"Let us go now to the Guatemala Building," said Harold as they left CairoStreet. "I should like you all to see the grotto with its specimens of thefauna of the country, among which is a remarkable bird called the gavila,which sings the half-hours with unvarying regularity, showing itself ascorrect as a sundial, and almost as useful as a government observatory."

  "Is it sure to wake and sing every half-hour in the night, uncle?" askedlittle Elsie.

  "Oh, no! It is only a day clock; stops attending to the business atsundown and begins again in the morning."

  They were interested in the strange bird; the older people in a map also,showing the locations of the principal towns and railways, and in theexhibit, in an open court and about a fountain, of the flora of thecountry; also some pictures hung about the balcony, showing the principalplaces in the city of Guatemala and other large towns.

  "I feel a particular interest in Korea just at present," remarked GrandmaElsie as they left the Guatemalan Building, "and if entirely agreeable tothe rest of you, I should like, now, to look at their exhibit in theManufacturers' Building."

  "Yes, mother; it is in the southwestern part," returned Harold, leadingthe way. "The booth is small, but crowded with exhibits. The Korean RoyalCommissioner--with the singular name of Jeung Kiung Wow--has charge of it.

  "That is a funny name, uncle," laughed Ned.

  "And yet our names may have just as funny a sound to him," Violet said,smiling down at her little son.

  When they reached the Korean booth the first thing that attracted theirattention was the flag hanging from it. The captain was able to explainits design, and did so, the others listening with interest.

  "It represents the male and female elements of nature," he said. "You seeit is blue and yellow: the blue represents the heavenly, or male element,the yellow the earthly, or female. You see the heavens across the easternsea and they seem to lap over and embrace the earth, while the earth tolandward rises in lofty mountains and folds the heavens in its embrace,so making a harmonious whole. The four characters around the centralfigure represent the four points of the compass."

  They passed in and found a good many sights which interested them--bannersand lanterns, and bronze table and dinner set for one person, a cupboardwith dishes, a fire pot and tools, boots and shoes of leather, wood, andstraw; a kite and reel, a board on which is played a game resemblingchess, white and blue vases, and a very old brass cannon used in theAmerican attack on Korean forts in the seventies. Also there were bannershanging on the walls of the booth, and here and there stood screens, oneof which was hand-embroidered by the ladies of the palace.

  On dummies in the centre of the room were shown ancient warriors'costumes, the court dress of both a military and a civil official, and alady's dress for the dance. And in an upright glass case were shown anembroidered silk cushion, various dress fabrics, a lady's dress and alady's court dress and various articles of footgear.

  There was a map showing Korea and adjacent countries, and attached to itwas a paper headed, "Questions Answered."

  Mr. Dinsmore stood before it and read of them aloud:

  "Korea and Corea are both correct, but the former is preferred.

  "Korea is not a part of China, but is independent.

  "The Koreans do not speak the Chinese language, and their languageresembles neither the Chinese nor the Japanese.

  "Korea made treaties in 1882.

  "All the articles are owned by the government.

  "Korea has electric lights, steamships, telegraph, but no railroads.

  "Koreans live in comfortable houses, heated by flues under the floor.

  "Korean civilization is ancient and high; area one hundred thousand squaremiles; population sixteen million; climate like that of Chicago, countrymountainous, mineral wealth undeveloped, agricultural products chieflyrice, beans, wheat, and corn."

  "I am glad we came," remarked Rosie as they passed out of the booth, "forI know a good deal more about Korea than I did before, and find it a farmore interesting country than I had any idea that it was."

  The next visit was to the rotunda of the Government Building, where theyfound many mural paintings of famous incidents in American history andscenes in our largest cities, so that it was a good representation of ourwhole country.

  In the rotunda was a hollow section of one of the largest trees that growin the Maraposa grove of red woods in California. The interior wasbrilliantly lighted by means of incandescent lights, and a platform at thetop of the trunk was reached by an inside, winding stairway. The chamberwalls were covered with photographs showing the grove from which the treetrunk was cut, and how it was conveyed to the Fair and set up.

  There were besides eight alcoves in the rotunda, in which were manyarticles, Colonial relics--such as the pipe which Miles Standish smoked,the first Bible brought to this country, in 1620, the year of the landingof the Pilgrims--a piece of the torch Putnam used when he entered thewolf's cave, the fife of Benedict Arnold, and many another scarcely lessinteresting.

  "I think my two elder daughters have borne well the exertions of the day,"the captain remarked, with a smiling glance at them, as again they stoodupon the deck of the _Dolphin_.

