Page 19 of Hard and Fast

  Brad’s path hadn’t been as easy as Tony thought, but there was no point in saying so.

  “Willing to take a test and prove you’re clean?” she asked.

  Tony didn’t hesitate. “Yeah. I’ll test.”

  “Good,” she said. “I suggest we go to your coach today because Jack will act immediately. Get tested. Tomorrow morning I’ll print the story along with a copy of the negative results, provided we get approval from everyone involved to print them. That will shut down any and all doubt. Tomorrow isn’t my feature day but I’m sure my boss will clear some space for this.”

  Brad ran his hand over his jaw. “Have him clear double. Might as well spill my news at the same time.” He turned to Tony. “I’m glad you’re clean. I know using must be tempting when you’re so close to a record.”

  “You have no idea,” Tony murmured, almost as if he were speaking to himself. “I just want this to go away.”

  “We’ll make it go away,” Amanda assured him. “I need to shower and change. One of you want to call me once you’ve talked to the coach?”

  “I’ll call Coach,” Brad said. “And I’ll let you know the time.”

  She pushed to her feet. “See you both soon.”

  “Amanda,” Tony said, his voice low but intense.

  She faced him. “Yes?”

  “Thank you.”

  Her expression was serious. “Thank me by getting that record at tomorrow’s game.”

  Tony grinned. “You have my word.”

  THIRTY MINUTES AFTER her meeting with Brad and Tony, Amanda stepped into the shower. The hot water streamed over her face, and now that she was alone, she could process all that she’d been through this morning.

  At some point she’d lost her room key, which necessitated an ordeal at the front desk to get a replacement. She’d barely walked through her door when she’d received a call from L.A. Woman again offering her a job. This time with added incentives. Apparently, their feature on Amanda had generated tons of response from readers.

  The new incentives included the freedom to write about whatever she wanted as long as the subject appealed to their readers. Sports were fine, but that would not be her exclusive focus. However, they did want her to host an online sports blog. She’d be free to spread her wings and make her features unique, and she’d be able to work from home. The kicker was a substantial increase in pay.

  She’d be crazy not to take it.

  Amanda had asked for a few days to consider the offer, thankful they’d been willing to wait. Of course, she should take the job. No more Jack Ass. No more careers to ruin for the sake of a story. No more facing Brad. So why was she hesitating?

  Leaning forward, Amanda allowed the warm water to pour over her head, neck and shoulders. She squeezed her eyes shut against the images in her mind. Images of showering with Brad, of his hands turning her inside out with need.

  The curtain moved behind her. “Amanda.”

  Amanda’s eyes went wide as Brad joined her. “How’d you get in here?”

  “I knocked and you didn’t answer.”

  “That still doesn’t explain how you got in here.”

  “You dropped your key and I grabbed it. I kind of hoped it was an invitation.”

  “I didn’t even know I dropped it.”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  Amanda blinked, unable to find words. Lord help her, she knew she should tell him to leave before he frazzled her emotions any more than he already had. But she couldn’t seem to muster the will to send him away.

  “No,” she whispered. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  Before she even finished her sentence, Brad’s strong arms surrounded her. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve acted. Forgive me.”

  Her palms settled on the width of his chest. “You don’t owe me an apology. We promised each other nothing.”

  “Let’s change that,” he said. “Take a shower with me every day, Amanda.”

  “What?” Amanda could hardly breathe as the fear of being hurt took hold. She shook her head. “Don’t say things like that.”

  His hands framed her face. “Take a shower with me every day. I know your job complicates things, but somehow we’ll figure it out. I need you, Amanda. Like I’ve never needed anyone.”

  She could barely believe she was hearing this. She stared into his eyes and found sincerity. Everything inside her warmed and emotions forced themselves to the surface. “I want to believe you.”

  “I’ll show you how much. No matter how long it takes, Amanda. I’ll show you.”

  His mouth came down on hers, kissing her with passion. Amanda leaned into him, not willing to think about the future, or even the past. Only this moment.

  He whispered her name and then deepened the kiss. The long, hard length of his arousal settled between her legs. Brad lifted her, hands around her backside, positioning her against the far wall. When he set her back down, he held on to one of her legs, wrapping it around his hip. He kissed her as he slid into her willing body, sinking deep. He braced one hand on the wall above her head, anchoring them as they started to move together. This wasn’t the wild passion they’d often experienced. This was slow, sensual lovemaking.

  Their hips rocked in unison, a tantalizing dance matching the long, hot strokes of their tongues. She explored every inch of his delicious torso. Beneath her palms he flexed, taut skin over sexy muscle. She couldn’t get enough of him and pressed her body tight to his, her nipples nestled in the soft hair of his chest. If she could have climbed under his skin, she would have.

  He responded to her silent demands, settling his hands on her backside, and angled her hips to take him deeper and deeper. She gasped with the heavy strokes of his cock teasing the sweetest of places. Her actions begged for more, begged him not to stop.

  Murmuring his name, she kissed his shoulder, his neck. She buried her face there, clinging to him as he responded to her with a hard thrust. And another. Over and over he pumped his cock into her, taking and giving. Giving and taking.

