Page 33 of The Burning Claw

  “Did Peri call me that in front of you?”

  She shook her head. “I just thought it fit.”

  “Pick a different one, like stud muffin, or sexy beast.”

  Zara laughed. It was the best sound ever. “Fine, I won’t call you history boy.”

  He stepped closer and wrapped his arms snugly around her. Wadim leaned down until his lips were barely touching hers. “You could just call me yours.”

  She licked her lips, driving him crazy. And then nodded “Okay, I’ll call you mine.”

  His wolf growled triumphantly as a he took her lips again. He wanted his scent all over her. He wanted everyone to know that she belonged to him.

  Wadim knew it was a small victory and that they had a long road ahead of them. But he wouldn’t leave her side through any of it. He swore to the Great Luna that his mate would never, ever, wonder how he felt about her. She would never wonder if he desired her because he was happy to leave the bond wide open for her to feel all of it.

  He ran his fingers through her hair as he claimed her lips as his again. She stole his breath when he suddenly felt her joy. She was pushing it through the bond to him. It was pure and honest and he’d been the one to cause it.

  He pushed his own emotions to her and felt her body respond. Wadim swung her up into his arms and loved the little surprised squeal she emitted. He sat down in one of the chairs he hadn’t destroyed and put her in his lap. Then he turned her face to him again, continuing that kiss he never wanted to end. He needed to hold her, needed her to touch him, and needed to touch her in return. Everything else could wait. She would have his undivided attention. This time, and anytime she’d allow him, was for her.

  Chapter 21

  “How is it that time can fly by and drag on at the same time? Time is flying as we build our friendship with Sally, hopefully spurring a slow return of her memories. But at the same time, it drags on for Costin as he suffers without his mate. I just want them back together. I want my pack whole again. I want the bastard who hurt them to pay. Time is dragging for those things to happen too. Stupid time.” ~Jen

  Peri sat at the park bench table that had become their spot. Two and a half months had passed since that very first outing with Sally, and still her memories refused to break through. She was still having the headaches and they were more frequent, but Sally had no idea that Peri, Jen, and Jacque were anything other than the sisters they claimed to be.

  Sally was still seeing Jericho, which pissed Jen off to no end—well, pissed all of them off really. Sally had mentioned several times that she wanted to break it off with him, but she didn’t know how. She didn’t want to hurt him. Sally was still a bleeding heart, even with her memory cloaked.

  Peri was getting desperate. If something didn’t click soon, she might have to try and magically restore Sally’s memories, despite the irreparable damage it might cause. Time was wasting and Jericho was getting bolder and more aggressive in his pursuit of Sally. Peri thought his affections were more than mere attraction to Sally. She theorized that his determined wooing had something to do with the Order and with the fact that Peri had surprised him a couple of months ago. Of course, he didn’t know that she watched him almost every day now because she’d altered her appearance so convincingly.

  The males were still keeping an eye on Costin who had kept himself sequestered in the In Between. Peri could kiss the bartender for having a moment of clarity and making his wolf go into purgatory to protect those around him. She had a feeling the Great Luna was playing a part in keeping Costin from falling over the cliff.

  Peri and the girls had gotten an apartment because Sally was asking too many questions and they needed to look legit. Their mates, of course, were ten kinds of pissed off, which just made the girls want to continue the charade even more. Peri took Jen and Jacque home to see their babies, but she made sure the males weren’t around when she did so. She didn’t have time to fight with the males every time she brought Jen or Jacque back to Oceanside. The girls understood her reasons and agreed with her, though they were catching hell from their males through their bonds.

  She perked up when she saw Jacque and Jen walking across the park to her. “How is she today?” Peri asked them. The two had gone to check on Sally while Peri had flashed back to her own home, Faerie. She’d been sheltering some new gypsy healers and wolves from other packs there. She had too many damn irons in the fire.