  "Yes, father; thanks to your kind thoughtfulness in sending us so early tobed last night," returned Lucilla, with a grateful, loving look up intohis face. "The longer I live the more thoroughly convinced I am that youalways know what is best for me."

  "That is just my experience, Lu," laughed Violet, standing near, "and I'llventure to assert that Grace can say the same."

  "Indeed I can!" responded Grace heartily, "and it is a great satisfactionto have one so wise, kind, and good almost always at hand to decidedoubtful questions for you."

  "Tut! tut! I wonder if any other man was ever tried with so much grossflattery," exclaimed the captain in feigned displeasure.

  But at that moment others stepped upon the deck and their presence put anend to the bit of familiar family chat, Violet and her husband hasteningto welcome their guests; for among the arrivals were Annis and severalothers from Pleasant Plains, whom they had not seen for some days--itbeing an easy matter for friends to miss each other among the crowds andthe various buildings at the Fair; also Chester and Frank Dinsmore and Mr.Hugh Milburn, who had not been seen there before.

  "Why, how do you do, cousin? I did not know you had arrived in the city,"said Violet, offering her hand.

  "Very well, thank you. I arrived only last night," he said, "and was notable to hunt you up till now. Ah, father, Cousin Elsie,captain,"--shaking hands with each in turn--"it does one good to see allyour kind, pleasant faces."

  "And us to see yours," returned Violet. "But where are Ella and the boy?"

  "At home," he answered; "at least that's where I left them."

  "But why didn't you bring them along?" asked his father; "the bit laddieis not likely to have another chance to look at such sights as one may seehere to-day."

  "His mother thought him rather young for that, seeing he is not very faralong in his second year," replied Hugh, "nor could she be persuaded toleave him behind. He is a person of consequence in his mother's eyes, ismy little Ronald, if in no other."

  "Ah, I can understand that," laughed Violet. "But now, Cousin Hugh, youmust let me have the pleasure of introducing you to the cousins fromPleasant Plains."

  It was quite a gathering of relatives and friends, all weary enough withthe day's exertions in sight-seeing to enjoy resting in comfortable chairson the vessel's deck, while comparing notes as to their experiences sincecoming to the Fair; what each had seen and heard, what they were planningyet to see, some caring more especially for one class of curiosities,some for another.

  But hardly a half hour had passed when they were summoned to an excellentrepast, after which they again repaired to the deck, where they gatheredin groups and indulged in further chat.

  Grace was a little apart from the others, reclining in a steamer chair.

re you very, very tired, Gracie?" asked Walter, coming to her side.

  "Pretty tired," she answered, smiling up into his face. "Why? did you wantme to do anything?"

  "Oh, no! no, indeed! but I was just thinking that now that we have twoventriloquists here, we might have some fun--for so far as I know thefolks from Pleasant Plains don't know anything about the extraordinarypowers of Cousins Ronald and Hugh--and I hoped you weren't too tired toenjoy it."

  "I don't believe I am," she laughed; "and I think I shall enjoy it if papadoesn't send me to bed too soon. It was very good in you to think of me,Walter."

  "Was it, when you are the girl that always thinks of everybody else?"

  "Not always, Walter. I am afraid I very often think of myself first."

  "Do you? I never knew it before," he laughed; then hurrying to old Mr.Lilburn's side, whispered something in his ear.

  The old gentleman smiled, and gave a nod of assent. "I like to please you,laddie," he said in an undertone. "So does Hugh, and mayhap atween us wecan accomplish something worth while."

  "Oh, thank you," returned Walter. "I do think, cousin, that a little funwould do us all good. We've been dining heartily--at least I have--and Ithink a good laugh assists digestion."

  Hugh sat near, chatting with Captain Raymond. Walter now turned to himwith a whispered request which he seemed to grant as readily as his fatherhad the one made of him.

  At that Rosie and Lucilla, who were watching Walter with apparent interestin his proceedings, exchanged a glance of mingled amusement andsatisfaction, while Grace, whose eyes were following his movements,laughed softly to herself; for she was in the mood for a bit of fun, andsaw in all this the promise of some.

  "Dear me, what a lot o' folks! and all lookin' so comfortable-like.They've had a good dinner,--or supper, whichever they call it--you bet,Joe, while we're as hungry as bears," said a rough, masculine voice whichseemed to come from a spot close in Captain Raymond's rear.

