Page 25 of The Burning Claw

  “Interesting you should say that, Cyn,” Peri spoke up, though she looked like she’d rather shoot herself in the foot with a nail gun than address this audience. “I too seemed to have stumbled across something that has to do with the Order during my own investigations.”

  “Spill it, Peri Fairy,” Jen called out. She started to take a step toward the fae but Decebel’s large arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her to his chest. Jen looked down at the offending appendage and then turned her head to look up at her mate. He was looking at Peri. When Jen’s eyes landed on Jacque, all she could do was shrug.

  “First, can we please thin out some of these stragglers?” Peri asked. “The information I have is only for absolute need-to-know individuals. The babes and their nursemaids can be on their way.”

  “Oh man, you did not just call Alina a nursemaid,” Jen laughed, still stuck in the hold of her mate.

  Alina smiled at Jen before turning to say something in Vasile’s ear. Then she kissed him and moved toward Fane and Jacque.

  “Say goodnight,” she told them as she held Slate out. Jacque took him and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Then Fane did the same, but he was very reluctant to give over his son.

  Jacque nudged him. “We need to be here. Slate will be fine with your mom.”

  Fane handed the little bundle to Alina and then pressed a gentle kiss to his mother’s cheek. He watched her until the door closed behind her blocking his view. She started to step around him to talk to Jen but Fane pulled the same act as Decebel. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back to his chest.

  “What’s up, wolf-man?” she asked him as she turned her neck so that she could look up at him.

  “You’re mine,” he said simply.

  Jacque frowned. It was something he hadn’t said in quite a while, mainly, she thought, because it wasn’t necessary. She bore his marks, his bite, and even his child. How much more his could she possibly be?

  “Yes. Are you worried that my status is going to change?”

  He growled and his blue eyes lit up as his wolf stared down at her. Okay, so that had been the wrong thing to ask. If his comment had surprised her, it was nothing compared to what he did next.

  To Jacque’s complete shock, Fane used his free arm to move her hair off of her shoulder, exposing her neck. She knew what he would see, what anyone would see—his bite mark. But him looking at it wasn’t what shocked her. Fane turned them so that his back was to the room and no one could see her smaller frame. His breathing was rough and there was a persistent rumble in his chest.


  He didn’t answer. He bit.

  She felt his teeth before she felt his lips latched onto her skin. He was marking her, again, in a room full of people. Jacque stood very still as her own wolf stirred inside of her. Her wolf wanted to submit to him, to comfort him, and calm the wildness that was riding him. Jacque wanted to know what the hell was wrong. Sometimes she and her wolf didn’t see eye to eye.

  When he finally pulled his teeth from her flesh, he licked the wound several times. She felt the contentedness of his wolf, but she also picked up on the desire running through the man. She cleared her throat as Fane’s tongue moved from cleaning his mark to doing other things on her neck—things not okay to do in his father’s office, filled with people.

  “Fane,” she growled at him. He didn’t stop licking her. His tongue was doing wicked things to her collar bone and now her wolf was perking up and definitely interested in what their mate was doing. Dang hussy, Jacque thought. When the arm that was around her waist started to move and his hand began slipping under the hem of her shirt, she knew it was a drastic measure kind of situation.

  Jacque pulled her foot up and slammed it down on Fane’s. Nothing. He didn’t even flinch and his hand was still on a road trip to places that shouldn’t be seen by others.

  “I really didn’t want to have to do this, babe. But you leave me no choice,” she muttered as she tilted her head back further, as if she was giving him better access. His own head lowered placing his ear within reach of her mouth. Jacque took it between her teeth and bit—hard.

  Fane snarled as he pushed her away from him. His narrowed eyes were still glowing.

  “You bit me,” he rumbled at her.

  “Did you figure that out all by yourself?” Jen asked as she gave Jacque an air high five. “Way to take charge, Red.”

  “Well you bit me first,” Jacque snapped back.

  “You’re my mate,” he growled back.

