Page 1 of Reed

  Reed is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  A Loveswept Ebook Original

  Copyright (c) 2018 by Sawyer Bennett Excerpt from Marek by Sawyer Bennett copyright (c) 2018 by Sawyer Bennett All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States by Loveswept, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York.

  LOVESWEPT is a registered trademark and the LOVESWEPT colophon is a trademark of Penguin Random House LLC.

  This book contains an excerpt from the forthcoming book Marek by Sawyer Bennett. This excerpt has been set for this edition only and may not reflect the final content of the forthcoming edition.

  Ebook ISBN 9780399178405

  Cover design: Lynn Andreozzi

  Cover photograph: Ollyy/Shutterstock





  Title Page


  Chapter 1: Reed

  Chapter 2: Josie

  Chapter 3: Reed

  Chapter 4: Josie

  Chapter 5: Reed

  Chapter 6: Josie

  Chapter 7: Reed

  Chapter 8: Josie

  Chapter 9: Reed

  Chapter 10: Josie

  Chapter 11: Reed

  Chapter 12: Josie

  Chapter 13: Reed

  Chapter 14: Josie

  Chapter 15: Reed

  Chapter 16: Josie

  Chapter 17: Reed

  Chapter 18: Josie

  Chapter 19: Reed

  Chapter 20: Josie

  Chapter 21: Reed

  Chapter 22: Josie

  Chapter 23: Reed

  Chapter 24: Josie

  Chapter 25: Reed

  Chapter 26: Josie

  Chapter 27: Reed

  Chapter 28: Josie

  By Sawyer Bennett

  About the Author

  Excerpt from Marek

  Chapter 1


  "We are so good together, baby," she pants from underneath me. "The paparazzi got some amazing shots of us tonight, and your silver tie complemented my dress wonderfully."

  A bead of sweat trickles down my temple as I start to drive deeper.



  Anything to get her to stop talking. How in the fuck she can have coherent thoughts when her ankles are resting on my shoulders is beyond me. I sure as hell can't think straight. Nothing past getting her off so I can tumble after.

  "I'm going to Fiji next week," she tells me in staccato bursts, each word popping out of her mouth to match my thrusts. "You should come with--"

  Fuck this.

  I pull out, flip her over, and draw her up to her hands and knees. I drive back in and am rewarded with a long moan in return that seems to go on and on and on.

  Finally. Her yammering has given way to the sounds of pleasure, and I can get back in the game.

  One hand on her hip, the other on her shoulder to hold her steady, I give it to her hard. She told me that's what she likes, but fuck if you'd know that by the way she was trying to carry on a conversation.

  This position seems to work, and all talk of a trip to Fiji seems to be forgotten. As my breath starts coming out faster and my balls tighten, her moans turn into screams.

  Sharp, piercing, eye-watering screams. The type that make me think my ears are bleeding, and I suddenly long for her to start talking again.

  I consider for a brief moment slapping my hand over her mouth, but thankfully she lets out one last bloodcurdling shriek as she starts to come. Probably more from relief her screams will stop than from anything else, I go ahead and let loose, one last thrust, and I have a lukewarm orgasm at best.

  Flopping to the mattress beneath me, I'm boggled when she turns over and says, "Like I was saying, you should come to Fiji with me. I'm doing a swimsuit shoot and..."

  She keeps talking but I stop listening. Jesus, when did casual sex get to be so difficult? It makes me wonder if celibacy and the palm of my hand isn't the better option. I roll off the mattress and pull the condom off. I notice her sit up on the bed, her mouth still moving as words pour out. I stare at her, and I just don't hear a word.

  With a sigh, I head into my bathroom, where I ditch the condom in the toilet and flush. Bracing with my hands on the vanity, I lean forward and take a good, hard look at myself in the mirror.

  I don't look like a guy who just had some amazing sex with a supermodel.

  Well, yes, she's a supermodel, but the sex was mediocre at best.

  Fuck...maybe I'm getting tired of sex. I sure hope to God I'm not, because I really don't want to be celibate.