  “She’s good,” Jen said. “Though she’s a little worried about the date she has with Jericho tonight. She said he’s gotten more persistent lately about moving their relationship to the next level.”

  Peri rolled her eyes, stupid wolf and his hormones—though she guessed that it wasn’t just his hormones. She was sure the Order had a hand in this. They wanted Sally; she just couldn’t figure out why.

  “She’s decided to break up with him,” Jacque said as she sat down on the bench.

  “About fracking time,” Peri said, but she had no doubt Jericho would finagle his way out of the breakup somehow.

  “I’ve got to take your men to the In Between to check on Costin. I’ll drop you guys off in the woods on the way. If I drop you off in the house, they’ll hunt you down.”

  “Gah!” Jen groaned “I miss my man.” She held up her hand. “Don’t—” She stopped Peri. “I understand why, and I’m in agreement. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss my mate in many, many different ways. If you’d like to take that as many, many different positions, by all means run with it.”

  Jacque snorted. “Oh, Jen. It’s good to know that some things never change…like your libido.”

  “Glad I can be the solid rock that you cling to, Red. As always, you know I aim to please.”

  Peri grabbed their arms and flashed them. If she let them, the girls would go back and forth like that all day. She left them in the woods, telling them to wait five minutes before going into the mansion.

  She appeared in Vasile’s office and clapped her hands. “Let’s go, chop, chop. I got things to do.”

  “Where are our females, Perizada,” Decebel growled. This is how their conversations always started lately.

  “They’re safe. Neither one of them has flirted—much—with any of the males at the bar we go to…every…single…night.” She probably shouldn’t taunt them. But her life needed as many kicks as she could get lately. Their anger at her radiated off of them, but she simply ignored them, which ticked them off more.

  They circled around her and put their hands on her shoulders and, in a blink, they were in front of the bridge.

  “He’s still here,” the troll rumbled. “Although, there are some who wish he’d leave. He’s been yelling about some girl, and an ocean, and a bar, for days.”

  Peri’s gut clenched as she looked at Vasile. “You probably shouldn’t leave this time,” she told them.

  He nodded. “He must be getting some residual thoughts through the bond.”

  Peri agreed. “I think that’s why Sally is having the headaches. The bond is trying to reform. Their souls grow weary of being separated.”

  She flashed back to the Romania mansion and smiled. Maybe things were finally going to move forward now. Being stuck in limbo sucked.

  She heard Jen and Jacque arguing from the library and walked their way. When she entered the room, she found the girls sitting on the floor with their offspring. Jen was playing with Thia and Jacque was nursing Slate.

  “What the crap are you two yapping about?” she asked as she took a seat on the couch.

  “Jen wants to take bets on how long it will take Drake and Bethany to do the deed,” Jacque filled her in.

  Peri rolled her eyes. “I’m betting it’s done been did.”

  Jen laughed. “Oh man, you’ve been around us Southern chicks too long. And really? You think they’ve mated?”

  Peri shrugged. “They’ve been holed up in their suite alone for the past two months. I’m betting they have a litter on the way by now.”

  “Bethany w
as pretty eager when we had our little talk,” Jen said, looking at Jacque for confirmation.

  “Totally eager,” Jacque agreed.

  “You two explained sex to Bethany?” Peri’s eyes widened.

  Jen nodded proudly. “We even had a book—with pictures,” she added.

  “Pictures,” the high fae choked out.

  Jacque smacked her hand to her forehead. “It was embarrassing.”

  “Please. You were learning stuff too,” Jen scoffed.

  Jacque’s head snapped up. “I was not.”

  “What about that one position, where the male—”

  “Only freaks would know that position,” Jacque cut her off.

  “You calling me a freak?”

  Jacque shook her head. “Nope, I’m calling you a super freak because I’m betting you didn’t just know about that position. I’m betting you’ve actually been in that position.”

  Jen stared at Jacque, unmoving and expressionless. Then she held up her fist to her best friend with a grin. “I haven’t just been in that position. I’ve made that position my bit—”

  “Stop,” Peri cut her off. “We got it.”