  Jacque nearly smacked herself on the forehead. “Of course, I’m your mate, genius, I married you. I had your son. It’s sort of a done deal.”

  “It’s my right,” he began but his father cut him off.

  “Enough, Fane.” Vasile walked over to them and motioned for Jacque to step aside with him.

  Fane was right on her heels.

  “Okay,” Jacque said as she glared up at her father-in-law. “What is wrong with him?” She stabbed a finger in the air toward Fane and it nearly poked him in the eye because he was standing so close. “Look at him, Vasile. He hasn’t been this possessive since before the Blood Rites.”

  “Decebel and Fane have never had someone so close to them go feral. Not only were they close but their wolves were close to Costin’s wolf as well. Costin has lost his light. You wonderful, beautiful girls forget just how precious you are to us. Costin is a reminder to them of where they would be without you. So they are both running on very, very high emotions from both wolf and man. Grant him a little grace.”

  Jacque’s mouth had dropped open as she listened to Vasile explain why her mate had reverted back to caveman tactics in regards to her. She nodded at him to let him know that she heard him and then turned to face Fane.

  He looked down at her with bright blue eyes that were no longer glowing. His jaw was tightly clenched and his arms were rigid at his sides. He was trying not to touch her. Goddess love him, he was trying to curb his own instincts, for her.

  “Fane,” she reached out to him through the bond. His eyes snapped down to her. “I have a feeling this is going to be a long meeting and I’m tired of standing. You wouldn’t happen to have an available lap, would you?”

  His lips twitched as though he fought a smile and his jaw relaxed just a bit. “My lap is always at your disposal, Luna,” he said softly as he swept her up into his arms. He carried her over to one of the empty chairs and sat down, positioning her on his lap so that she could lean against his broad shoulder. It also put his mouth very close to her neck. She came to realize later, after she’d felt his tongue dart out and taste her a few times, that his positioning of her had been for his own benefit. Sneaky wolf.

  Decebel listened as Vasile explained to Jacque why Fane was being so possessive. He hoped his own mate was listening because he wasn’t in control enough to explain it again. His wolf was almost fully in control of him and no matter how he struggled, he couldn’t push the beast back. Seeing the carnage, knowing that it was solely because Costin had lost his mate, had triggered something inside of him and his wolf. And from the moment they had stepped foot back into the pack mansion, he hadn’t been able to let Jennifer further than a couple of feet from him.

  His mate laughed when Fane swept Jacque up into his arms and carried her to a chair where he sat and then placed her on his lap.

  Jennifer started to pull forward, attempting to leave his embrace. He pulled back.

  “Dec,” she huffed as she smacked his arm. “I just want to sit.” Being the quick learner that he was, Decebel swept Jennifer up and over his shoulder and carried her to an unoccupied chair. He sat down and then pulled her back down onto his lap.

  Her hair was all over the place and she was growling as she attempted to tame it. Once it was all out of her face, she glowered at him. “Fane didn’t throw her over his shoulder like a freaking cave man.”

  Decebel’s wolf bristled at being compared to another male. “I am not Fane,” he said in a
deep voice that caught her attention. Her eyes were wide when she looked at him—really looked at him. Her lips formed an O when she finally saw that it was his wolf she was dealing with. If Decebel was possessive, his wolf was that and more.

  “You’re right,” she said as she reached up and patted his cheek. “You aren’t. You’re mine.”

  “Good girl,” Decebel whispered into her mind.

  “He’s not going to go crazy and bite anyone who gets near me, is he?” she asked him, speaking to Decebel about his wolf.

  “Just to be safe, steer clear of getting too close to any males.”

  She let out a sigh as she leaned back against him. Decebel felt her nose against his neck and then her lips as she placed a tender kiss there. His wolf was ready to go. Meeting be damned, he wanted some alone time with their mate.

  Jennifer placed a hand on his knee and squeezed, getting his attention. But she addressed Peri, not her mate.

  “Peri, I think you were about to fill us in on all the gritty details of what you discovered in the past twenty-four hours. Oh and why haven’t you introduced your sidekick?”

