Page 25 of Notorious

  “I shall order you both. Remember to curb your elation in front of your other ladies and the servants. You must pretend complete indifference when you hear the news.”

  As Brianna left the queen’s apartment, all she could think about was finding a way to let Wolf Mortimer know his father was free. He will be jubilant!

  She walked down to the Lower Ward and knocked on Simon Deveril’s door. He opened it and she stepped inside.

  “Simon, everything must have gone according to plan. The staff who arrived from London this morning brought the news that Mortimer has escaped from the Tower!”

  “God be praised,” he said solemnly.

  “We must get word to Wolf…and his brother of course. If you see them in the mess hall, send a signal—a thumbs-up sign would be enough to convey the message.”

  “I won’t be seeing Wolf, Lady Brianna. All four of them disappeared in the night.” Deveril’s face broke into a grin. “With the aid of some well-placed horses Rickard provided.”

  Brianna was stunned. “They’re gone?”

  “Wolf decided it was the expedient thing to do. Once the king learned of Roger’s escape, he could use threats against his sons, to lure him back into the trap.”

  “Of course. Edward and Despencer wouldn’t hesitate to throw them in the Tower and use them as bait.” Her hand went to her throat. “The moment Captain Colby finds them gone, he’ll sound the alarm and scour the countryside for them.”

  “He’ll be looking for four men, but they won’t stick together. They planned to ride their separate ways. They got a good head start—they left at two this morning.”

  “Do you think they will flee to France?”

  “France, Wales, Ireland…anywhere but England, I warrant.”

  “Thank you, Simon. Thank you for helping them.”

  As Brianna walked back to her own chamber, she felt dazed. All her joy was seeping away, and in its place she felt an overwhelming sense of loss.

  Back in her room she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and realized she was still wearing the clothes she’d had on yesterday. She removed them, washed herself, put on fresh garments, and began to listlessly brush her hair.

  What the devil is the matter with me? I should be elated that Mortimer’s sons and the de Bohun brothers are no longer captives. An hour ago, I was ecstatic to learn that Roger had escaped from the Tower, yet now my heart is heavy with despair.

  “Wolf.” She whispered his name.

  “I may never see you again.”

  The thought was unendurable. She felt lost and empty inside.

  “I cannot bear to lose you!”

  Suddenly, her heart began to thud and her pulse became wildly erratic. “Shadow. You wouldn’t leave without Shadow!”

  Chapter 21

  “I must get to Chertsey before it’s too late!”

  Brianna hurried to the stables and saddled Venus. She told no one where she was going, nor did she ask the queen for permission to leave. She had only one thought, one goal, and it blocked out everything else. I must get to Chertsey before it’s too late.

  Brianna rode the seven miles at full gallop. All manner of doubts assailed her. What if he hadn’t gone to Chertsey? Or, if by some miracle he had, would he be long gone before she arrived? She tried to banish her doubts, for with each successive mile her need to see Wolf Mortimer grew stronger.

  When she arrived at the castle, the hour was still early. She slid from the saddle and led her horse into the stables.

  “Wolf!” She cried out his name, overjoyed to see him, praying that he was real and not an apparition. “You’re here!”

  “I was waiting for you…I hoped you’d come.” His dark face, usually so fierce, broke into a grin.

  The sight of him made her giddy. She deliberately slid her betrothal ring from her finger and slipped it into her saddlebag. “He did it! He escaped from the Tower!” She ran into his arms and he picked her up and swung her about. They were both laughing and so filled with joy they were euphoric. Suddenly the world seemed an enchanted place and Chertsey Castle the most glorious spot on earth because they were there together.

  Shadow, who had been at Wolf’s side when Brianna came into the stables, stretched her head back and let out a rejoicing howl. The elemental cry sent them off into another paroxysm of laughter and Brianna clung to Wolf so she wouldn’t fall down.

  Brianna sobered for a moment and wiped away tears of mirth. “Shadow is exultant that you are free, and so am I.”

  “Let’s spend the day together. We can have a wild ride through the forest and let her hunt.”