  “How are the guys?” Jacque asked as she finished nursing Slate and laid him down in front of her.

  “Quite angry,” Peri said. “But they won’t be home tonight. Costin is beginning to see things. He knows where Sally is or at least has an idea. We think the bond is trying to reestablish itself.”

  “Does that mean we can chill tonight? Sally will be on her date, so no responsibilities in Oceanside. The men are away, the she-wolves will play.” Jen smiled.

  “Get some sleep,” Peri growled. I’ll be back to get you in time to be at Sally’s in the morning.”

  Jen and Jacque saluted her and laughed when she shot them the finger.

  Jen stood up and picked up Thia with her. She was grinning like an idiot. Jacque followed and gave her an odd look when they made it to the stairs to their suites. “I know that grin,” Jacque said. “That’s your, Decebel has serviced me well, grin.”

  “Is it?” Jen asked innocently.

  Jacques mouth dropped open. “You are using the bond?” Jen knew what she meant.

  “Maybe you should reach out to Fane, could make your reunion a little less growly.” Jen laughed as she waved to Jacque before entering her suite. “I’ll see you in a few hours. Hopefully you’ll look a tad more relaxed.”

  Jacque made it to her suite and laid Slate down. He was such an easy baby so far. He slept like a rock and rarely cried. She was very thankful for that. Once she was in the bed, the lights off, and covers pulled up to her chin, she considered Jen’s words. What the hell, he is my mate. We might as well take advantage of having something as cool as the mental bond.

  “Fane?” She reached for him. She knew she had to be quick. She had to take him by surprise so that he didn’t have time to yell at her.

  “Luna?” His voice was a little frantic.

  Immediately, Jacque reached for her inner Jen and sent Fane some very un-mommy like thoughts.

  “Jacquelyn, what are you…bloody hell woman,” he growled but he wasn’t angry. “Give a man some warning.”

  She continued to bombard him with images of them together. It didn’t take long for him to catch on. He apparently excused himself to find a more comfortable place to sleep and then he tortured her back.

  By the time Jacque fell asleep, she was quite content, and Fane hadn’t asked her once what she’d been doing. Jen was a bloody genius.

  Sally felt as though her stomach was trying to claw its way up her throat and out of her mouth. Nothing had gone the way she’d imagined it would that night.

  “You look beautiful tonight,” Jericho told her.

  Sally knew she was blushing. She had been planning to break it off with him and let him know that she just wanted to be friends, but Jericho had been so sweet and kind. She didn’t want to hurt him, but it was killing her to keep leading him on. They’d gone to dinner and then walked around downtown. Their conversation was light, and maybe a few times awkward. She’d had plenty of times she could have told him, but she kept chickening out. Now they were back at her place, sitting on her couch.

  “I brought you something.”

  Sally watched as he pulled a box from behind him. Jericho held it out to her with that intense stare of his. She reached for it and gasped when she opened it. There was a beautiful chocolate diamond bracelet lying in the velvet interior.

  “Jericho, this is too much. I can’t—”

  He was moving before she could finish. He swiftly took it out of the box and had it around her wrist in seconds. “There. You can because it looks amazing on you and it’s a gift.”

  Sally looked down at the bracelet and she had to admit that it did look amazing.

  “I got the brown diamonds because they match your eyes, my brown-eyed girl,” he said gently.

  A sharp pain shot through Sally’s skull and she gasped, grabbing at her head.

  “Sally, are you okay?” Jericho asked as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to him.

  The pain was gone just as fast as it had appeared.

  “Yes,” she said a little breathlessly. She looked up at him, her lips mere inches from his. Suddenly, she had a desperate urge to press her lips to his.

  Jericho must have seen the desire in her eyes. “Do it,” he whispered, his voice dripped with desire as he waited.