  Peri pursed her lips at her. “Was that before or after your males started peeing on things, including their mates? Stralina, meet the idiots. Idiots meet Stralina.”

  “Hello,” Stralina said with a warm smile.

  Peri shifted, purposefully drawing attention away from the pixie and back to herself. The air was disturbed by her movement and Decebel’s wolf got a good whiff of their scent.

  “You smell,” his wolf snorted, trying to get the scent from their nose.

  “Two words that should never begin a conversation when addressing a female, Decebel. I know Jen has raised you better than that,” she purred at him.

  Decebel wasn’t sure, but his wolf had detected scents on Peri that contradicted the cool façade she was wearing.

  Decebel looked up at her with glowing amber eyes pinning her in place. She may be a powerful high fae, but Alpha wolves such as he and Vasile still should be given their due respect.

  “You smell worried, fearful, and unsure,” he began again. “These are not scents that I would ever associate with Perizada of the high fae.”

  “First time for everything, wolf.” She was well aware of who she was dealing with and Decebel was glad for it. His wolf was unpredictable right now and he didn’t need Peri poking him and unknowingly provoking his beast.

  “You obviously have news,” Vasile interrupted the exchange. “Let us not interrupt you any further. Please, what have you found out?”

  Jennifer leaned forward on Decebel’s lap, her eyes glued to the fae. He could feel her hope. She wanted—needed—to hear Peri say that they’d found the healer, her friend. Decebel reached out and ran his fingers through her hair, pulling it close to his face to take in her scent and rid himself of the fae’s agitated smell. The name of his fellow pack mate grabbed his attention and his ears perked up.

  “Costin cannot know,” Peri said as she turned slowly and looked at each person. “It is imperative that he not find out—not until it’s time.”

  “Know what, dammit,” Jennifer growled as she attempted to slide off his lap. His hands on her hips prevented her from going anywhere. She shot him a glare and his stupid wolf had the nerve to smile. Decebel tried again to take back control but his wolf wasn’t relinquishing. Mine, he growled at the man. Ours, Decebel growled back. I can protect her better, he challenged. Decebel couldn’t argue. His wolf was a natural protector. His emotions didn’t get in the way. So for now, he would let the wolf be, but later the beast was taking a back seat. When he curled around his mate in their bed, it was the man who held her and Decebel wouldn’t give that up.

  Jen pinched Decebel’s leg and he snarled silently at her. “Pay attention,” she told him as she motioned to Peri. She needed to keep Decebel’s wolf distracted because, just as Fane had been ready to cart Jacque off to reestablish his claim, Dec’s wolf was getting a little frisky.

  “Stralina found Sally,” Peri said. “I’ve confirmed it with my own eyes. I stood less than a foot away from her.” Peri’s voice wavered as the emotions she’d been holding in threatened to break through her cool demeanor.

  The room was silent. Jen couldn’t breathe. They’d found her. They’d found Sally and yet for some reason they were sitting on their butts in Vasile’s office talking about it instead of bringing her gypsy rear home.

  “Why didn’t you bring her home? Did she see you? Didn’t she want to come with you?” Jen asked in rapid succession. “Why are we sitting here staring at each other in awe and wonder instead of bringing Sally back where she belongs?”

  “Because it’s not that simple,” Peri told her.

  “Is it ever?” Fane asked dryly.

  “Then break it down for us,” Jen bit out. She felt Decebel’s hands give her a gentle squeeze. He was trying to help her keep her cool. Good luck, she thought and heard him chuckle.

  “Sally doesn’t remember us.”

  Jacque groaned and threw her head back onto Fane’s shoulder. “Again with the memory tampering? Can we not get a villain with some originality every once in a while?”

  “And what exactly would you have preferred the villains have done to your friend?” Peri asked.

  Jacque rolled her eyes. “Don’t be cute, Peri. It’s not attractive.”

  “Isn’t cute sort of the definition of attractive?” the fae retorted.