  "Reed," she calls out from my bedroom. "I'm going to grab some water out of the kitchen. Want some?"

  "Yeah," I call back, although I really don't. I want to go to sleep in my bed.

  By myself.

  I want to sleep in and be lazy tomorrow. It is, after all, the start of my summerlong vacation. It's what a hockey player does when he just won the Stanley Cup. Not a fucking worry or responsibility other than trying to stay in shape.

  My doorbell ringing startles me from staring at myself in the mirror.

  What in the hell? It's past 1 A.M.

  Walking back through my bedroom, I snag my jeans from the floor and slip them on. My master bedroom is on the second floor, so I make it down the stairs and to the foyer just as the bell is ringing again.

  Without looking through the peephole, I swing the door open and stare dumbfounded at a petite brunette woman on my porch. I note she's wearing pajamas. Pale blue cotton pants and a matching T-shirt that while somewhat baggy can't hide the fact she's got a nice pair of tits. I also note that her long hair is a tangled mess and she looks cranky.

  "Can I help you?" I ask her as I stand on the threshold, holding the door halfway open.

  At that same moment, warm hands slide around my stomach from behind and I feel a naked body pressed up to my backside. A bottle of water appears in front of me from an elegantly manicured hand and she whispers in my ear, "Here you go, baby."

  I take the bottle but don't spare her a glance, instead watching as the brunette on my porch narrows her eyes at me.

  "Yes, you can help me," she says in a husky, raspy voice, and I wonder if that's her normal voice or her "I just woke up" voice. She points a finger at the woman clinging to my back. "You can put a muzzle on Screaming Barbie there. Her shrieks are enough to wake up the dead, so you can bet your sweet ass they woke me up."

  "Why, you bitch," Screaming Barbie screeches from behind me, but I ignore her. I concentrate instead on not laughing.

  "I take it you're my neighbor," I tell the dark-haired woman in an apologetic tone. It's true...those screams would wake up the dead. It doesn't help that my town home is built right up against hers, and since the master bedrooms on these floor plans take up the back half of the second story, that means my bedroom sits adjacent to hers.

  "We haven't had the pleasure of meeting formally, but yes, I just moved in a few weeks ago."

  I have to marvel at the way she ignores the naked woman behind me who just called her a bitch. Her eyes don't even stray from mine once.

  I stick my hand out to her. "Reed Olson."

  She surprises me by shaking my hand. "Josie Ives."

  She's got a strong grip, and I like that. It tells me she's a confident woman, which I find to be a tremendously sexy quality. And yes, I know I'm a douche for having Screaming Barbie attached to my back while checking out this woman whom I happened to wake up with some very loud sex.

  "I can't believe you'd come ov
er here, calling me names, and now you have the gall to shake his hand," Screaming Barbie says, and I have to call her that because fuck if I can remember her name right this very minute. I know I knew it when we had dinner, but it's completely gone right now. After my neighbor nicknamed her, that's all I can picture her as.

  Josie still doesn't even acknowledge her, keeping her eyes pinned on me. "Listen," she says as she releases my hand with a sigh. "I'm sorry to be a bitch, but I just came off a thirty-six-hour shift and I'm exhausted. Can you just keep it down a little?"

  "Thirty-six-hour shift?" I ask curiously as I manage to pull away from the angry blonde behind me. I lean an arm against the doorjamb and cross one ankle casually over the other.

  "I'm an ER doctor," she explains. "And despite how tired I am, I'm still a really light sleeper."

  "Well, my apologies," I tell her sincerely with a slight bow of my head. "I think I've got a ball gag in one of my drawers I'll use the next time."

  I'm completely fucking bowled over when Josie laughs, ignoring another screech of indignation from the woman behind me. Two deep dimples pucker just outside of Josie's full lips, and her eyes dance with amusement.

  She inclines her head at me and says, "Appreciate it, neighbor."

