought in the Maid. I know not what he had said to her,or whether he had prepared her for what was about to take place;but however that may have been, her face wore that calm and loftyserenity of expression which seemed to belong to her. As sheapproached she made a lowly reverence to the priest, and stoodbefore him where Bertrand placed her, looking at him with earnest,shining eyes.

  "My daughter," spoke the Abbe gravely, "have you security in yourheart that the visions and voices sent to you come of good and notof evil? Many men and women have, ere this, been deceived--yea,even the holy Saints themselves have been tempted of the devil,that old serpent, who is the great deceiver of the hearts andspirits of men. Are you well assured in your heart that you are notthus deceived and led away by whispers and suggestions from thefather of lies?"

  There was no anger in her face, but a beautiful look of reverent,yet joyful, confidence and peace.

  "I am well assured, my father, that it is my Lord who speaks to methrough His most holy and blessed Saints, and through theever-glorious Archangel Michael."

  "And yet, my daughter, you know that it is written in the HolyScriptures that the devil can transform himself into an angel oflight."

  "Truly that is so, my father; but is it not also written that thosewho put their trust in the Lord shall never be confounded?"

  "Yes, my daughter; and I pray God you may not be confounded. But itis my duty to try and test the spirits, so as to be a rock ofdefence to those beneath my care. Yet if things be with you as yousay, you will have no fear."

  "I have no fear, my father," she answered, and stood with foldedhands and serene and smiling face whilst he went through thoseforms of exorcism and adjuration which, it is said, no evil spiritcan endure without crying aloud, or causing that the personpossessed should roll and grovel in agony upon the ground, or rushfrantically forth out of sight and hearing.

  But the Maid never moved, save to bend her head in reverence as theThrice Holy Name was proclaimed, and as the drops of holy waterfell upon her brow. To me it seemed almost like sacrilege, in faceof that pure and holy calm, to entertain for one moment a doubt ofthe origin of her mission. Yet it may be that the test was a wiseone; for De Baudricourt and those about him watched it with closeand breathless wonder, and one and another whispered behind hishand:

  "Of a surety she is no witch. She could never stand thus if therewas aught of evil in her. Truly she is a marvellous Maid. If thisthing be of the Lord, let us not fight against Him."

  The trial was over. The Maid received the blessing of the Abbe,who, if not convinced of the sacredness of her mission, was yetimpotent to prove aught against her. It is strange to me, lookingback at those days, how far less ready of heart the ecclesiasticswere to receive her testimony and recognise in her the messenger ofthe Most High than were the soldiers, whether the generals whom sheafterwards came to know, or the men who crowded to fight beneathher banner. One would have thought that to priests and clergy agreater grace and power of understanding would have beenvouchsafed; but so far from this, they always held her in doubt andsuspicion, and were her secret foes from first to last.

  I made it my task to see her safely home; and as we went, I asked:

  "Was it an offence to you, fair Maid, that he should thus seek totest and try you?"

  "Not an offence to me, Seigneur," she answered gently, "but heshould not have had need to do it. For he did hear my confession onFriday. Therefore he should have known better. It is no offence tome, save inasmuch as it doth seem a slighting of my Lord."

  The people flocked around her as she passed through the streets. Itwas wonderful how the common townsfolk believed in her. Already shewas spoken of as a deliverer and a saviour of her country. Nay,more, her gentleness and sweetness so won upon the hearts of thosewho came in contact with her, that mothers prayed of her to comeand visit their sick children, or to speak words of comfort tothose in pain and suffering; and such was the comfort and strengthshe brought with her, that there were whispers of miraculous curesbeing performed by her. In truth, I have no knowledge myself of anymiracle performed by her, and the Maid denied that she possessedsuch gifts of healing. But that she brought comfort and joy andpeace with her I can well believe, and she had some skill with thesick whom she tended in her own village, so that it is likely thatsome may have begun to mend from the time she began to visit them.

  As for De Baudricourt, his mind was made up. There was somethingabout this girl which was past his understanding. Just at presentit was not possible to send her to the King, for the rains,sometimes mingled with blinding snow storms, were almost incessant,the country lay partially under water, and though such a journeymight be possible to a seasoned soldier, he declared it would berank murder to send a young girl, who, perchance, had never mounteda horse before, all that great distance. She must needs wait tillthe waters had somewhat subsided, and till the cold had abated, andthe days were somewhat longer.

  The Maid heard these words with grave regret, and even disapproval.