  “What do you mean she doesn’t remember us?” Jen interrupted. “She doesn’t remember you, the supernatural crap, that’s she’s a healer? What?”

  “Yes,” Peri answered deadpan.

  “Where is her mate? Where’s Costin?” Cyn spoke up. She and Thalion had moved closer to Peri, both looking very confused.

  Peri pinched the bridge of her nose and Jen could tell that the high fae was exhausted. “Vasile,” Peri called out.

  The Alpha, obviously taking Peri’s address as some sort of signal, stepped forward and folded his arms across his chest as he looked at Cyn and the elf prince. He proceeded to explain everything that had happened in the past two weeks. Once the fae and her man were brought up to speed, it was Peri’s turn to be surprised.

  “He’s feral?” Peri’s body stilled after hearing Vasile explain what they’d found in the forest.

  “He had enough control to get his son to safety,” Decebel spoke up. “He called and asked me to have someone take care of the boy for a while. I honestly don’t think Costin even realized how deep the darkness had taken root until he quit fighting it. Once Titus was safe, his wolf had no one left to protect from himself.”

  Jen let out a frustrated sigh. “Again, why are we sitting here chatting instead of looking for Costin and dragging Sally’s butt back? Can’t we help her get her memory back once we get her home?”

  Peri shook her head. “It’s too dangerous. The magic used on her is powerful and not easily broken. If it’s handled indelicately, it could kill her.” The high fae began to pace. “I debated on whether or not to tell any of you, to be honest, because I know how hard it is not to rush to her rescue, and you guys have known her much longer than I have.” She shot Jen and Jacque pointed looks. “But we cannot rush this.”

  “Is she safe?” Jacque asked. “I mean, can we risk leaving her where she is?”

  “Safety can come in many forms,” Peri began but Jen cut her off.

  “Stralina,” the Serbia female Alpha said kindly to the pixie who’d been quietly observing the meeting. “You were the one to find Sally, right?”

  The pixie nodded.

  “Could you give us a rundown of her situation?”

  “Jennifer,” Peri’s stern voice was surprising but Jen shot her a look that could kill.

  “You are too close to the situation,” Jen growled. She would have been on her feet if her damn mate would release the death grip he had on her. “I want to know where my healer is. I want to know where she lives. I want to know if she has everything she needs. And
I don’t want things omitted because you are afraid to give us the truth.”

  “Because you handle the truth so responsibly.” Peri said through narrowed eyes.

  “Bite me, fairy,” Jen snarled. She turned back to the pixie. “Could you please tell us what you’ve observed?”

  Stralina looked up at Peri, obviously unsure if she should answer. Peri simply shrugged her shoulders and stepped aside as if to give the little woman the floor.

  “Sally is in North America, living in Oceanside, North Carolina. She resides alone in a boxy dwelling that I believe you humans call an apartment. She works at a local drinking establishment called The Dog House. She is in a relationship with a male. Though it doesn’t seem to be serious, it is monogamous. The male is a coworker named Jericho and he is a werewolf. She is unaware that he is a werewolf, or that such things exist. She has no knowledge of the supernatural world and she doesn’t know that she is a gypsy healer. She has been suffering from headaches that have become more frequent and she has nightmares. Based upon my observations, it doesn’t appear that she has any memory whatsoever of her former life. Peri asked me to listen for key words that she might speak out loud to herself, or even in her sleep, including your names. But she has never said any of them. She’s never mentioned Coldsprings or her life there as a teenager. She never speaks about her family. She has recently cut and dyed her hair with some encouragement from Jericho.”

  Jen’s eyes were wide and her mouth had fallen open. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t be closing it anytime soon.

  “I’m sorry,” Jacque said, her voice unsteady. “Did you say she’s in a relationship?”

  “She works at a place called The Dog House.” Okay, so Jen was able to get her mouth to do something more than just hang open and invite in flying insects.

  Stralina blinked, looking back and forth between the two girls as though she wasn’t sure who she should answer. Peri tapped her shoulder and smiled. “I’ll take it from here, Stralina. You did good.”