  “Yes, just the three of us. There’s nothing I would rather do, nowhere I would rather be than here with you.”

  “You haven’t eaten.”

  “Not for days. Have you?”

  He shook his head. “I was waiting for you.” He took her hand. “Come on.”

  Suddenly, the thought of having breakfast together, sharing food, filled her with delight. “Have you met Mrs. Croft, the steward’s wife?”

  “I met them both around three this morning. I didn’t have to waken them—apparently Shadow did that, padding about and howling like a lunatic. Her wild instincts told her I was coming.”

  Just as your wild instincts told you I was coming. “Didn’t the castle guard stop you?”

  He grinned down at her. “Eluding guards is my favorite game.”

  Her eyes sparkled with admiration. “The Mortimers do it so well.”

  “We do everything well,” he assured her.

  “Cocksure Welsh devil!”

  “And then some.” His gray eyes lit with amusement.

  “It’s good to see you laugh. You are usually so stark and fierce, you frighten me.”

  “Little liar.” He drew her fingers to his lips. “You are afraid of neither man nor beast.” He growled deep in his throat and pretended to bite her.

  She laughed up at him, delighted that he could be playful.

  When they entered the kitchen, Mrs. Croft beamed. “Lady Brianna, Shadow’s master told me to expect you. Sit down and eat, everything’s ready.”

  She served them oatmeal porridge with rich cream and golden syrup. She also set a platter of gammon ham, poached eggs, and lamb sweetbreads on the table, along with hot baked scones and freshly churned butter. Then she brought them a jug of ale and had the grace to disappear, so they could relish the food and savor each other’s company in private.

  Brianna poured cream on her oatmeal. “Shadow’s master? Mrs. Croft hasn’t the faintest notion who you are.”

  He dipped the spoon in the syrup and ladled it on her porridge. “She thinks we are lovers, and this a secret rendezvous.”

  Their gazes met. “Don’t take that away,” she said breathlessly. “I like to lick the spoon.”

  He held it to her lips and smiled into her eyes. “Lick away.”

  The very air was charged with anticipation. Her thoughts became sensual, her senses heightened. The sound of his deep, lyrical voice was like haunting music. The taste of the syrup was ambrosia on her tongue, and the smell of the hot baked scones aroused her hunger for food and for something more. She suddenly had a tactile urge to touch things and experience what they felt like. Her glance roamed over the dark shadow on Wolf’s cheeks and she wanted to run her fingertips across the prickle of his jaw. Her gaze lowered to the open neck of his black shirt and her fingers itched to feel the rough linen and slide inside to stroke his darkly tanned skin.

  Wolf had a healthy man’s appetite and she enjoyed watching him eat. She was aware that he seldom took his eyes from her, and whenever she stopped eating, he fed her with his fingers. His offerings tasted so delicious, she licked her lips, then licked his fingers too. He poured ale into a goblet and they shared it like a loving cup. Brianna smiled a secret smile. She heard the echo of her mother’s wise words and at last she was beginning to understand: The heart wants what it wants.

  Finally, he pushed away from the table and
held out his hand. “The day promises to be glorious. Are you ready to ride out?”

  “It would be my great pleasure.” She put her hand in his and they returned to the stables where Shadow awaited them. When he lifted her into the saddle, the feel of his powerful hands sent a frisson of longing through her body, making her shiver.

  She watched him saddle a black horse and realized it was a Warwick animal from Flamstead. “His name is Drago—Celtic for dragon.” A warm blush tinted her cheek as she remembered the dragon on his thigh.

  He smiled, knowing exactly what had prompted the blush. “Drago is a superb horse. I will take good care of him and promise to return him someday.”

  “Keep him, if you think him worthy.”

  “You give with a generous heart.”

  She watched as he swung a long, powerful leg across the rump of the stallion and mounted with one lithe movement that kept his back ramrod straight and his head erect. His black hair fell to his shoulders and his face looked more regal than any king’s. When he stood in the stirrups, she knew he was going to give her a run for her money.