  Before the sentence was half finished every other voice was hushed and alleyes were turned in the direction from which the sound seemed to come.Everyone was startled for an instant, but by the time the sentence wasfinished the captain looked perfectly calm and cool.

  "Who are you? and how did you come aboard the vessel?" he asked.

  "In the boat, sir; same as the rest o'e company," was the reply in thesame voice.

  "Without waiting for an invitation, eh?"

  "Humph! might 'a' missed it if we'd waited. Say, capting, are you meanenough to let us fellows go hungry when you have a vessel full o' goodthings for eatin'? To say nothing of a pocket full o' tin?"

  "If any would not work, neither should he eat," quoted the captain. "Whatwork have you two been about to-day?"

  "Same as yerself, sir; lookin' at the exhibits in this here big World'sFair."

  "Very well; you may go and ask the steward for some supper."

  A sound of retreating footsteps followed, and those of the guests who werenot in the secret looked about here and there in blank astonishment.

  "Well, really! am I going blind?" ejaculated young Percy Landreth, passinghis hand over his eyes in a bewildered way. "I couldn't see those fellowsat all."

  "Oh, no!" said Lucilla, "one can sometimes hear what one cannot see."

  But at that instant there was a "cluck, cluck," as of a hen which seemedto come from Annis' lap, and at which she sprang to her feet with a slightcry of astonishment and dismay, but seeing nothing, "Why, where is it?"she asked half breathlessly, and the "cluck, cluck," was repeatedapparently from behind the chair of her next neighbor, and immediatelyfollowed by a loud barking as if a dog were in chase of the chicken.

  "Oh!" exclaimed Annis, turning her eyes upon the elder Mr. Lilburn, "Ithink I know--I've heard----"

  But a warning gesture from Violet, whose face was full of amusement,stopped her, and she dropped into her chair again with a slight, mirthfullaugh and a look of relief and diversion.

  Percy saw it and suddenly comprehended pretty accurately what was goingon. Yet at the same moment he was startled and annoyed by a loud buzzingabout his ears as though a bee were flying round and round his head. Heput up his hand and tried to knock it away. Then it seemed to fly toChester and though he was not wholly unacquainted with the powers ofCousin Ronald and Hugh, he too involuntarily made an effort to dodge anddrive it away.

  Then the squeak of a mouse came from a reticule on Lucilla's lap, and thatso unexpectedly that she gave a little scream, at the same time springingto her feet, and throwing the reticule from her.

  At that her father laughed, and she picked it up again and reseatedherself with a slightly mortified air.

  "Let me get that mouse out for you, Lu," said Herbert, holding out hishand for the reticule; but scarcely were the words out of his mouth whenthe meow of a kitten, coming from his coat pocket, caused him to suddenlyand almost involuntarily clap his hand upon it.

  "Yes, Uncle Herbert, take the mouse out and give it to the cat," returnedLulu quickly, handing the reticule to him as she spoke.

  "Thank you," he returned laughingly, "but I really don't believe thecreature is hungry."

  "Oh, uncle, let me see that pussy!" cried Ned, running to him.

  "Put your hand into my pocket and try if you can find it," was thegood-humored reply, and Neddie at once availed himself of the permission.

  "Why, it isn't there!" he exclaimed. "How do you s'pose it got out?"

  "I'm inclined to think it never got in, Ned," said his uncle.

  "Oh, it's in mine!" cried the little fellow excitedly, and clapping hishand upon his pocket, as a pitiful meow seemed to come from it. "Why, Ican't feel it. Papa,"--running to him,--"please take it out, I can't."

  The captain took hold of the pocket. "You made a mistake, son; it isn'tthere. I feel nothing but your handkerchief and a few other little softarticles."

  "Why--why, how queer!" exclaimed the little fellow, "I was sure I heard itin there, papa. Oh, what is that?" as the squeal of a young pig seemed tocome from his father's pocket; but at that instant the loud and furiousbark of a big dog seemed to come from some place in his rear very near athand, and with a little cry of affright he made haste to climb upon hisfather's knee for protection, putting his arms about his neck and clingingtightly to him.

  But just then a loud cry came from below: "Help! help! these rascallyfellows are stealing the silver! Captain Raymond, sir, help, or they'llthrottle me!"

  At that the captain sprang to his feet, set Ned in his mother's lap, andhurried below, while the young men rose hastily to go to his assistance,even those of them who were well acquainted with Cousin Ronald's powers,thinking for an instant that the alarm was real. But a laugh of amusementfrom him and his son let them into the secret that it was but a falsealarm, the trick of a ventriloquist, and they resumed their seats ashastily as they had arisen from them.