  And then, without warning, Amanda exploded. No slow build. No suggestion of what was to come. Just a sudden wave of spasms delivering jolts of pleasure so intense they rendered her paralyzed. Distantly, she heard him say her name, felt him shudder, and knew he, too, had found satisfaction.

  They clung to one another, bodies sated and wet. It was as if they both feared that by speaking, the moment would end.

  Brad rested his forehead to hers. “I’ve never had a woman do what you do to me. I want you in my life, Amanda. We can find a way around our challenges. Tell me you want that.”

  There was no place for logic in her response. There was only the answer in her heart. “I do.”

  HOURS LATER, Amanda sat behind the desk in her room typing her story about Tony. Her boss was waiting eagerly for the finished product. She wore shorts and a tank top, feeling comfortable and happy. Wearing only his boxers, Brad lay across the bed, ice pack on his arm as he watched ESPN. Like her father, Brad could watch sports nonstop. Good thing she could, too. She smiled as he mumbled about a bad call some umpire had made. Having him here, simply hanging out with her, felt wonderful.

  She still couldn’t believe he’d shown up in her shower. Nor could she believe how happy she was. How fulfilled. They were taking a flight home to L.A. together, separate from the team. That would allow them to discuss how to get through all their complications.

  Brad pushed off the bed, dropping his ice pack in the bucket on the nightstand and walked behind her. He settled his hands on her shoulders, gently kneading her tense muscles. “How’s it going?”

  She punched a final key to send the story to Kevin and swiveled around in her chair, holding on to one of Brad’s hands as she smiled up at him. “All done. With Tony’s story, at least. Your story will run a few days from now so I’m not rushed on it.”

  He tugged her to her feet and into his arms. “If I wear a disguise, will you sneak into a movie with me?”

e smiled. The idea of sneaking into a movie sounded wonderful. Maybe one day they wouldn’t have to sneak. “Only if that offer includes a giant popcorn.”

  “I’ll get you two giant popcorns if it’ll get me a movie date.”

  She laughed. “You’re on.”

  His gaze swept her face, admiration washing over his features. “You were great with Coach. You earned a lot of trust today, Amanda. Do you really think people will judge you for being with me?”

  She knew she’d made progress today but not enough to change the perceptions female reporters battled in the industry. If only it could be different. “Of course, they will. Jack will say you’re the reason I got these stories.”

  “Mike Martin from the Sox is married to a female reporter.”

  “Good thing she’s female.”

  “Always a smart-ass.” He played with a loose strand of her hair. “My point is that their relationship is accepted.”

  But she and Brad weren’t married. And she felt awkward mentioning that. The depth of what she felt for him in such a short time scared the hell out of her. So much so, she suddenly needed a bit of space, uncomfortable with how transparent this conversation might make her.

  Amanda tried to push out of Brad’s arms but he held her steady. “Whoa. What’s wrong?”

  She stared at his chest. “Our circumstances are different. L.A. Woman offered me a job. I might take it.”

  “But then you wouldn’t travel with the team.”

  “No, but I’d work from home and have the freedom to cover any story I wanted to.”

  “You wouldn’t have an excuse to be around the team.”

  “We wouldn’t have to hide.” She went on to explain the offer in more detail.

  When she’d finished, Brad studied her several seconds. “We’ll work things out no matter which job you choose. Promise me you’ll base the decision on what you want, not on what you think best suits our relationship. This is your dream. I have mine. We’ll work out the rest.”


  “Promise me. We will find a way to be together no matter what.”

  Amanda didn’t know what to say. She’d never been with a man who didn’t put his needs first. That Brad worried over her career mattered more than she could find the words to say. “Thank you, Brad.”

  “For what?”

  “For caring.”

  “Don’t thank me for that because I can’t help myself.” He pulled her close, his chin settling on her head. “Ah, baby, you don’t get it yet. But you will. I’m going to make sure you do.”


  THE LAST-MINUTE press conference inside the airport was winding down. Amanda, Jack, Tony and his coach had fielded questions from about forty reporters and cameramen. Amanda was often pitted against Jack, questioned about their conflicting stories printed in that morning’s papers.

  Tony’s negative test results in her feature had offset the demand Jack had made in his piece for more drug testing. Her feature had been picked up in some of the biggest cities in the United States. She’d saved Tony’s career and made her own.

  A voice over the intercom announced the Rays’ flight would leave in fifteen minutes. Weather delays had grounded their flight for several hours past their scheduled departure. Amanda was more than a little glad she was taking a later flight.

  She worked her way through the crowd toward Reggie. She found him chatting with Brad. Under other circumstances she would worry about these two coming in contact. Today she was riding a career high and couldn’t be bothered. Let people find out about her and Brad.

  Brad’s gaze touched hers as she approached. In his favorite faded jeans and a Rays’ shirt and Windbreaker, he looked good-ol’-boy yummy and she couldn’t wait to get him alone and strip him naked.

  Eager to whisper her naughty thoughts in his ear, Amanda quickened her steps, only to be cut off by Jack. “I guess we both won this one.”

  “How’s that, Jack?”