  The summer day was heavenly. The color of the grass and the trees was so brilliantly green it hurt the eyes. Shadow loped before them as they thundered across a meadow of deep clover, sending clouds of butterflies dancing on the breeze.

  As they approached the forest, Wolf watched Brianna, and his heart lifted as she rode full out, never hesitating over imagined dangers that might lie ahead. He knew that was part of why he was irresistibly attracted to her. He had a deep love of wild creatures like hawks, and bobcats, and wolves because they could never be fully tamed. If you could earn their trust, it was a prize to cherish.

  They rode from the trees into a forest clearing so fast they startled a roebuck with a full set of antlers. It poised majestically before leaping away. For the thrill of the chase they thundered after it, their hair streaming behind them like banners on the wind.

  They lost the stag and, laughing, slowed their pace. Suddenly, the smile was wiped from Wolf’s face. He vaulted from the saddle and snatched up an iron trap that had been set beneath a tree. He smashed it against the oak’s trunk until it was completely destroyed.

  His face and his demeanor turned so fierce, she was momentarily afraid. Then she realized he must hate them with a vengeance because both he and his father had been entrapped. His good humor returned when he caught a glimpse of Shadow streaking through the trees, intent on some quarry she had marked as hers.

  He took hold of Venus’s bridle and led the two horses toward a stream so they could drink. He held up his arms for Brianna and without hesitation she came down into them with an eagerness that made her wildly beautiful. He held her against his heart and brushed his lips across the fiery tendrils that curled at her temples. Then he set her feet to the ground and handclasped they walked along the stream to where it widened into a forest pool.

  Wolf stretched himself in the long grass beside the water and pulled her down beside him. They lay prone, their bodies touching, and gazed down into the pool. They were mesmerized by their reflections and smiled into each other’s eyes. They were so at one with nature, their spirits touched and merged.

  Wolf rolled onto his back and pulled her over him in the dominant position. Her red-gold hair cascaded down onto his chest and he took off his shirt so he could feel it whispering against his skin. They needed no words to communicate. Both wanted to rid themselves of the impediment of their clothes and enjoy being nude together as nature had made them. Laughing, they stripped off their garments and when they were naked, they gazed at each other enraptured.

  He worshipped her with his eyes, missing no finest detail of her vibrant beauty. Her disheveled red-gold hair cloaked her shoulders and wispy tendrils curled possessively about her lush, high-thrusting breasts.

  Slowly, his gaze moved lower, over her delicate rib cage to her waist and her satin-smooth belly. His glance followed the curve of her hip to her long, slim legs and fine-boned ankles, then moved back up to her soft thighs and the fiery curls that sat atop her high mons.

  Brianna gazed at his impossibly wide shoulders and the rippling muscles of his powerful chest. Inexorably, her eyes were drawn down across his flat belly to the dragon that adorned his thigh. As he flexed a muscle, it grew larger and flicked its fiery tongue. Her avid glance sought his manhood that thrust up proudly from its nest of black curls. Her natural curiosity tempted her to reach out and touch him and his cock bucked beneath her fingers. Her glance flew to his and she laughed into his fierce gray eyes.

  “I once dreamed that I was Shadow and you were a black wolf who lured me from my den,” she said.

  “We ran together faster and faster, in a wild frenzy of joy, relishing our freedom, ecstatic that we had found each other.”

  “But it was my dream, not yours.”

  “It was our dream, Brianna…I sent it to you to gratify our secret desires. We came upon a clearing in the heart of the forest.”

  Brianna gazed about her in wonder. “This was the clearing.” She felt the primal heat of arousal in her belly. “We mated here.”

  “We did. But that was only a wishful dream, Brianna. The reality is far more complicated.” He knelt before her and pulled her down to face him. “At this moment, more than anything in the world, we want to make love to each other. I want you for a lifetime, but I cannot have you. I am a fugitive with not a stick or a stone to my name. I cannot offer you marriage. You are the daughter of an earl and I am nothing.”