  "My Lord would take care of me. I have no fear," she said; but DeBaudricourt, although he now faithfully promised to send her toChinon, would not be moved from his resolution to wait.

  For my part, I have always suspected that he sent a privatemessenger to Chinon to ask advice what he should do, and desired toawait his return ere acting. But of that I cannot speak certainly,since he never admitted it himself.

  If the delay fretted the Maid's spirit, she never spoke with angeror impatience; much of her time was spent in a little chapel in thecrypt of the church at Vaucouleurs, where stood an image of OurLady, before which she would kneel sometimes for hours together inrapt devotion. I myself went thither sometimes to pray; and oftenhave I seen her there, so absorbed in her devotions that she knewnothing of who came or went.

  By this time Bertrand and I had steadfastly resolved to accompanythe Maid not only to Chinon, but upon whatsoever campaign hervoices should afterwards send her. Although we were knights, weneither of us possessed great wealth; indeed, we had only smallestates, and these were much diminished in value from the wastingwar and misfortunes of the country. Still we resolved to mustereach a few men-at-arms, and form for her a small train; for DeBaudricourt, albeit willing to send her with a small escort toChinon, had neither the wish nor the power to equip any sort offorce to accompany her, though there would be no small danger onthe journey, both from the proximity of the English in some parts,and the greater danger from roving bands of Burgundians, whose soleobject was spoil and plunder, and their pastime the slaughter ofall who opposed them.

  And now we began to ask one another in what guise the Maid shouldtravel; for it was obvious that her cumbrous peasant garb waslittle suited for the work she had in hand, and we made manyfanciful plans of robing her after the fashion of some old-timequeen, such as Boadicea or Semiramis, and wondered whether we couldafford to purchase some rich clothing and a noble charger, and soconvey her to the King in something of regal state and pomp.

  But when, one day, we spoke something of this to the Maid herself,she shook her head with a smile, and said:

  "Gentle knights, I give you humble and hearty thanks; but such richrobes and gay trappings are not for me. My voices have bidden mewhat to do. I am to assume the dress of a boy, since I must needslive for a while amongst soldiers and men. I am sent to do a man'swork, therefore in the garb of a man must I set forth. Our goodcitizens of Vaucouleurs are already busy with the dress I mustshortly assume. There is none other in which my work can be so wellaccomplished."

nd in truth we saw at once the sense of her words. She had beforeher a toilsome journey in the companionship of men. She must needsride, since there was no other way of travelling possible; and whyshould the frailest and tenderest of the party be burdened by adress that would incommode her at every turn?

  And when upon the very next day she appeared in the Castle yard inthe hose and doublet and breeches of a boy, and asked of us to giveher her first lesson in horsemanship, all our doubts and misgivingsfled away. She wore her dress with such grace, such ease, suchsimplicity, that it seemed at once the right and fitting thing; andnot one of the soldiers in the courtyard who watched her feats thatday, passed so much as a rude jest upon her, far less offered herany insult. In truth, they were speedily falling beneath the spellwhich she was soon to exercise upon a whole army, and it is nomarvel to me that this was so; for every day I felt the charm ofher presence deepening its hold upon my heart.

  Never have I witnessed such quickness of mastery as the Maidshowed, both in her acquirement of horsemanship and in the use ofarms, in both of which arts we instructed her day by day. I hadnoted her strength and suppleness of limb the very first day I hadseen her; and she gave marvellous proof of it now. She possessedalso that power over her horse which she exercised over men, andeach charger that she rode in turn answered almost at once to hervoice and hand, with a docility he never showed to other riders.Yet she never smote or spurred them; the sound of her voice, or thelight pressure of knee or hand was enough. She had never any fearfrom the first, and was never unhorsed. Very soon she acquired suchskill and ease that we had no fears for her with regard to thejourney she soon must take.

  Although filling the time up thus usefully, her heart was ever setupon her plan, and daily she would wistfully ask:

  "May we not yet sally forth to the Dauphin?"

  Still she bore the delay well, never losing opportunities forlearning such things as might be useful to her; and towards the endof the month there came a peremptory summons to her from the Dukeof Lorraine, who was lying very ill at Nancy.

  "They tell me," he wrote to De Baudricourt, "that you have atVaucouleurs a woman who may be in sooth that Maid of Lorraine who,it has been prophesied, is to arise and save France. I have a greatcuriosity to see her; wherefore, I pray you, send her to me withoutdelay. It may be that she will recover me of my sickness. In anycase, I would fain have speech of her; so do not fail to send herforthwith."