  Sally had been fighting their relationship the whole time. Sure, she liked Jericho, but she had thought it was only friendship. But now, sitting this close and staring into those bright eyes, she wanted him.

  She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was gentle and innocent at first, but it didn’t take long before Jericho was pressing her down into the couch. His hands roamed over her body and his tongue danced with hers. There was still this tiny voice telling her to stop before it went too far, but she couldn’t. Her body was moving of its own accord and when he picked her up and asked “can we go to your room?” she nodded yes.

  Jericho laid her down on her bed and climbed on next to her. They picked up right where they left off.

  The more he touched and kissed her, the more she wanted him to continue. Before she realized it, she was undressed, with Jericho every bit as naked as she was, in her bed. She felt as if everything was moving too quickly for her mind to register. His mouth was on hers, then on her jaw and down her neck. She felt a sharp pain just at the junction of her shoulder and neck, but then it was swept away as his tongue swirled on her flesh.

  At some point, she swore she heard Jericho growl, but she couldn’t be sure. Her mind was muddled. Her desires warred with what her mind was screaming at her. “Stop!” it yelled at her, but she didn’t.

  Jericho stared at the sleeping woman next to him. He couldn’t believe the bracelet had actually worked. Alston had been concerned that he wasn’t making progress with Sally fast enough, especially after Peri showed up. They needed to ensure that Sally was tied to their group, sooner rather than later, and mating her to Jericho was the only sure way to do that. Jericho hoped that maybe, if he made love to her, she would become more attached to him. He had definitely grown attached to her, and he thought that, perhaps, what he was feeling just might be love as well. He also like the idea of having someone in his life again. Alston had enchanted the bracelet for him, explaining that the receiver of the bracelet would longingly desire the one who’d given it. And oh how she’d desired him.

  He knew she was going to second-guess her actions afterward, and he’d have to talk her down off the ledge, but that didn’t matter. He could just remind her of how good they were together. He smiled to himself. Sally might not remember her mate, but she certainly remembered how to mate. For a split second, he felt bad for the mate she’d left behind, but then he remembered their cause. They needed a gypsy healer and she was their best chance at getting one.

  His next step would be to tell her about the s
upernatural world. If he were the one who introduced it to her, she would surely feel a connection to him. It was important that he keep reinforcing his role as her protector, lover, and friend. That way, when it was time to talk to her about the Order, she would trust him.

  He turned over onto his back and willed himself to stop replaying the images of Sally in his mind. Instead, he focused on how good everything would be once the Order took over. After the humans were subservient, then it will all have been worth it.

  Costin’s eyes snapped open. He knew where she was. Over the course of the past week, he’d begun to have flashes of thoughts and feelings that weren’t his own. It was the bond. Once he realized the bond was returning, he strained with every fiber of his being to reestablish the connection. He had screamed until he’d nearly lost his voice. Finally, sometime that morning, he’d felt confusion, shame, and dread. Then, at some point, boom, the words Oceanside popped into his mind.

  He stumbled about as he searched for the exit from the In Between. He was going to get his mate. He just hoped that no one stood in his way. He didn’t want to hurt Decebel, Fane, or Vasile, but he would if it meant getting to Sally.

  “I’m coming, Brown Eyes,” he muttered to himself.

  Sally still couldn’t get her mind off what had happened with Jericho. He’d gone early that morning, and she was left standing in her kitchen feeling very confused. A couple hours later there was a knock at the door. Sally hurried to answer it and found Peri/Stacey, Jacque, and Jen on the other side.

  “Good morning,” she said, smiling at the girls and hoping that they couldn’t tell just how shaken she was from the previous night’s events.

  The three women came in and all three seemed to freeze at once. “Everything okay?” she asked.

  Jen was the first to answer. “I just realized I really would like to wear my hair up. Do you have any extra hair bands?” She was already moving toward Sally’s room. “Don’t worry, I’ll find one real quick.” Sally wanted to yell at her to stop but Jen was moving faster than Sally’s brain could react.