  “To me, you are everything. My father is wealthy—he would give us a castle and land, but I know your towering pride and I’d not insult you by offering it. I don’t care that you cannot give me marriage. I love you! We cannot control love. It controls us. The heart wants what it wants.” Every female instinct told her that if she did not seize this moment, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

  “This short time together is all we have. I’m willing to grab it if you are, Wolf, and consider myself the most fortunate female alive to be loved by you.”

  “Your love is precious to me.”

  “I give it with a generous heart.”

  He enfolded her in his arms and they lay back in the tall grass. His lips touched her face and began their slow seduction. He kissed her temple, and brushed his lips along her eyebrow. When she lowered her lashes, he very gently kissed her eyelid. His tongue traced along her cheekbone, and then finally his lips captured hers. He kissed her for an hour—gentle kisses, soft kisses, short quick kisses, and slow, lingering kisses that melted her very bones.

  She became aware of the scent of the man who held her—leather, horse, male flesh. She felt his breath upon her skin and knew she wanted Wolf Mortimer more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. She opened her mouth to his seeking tongue and surrendered herself to her need for him.

  He cupped her bare breast with the palm of his hand and stroked over her nipple with his rough thumb.

  She gasped as a frisson of purest pleasure shot from her nipple, spiraling down through her belly to her woman’s core. As Wolf’s hand continued to fondle and caress her, the rippling sensations of desire increased. His hands stroked down her body and the fiery touch of his fingers on her naked flesh almost scalded her. She clung to him, loving the taste, the smell, and the feel of him as she pressed her soft curves against the hard length of his body. The crisp hair on his chest abraded the sensitive tips of her breasts, and she dug her nails into his shoulders, reeling from the delicious roughness.

  Wolf moved over her, straddling her hips, and looked into her lovely, soft brown eyes. “My sweetheart, this will hurt.”

  “I know,” she said breathlessly, “I welcome it.”

  He stroked his palm down across her belly and cupped her mons. He watched her eyes turn smoky with feral need as she arched her hot center into his hand. His fingers felt her wetness start and he knew he could wait no longer. He positioned the head of his phallus against her cleft, and with one po
werful stroke, thrust through her hymen. Then he held absolutely still.

  He watched her closely. If the pain became too much, he would withdraw. But to his amazement and delight, after her initial cry of pain she arched her body up to meet his, fiercely, sweetly, trusting him to bring her exquisite, heart-stopping pleasure. Clearly, Brianna loved his fullness inside her and yielded her body generously as he slowly slid in and out of her satin sheath.

  They both moaned at the unbelievable pleasure they gave each other. She was tight and scalding hot and her passion matched his own. As he felt the brush of her thighs against his own, fire snaked through his loins. They moved in an undulating rhythm that made him think of hot, rippling silk.

  Brianna experienced a budding, a blooming, as if some rare exotic flower inside her opened its petals wide to receive him. Unfurling, uncurling, she arched against him until suddenly the blossom deep inside exploded and splintered into a million fragments. She cried out his name. “Wolf! Wolf!”

  He withdrew before he allowed himself to spend. Her fulfillment was reward enough for him. He would not take the chance of getting her with child. He enfolded her in his arms and held her against his heart. They lay entwined, their heartbeats thudding against each other, conjoined as if they were one being. “I love you, Brianna.” Love was all he had to give and he prayed that love would be enough.

  With his lips buried in the warm hollow of her throat, they drifted to the edge of sleep in a blissful cocoon where only they dwelled and the rest of the world didn’t exist. After an hour, Wolf kissed her awake. Invigorated, and laughing like children, they slipped into the forest pool and swam together. Now the joyous experience of their lovemaking was added to the euphoria of the Mortimers’ escape, and their spirits overflowed with happiness.

  As the afternoon shadows grew long, they dressed, and Wolf whistled for Shadow. When she arrived, he mounted Drago and lifted Brianna before him. Venus followed willingly as they returned to the castle. None seeing the pair together could doubt that they were bound lovers, impatient for nightfall so they could claim each other again.