  De Baudricourt had no desire to offend his powerful neighbour, andhe forthwith went down to the house of Leroyer, taking Bertrand andme with him, to ask of the Maid whether she would go to see theDuke at his Court, since the journey thither was but short, andwould be a fitting preparation for the longer one.

  We found her sitting in the saddler's shop, with one of hischildren on her lap, watching whilst he fashioned for her a saddle,which the citizens of Vaucouleurs were to give her. Bertrand and Iwere to present the horse she was to ride, and I had also sent tomy home for a certain holiday suit and light armour made for abrother of mine who had died young. I had noted that the Maid hadjust such a slim, tall figure as he, and was certain that thissuit, laid away by our mother in a cedar chest, would fit her asthough made for her. But it had not come yet, and she was habitedin the tunic and hose she now wore at all times. Her beautiful hairstill hung in heavy masses round her shoulders, giving to hersomething of the look of a saintly warrior on painted window.

  Later on, when she had to wear a headpiece, she cut off her longcurling locks, and then her hair just framed her face like animbus; but today it was still hanging loose upon her shoulders,and the laughing child had got his little hands well twisted in thewaving mass, upon which the midday sun was shining clear andstrong. She had risen, and was looking earnestly at De Baudricourt;yet all the while she seemed to be, as it were, listening for othersounds than those of his voice.

  When he ceased she was silent for a brief while, and then spoke.

  "I would fain it had been to the Dauphin you would send me,Seigneur; but since that may not be yet, I will gladly go to theDuke, if I may but turn aside to make my pilgrimage to the shrineof St Nicholas, where I would say some prayers, and ask help."

  "Visit as many shrines as you like, so as you visit the Duke aswell," answered De Baudricourt, who always spoke with a sort ofrough bluffness to the Maid, not unkindly, though it lackedgentleness. But she never evinced fear of him, and for that herespected her. She showed plenty of good sense whilst the detailsof the journey were being arranged, and was in no wise abashed atthe prospect of appearing at a Court. How should she be, indeed,who was looking forward with impatience to her appearance at theCourt of an uncrowned King?

  Bertrand and I, with some half-dozen men-at-arms, were to form herescort, and upon the very next day, the sun shining bright, and thewind blowing fresh from the north over the wet lands, drying themsomewhat after the long rains, we set forth.

  The Maid rode the horse which afterwards was to carry her so manylong, weary miles. He was a tall chestnut, deep in the chest,strong in the flank, with a proudly arching neck, a great mane offlowing hair, a haughty fashion of lifting his shapely feet, and aneye that could be either mild or fierce, according to the fashionin which he was treated. On his brow was a curious mark, somethinglike a cross in shape, and the colour of it was something deeperthan the chestnut of his coat. The Maid marked this sign at thefirst glance, and she called the horse her Crusader. Methinks shewas cheered and pleased by the red cross she thus carried beforeher, and she and her good steed formed one of those friendshipswhich are good to see betwixt man and beast.

  Our journey was not adventurous; nor will I waste time in tellingovermuch about it. We visited the shrine, where the Maid passed anight in fasting and vigil, and laid thereon a little simpleoffering, such as her humble state permitted. The next day she waspresented to the Duke of Lorraine, as he lay wrapped in costlysilken coverlets upon his great bed in one of the most sumptuousapartments of his Castle.

  He gazed long and earnestly at the Maid, who stood beside him,flinching neither from his hollow gaze, nor from the more opencuriosity or admiration bestowed upon her by the lords and ladiesassembled out of desire to see her. I doubt me if she gave them athought. She had come to see the sick Duke, and her thoughts werefor him alone.

  There was something very strange and beautiful in her aspect as shestood there. Her face was pale from her vigil and fast; her hairhung round it in a dark waving mass, that lighted up at the edgeswith gold where the light touched it. Her simple boy's dress wassplashed and travel stained; but her wonderful serene composure wasas marked here as it had been throughout. No fears or tremors shookher, nor did any sort of consciousness of self or of thestrangeness of her position come to mar the gentle dignity of hermien or the calm loveliness of her face.

  The Duke raised himself on his elbow the better to look at her.

  "Is this true what I have heard of you, that you are the Maid ofLorraine, raised up, according to the word of the wizard Merlin, tosave France in the hour of her extremity?"