  And then she turns and trots down the porch steps to the sidewalk. I watch with an amused smile on my face as she turns left, walks ten paces, and jogs up the matching steps to her own veranda-style porch. I live in a townhouse in a very wealthy and exclusive area of North Raleigh. I bought this home because it was gorgeous, with custom interior upgrades and an Old Charleston feel to the neighborhood. The units are three stories with veranda porches at the entry level as well as the top level, where the master bedroom is. There's a basement below where my man cave is set up.

  I watch Josie all the way until she walks through her front door, even leaning out my door just a little until she's out of sight. A total little hottie in her own right, and I admire her spirit.

  "Reed," the blonde whines as she tugs on the waistband of my jeans, and I suddenly remember her name is Natasha. "That was just rude."

  With a sigh, I step back into my foyer and shut the door. Turning to Natasha, I can't help but admire her naked beauty before me. She's tall, which is my preference, with a small waist and huge tits...also my preference. I tend to date models, and her blond hair is also to my taste. Total opposite of the petite, curvy, and dark-haired doctor just on my doorstep.

  "I'm feeling horny," Natasha pouts sexily as she steps into me. "I need more."

  I try not to wince at the prospect of her potential screams, so I ask her instead, "How do you feel about ball gags?"

  Her expression is blank for a moment, and then her eyes narrow at me as she gets the implication. "Seriously?"

  "I'm just saying," I tell her with my hands held up. "They can be sexy. A total turn-on. And we won't piss off my neighbors."

  "I'll have you know many men enjoy my screams and what I do to get there," she huffs out, completely offended.

  "Many men?" I ask her slyly, to throw the heat off myself.

  "Well, I'm choosy," she starts to backpedal. "I'm not a whore, I'll have you know."

  "Never said you were," I tell her blandly.

  "I can be quiet," she murmurs, then licks her lips as she steps back into me. "I promise."

  I study her face for a moment, taking in the heavy makeup she's still wearing and the fact her hair looks as perfect as it did when the evening first started. I'm guessing that's the miracle of hair spray at work. My gaze cuts down to her breasts, which are so huge they look like giant balloons. They're also overly firm, which attests to the large amount of fluid her plastic surgeon used to fill her implants.

  "Actually," I tell her gently, "how about we get you dressed and I'll get you back home. I'm ready to call it a night."

  "But I thought I'd stay all night," she pouts with her lower lip stuck way too far out for a grown woman.

  Hell, I'd thought she'd stay all night too.

  But I'm not feeling it now, even with a ball gag. My dick has zero interest right now. Screaming Barbie just isn't doing it for me anymore tonight.

  Chapter 2



  I settle back into my poolside lounge chair, and with a sigh I close my eyes. I came off a hellacious shift at the hospital, and some rest and relaxation at our neighborhood pool is just the ticket. The town home I bought is swank, and my first real use of the type of money an ER doctor can make. It's in a gated community and there's hardly anyone here during the weekday, so I try to take advantage of it as much as I can.

  The relaxation lasts for all of about three minutes before I can feel something blocking out the hot June sun on my skin. I crack an eye and see the outline of a tall, well-built man standing over me with rays of sunshine shooting out in all directions from the edges.

  "These chairs taken?" I hear Reed's voice and I crack the other eye open.

  Sitting up, I hold my hand over my eyes to block the sun a little, and his face comes into focus. He points to the two chairs beside me and raises an eyebrow.

  "," I say hesitantly, and then sweep my gaze around the pool. There's only a handful of people here and probably two dozen chairs open and available spread around.

  "Cool," he says as he throws a towel down on the chair nearest to me, and another towel on the one next to it. "Got a friend joining me. She's still in the house doing whatever it is girls do to get ready to go to the pool."

  "Let me guess," I say dryly as I nod to the chairs. "Blond hair, stacked, and wearing a string bikini?"

  Reed grins down at me a moment before taking the chair next to me. "You shouldn't stereotype."

  "You have a type," I say as I shrug and then lie back down again.

  "A type?"

