A West Duluth man says he has the newest and best way to catch rabbits.He finds a creek running through a swamp and follows it until he comesto a place where the rabbit tracks are thick. Then he scrapes the snowoff a large surface of the ice and piles bark and wood in the middle ofthe space. In the evening just after dark he lights the fire and leavesthe spot. In the morning he comes back with a pack sack and picks upthe rabbits.

  How does he get them?

  It is this way: When the rabbits see the fire they get curious and goout on the ice. They sit around gazing at the flames until the firegoes out, never noticing that the surface of the ice has melted, andafter the heat subsides they find they are frozen to the ice and unableto move. The man comes around with a club in the morning and kills therabbits.



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  Transcriber's Notes:

  Added table of contents.

  Bold is represented by =equal signs=, italics by _underscores_.

  In this text version, oe ligatures are expanded to oe; the ligaturesare retained in the HTML version.

  Retained inconsistent/unusual spellings in dialect (e.g. "leetle" vs."lettle").

  Retained inconsistent hyphenation (e.g. "passerby" vs. "passer-by").

  Page 2, added missing footnote reference (original text had footnote,but no matching asterisk). Changed ? to ! in "Howdy, Matt!"

Page 4, changed "techincal" to "technical" ("talked on technicalpoints").

  Page 5, changed "Mat" to "Matt" ("mit Matt, dough").

  Page 28, changed comma to period at end of "Binch me, somepody."

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Stanley R. Matthews's Novels