  “Fox News called. They want us both on their show. The two competitors battling for victory.”

  “I’m not interested,” she said. It was true. She didn’t want to fight him. She wanted the job at L.A. Woman. “You can have the glory all by yourself.”

  He arched his eyebrow. “I see. You want the spotlight all by your lonesome or not at all.” He shrugged. “You’ll never beat me, Amanda. You might keep up, but you’ll never take the lead.”

  “I don’t want the lead. You win.” She started walking, focused on reaching Brad’s side.


  She looked right to see Tony approach. He held out his hand and she shook it.

  “Thank you,” he said. “What you did saved my ass.”

  Amanda grinned. “This didn’t exactly work out badly for me, you know.”

  “Hey, Amanda.” Casey joined them.

  Though the rookie still got on her nerves, after interviewing him she’d decided he wasn’t all that bad. He talked big but she suspected that covered insecurities, rather than representing true arrogance.

  “My agent got a call from Sports Illustrated,” he said. “They read your feature and took interest. Looks like I might just make the cover.”

  “That’s huge,” Amanda said, excited for him. “Congratulations.”

  “Yeah, man,” Tony added, patting the kid’s back. “We’ve had our words, but you have talent. Good things come when it’s time.”

  “You think I have talent?”

  “Of course, I do. We all do, kid. But you gotta give respect where it’s earned.”

  “I deserve respect, too,” Casey said. “You guys act like Brad is the only pitcher on this team.”

  Amanda and Tony both answered at the same time. “That’s not true.”

  Casey made another smart remark and Amanda decided she’d had enough. “I need to go.” She turned to walk away.

  “Damn, she’s hot,” Casey said. “I’d want her even if I hadn’t bet Rogers I’d get her first.”

  Amanda stopped dead in her tracks, her gut balling into a tight knot. She rotated on her heels and faced him. “What?”

  Tony touched her arm. “It’s not what you think.”

  Amanda ignored Tony, focusing on Casey. “Did you make a bet with Brad over me?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  His expression said he was lying. She felt as though she would be sick. Brad used her to win a bet? “You did,” she said. “I heard you. You said you bet Brad who could get with me first.” She didn’t wait for an answer as she searched for Brad.

  A knife had been jabbed through her heart. She’d fallen in love with a man who saw her as a prize to get before his buddies. What kind of fool did that make her?

  She spotted Brad and forced her anger to the surface to keep from crying. He walked toward her and she made tracks in the opposite direction. She needed air. She needed out of this airport and out of Brad’s life. But his long legs made her escape impossible. She’d barely cleared the crowd when he caught her hand.

  She whirled around. “The game is over, Brad. I know about you and Casey making that bet to get in my pants. Congratulations. You won.” A single tear slid down her cheek and she swiped at it, frustrated she’d allowed him to see how he’d hurt her. “Go away.”

  “Oh, baby.” He pulled her close despite her efforts to evade his hold. “I already told you I can’t do that.”

  “I’m not some groupie you can play games with. Let go of me.”

  “Betting the kid was stupid, Amanda, and it meant nothing.”

  “Are you crazy? People are watching us.”

  “Let them watch because I’m not going anywhere until I say what I have to say.” He pressed his cheek to hers, lips near her ear and held her close. “Reach in my right pocket.”


  “Please. Just do it. Hear me out. Then if you want me to go, I will. I’ll leave and never bother you again.”

  Her heart thudded and the feel of his body pressed to hers lull
ed her under a spell. She hesitated, then reached into his pocket. Her fingers curled around a small velvet box.

  A ring box.

  She pulled it out and Brad leaned back enough to look at her. “Open it.”

  She flipped the lid up and a giant diamond stared back at her. “What…what is this?”

  “I love you, Amanda.” He reached inside the box for the ring. “You’re the one. I know we haven’t known each other long but it’s long enough for me to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me. Elope with me tonight or wear that ring for two years. However long it takes for you to be as sure as I am.”

  Her head spun with his words. Tears of happiness filled her eyes. Brad loved her. “I love you, too, Brad.”

  He took her left hand in his. “Enough to wear my ring?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, barely able to find her voice for the emotion welling up inside her.

  Brad slid the ring on her finger and cheering filled the air. They faced the press, cameras flashing all around them. Brad glanced at her, mischief flashing in those deep-blue eyes a second before he reached down and picked her up.

  Amanda gasped, her arms going around his neck. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you home with me. Where you belong.”

  “You just made a lot of reporters very happy. We’re going to be all over the papers.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “As long as I make this reporter happy, that’s all that matters.”


  Six months later

  THE EVENING before Amanda’s wedding, her parents hosted dinner. Brad’s mom attended, as did Kelli. After dessert, the women had gathered over last-minute wedding preparations and girl talk. The men did what they loved. They worshipped the Mustangs in the garage.

  Ready to bring the night to a close, Amanda found her father standing in front of ’67 Mustang coupe. Brad was underneath, only his feet and legs showing. Her father smiled. “How’s the bride?”

  She gave him a big hug. “Nervous, Daddy.” She winked to let her father know she was up to no good. “I’m really, really nervous.”