  Rolling my head, I put my hand back to my forehead to shield the sun so I can look at him. "Yeah...a type. You have it bad for Barbie."

  His grin doesn't lessen and there's amusement in his eyes. "Oh, enlighten me then."

  "I already did," I quip, and then repeat. "Blond, tall, big boobs."

  "How would you know that?" he asks, still highly amused with me.

  "Because I'm a trained ER doctor and I've got amazing powers of observation," I reply lightly. "Since meeting you two weeks ago when I had to ask you to muzzle Screaming Barbie, I've seen a revolving door of them. Let's see...there was Carbie Barbie, who was so skinny I bet she only eats lettuce. And then Fashionista Barbie, who looked like she walked off the pages of Vogue, and then--"

  "You have something against fashion?" he interrupts me.

  "When you wear scrubs as your basic outfit, it's just not that important to me."

  "Okay," he says as he nods at me solemnly. "That's Carbie Barbie and Fashionista Barbie. Who else?"

  "Well, that's all I saw, but I'm sure there were others. I've never seen the same one twice."

  "You're totally sort of stalkerish," Reed points out.

  I snort in return. "Puh-leeze."

  "Now that the Barbie conversation is over," he says as he leans back into his chair, propping his feet up on the bottom, "tell me more about what you do."

  Rolling my head back, I close my eyes against the sun but continue the conversation. "Let's see. Went to medical school and residency at Duke, and now I'm at Raleigh Memorial Hospital."

  "Where are you from originally?" he asks, and I can tell by the lazy drawl to his voice he's probably got his eyes closed in relaxation as well while we talk.

  "California," I tell him. "How about you?"

  "Minnesota," he replies. "Tell me something unusual about yourself."

  I can't help the involuntary curve of my lips. Here this guy--and let me clarify, an insanely gorgeous and well-built guy who has loud, passionate sex next door to me--is asking me about my personal life.


  "I'm addicted to puzzles," I tell him. "I've always got one going on my kitchen table."

nbsp; "Oh yeah?" My eyes stay closed and my face pointed toward the sun, but I can imagine him lying there doing the same with a pleasant smile on his face.

  "Jigsaw puzzles," I clarify. "Helps to slow my brain down after I get off work. It's how I unwind."

  "Interesting," he says, and the tone of his voice sounds...really interested.

  My head turns and my eyes pop open to look at him, and I see he's scrutinizing me. His eyes are half closed against the sunshine, but it's not enough that I can't see the green-gold of his hazel eyes surrounded by thick lashes. did I not notice those eyes that night?

  Probably because I was so pissed.

  "I need some help, Reed," a voice pitched slightly high says from the foot of the chairs. Both our heads turn that way and I'm looking at another Barbie doll. She has to be at least six feet tall, which still makes her shorter than Reed. Her bikini is miniscule...scraps of fabric barely covering her goods. Her waist is tiny and her stomach flat, and it causes me to suck mine in a little. Of course, I'm wearing a conservative one-piece black bathing suit, so it's probably not necessary.

  Just reactionary.

  Barbie holds out a bottle of suntan lotion to Reed as she cheerily says, "Can you put some on me?"

  Reed pushes up from the chair and takes the bottle. "I thought you'd already put this on at the house."

  "I was going to," she says in a light, fluffy voice that is sugary and sweet and breathy all at the same time. "But the bottle said for external use only, so I figured I better wait until we get out here."

  My jaw drops and my eyes slide over to Reed. His gaze cuts to mine, and although his facial muscles hardly twitch, I can see the effort he makes not to laugh.

  He looks back to Barbie and tells her gently, "That just means to use on your body. Not to ingest it."

  "Ingest?" Her head tilts to the side and her eyes sparkle with curiosity over his meaning.

  "Eat it," he clarifies.

  "Oooohhhh," she drawls out in slow understanding. "Oh gosh, that was so silly of me to think it meant outside."

  Reed ducks his head and I have to bite the inside of my cheek. My face smooths out very quickly, though, when he says, "Kiki, this is Josie."