  "I am come to save France from the English," she answered at once;"to drive them from the city of Orleans, to bring the Dauphin toRheims, and there see the crown set upon his head. This I know, formy Lord has said it. Who I am matters nothing, save only as Iaccomplish the purpose for which I am sent."

  Her sweet ringing voice sounded like a silver trumpet through theroom, and the lords and ladies pressed nearer to hear and see.

  "In sooth, the Maid herself--the Maid who comes to save France!"

  Such was the whisper which went round; and I marvelled not; for thelook upon that face, the glorious shining in those eyes, was enoughto convince the most sceptical that the beatific vision had indeedbeen vouchsafed to them.

  The Duke fell back on his pillows, regarding her attentively.

  "If then, Maiden, you can thus read the future, tell me, shall Irecover me of this sickness?" he gasped.

  "Of that, sire, I have no knowledge," she answered. "That lies withGod al
one; but if you would be His servant, flee from the wrath tocome, which your sins have drawn upon you. Turn to the Lord inpenitence. Do His will. Be reconciled to your wife; for such is thecommandment of God. Perchance then you will find healing for bodyand soul. But seek not that which is hidden. Do only the will ofthe Lord, and trust all to Him."

  She was hustled from the room by the frightened attendants, whofeared for her very life at the hands of their irate lord. He haddone many a man to death for less than such counsel. But the Maidfelt not fear.

  "He cannot touch me," she said, "I have my Lord's work yet toaccomplish."

  And in truth the Duke wished her no ill, though he asked not to seeher more. Perhaps--who knows--these words may have aroused in himsome gleams of penitence for his past life. I have heard he made abetter end than was expected of him when his time came. And beforethe Maid left the Castle he sent her a present of money, and saidhe might even send his son to help the Dauphin, if once Orleanswere relieved, and her words began to fulfil themselves.

  So then we journeyed home again, and we reached Vaucouleurs on theafternoon of the twelfth day of February. The Maid had been smilingand happy up till that time, and, since the weather was improving,we had great hopes of soon starting forth upon the journey forChinon. Nevertheless, the streams were still much swollen, and insome places the ground was so soft that it quaked beneath ourhorses' feet. We travelled without misadventure, however, and Iwondered what it was that brought the cloud to the brow of the Maidas we drew nearer and nearer to Vaucouleurs.

  But I was to know ere long; for as we rode into the courtyard ofthe Castle the Maid slipped from her horse ere any could help her,and went straight into the room where the Governor was sitting,with her fearless air of mastery.

  "My lord of Baudricourt, you do great ill to your master theDauphin in thus keeping me from him in the time of his great need.Today a battle has been fought hard by the city of Orleans, and thearms of the French have suffered disaster and disgrace. If this goon, the hearts of the soldiers will be as water, the purpose of theLord will be hindered, and you, Seigneur, will be the cause, inthat you have not hearkened unto me, nor believed that I am sent ofHim."

  "How know you the thing of which you speak, girl?" asked DeBaudricourt, startled at the firmness of her speech.

  "My voices have told me," she answered; "voices that cannot lie.The French have met with disaster. The English have triumphed, andI still waste my time in idleness here! How long is this tocontinue, Robert de Baudricourt?"

  A new note had come into her voice--the note of the general whocommands. We heard it often enough later; but this was the firsttime I had noted it. How would De Baudricourt take it?

  "Girl," he said, "I will send forth a courier at once to ride withall speed to the westward. If this thing be so, he will quicklymeet some messenger with the news. If it be as you have said, ifthis battle has been fought and lost, then will I send you forthwithout a day's delay to join the King at Chinon."

  "So be it," answered the Maid; and turned herself to the chapel,where she spent the night in prayer.

  It was Bertrand who rode forth in search of tidings, his heartburning within him. It was he who nine days later enteredVaucouleurs again, weary and jaded, but with a great triumph lightin his eyes. He stood before De Baudricourt and spoke.

  "It is even as the Maid hath said. Upon the very day when wereturned to Vaucouleurs, the English--a small handful ofmen--overthrew at Rouvray a large squadron of the French, utterlyrouting and well-nigh destroying them. The English were but a smallparty, convoying herrings to the besiegers of Orleans. The groundwas strewn with herrings after the fight, which men call the Battleof the Herrings. Consternation reigns in the hearts of theFrench--an army flies before a handful! The Maid spake truly; theneed is desperate. If help reach not the Dauphin soon, all will belost!"

  "Then let the Maid go!" thundered the old man, roused at last likean angry lion; "and may the God she trusts in guard and keep her,and give to her the victory!"