  "Oh, oh," cried Ned, "I'm so afraid my dear papa will get hurt! UncleHarold and Uncle Herbert, won't you go and help papa fight those bad men?Please go quick! Oh, please do!"

  "Oh, no, Neddie, papa is so big and strong that he doesn't need any helpto make such fellows behave themselves," said Lucilla. "And here he comesall safe and sound," as the captain stepped upon the deck again.

  "Well, captain," said Grandma Elsie, looking up smilingly into his face ashe drew near, "did you catch the rogues?"

  "No, mother, I could not find the least trace of them," he answeredgravely. Then, turning to the elder Mr. Lilburn: "Cousin Ronald," heasked, "do you think you would know them if you were to see them?"

  "I know them, cousin captain!" exclaimed the old gentleman in well-feignedastonishment. "Can it be possible you mean to insinuate that I am theassociate of beggars and thieves?"

  "I mean no offence, sir," returned the captain with a twinkle of fun inhis eye, "but it sometimes happens that a very honest and honorable manmay be well acquainted with the appearance of some dastardly villain."

  "I'm no sich a character as that," snarled a rough voice t
hat seeminglycame from a part of the deck in Mr. Lilburn's rear, and sounded very muchlike the one which had demanded some supper a short time before, "an' Ihope it isn't me you're ameanin', fer I'm as honest an' decent a man asany in this crowd, ef I do say it, that shouldn't."

  "Who is that man? I couldn't see him the other time, and I can't see himnow," exclaimed little Elsie, gazing round in wide-eyed wonder; for shehad never quite understood Cousin Ronald's performances, and was muchpuzzled to comprehend all that was now being done and said.

  "I say, capting," cried another strange voice, it also coming apparentlyfrom an invisible speaker, "why upon airth don't you put that impidentcritter off the boat? I'd do it in a jiffy if 'twas me."

  "You have my permission to do so, sir," returned the captain, "but perhapshe will go presently of his own accord."

  "Hollo!" shouted a strange voice that seemed to come from the water nearat hand, and was followed immediately by the dip of an oar, "I say, what'sthe matter up there on that deck? If I was capting o' that yacht, thereshouldn't be no such goings on aboard it."

  "The impudence of the fellow!" exclaimed Lucilla, forgetting for themoment the presence of two ventriloquists, and, springing up, she wasabout to rush to the side of the vessel to get a sight of the boatman; buther father, turning toward her with a smile, laid a detaining hand on herarm, while at the same time he called out in good-humored tones:

  "Suppose you board us then, sir, and show what you can do."

  "Humph!" snarled the voice that seemed so near at hand, "you'd better tryit, old feller, whomsoever you be, but I bet you'll find me an' Joe heremore'n a match fer you."

  "Oh, Bill, I say, let's git out o' this!" exclaimed a third voice,apparently close at hand; "we've had our fill o' grub and might as wellmake ourselves scarce now."

  "All right, Joe," returned the voice of the first speaker; "we'll gitinter that feller's boat, and no doubt he'll take us ashore to git rid ofus."

  A sound as of retreating footsteps followed, then all was quiet.

  "Very well done, Cousin Ronald; one could almost see those fellows,"laughed the captain.

  "I couldn't see them, papa," said little Elsie. "I could only hear them.What was the reason?"

  "Suppose you ask Cousin Ronald," was her father's reply.

  "So you are a ventriloquist, sir?" remarked Percy Landreth, in a tonebetween assertion and enquiry, and giving the old gentleman a look ofmingled curiosity and amusement.

  "You think so, do you, sir? But why should I be suspected more than anyoneelse in this company of friends and relatives?" asked Cousin Ronald in aquiet tone.

  "Well, sir, it seems to me evident from all I have seen and heard. Allappear to look to you as one who is probably at the bottom of all thesemysterious doings."

  "No, not quite all, Percy," Violet said with a smile.

  "So there are two, are there?" queried Percy. "Then the other, I presume,is Mr. Hugh Lilburn."

  "O Percy!" cried Lucilla in half reproachful tones, "I wish you hadn'tfound out quite so soon; because it spoils the fun."

  "Oh, no, not quite, I think," he returned, "for I noticed that even thosewho must have been in the secret were occasionally taken by surprise."

  "Yes," she admitted with a laugh, "I did think for a moment that there wasa man calling to us from a boat down there on the lake, and that there wasa mouse in my reticule."